HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD NO 484AN ORDINANCE CALLING A SPECIAL ~.T.ECTION TO BE HELD IN THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD ON TUESDAY, THE 26TH DAY OF AUGUST, 1936, FOR THE PURPOSE OF SUBMITTING TO THE QUALIFIED ELECTORS OF SAID CITY THE PROPOSITION OF INCURRING AN INDEBTEDNESS IN THE SUM 0F $98,680.00 FOR THE PURPOSE OF ACQUIRING AND CONSTRUCTING CERTAIN MUNICIPAL IMPROVEMENTS, T0-WIT: THE ACQUISITION AND CONSTRUCTING OF .A SWIE~ING POOL, BATH-HOUSE, AND NEC- ESSARY FURNITURE, EQUIPMENT AND APPARATUS IN EACH OF THE FOLLOWING PARKS IN THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD: BEALE PARK, CENTRAL PARK AND JEFFERSON PARK, THE ESTIMATED COST OF ~HICH IS $98,680.00; AND PROVIDING FOR THE ISSUANCE OF BONDS FOR SAID PURPOSE, AND FOR THE LEVY- ING 0F TAXES FOR THE PAYMENT OF SAID BONDS. WHEREAS the Council of the City of Bakersfield at its meeting of June 22, 1938, by a vote of all of its members, did pass and adopt a resolution in the words and figures as follows:' "RESOLUTION A RESOLUTION PERTAINING TO THE CONSTRUC- TION OF SWINMING POOLS AND BATH~HOUSES IN CERTAIN PARES IN THE CITY OF BAKERS- FIELD, CALIFORNIA. BE IT RESOLVED AND DETERMINED BY THE COUNCIL 0F THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD that the public interest and necessity demand the acquisition, construction and completion of certain municipal improvements, to-wit: the acquisition and construction of a swimming pool, bath-house,.and necessary furniture, equipment, and apparatus in each of the following parks in the City of Bakersfield: Beale Park, Central Park and Jefferson Park, and that the es- timated'cost of said municipal improvements is the sum of ninety-eight thousand five hundred and eighty d ($98,680.00) ollars; AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the cost of said public improvements will be too great to be paid out of the ordinary annual income and revenue of the City of Bakersfield, and it will be necessary to incur a bonded indebtedness for the purposes set forth in this resolution. ..... o0o ..... I HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing ResolUtion was pas_sed. and adopted by_the Council of.th~ Cit.y o~ B~kers-' field at a regular meeting'thereof held on the 22rid day of June, 1936, by the following vote: -1- !'Ayes= Boden, Gist, Kaminiski, Siemon, Smith, Sollets, Wilson. Noes~ None Absent: None ~'. VAN RIPER City Clerk and Ex-Officio Clerk of the Council of.the City of Bakersfield. APPROVED by me this 22rid day of June, 1936. GE0. E. WILSON MAYOR of the City of Bat~rSfield." NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT 0RDAINED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD, as follows: SECTION 1. That the Council of the City of Bakersfield does hereby order the submission of the proposition of incurring a bonded indebted- hess for the purposes set forth in said foregoing resolution.and here- after stated, to the qualified voters of the' City of Bakersfield at a special municipal election, which said special municipal election be and the same is hereby called to be held in the City of Bakersfield on the 25th'day of August, 1936, for the object and purpose of sub- mitting to the qualified electors of said City the proposition of incurring a bonded indebtedness for the purposes set forth in said resolution, and hereinafter stated. SECTION 2'. That the objects and purposes for which