HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD NO 545EMERGENCY ORDINANCE NO .~~NEW SERIES AN ORDINANCE FIXING THE C0~.',MPENSATION OF CERTAIN OFFICERS AND E~LOYEES OF THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD AND REPEALING 0RDI_~ANCE NUMBF, R 517 NEW SERIES OF THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD, AND ALL ORDINANCES AND PARTS OF 0RDINANCFS A~NDATORY THEREOF OR IN CON- FLICT HERE~VITH. WHEREAS, it is necessary to provide for the daily operation of municipal departments; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT 0RDAI~D BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD, as follows: SECTION 1. That each officer and employee of the City of Bakersfield hereinafter named shall receive and be paid out of the Treasury of the City of Bakersfield, as and in full monthly compensation for perform- ing the duties of the office, offices and employment to which he or she is or may be appointed or employed, and such duties as may be hereafter prescribed,' the amount set opposite the respective office, offices, or employment, as follows: 1. CITY MANAGER.. .......... .......... ....... ............$418.e8 2. CITY MANAGER'S SECRETARY............................. ~00.00 3. CHIEF OF THE FIRE DEPART~'iENT ........................ . 300.00 4. ASSISTANT FIRE CHIEF... ..... ...... ........ ........... 225.00 5. SECRETARY IN THE FIBE DEPARTP~NT... ................ .. 215.00 8. CHIEF ~ECHANIC OF THE FIRE DEPART~jENT.. .... .......... 200.00 7. CAPTAIN OF THE FIRE DEP~P.T~E~.. ...... ...... ...... ... 1~5.00 8. INSPECTOR OF THE FIRE DEPARTNENT.... .......... ........ 185.00 S. ENGINEER OF THE FIRE DEP.~RTI"~EX~...................... 180.00 10. DRIVF~ OF THE FIRE DEP.~RT~v~X~.. .... .................. 175.00 ll. HOSE~AN OF '~HE FIRE DEPA~RT~E~: a ~r the first year in servi 150.00 r . . . ............. 170.00 12. TELEPHONE OPERATOR. .................... ...... ...... .. llS.00 14. 15. 16. 17. 8. 19. 20. 21. 24. 25. 26. 29. 30. 51. 33. 34. 35. 36. 38. CHIEF OF POLICE, .... , ............. ,., ..... ,,,,,,,,.,,,,, ASSISTANT CHIEF OF POLICE,,,,,,.,,,,.,.,,,,...,.,,.,.,,, LIEUTENANT OF'POLICE,..,...,,,..,,,,,.,..,..,..,.-,..,,, SUPERINTENDENT OF BUREAU OF IDENTIFICATION,..., ....... ,, RADIO TECHNICIAN,,...,, .... ,,,..-,,...,,,,.,,,,,,,,,,,,, (Radio Technician to furnish his own automobile and keep the same in good repair~ furnish all maintenance, gas and oil and supplies necessary to its operation.) DEPARTKENT ..... · ................... SERGES'IT,,...,,.,,,.,,,,,,..,, ..... · ........ ,,.., ...... · MOTOR PATROLM~N,,,,,..,,, ..... ,,,,,.,,,,,,,,,.,,., ..... · P .~TR OIALAN: Grade ~,,,,.,,,,,,.,,,,,,.., ...... ,,,,,,.,,, SECRETARY IN POLICE DEPART~:ENT,,, ...... ,.,...,, .... ,,,,, .~TTORNEY,, .... ,., ....... ,,..,,..,,...,..,,..,,,,,-,-,,,, ASSISTANT ATTORNEY,,,...,,,...,,.., ...... · ..... · ...... ,, SECRET.~RY TO CITY ATTORNEY,., ....... ,., ..... ,,-,-..,..-, INSPECTOR OF BUILDINGS.,...,,..,,.,, .... ,,,,,,,.,,,.,,,, FIRST ASSISTANT INSPECTOR OF BUILDINGS...,,.,..,,...,,,, SECOND ASSISTANT INSPECTOR OF BUILDINGS ........... ,...,, TREASURER, TAX COLLECTOR AND LICENSE COLLECTOR.......... DEPUTY TREASURER, DEPUTY TAX C0LLECTbR AND DEPUTY LICENSE C0LLECTOR. ........ ........-.... ..... .................... ENGINEER AND SUPERINTENDENT 0F STREETS........... ..... .. (Engineer to furnish his own automobile and keep the same in good repair, furnish all maintenance, gas and oil and supplies necessary to its operation.) DEPUTY ENGINEER AND DEPUTY SUPERINTENDENT 0F STREETS.... SENIOR ENGINEER.... ............. ............... ...... ... INSPECTOR.............................-.. ....... · .... ... JUNIOR ENGINEER ..... ........ .... . ....... ........-....... STENOGF~APHER IN ENGINEERING DEPARTMF~T.................. STREET FORENAN.... ...... ... ...... ....................... YARD CLERK...... ................... . ......... .. ......... · -2- $300.00 $225.00 195.00 195.00 195.00 185.00 185.00 180.00 170.00 160.00 150.00 150.00 200.00 150.00 145.00 500.00 225.00 200.00 250.00 150.00 550.00 215.00 190.00 165.00 150.00 150.00 225.00 160.00 9. 40° 41. 42. 43. CHIEF OPERATOR - SEWAGE TREATR.2Eh~ PLANT................ $200.00 ECHANIC - S~;~AGE TREATMENT PLANT ..... ....... .... ...... 150.00 250.00 125.00 225.00 POLICE JUDGE........ ............. ....................-. POLICE COURT CLF~K AND STENOGRAPHER... ............ ..... HEALTH OFFICER. ........... ................o.... ....... .. (Health Officer to furnish his own automobile and keep the same in good repair, furnish all maintenance gas and oil and supplies necessary to its operation.1 44. SANITARIAN............................................ 150.00 45. CLERK AND AUDITOR.............. ....... ................ 350.00 48. SENIOR DEPUTY CLERK AND DEPUTY AUDITOR................ 