HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD NO 475 ORDINAECE NUNBER~~NNEW SERIES AN ORDI~ANCE AMENDING E~ERG~CY ORDINANCE NUMBER 341 NE~:~ SERIES OF THE CI~ OF BAI~RSFIELD BY ADD- ING THERETO A SECTION TO BE ~0~ AS SECTION BY ~DING SECTION 19 OF SAID ORDINANCE, REPEALING ORDINANCE N~ ~l N~ SERIES OF SAID BE IT ORDAEE BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BAERSFIELD~ as fellows: SECTION 1. T~t ~e~gency Ordin~ce N~ber ~l New Series of the City of Bakersfield, entitled "AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR TE CONSTRUCTION, OPE~TION AND Y~INTENANCE OF EFRIGE~TING PL~TS IN TE CI~' OF BAK- ERSFIELD,'~'~D PRESCRIBING SAFE~ ~ND SIGNALING APPLI~CES ~D D~ICES TO BE USED IN CONNECTION THER~'~ITH AND PRESCRIBING A PENALTY FOR TE VIOLATION OF THIS ORDINANCE" be and the sme is hereby amended by adding thereto a section to be lme~ as Section ll, to ~ead as follows: SECTION ll. (a) None of the provisions of ~is ordinance shall be so construed as to apply to small ~it ~ef~igerating systems using Sulphu~ ..~Dioxide, ~reon, Methyl C~oride, ~onia or other refrigerating liquids where the entire liquid c~rge of such mit refrigerating systems does not exceed twenty (20) pounds, but s~ll .apply to all refrigerating ~its, pl~ts or systems where such refrigerating agent either, in a single ~it or in a combination of plants located within the sme building, exceeds twenty (20) pounds in weight. A notorized statement shall be filed with the Chief of the Bakersfield Fire Department setting forth the maximm ~ount of refrigerating liquid to be used in such refrigerating unit. (b) All refrigerating mits, plants or systems with not less th~ twenty (~0) or more than seventy-five (78) pomds refrig- erating agent in the entire system s~ll be equipped with a spring pressure or heat actuated device for discharging such refrigerating agent into the open air through a cast iron diffuser at a point desi~ated by the Chief of the Bakersfield Fire Depa~ment. -1- (c) All refrigerating units, plants or systems with more than seventy-five (V5) pobu~ds refrigerating agent in the entire refrigerating system shall be equipped with a device or devices for discharging such refrigerating agent, in case of emergency, into sufficient water to absorb all discharged gas and carry it off to the sewer. (d) Such device or devices herein referred to shall be constructed in accordance with that recommended by the American Society of Refrigerating Engineers and shall be under the direct supervision of the Chief of the Bakersfield Fire Department. The officers or members of the Fire Dopartment shall have sole use of the device, or devices, herein mentioned for the control of said refrigerating agent, or liquid, and shall apply the necessary water for the absorption of such agents, liquids or gases when water is needed. (e) In all portions of the City of Bakersfield not speci- fied in Ordinance Number 304 New Series, which fixes and establishes the Fire Limits in the City of Bakersfield, a maximum of one hundred (100) pounds of refrigerating agent may be diffused into the open air in the same manner as prescribed in subdivision (b) of this section. (f) All charged refrigerating lines, high and low pressure, when carried in flexible copper tubing, shall be protected against mechanical or accidental injury by rigid or flexible conduit from a point not more than three feet from the compressor to a point not more than three (3) feet from box, cabinet or equipment containing refrigerating coil or device. SECTION 2. That Section 19 of Ordinance Number 341 New Series be and the same is hereby amended to read as follows: SECTION 19. None of the provisions of this Ordinance shall be so con- strued as to apply to unit household type refrigerating systems or to small portable two or four hole unit ice cream cabinets. SECTION 3. That Ordinance Number 431 New Series of the City of Bakers- field and all other ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith be and the same are hereby repealed. ..... o0o ..... I HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing Ordinance was passed and adopted by the Council of the City of Bakersfield on the~~ day of January, 1936, at a regular meeting thereof, by the follow- ing vote: BARTLETT, BODEN, GZ,ST, SZEMON, SM3,'i'H, ~,OLLEH, S, WZLSON Ci io Clerk of Council of the City of Bakersfield. MAYOR of the City of Bakers field. the