said bonded indebted- ness is proposed to be incurred are the following, to-wit: The acquisi- tion and construction of a swimming pool, bath-house, and necessary furniture, equipment and apparatus in each of the following parks in the City.:of 'Bakersfield: -Beale Park, Centra~ Park' and.Jeffersem ~,-. and the estimated cost of said municipal improvements is the sum of ninety-eight thousand five .hundred and eighty ($98,580.00) dollars. -2- SECTION 3. That the estimated cost of said proposed public improve- ment~ above described is $98,580.00; that the mount of the principal of the indebtedness to be incurred therefor. is the sum' ofJ $98,580.00, and. that ~he maxim rate of interest to be paid upon such indebtedness and the bonds to be issued therefor is six percent (6%) per annum, payable semi-annually, which rate shall not be exceeded in the issu- ance of bonds for such indebtedness. SECTION 4. That if the proposition of incurring the indebtedness for said purpose so submitted at such election receives the requisite number of votes, to-wit: two-thirds (2/3) of the votes of the qualified voters voting at such election, b6nds Of said City in the amount of ninety-eight thousand five hundred and eighty ($98,580.00) dollars shall be issued and sold for the purpose of acquiring and constructing said municipal improvements. Said bonds shall bear interest at a rate not to exceed six percentum (6%), payable semi-annually, and the principal and interest thereof shall be payable in lawful' money of the United 'States. SECTION 5. That for~he purpose of Paying the principal and interest of said bonds, the Council of said City shall at the time of fixing the general tax levy, and in the manner for such general levy provided, levy and collect annually, each year until such bonds are paid, or until there be a sum in the treasury of said City set apart for that purpose to meet all sums coming due for the principal and interest on said bonds, a tax sufficient to pay the annual interest on said bonds, and also such part of the principal thereof as shall become due befo're"the time. for .fixing the next general tax 'leVy;' pr'oVided~ however, that if the maturity of the indebtedness created by the aforesaid issue of bonds shall ~ made to begin more than one (1) year after the date of issuance of such bonds, then the tax for the purpose of paying the principal and interest on the bonds the maturity of which is so deferred shall be levied and collected at the time and in the manner aforesaid annually each year, sufficient to pay the int- erest on such indebtedness as it falls dne, and also to constitute a sinking fund for the payment of the principal thereof on or before maturity. Said tax shallbein addition to all other taxes levied for municipal purposes, and shall be collected at the same time and in the same manner as other municipal taxes are collected, and be used for no other purpose than the payment of said.bonds and accruing interest. SECTION 8. That there Shall be printed on the ballots to be used at such special municipal election, in addition to the other matters · required by law, the following proposition to be voted 6n, to-wit: "Shall the City of Bakers field incur a bonded debt in the sum of ninety-eight thousand five hundred and eighty ($98,580.00) dollars for the purpose of acquiring and constructing cer- tain municipal improvements, to-wit: the ac- 'quisition ar~l construction of a swimming