HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD NO 487 · ,. ORDINANCE NUMBER ~ NEW SERIES FIXING THE C SATION 0F CERTAIN OFFICERS AND E~PLOYEES OF THE CIT~0F BAKERSFIELD AND REPEALING" ORDINANCE NUMBER 488 NEW SERIES OF THE CITY OF BAEERS- FIELD, AND ALL ORDINANCES AND PARTS OF 0RDINA~CES AMENDATORY THEREOF OR IN CONFLICT HEREWITH. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BAKErSFIELD, as follows: Section 1. That each officer and employee of the City of Bakersfield hereinafter named, shall receive and be paid out of the treasury of the City of Bakersfield, as and in full monthly 'compensation for per- forming the duties of the office, offices and employment to which he or she is or may be appointed or employed, and such duties as may be hereafter prescribed, the amount set opposite the respective office, offices, or employment, as follows: 1. CITY MANAGER ........... ...... ...... . ..... . .............. 2. CITY MANAGER'S SECRETARY......... .... . ...... · .... ........$200.00 3. CHIEF OF THE FIRE DEPARTMENT ......... . .......... ~ ...... . .$300.0.0 4. DEPUTY CHIEF OF THE FIRE DEPARTMENT......' ...... . ...... ...$250.00 5. FIRST ASSISTANT FIRE CHIEF. ......... ....... ..... .........$215.00 6o SECOND ASSISTANT FIRE CHIEF AND DRILL E{ASTER. .......... ..$205o00 7. CAPTAIN OF THE FIRE DEPARTMENT ....... . ................. ..$195.00 8. CHIEF MECHANIC OF THE FIRE DEPART~,~ENT....... ........... . .$200.00 9e ENGINEER OF THE FIRE DEPARTNENT. ....................... . .$180.00 lO. DRIVER OF THE FIRE DEPARTE~NT ..... . ....... . ...... ...... . .'$175.00 ll. INSPECTOR OF THE FIRE DEPARTB.~ENT.. .... ........ ......... ..$185.00 12. HOSEMAN OF THE FIRE DEPARTMBNT: (a) For the first year in service. ................. ...~150.00 ( c ) Thereafter .... ................................. · · 13. TELEPHONE OPERATOR.. ............. ........................$115.0~ 14. CHIEF OF POLICE.. . . ........ . . . . . . . . . ....... . . ........... .$300.00 15. ASSISTANT CHIEF OF POLICE .................... .... .... . ...$215.00 lV. 18. 19. ~0. ~1. 23. 24. 26. 30. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. LIEUTENANT OF POLICE ""? ................. """""'..-."$t95,00 SUPERINTENDENT BUREAU ''~ ...... OF OF · ............. .. ,00 INSPECTOR · "' .................. ""'."".,,. ...... - ....... ,$188.00 SERGEANT -'.~. · .................. "--'-...-..-. ............ .....$1sB.oo MOTOR PATROLMAN ............. """"""'..-.---........,.$180,00 PATROLMAN: Grade 2 ................................... ' ........ · .00 ' ..... ' ........... " ......... · ...... ..-.....,,Sl50,O0 RADIO TECHNICIAN..· .... . .................... .. ........ ..-..$1VO.O0 ATTORNEY... ...... .. .... . ................. . ........ .. ..... .$200.. · O0 ASSISTANT ATTORNEY. ........... · ......................... ,,$180,00 CLERK IN OFFICE OF ATTORNEY AND POLICE DEPARTmeNT. ...... ..$145,00 INSPECTOR OF BUILDINGS. ................................. ..$300.00 FIRST ASSISTANT INSPECTOR OF BUILDINGS ................. ...$22~.00 SECOND ASSISTANT INSPECTOR OF BUILDINGS ........... . ......,$~00,00 TREASURER, TAX COLLECTOR AND LICENSE COLLECTOR .......... --$300,00 DEPUTY 'TREASURER~ DEPUTY TAX COLLECTOR AND DEPUTY LICENSE· COLLECTOR...................·..· ........ -... ..... . .... --..$1~0,00 ENGINEER AND SUPERINTE~)ENT OF STREETS......... ........ ..,$3~0,00 (Engineer to furnish his own amtomobile and keep the same in good repair, furnish all maintenance, gas and oil and supplies necessary to its operation.} DEPUTY ENGINEER AND DEPUTY SUPERINTR~DENT OF STRh'~TS......$218.O0 FIELD ENGINEER. ......... . ..... ....-.-....... ...... . ..... -,$21~.00 JUNIOR ENGINEER· ..... ....... .... . ......... .-.-.........,,,$1~0,00 STENOGRAPHER IN ENGINEERING DEpART}.~NT.. ................ ..