HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD NO 588ORDZ:'f..;'~C~, ['.,~D. f~ F~",',' SERIES C. RDIi:Ai'ICE G~ '. ].,T v. ~ TO GAS .... ~ ,TI:.T,: r-ff, Cllr'iC AND ELEC- T]~.IC 'C~"~.'~ TTZ:, LUCCELSOY:S A~ ASSIGNS, TI-~ FP~',i.fCI:~I~.,L ~. USE' FO~ Ti-~ANSMITTING A~ DISTi:~IPXIT]?!'IC S" ': ' ~TIx'~ TiEj ~ITY OF B~RS- FIELD FOR ,~r .~ ~LL ~i-OS~;S OT~R THAN XI CF TI~ C0:'TBT~TUTION 0F T~ aTAT}] 0F C:i:[FOth,TI2'. 2.8 c.:.T~ SECTIC~T ECI5T]'.~D PRIOR T0 ITS AL~k~.~::ZT ~": OCTODLR 10~ 1911 ~ ALL ~2, S -,*- ~-~,~ ..... '.C~, UFIC~ ARE HOW 01{ ~{~Y E~;,~I~FT]:~F. 3:~.' .LL~:~;~.'LLY :'LACED IN T~ ~;BLIC STRUTS ;j'L:Yb ~.:'.;D PLAC:S T'IT7{I:; SAID' CITY~ r,..,v.:. :~In3 FL,"..C~&' iLL PI~':S !~.~ APK~.T~':EA2ICES as foll~-rs: BE IT ORDAIL'~D EY T]-E, COU."':,~CIL OF T}~ CITY OF BAtGLR~FIELD, Section ~ ' ~.Vbcnevcr In this ordinance the words Or phra:;cs heroinafter in this section defined. are used, they shall have the '2espective n~eanir...g s assignee~, to thee in the follov, d. ng definitions .(urless, in the given i~stsn.ae, the context wherein they are ussc~ shell clearly imp~rt a difI'~r~nt ~:,eaning): (a) T?2c ~,'.D~'d "grante~, oh. all. Fern the Pacific ~ss s:,3.c~. ~lectric Com.pany~ and its lav~f-d successors or assigns; (b) The ?'oral "city" shall mean the ~-~- of ?].d s. ~n.n~ff. cipal corporation of the' <"-'- ~ California in its ~,.c o~ · , present incorpor- ated form or in any lPtem, reorganized, consolf. dated, erlsrgcd or reineor1~crated form; (c) The v~'oi-r] "streets" shall mean the public streets, v.,ays, alleys and places as the sa~!e T:OW 9~' EF~r 1:.erC~.f~er exist vzithin said city; (d) T~e ~ord g shall' mean natural or ~.rtificisl gas, oz- a 'c~ix'L~.e of naturul s-rid artificial g~ s; o~:~_,_~ moo~. pLpes, pipelines, Rains, services, tr~ps, vents, vaults, manholes, meters, gauges, reg~l~tors, valves, conduits, applis~.ce~', attach- me~.ts~ s. ppu~tsn~.cs.s end ~n~, otl,er property lccs. ts~ or to be loc~te8 in, upen, slo~, across, under or o~s~~ t~s streets cf the city, and used cr uscf~l ~n. tI?c tr~:nsr,!tting and/or 8istributing cf gas; (f) The phrase "lay and use" shall ~ean to lay, construct, s?sct, install? operate? maintain, use, or replace. ~ ~?~ p!u'~'.s~' "constitutional s~.sl2 ~os.n ~*'~ r'~ ,~t acquired through acceptance by s~.!,~ grantee o~~ its pre~eces~;or in sct~te of ~-~ c~,~ ccnt~..ins~ in the p~ovlsions of Section 19 cf ~rt~.cls XI of t~s Constituticn of the Sts. te cf C~.l!fc~=-ni~., ~.s ~ai~ sectice existed] p=:~o~ to _~s a~.end~s~t c~ October 1C, 1911. Section 2 m~e frs.nehise ~s) to use for transmitting and dist-~?.buting gas v~ithin the City of Bskersfield for any and all p~rposes oth. sr tho. n tDcse au~!~c?n~.zed u.nder said constit~,ticnal f~.nchise, ~.ll gs, s pipe~ a~d op~urten~ncec which now are or may hereafter' bs lazvf~lly placed in the streets within sai~t city, and (b) to ls.y and use ir~ sai~] s~'rzots all pipes and appurtenances nececss. ry or propel~ fc? noi~ purposes, is hereby granted to Pacific C.s.s and Electric Comp~-' upcn the terms, cox~.ditions, reservs. T~ons, sxcsptlons and p=ovisiorz set fo='~ in the Charter of the City of Bakersfield, and. in that certain act of the Legisl~.t~re of the State -2- of Cali~.Brnia, commonly :~nOtvn and de~'gnated' as the "FrAnchiSe'Act' ,:(..'.'-. Section ~ The .