pool, bath-house, and necessary furniture, equipment and apparatus, in each of the following parks in the City of Bakers field:. Beale Park, Central Park and Jefferson Park?" That' opposite the above proposition to be voted on, and to the right thereof, the words "YES" and "NO" shall be printed on separate lines with voting squares. SECTION That the election precincts last· designated and established by the Board of Supervisors of the County of Kern within the City Limits of the City of Bakersfield shall be the election precincts for this ele tio:,"a a t'ha 't e o fice S 'or electi "and the 01Iing places of the said respective precincts are hereby appointed, established and designated for the special municipal election hereby ordered to be held for the purpose aforesaid, as follows= PRECINCT N0. 1 Inspector Judge Clerk Clerk Polling Place:: Mrs. Grace A. Brooks ~-rgaret A. S~mmers Katherine D. Gibbons Emma M. Rogers 1500 Pacific St. 1312 Pacific St. 1614 Brown St. 1319 Pacific St. Henry Hall Garage, in rear of 1400 Pacific St. PRECINCT N0. 2 Inspector Judge Clerk Clerk Polling Place:' Elsie J. Morrison Mrs. Lillian Rine Nathaniel J. H0del Mrs. Gladys M. Bisnchi 1500 Monterey St. 1600 Niles St. 1526 Kentucky St. 1305 Nile s St. ~ngelo Fracesoni Garage, in rear of 1429 Monterey St. PRECINCT N0. 3~ Inspector Judge 'Clerk Clerk Polling Place: Mrs. Frances E. Kipling Martha J. Young Iva G. Clarke Anna May Gill 1111 Nile St. 121V Robinson St. 1114 Monterey St. 1211 Monterey St. J. Champagne Residence, 1134 Niles St. PRECINCT N0.4 Inspector Judge Clerk Clerk Polling Place: Mrs. Marsa E. Voorhies Mrs. Lucy J. Nelson Mrs. Willow E. Aubrey Mrs. Flossie Reddig 1014 Kentucky St. 907 Monterey St. 1123 Beale Ave. 909 Monterey St. Economy Grocery, 1000 Monterey St. PRECINCT N0. ~ Inspector Judge Mrs. Susie 0. Price Cartie Fariss -5- 819 Kentucky St. 815 Monterey St. (PRECINCT N0. ~) Clerk Clerk. Polling Place:~ Hazel Kalbaugh 808 Jackson St. Mrs. Millie M. 'JOhnson 80Z Jackson .St. G. L. Thurlow Residence, 1020 King St. PRECINCT 'NO. 8. Inspector Judge Clerk Clerk Poiling Place:. Mrs. Josephine Semorile Mrs. Namie Bums Mrs. Bessie J. Howsman Laura B. Edgar 1215 Baker St. VO0 Monterey St. 712 Niles St. 827 Oregon St. D. Recatune Garage, V00 block, Oregon St. PRECINCT' NO. V. Inspector Judge Clerk Clerk Phillip T. Dennis Cartie R. Stock Mrs. Adele M. McCaffrey Nell A. Gibson 925 Quincy St. 920 Pacific St. · 824 Pacific St. 909 Pacific St. Polling Place: A. J. Gorzelnik Residence, 828 Pacific St. .PRECINCT NO. 8. Inspector Judge Clerk Clerk Polling Place: Winifred Vercammen Ellen R. Johnson Nina Mae Holladay Mrs. Fern N. Chambless 918 Flower St. 718 Flower St. 800 Flower St. 918 Lincoln St. M. T. Christenson Garage, 729 Flower St. PRECINCT NO. 9. Inspector Judge Clerk Clerk POlling Place: Mrs. Alice A. Force Mrs. ROse Bayes Zoa C. Gillespi Janet _Mitchell 810 E. 21st St. 805 E. 21st St. 831 E. 21st St. 1428 E. Truxtun Ave. Fire House, Engine Co. No. 2,'716 E. 21st St. PRECINCT N0. 