HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD NO 522 AN ORDI'~Ak'~CE AL .~L~DXI'~G ORDINANCE NO. S19 ~J~.V SEHIES BY ADDING T!~U~RETO SECTION ~-A, PROVID- ING FOR ~E FILI~G OF A SCHEDIE OF PASSE].'~C-~;R R~.T~.~M ~ ~.~R~S P~OPOS..:D TO DT.~ CHARGED, V~'IICH CANNOT BE CHANGED ~TNO~ CONShI~T OF T~IE C~TY C0~CIL. BE IT ORDi~I!~ED BY TYq. E CO~CiL OF THE CITY OF BAI~Sk~!ELD, as follows: SECTION 1 · That Ordinance No. ~19 New Series entitled :rAN O~DIL"~-I~TCE PROVIDING FO~ TE~E SUPERVYSZOL'7 ~)~D REO~TION OI~ TI~E TR~,..],TSPOr~TLTION OF PERSOi~S FOR COZ".~'~E)~XSY~TiOiY Ii~ L~YTO~ZOBIL'~S OVER P~LIC STRZ-~TS TiiTE CiTY uP B~[.E':~SFIELD BY T~.X]~CY~'3S 0R Ri;~NT C~RS; PROVIDT~-'.'G FOR T~'~'],~ ISSUANCE OF P~-~RY'~rITS ~'OR T~E OP]':2.~.T~OI.~ 0F SUCH R..NT CAi:RS 0R Ti'XYCA. B8; PROVIDI~'vG 70R TI!E E~qIi'R~T~O~'T OF T}~U~] D~IVZ'~RS OI,~ SUCI" TF.. :[i CABS OR R~',S!T CARS~ R~EO~IT~C TM~ Gi'~r~.!~~ OF Yi'IBI~A~"CE OR ~0?~D BY OF SUCH TAXICABS OR R~),VT CARS; AND ]~KIT'.YG A ViOLATEO~::' OD' Ai~ 0i.~ T~{'~ PROVISIOT~S OF TI.~iS O?I~)~L"AT.~C?,~ A JTISDEi"L~]Ai'~OR, AND PEOV!DIU~G A .. _ O' "~T', ~A- TXEREFOR; AND R~Pi:EALI...'G AL.[~ ~)E'.SIi-TAiT~:3~S~ OR P~RTS Oi CO~¥FLICT i~v~RE'.:'IiT]4~ be and the same is hereby amended by adding thereto an additional section, to be hokum and deci~nated as Section 3-A~ which shall read as follovrs: SECTION 3-A. It shall be mla~vful for the owner or driver of any taxicab or automobile for bite, as defined in this ordinance, to operate the same or cause the same to be operated ~;itbout first having filed with the City Clerk a schedule of passenger rates or fares proposed to be charged. It shall also be unlawful for the o~mer or driver .of any taxicab or automobile for hire to demand or charge any amo~t gree. ter or less than the amomt shov;n on ~he schedule of passenger rates fares on file with the City Clerk, which shall remain in effect ~til. a new schedule of passenger rates or fares has been approved by the City Co~cil, as hereinafter set forth. If such owner or driver desires to change the schedule passenger rates or fares proposed to be charged, before so chargi~g any differe~.t passenger Pates or fares he shall file v;ith the said -1- City Clerk a new schedule of passenger rates or fares proposed to be charged, with a state~nent that it supersedes the schedule last theretofore filed, and giving the reasons for the proposed change or changes. Said amended schedule of passenger rates or fares shall not become effective until the same has been approved by the City Council. ..... o0o ..... I HE':~EBY CERTTD~ that the foregoing Ordinance was passed and adopted by the Council of t~e City of Bakersfield, at a regular meeting thereof held. o~. the~day of 1938, by the following vote: City Clerk ~nd Ex-Officio Cle~.~_~'~h'e'' Cobmcil of the City of 3-~a-kersfield. ~PPROVED this/~_~d. ay of ~ 1938.