HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD NO 523 B].:'. XT 0 'f;Ai;'i.':~:D D~[ 9V-if:: COTr.-!CIL OF T;.'.E C:(T¥ 07::' BnYj'.'.[ ~')D'E.,',iD, ss follokvs: SEC'f~CO~I 1. That Section ~ o~ ?-~ner~'ancy Ordinance Tffo. ~91 New [;eries of the City of Fakers ield, entitled "~fi,f n'vSt~'r"" ~ S .... '~0T Ri'i:C~'T~/:.TZL'~G '.'??'?; .. ........~.~ 0~" 'C,,C;'.L~Z'."'O ~':~ ' ..... "':~- ':?':?.' ITY/~ ]~0;.~ T~'?~': vIOL. TU(O?-; F~j!~EOF;: be and ~i~e snme is hereby amended to read as follo'.~ys= SP]CTiCON ~. A fee o~ Five (?'f:5.00) Dollars shall be charged fop shy application for a ~Jearly ~ene'tsl of any permit issued. ~d. er the provisions of t"is ordinance. Such renewal permit shall be issued. by the Cit~r i,!ianager and shall not be transferable. No person, fi~. or corporation, to whom a permit has been issued ~der the provisions of this ordinance, who fails for more than thirty (50) days after the expiration of the time specified in said permit to apply fop a renen~al thereof, shall be entitled e _ to such a r newel, but the ooE. fi.t theretofore issued shall be deemed to be forfeited, end 'bb.e application r~ust be made to the City L'isne. jer as in the case o.C e.n originml application, ~/hoever shall fail for mope than fifteen (15) days s. fter the expiration of any peMit issued ~deP the provisions of this ord. innnce to for a renewal thereof, shall be reouired to pc~J' s penalty of ten (lOng) percent of the amount of the permit fee. ~suc]~ Denelt?' shall be collected by the Cit~ L.Xann~er a~; t~,e time of renewal of said permit. SECTI 0~,~ 2. That Section 6 of E'nergoncy, Ordinance I":o. 491 i,Yew Series -1- be and the same is hereb.~T sinended to read ss foil. owe: S.ECTI0.;T 6. Anyone who now hol,d..n or r, mv hereafter hold a permit as an automobile dealor, 2nd who discontinues business for a period exceeding ninety (90) days, v~ill automatically relinq~.ish all ri~=t or interest in said per'~dt, and the sa~e shall ipso facto be revokod without e. ny fruit>or action on the part of the Cit7 Council of the City I~.{anager. ....... o0o I I-~..:'.~3~BY C'?'qTIFY tb. ct t~e foregoing 0r.~i-~ance was passed and adopted by the Cot~ncil of t~e City of Saker~f!sld. at s reCu].cr raeeti~ thereof, held on tbs~~P~ of ~__, ].~30, by the fol]-o'd-ng vote: ~-~-~~'erk of the Cm-~ncil of the City of Daker~field. A ~.:x.~0v'.';D b.V -me this/7"~da": cf ~~'~, 1938.