10 Inspector Judge Clerk Clerk Polling Place: PRECINCT N0..ll Inspector Judge' Clerk Clerk Polling Place: PRECINCT N0.12 Inspector .Judge Clerk Clerk Polling Placer PRECINCT NO. 13 Inspector Judge Clerk Clerk Polling Place: PRECINCT N0.14 Inspector Judge Clerk .... Clerk Polling Place: Gertrude M. Nordling Mrs. Letitia Shinkle Mrs. Ruth I. Armstrong Mary Ellen Laster 705 E. Truxtun Ave. 1103 E. 19th St. 721 Eureka St. 122V E. 18th St. C. H. Shutban Residence, 1101 E. 18th St. Alberta P. Sears Mrs. Pauline G. Mouliot Lula Shaver Arthur E. Lehman SlS Quincy St. 500 Flower St. V03 Flower St. 608 Flower St. J. E. Carlisle Garage, 600 Flower St.. Mrs. 01a R. Taylor Mrs. Louise Bauer Geneva Green Mrs. Flossie N. Bonnet 1700 Alta Vista Drive 431 Flower St. 315 Jefferson St. 415 Flower St. Taylor,S Garage, 1700 Alta Vista Drive Emmet Stewart Lena M. Cutland Mrs. Alice lone Day Mrs. Margaret K. Delmarter 100 Quincy St. 217 Jefferson St. 214 Quincy St. '1520 Alta Vista Drive Mrs. Mary Marshall's Residence, 203 Quincy St. Sadie B. Iler Frances B. Wilson · Alice M. Adkisson Mrs. Millie'Thomas 1518 Baker St. 524 Pacific St. 5iV'Pacific St. 1815 Tulare St. W. A. Armstead Garage, 431 Quincy St. ~7- / PRECINCT NO. 15 Inspector Judge Clerk Clerk · Polling Place: Ella E. Altstaetter Annie L. Mason Elizabeth L. Whitaker Lillian Culbertson 1304 Kern St. 512 Niles St. 524 Niles St. 60V Monterey St. Ella E. Alstaetter Residence, 1304 Kern St. PRECINCT NO. 16 Inspector Judge Clerk Clerk Polling Place: Mrs. Alma S. Cooper Mrs. Lenora Glenn Mrs. Pearl Arp Jean Marie Hum 1024 Kern St. 614 Kentucky St. 916 Kern St. 1024 Kern St. Kentucky St. Market, 430 Kentucky St. PRECINCT NO.' 17 Inspector Judge Clerk Clerk Polling Place: .Josie W. Brown Sanmel C. Kemp Mrs. Ione Francis Mrs. Rose F. O'Hanrahan 318 Kentucky St. 422 Monterey St. 319 Nile St. 306 Kentucky St. J. C. Harter Garage, 230 Monterey St. PRECINCT NO. 18 Inspector Judge Clerk Clerk Polling Place: Lillie M. Ingham Mrs. Ellen Clark Mrs. Elizabeth Friesen Mrs. Grace R. Kimble Store, 511 E. 19th.St. Box 55, Station "A" 617 Butte St. 604 Kern St. 406 E. 21st St. 'PRECINCT N0. 19 Inspector Hazel B. Curran ,Judge ...... '.John A. Low Clerk Clerk Polling Place: 223 Eureka St. 315~~' · s E. 19th St. Yvonne L. Curran 312 E. 18th St. Mrs. Sibyl C.Chenoweth 219 Eureka St. Modern Plumbing Co., 400 Sonora St. -8- ..... ~\[ PRECINCT NO. 20 Inspe cto r Judge · Clerk C le rk Polling Place: Blanche B. Dillon 331 1Vth St. Frances A- Willow. '229 18th St. Mrs. Dorothea Findlay 411 1Vth St. H. J. Henry ll~2 1Vth St. Garage in rear of Chas. Findlay residence, 411 1Vth St. PRECINCT N0.21. Ins pe ctor Judge Clerk Clerk Polling Place: Mary J. Baker Mrs. Dorothy Ringele James Allen Baker Lida E. Sanborn Garage in rear of 1809 V St. 1809 V St. 324 18th St. 1809 V St. 109 ~0th St. -PRECINCT NO. 22. Inspector Judge Clerk Clerk: Polling Place: Eugene Gleason Etta C. Calder Addle May Fleishner Aurora Drouillard 2819 M St. 618 28th St. 610 30th Sto 2416 P St. "N" Street Entrance to Welfare Building. PRECINCT N0.23. Inspector ~ud·ge Clerk 'Clerk Polling Place: Harry C. Clements Wm. Johnson Weems Anna Beach Lennie M. Carter 1013 3~rd St. 504 31st St. 810 ~0th St. 9ZB Zlst St. Tent corner of Panama and Slst Sts. PRECINCT N0. Insp.ector Clerk Clerk Polling Place: Ella M. Heath Mrs. Bettie 0. KillJan Emma Jane S~ul Charlott~ I. Shaw Garage in rear ~f 2625 K 2611 K St. 2622 K St. 2808 K St. 2510 K St. PRECINCT N0. 28. Inspector Judge Clerk Clerk Polling Place: PRECINCT N0.26 Inspector Judge Clerk Clerk Polling Place: PRECINCT N0.27 Inspector JUdge Clerk Clerk Polling Place: PRECINCT N0. 