$120700 STREET FOREMAN.. .......... . ......... ....... .... .........,-$22~,00 POLICE JUDGE. ........ ... ........... . .................. .-..$~00,00 POLICE COURT CLERK AND STENOGRAPHER. .... ..... ..... ........$100,00 M~.ALTH OFFICER.. .... .... ....... """'-'..-..-...-...-...,$~00,00 DISTRICT NURSE ............................ . ........ . ..... .$110.00 CLERK AND AUDITOR ' ' · .......· ............· ......· ....· .... DEPUTY CLERK AND DEPUTY AUDITOR. ....... ...... .... · ...... ..$185,00 ASSESSOR.. ........................... · ................. -..$3~.00 (Assessor to furnish his own automobile a~ keep the same in good ~epair and f~nish all maintenance~ gas and oil and supplies necessary to its operation.) 46. 50.' DEPUTY ASSESSOR.... .... HEAD JANITOR. .......... JANITORS ............ . .. POUND MASTER. .......... SEWER FARM CARETAKER... EL~.CTRICIAN...... ...... PARK FOREMAN. ........... .. ...... ....... ...... .---......$185.00 GENERAL CLERK................. .... ...... ............. ..$135.00 Section 2. That each of the employees working under the classifications hereinafter named shall receive as and in full daily compensation for performing the work of his or or she is or may hereafter be respective classifications of her position or employment, to which he appointed, the amount set opposite the emPloym. e~t~ as follows: 1. COMMON LABORER - PARK DEPARTE~NT.....r.rr~rr~.r..rrrr~.?r?$5?00, 2. COI~0N LABORER - STREET DEPARTENT .................. ..-...$5.00 3. SKILLED LABOR - Senior Grade. ................... ..........$5.50 4. SKILLED LABOR - Junior Grade.. ...... . ..................-..$5.25 5. LIGHT EQUIPMENT OPERATOR............ .... . .... · · · · · · · · · · · ,,$5.50 e. HEAVY EQUIPME~T OPERATOR.. .............................. · .$5.75 V. MECHANIC ............... · · · .............................. · .$6.V5 YARD CLERK... .............................................$5.V5 9. CHAINMAN. .......... . .................................... ..$5.00 10. INSPECTOR. ................... ...... .... ... ...... . ...... ...$5.V5 ll. DRAFTSMAN: '- Senior..... .................................... lS. CHIEF FIELD ASSESSOR: " Senior Grade ............ . ....... .....-........,,$S.,O0 (Chief Field Assessor Senior Grade to furnish his own automobile and keep the same in good repair and furnish all maintenance, gas and oil and supplies necessary'to its'operations)' ~unior Grade. ........... ....... ...... ....-..-,,,$V,O0 -3- 13. FIELD ASSESSOR: Senior Grade .................................. ........$V.O0 (Field Assessor Senior Grade to fUrnish his own auto- mobile and keep the same in good repair and furnish all maintenance, gas and oil and supplies necessary to its operation.) Junior Grade....................... ...... ...........,..$6,00 14. CLERK: .........' ............. Junior ....... .. ..... . .... . ........... ~........ ...... . Senior ..... .... ............. ...-...... ........... ee.. 15. STENOGRAPHER~ ................................... Junior........ ............. ........... ...... ...... Senior. ..... . ................ ........ ........... .. The per diem wages listed above are based on the customary eight hour working day and when less time is worked per day the amounts paid shall be the p~o rata of the amounts listed above, Section 3. Ordinance Number 466 New Series of the City of Bakersfield and all other city ordinances amendatory thereof or in conflict here- with be and the same are hereby expressly repealed. ...... o0o. I HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing Ordinance was passed and adopted by the Council of the City of Bakersfield on the/g2~ day of August, 1936, by the following vote: ~PPROVED this/.~;~day of August, 1936. City Clerk and Ex-Offi mo Clerk of the Council .of the City of- Bakersfield.