155.00 47. JUNIOR DEPUTY CLERK AND DEPUTY AUDITOR. .... .... ..... .. 125.00 48. ASSESSOR... 3 5.oo same in good repair and furnish all maintenance, gas and oil and supplies necessary to its operation.) 49. DEPUTY ASSESSOR....... ...... . .................. ....... 150.00 50. HEAD JANITOR........ .... .............................. 135.00 51. JANITORS.. .................... ...... ........ . ....... .. 125.00 52. POUND ~STER... .... ................................... 125.00 53.' SEWER FARM CARETAKER.................................. 100.00 54. ELECTRICIAN.. ...... .... ..... ..... .... . ...... .......... 180.00 55. PARK FORE~N. ....... . ........ . ........... . ............ 185.00 SECTION 2. That each of the employees working under the classifications h~reinafter named shall receive as and in full compensation for perform- ing the work of his or her position or employment, to which he or she is or may hereafter be appointed, the amount set opposite the respec- tive classifications of employment, as follows: _L~Y_a.Y,~T~a t i o ~ .... ' '~'~F '~o ur 1. COR'~J[0N LABORER - PARK DEPARTMENT.................. ,, .... ~.- CO.~U~ON LABORER - STREET DEPARTI~NT .... ................., 3. SKILLED LABORER - SEN~OR GRADE..... ....... .............. 4. SKILLED LABORER - JUNIOR GRADE.......................... 5. LIGHT EQUIPMENT OPERATOR... .... ............ ...... ....... ~3~ .68 .68 .74 . ~f~'_sification Wa~e Per Hour 6 · HEAVY EQUIPMENT 0PERAT OR ...... ·. · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · $ .81 7. MECHANIC.... .... .... ...... ............................ .95 8. YARD FOREMAN... .... . ...... ...... ...................... .81 9. SEWER FOREl'JAN. ............ .................. ....... . .. .81 10. PARK UTILITY.. ...................................... .. .81 ll. GENERAL UTILITY. .......... . ...... .... . .. ............ .. .81 12. CMAIm N.. ....· ............................' ....""".6 ½ 15. DRAFTSMAN: Junior... .............................'."' Senior... ..... .......-..................". .75 .es s/4 4. CHIEF FIELD ASSESSOR: Senior Grade. ............. ..... .... · ........ · ..... ... (Chief Field Assessor, Senior Grade, to furnish his own automobile and keep the same in good repair, and furnish all maintenance, gas and oil and supplies necessary to its operation.) Junior Grade .................... ..................... 1.00 15. FIELD ASSESSOR: Senior Grade .............. · ...... ....-............... (Field Assessor, Senior Grade, to furnish his own automobile and keep the same in good repair and fur- nish all maintenance, gas and oil and supplies nec- essary to its operation.) Junior Grade. ........... ........ .... ................. .e7½ .75 16. CLERK: Senior; ......................................... ""' le4~ Junior............................................... 17. STENOGRAPHER: Senior...............................-.....-......... ,71~ Junior.. .............................. ............... .642 SECTION Ordinance Number 517 New Series of the City of Bakersfield and all other ordinances amendatory thereof or in conflict herewith be and the same are hereby expressly repealed. SECTION 4. · - This ordinance is. designed to provide for the daily operation of municipal departments and is hereby declared to be an emergency measure and shall be in full force and effect immediately upon its passage. -4- I HERE.BY CERTIFY that the foregoing Emergency Ordinance was passed and adopted by the Council of the City of Bakersfield at a regular meeting thereof held on the~day of August, 19~9, by the following vote: AYESs BODEN, M,'~RMR~DUK'=, MeMILLRN, PRULY, SMI'I'H, SOLLERS, W~rLsO.'~ :::'.;: ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ;ZZZZZ:ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ:Z: City C k of the Council of the City of Bakersfield. APPROVED this .~3~day of August, 1939. of Bakersfield. V. VAN RIPER, being duly sworn, deposes and says: That he is the duly appointed, acting and qualified Clerk of the City of Bakersfield; .and that on ......... ~ ...... -/-----~--- ....... 19..~...~., he posted on the Bulletin Board at the .City Hall, a full, true and correct copy of an ordinance passed by the Council of said City at a meeting thereof duly held on ......... ~-----/---~-- ...... , 19..~..~.., which ordinance was numbered....--~--~--.~--- ..... New Series, and entitled: AN ORDINANCE FIXING THE CONPENSATION OF CERTAIN OFFICERS AND ENPLOYEES OF THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD AND REPEALING ORDINANCE NUNBER 517 NEW SERIES OF THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD, AND ALL ORDINANCES AND PARTS OF ORDINANCES ANENDATORY THEREOF OR IN CONFLICT HEREWITH. ' Sulkscribed and sworn to before me this "' "~'~ .....day of.~ ,, o .................,,.....3...7 ............ ,:, ............... ........... '~;t~ ";i;';~"ii;';;Z"' S ~