28 Inspector Judge Clerk Clerk Polling Place: PRECINCT.NO. 29 Inspector .... Judge Clerk Clerk Polling Place: Mrs, Mollie Eyman Leila E. Fartell Halie E. Bowman Clarence Mulock 709 20th St. 819 20th St. 231e Q st. 708 21st St. A & B Produce Office, corner of 21st and R sts. Mabel C. Dickinson Edna R. Adams Alfred P. Swain Goldie E. Crawford Union Garage, 2028 K St. 2314 K St. 2106 K St. 1220 19th St. 2322 K St. Inez Keppler Viola 0. Baker Emma A. Roberts Edith Riley 90V 1Vth St. 1707 0 St. 816 1Vth St. 814 17th St. Garage in rear of 1028 1Vth St. Flo Field Zimmerman Maude Davis Volla Davis Alice M. Feverly 1128 Truxtun Ave · 1667 M St. 1667 M St. 1668 M St. County Garage, 1~00 Truxtun Ave. Mary R. Lakey Mrs~ Frankie Hall Margaret Renfro Mrs. Lena Heyne Garage in rear of~28~0 G St. -10- 2601 H St. 2610 H St. 2620 G'St. 2502 H St. PRECINCT N0.30 Inspector Judge Clerk Clerk Polling Place: PRECINCT N0. 31 Inspector Judge Clerk Clerk Polling Place: PRECINCT N0. Inspector Judge Clerk Clerk Polling. Place: PRECINCT N0. 33 Inspector Judge Clerk Clerk Polling Place: PRECINCT N0. 34 inspector Judge "cie~"" ....... Clerk Polling Place: Angle McSmith Mrs. Belle Sager Georgia F. Sanders Kathryn Smith · 2221 F St'. 1606 26th St. 1908 24th St. 2411 H St. Garage No. 1V, rear of 2303Eye St. Mary E. Wright Ella Berens Maude A. Smith Ina B. McKinley 2120 22nd St. 2210 22nd St. 2311 B St. 2205 B St. Garage in rear of 2150 23rd St. Mrs. Geraldine Spinning Albert Wm. Sproule Minnie Ellen Jacobs Sadie Waters 2013 Chester Ave. 1526 21st St.. 1518 20th St. 2013 Chester Ave. Land Company Garage, 20th and H.Sts. Ida May Gill Arthur H. Reimer Mrs, Verna Embry Mary Robinson Garage in rear of 2019 F St, 2029 G 2020 F St. 2023 E St. 1815 21st St. Maude Sturgiss Elizabeth J. Bucewicz Dorothea"Binger-." Nannie Agnes Joynet 1919 F St. 2023 20th St. t91S-20th St. 1831 20th St. Garage in rear of 1818 18th St. -11- PRECINCT N0, 35 Inspector Judge Clerk Clerk Polling Place: PRECINCT N0.36 Inspector' Judge Clerk Clerk Polling Place: PRECINCT N0. 37 Inspector Judge Clerk Clerk Polling Place: PRECINCT N0.38 Inspector Judge Clerk Clerk Polling Place: PRECINCT N0. 39 Inspector Judge .... Clerk Clerk · Polling Place: Edward D. Myers Buelah 0. Hudson Roxie Watson Louis A. Hueffner Garage in rear of 2205 20th St. 2205 20th St, 2128 19th St, 2106 20th St, 2119 20th St, Marie Jeanne Pickett 'E~rtena Eubank Earle M. Sowle Mrs. Letta Victor 2518 18th St, 2315 22nd St. 2410 20th St, 2319 20th St, Garage in rear of 2004 Cedar Street. Ethel M. Bain Adelaide Bailey Fannie E. Smith Mrs. Wini£red C. Aldrich 1931 Cedar St. 2509 19th St. 1920 Pine St. 2627 19th St. Garage in rear of 1920 Spruce St, 'Julia ~ekas Daisy E. Kelly,W.0.W. Apts. · Eva Harris Mrs. Ruth Hopkins Garage in rear of 1V19 17th St. 1712 TruxtunAve. 1715.18th St. 1V10 F St. 1724 Truxtun Ave. Mrs. Maud P. Whalen Leila Virginia Minter Mrs. Fay Young John F. Minter 2016 TruxtunAve. 1921 17th St. 1659 D St. 1121 17th St. Garage in rear of 2020 17th .St, -12- PRECINCT N0.40 Inspector Judge Clerk Clerk Polling Place: Elizabeth Wells T. L. Cummins B. H. McKinnon Lena. Pearl Shaw 1803 16th St. 1929 Truxtun Ave. 1829 Truxtun Ave. 2011 TruxtunAve. Tent at comer of 16th and G Sts. PHECINCT NO. 41 Inspector Judge Clerk Clerk Polling Place Mrs. Dorothy M. Hughes L. J. Aus tin Lillian Harpes Martha Apsley 1518 California Ave. 1521 13th St. 1530 California Ave. 1525 13th St. Tent at southeast corner of 13th and G Sts. PRECINCT N0.42 Inspector Judge Clerk Clerk .Polling Place: PRECINCT NO.-43 Inspector Judge Clerk Clerk POlling Place: Mrs. Edith M. Allen Lois S. Ware Gladys Owens Mrs. Pearl Knapp Garage at 1880 B St. Lola Busby Mrs. Mary Williamson Elizabeth Dennen Emma Hargis Residence at 1016 Eye Street. 