HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD NO 554EM~RGENCY 0~?~INAIcC.~, N0.~~W 8ERI~'5 AN E~,?.CRC-..~.~..T:..'Cy O_~iDII'A~VCE REGUL~:'~TING PAE~-IFG UPDF. LOTS OV.~ED OR C017TROLL~,D BY THE CITY 0F BAKE"_~SFIELD, CALIFOR~,TIA. ~tH~.REAS, the City Council hereby decla~'es that an emergency exists for the immedie. te prsservation of the public peace, safety and ~,.~elfare, which requires the passage of ~:n emergency ordinance regulating parking lots owned or cont~olled by ~he City of Bakers- field, NOV/, THEI~EFORE, B~ IT 0RDAI~ED BY T}I C0~CIL 0F T}~ CITY OF BERS~IELD~ as follows: SECTION 1. The operator of a vehicle sh~l not park such vehicle upon any pa~king lot owned or cont?o!led by the City of Bakel'sfield for a longer period of time than two (2) hours. The City Manager is hereby authorized to erect official signs on said. p~operty' designat- ing the parking time limit~ at such locations as he deems best suited to give notice to the public. SECTION 2. Any person~ firm or corporation violating this or,2inaDee sba!l be guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction the~eof sh~l! be punishable by a ~ins not ~o ei~cssd three hundred dclla?s ($300. ) or by impriso~ent in the County Jail for a period not exceeding ninety (90) days~ or by both such fine and impriso~ent. SECTION 3. This ordinance is herceby declared to be an e~nei~gency' ordinance within the meaning of Section 24 of the ChaFter of the City of Bak~fs- field~ State of California, and necessary for the i~ediate..p~'eserva- tion of the public peace~ safety and welfaFe~ and shall take effect i~ediately. ---o0o I HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing Emergency' Ordinance was passed and adopted by the Council of the City~f Bakersfield at a regular meeting thereof held on the~!~day of November~ 1939, by the following vote: RYES, BODEN, MRRMRDUKE, M,=MTLLRN, PRULY, SMITH, .~OLLERS, W[L~Ot! City Clerk and Ex-0fficio Clerk of the Council of the City of Bakersfield. APPR0 D by me this~7% /~~/ ~ of November MAYOR of the City of Bakersfield. , 1939. A~tdavtt Ut '~ost~ng STATE OF CALIFORNIAt County of Kern ~ ss. V. VAN RIPER, being duly sworn, deposes and says: ~t a i r _ ~vas numbered..~~ ....... New Series, and entit]ed: AN EMERGENCY ORDINANCE REGULATING PARKING UPON LOTS 0V~ED OR CONTROLLED BY THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA. - Subscribed and sworn to before me this