2303 17th St. 2331 1Vth St. 2311 TruxtunAve. 2305 1Vth St. 1516 8th St. 1102 Eye St. 1514 lOth St. 1024 H St. PRECINCT N0. Inspector Judge ............ Clerk Clerk Polling Place: Emeretta C. Sybrandt 1821 California Ave. Charles W. Rankin Mrs. Ida Chapman 2009 California Ave. 1806 Blanche St' Mary L. Wardel 1V22 Blanche St. Garage in rear of 2009 California Avenue. -13- PRECINCT N0. 45 Inspector Judge Clerk Clerk Polling Place: Philistia Elizabeth Fox Lillie M. Gambel Mattie N. Havey Myrtle Gilbert 1729 Orange St. 917 H St. 1917 Maple St. 1807 Maple St. Tent on Maple Street between H and D Streets. PRECINCT N0. 46 Inspector Judge Clerk Clerk Polling Place: Mary B. LeFever Minnie Crosson Hazel Fay Martin Bessie B. Rhodes Garage in rear of 926 C St. 2212 Parkway 2227 Parkway 926 C St. 827 Oleander Ave. PRECINCT N0. 47. Inspector Judge Clerk Clerk Polling Place:. Edna C. Heber Adelaide Tesch Mrs. Winnifred E. Ketchem Mrs. Sarah F. Stinson 2406 Sunset Ave. 2415 Parkway 2508 Par~vay 2412 San Emidio Garage in rear of 2401 Sunset Ave. PRECINCT N0.48 Inspector Judge Clerk Clerk Polling Place: Mary F..Dunlap Mrs. Rowena B. Tilton Ruby P. Harpster Mary Ellen Stockton 2701 San Emidio 2606 SLmset Ave. 2607 San Emidio 2615 San Emidio Garage in rear of 2701 San Em~dio St. PRECINCT N0. 49 Inspector .Judge Clerk Clerk Polling Place: Mrs. Cleda M. Mangun 2825 Parkway Mrs. Alice Budge Alice G. Lang 2820 Sunset Ave. ~25 San Emidio Mrs. Irene Shaw 2814 Sunset Ave. Garage in rear of 3001 Sunset Ave. -14- PRECINCT N0. SO Insp ect0r Judge Clerk Clerk Polling Place: PRECINCT NO. 51 Inspector Judge 'Clerk Clerk PSlling Place: Mrs. Pauline McMillan Eth~l M. Keough Mrs. Margaret Neff Bertha M. Yates 604 Eye St. 506 Eye St. VO0 Chester Ave. 613 Eye St. Garage in rear of 52V Eye Street Emilia N. Freeman Nellie J. Rorrison Fern A. Snodgrass Irene Plymale 505 G St. 1917 Cherry St. 181i Forrest St. 4S0 F St. Garage in rear of 430 F Street. PRECINCT N0. 5~ Inspector Judge Clerk Clerk Polling Place: Mary D. 0smart Mrs. Annie Atwood Jean L. Wells 0pal G. Sutton 446 B St. 231V Dracena St. 2200 Dracena St. 415 C St. Garage in rear of 2200 Dracena St. PRECINCT N0. 53 Inspector Judge Clerk Clerk Polling Place: ~,s. Mary Hesen Mrs. Ethel G. Huff Gladys F. Powers Marie Malchow 719 Beech St. 2717 Che~ter Lane 633 Beech St. 2815 Dracena St. Garage in rear of 2815 Dracena St. PRECINCT NO. 54 Inspector Mrs. Helen P- Smith 1610 R St. 1219 16th St. ' '929' 'Truxtun Ave. Anna Parle White 1510 K St. Tent in front of 1500 M St.., corner of 16th St. Judge Clerk John Win. Fowler Mrs. P'ea~l 'Hei'mforth Clerk Polling Place: PRECINCT N0. 55 Inspector Judge Clerk Clerk Polling Place: PRECINCT N0. 56 Inspector Judge Clerk Clerk Polling Place: PRECINCT N0.5V Inspector Judge Clerk Clerk Polling Place: PRECINCT N0. 58 Inspector Judge Clerk Clerk Polling Place: /PRECINCT N0. 59 Inspector Judge Clerk Clerk Polling Place: · Della E. Dixon Mrs. Jessie M. Kurz Grace Tufts· Mrs. Kathryn L. Taylor Tent at 1323 L St. 1505 M St. 1218 Chester Ave, 1255 K St. 1506 K St, Lula Short Louise Caroline Rister Norma Ruby Marjorie Jewett House at 915 Q St, 1115 Pershing St. 1129 Pershing St. 1001 Q St. 420 8th St. Cleoria Froear Catherine Binion Mrs. Mamie E. Haley Mary Freear 1100 Chester Ave. 1005 K St, 1518 California Ave. ll04 Chester Avenue Tent at corner of llth and L StS. Katie J. Markle Caro E. Engel Mrs. Eva Bernice Broome · Mary Mason Shands 809 M St, ~05 N St. 915 K St, 820 0 St, Tent at corner of 9th and M Sts'. Mrs. Crystal Mills Florence A. Lightnet Myra F. Harness Marion E. Mott Tent in front of V14 R St. 505 8th St, V18 T St, 61V 8th St. 616 R St, PRECINCT N0. 60 Inspector Judge Clerk Clerk Polling Place: PRECINCT N0. 61 Inspector Judge Clerk C le rk Polling Place: PRECINCT N0. 82 Inspector Judge Clerk Clerk Polling Place: PRECINCT N0. 63 Inspector Judge Clerk Clerk Polling Place:: PRECINCT N0.64. Inspector Judge Clerk Clerk Polling Place: Mrs. Queenie A. Thomas Mac E. Moon Alice S. Johnson Minnie E. Wilson Garage at 522 N St. 911 8th St, 611 N St. 1115 6th St. 722 N St. Mrs. Ada E. Haman Mrs. Natella Elbert Effie Thornbury Ada M. Stewart 817 L St. 605 K St. 530 K St. 814 K St. Tent'at northwest corner of 6th and K Sts, Mrs. Goldie Corn E. F. Hunter ~deline Menz0ni Mrs. Myrtle Davis 1012 Brundage Lane 115 P St. · 925 2rid St. 1014 Brundage Lane Mrs. Corn's Garage,.1012 Brundage Lane. Mrs. Edith Black Mrs. Goldena L. Trimell Mrs. Edna 0'Guinn Mrs. Jessie M. Hardcastle 1217 4th St. 1301 Chester Place 1400 Chester Place 4th St. and Chester Ave. C. W. Trimmell's Garage, 1301 Chester Place. Elberta R. Hamm '310 H St. Grace Allen 325 H St. Mrs. 01ga...Hammon_d Sl2~z G St. Mrs. Helen Kephart 32V H St, Warren W. 0'Kane's Garage, 1801 Palm St. -1V- PRECINCT N0~ 66 Inspector Judge Clerk Clerk Polling Place: PRECINCT N0. 66 Inspe c t or Judge Clerk .Clerk Polling Place: PRECINCT NO. 67 Inspector Judge Clerk Clerk Polling Place: PRECINCT N0. 68 Inspector Judge Clerk Clerk Polling Place: Ruby L. Newman Susie B. Fike lone W. Smythe Maude H. Smith 1713 2nd St. 260 H St, 1916 2nd St, 1715 Bank St, Harry Coppin's Garage, at corner of 2nd and F Sts. Stella Mulvana Helen P. Curran Sera A. Burton Louise C. Smith 169 H St. 1900 Verde St. 162 H St. 1906 Verde St. E. J. Gartley's Garage, First and H Sts. Freida M. Kleinhample Claire E. Gill E'~s. Irene Wathen Mrs.Elizabeth McIntyre 1427 Richland Place 230 Haybert Court 328 So. H St. 234 Chester Ave. So. F. W. Nighbert's Garage, at corner of H St. and Brundage Lane. Mrs. Margaret K. South Mrs. Annabelle Perry Mrs. Edith Booth Mrs. Daisy M. Jordan 1913 1st St. 161 A St. 2127 Bank St. 2116 Palm St. Dr. 0. H. Buchner's Garage, in rear of 2109 Palm St. SECTION 8. o~ ~ That in all..p.a. rti..cular. s .not recited in this .ordinance, said election shall be held as provided by law for the holding of municipal elections in the said City of Bakersfield~ -18- SECTION 9, The 'City Clerk shall certify to' the passage of this ordinance by an affirmative vote of at least two-thirds (~/3) of all the members of ths City' Council, and shall cause the same to be published once a day for at least seven (V) days prior to the time appointed for the holding of said election in the Bakersfield Californian, a daily newspaper printed and published in said City of Bakersfield, and designated as the official newspaper of said City, ..... o0o ..... I HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing Ordinance was passed and adopted by the Council o f the City of Bakers field, at a regular meeting.thereof held on the/~ay of July, 1936, by the following vote: RYES: EODEH, GZST,' KAMTH[SI4~, STEMOH, SMZTH, SOLLERS, WZLSOtl HOES: _~ RBSEHT · _ . Clerk and Ex-0f~ City lerk of the Council of the City of Bakersfield. this/~y of July, 1936. APPRO.~~ MAYOR of the City of Bakersfield.