~[~anchis.e hereby grante~' 'shall"~'~e in~..' determinate and shall 'continUe' in f~l' for'ce until',. with .t~'. c'~nsent "'~i:' .... "' of the Railroad Commission of the State 'of' Cal~fOrnia,'or other l~w'- ;':~:~'': ful authorit~ havin~ jurisdiction in the .premiseS, it shall ~a~;~..~.~?~': " voluntarily surrendered or abandoned by the grantee, or until .the .n' '. city, by agreement, shall purchase, or, under emine~t~."~:~k[ shall " limits of the city, or mntil it shall.be forfeited for . n-Comp~e '.'.. .:. with its terms by the grantee, but in no. event shall said .f~an~ise " exceed the term of fifty (~0) years from the effective· date hereof. . ~:.."...' Section ~ The grantee· of said franchise' ~'[~l during '~ ' the life of such franchise pay to said city a s~ am~'lly Whi.Ch.'.'.: ..... " ~.q." shall be equivalent to two per cent of the gros~ annual receipts· of said grantee arising from the use, operation or possession of said franchise; provided, 'however, that such·payment .sh~l in no. . ..';' event be less than a sm~ which shall be equivalent to one per cent .....:.~. of the gross annual receipts derived by grantee from the sale.:""df .. ;..:'. gas within the lin:its of such city under said franchise' a~d said ""' ~" constitutional franchise, '(' ' :" Section ~ The grantee sh~l file wi'th the Clerk of:::""' said City, within three months after the expiration of the ~'cale~ar "' year, or fractional calendar year, following the date of the"~"~rantZ.'..· .. ing hereof, and within three months after the expiratio~ .r.8.f each· .."."" ." and every calendar year thereafter, a duly verified statement showing i~'."~:~.'..· detail the total gross receipts of such grantee duri~' the precedi~. '.~. days after the time for filt~ su t .m 1 o ...' ..' .[~.!~'.-.. · . . -~ ... United States, the aforesaid percentage of its gross receipts· ~£~'~<~!-~ .. ". such calendar year, or such fracti~nal~alendar year,'~Vered .by" to file such verified statement,. or 't8 ~ay said -per'~entage at t~... time ~d in the manner speCi'fied,' shall be gro~S.~"for the deq~ra- ilon of a forfeiture .of 'this franchise and..o~T"all rights fof' grantee here~der. Section 6. If the grantee shall ~.ai~..~."" oct or -- , ..... :~ .~ · .refuse to comply with any of the provisions or.-.-'conditions' ......./~: .. days after· written demand for compliance, be~.'~"~he;"~rk of. '~.':':" .compliance, or after such begirming shall not'prosecute the ,~.i"'.'. same with due diligence to completion, then the City.of'..Bakers- field may, by action of the City Council, declare thi'~'franchise forfeited. The City of Bakersfleld may me in itS' own name for the. forfeiture of this franchise in the 'event of non. compliance by .~. .. grantee with any of the conditions hereof Section F_~ The City shall have the right at'..alI r~ason-' able times to examine all books, vouchers,. records and.'8'ther pape~s~"of "~ grantee pertinent to the exercise of the franchise....E~anted hereunder. Refusal of grantee to produce such books, vouche.~s, records and other papers st any reasonable time for examination.by.'~he City Clerk, .. .. Accountant, or other 2gent appointed by the Cit~..'bouncil shall work a forfeiture of the franchise granted hereunder. .....~.~:~. Section 8_A. The franchise hereby'granted shall not .. any way or to any extent in.,pair the right of the.. City 0f~<:Bakersfield to acquire the property of the grantee, either by purchase or through the exercise of the right of eminent domain, and-nothing hereine. On, .. tained shall· be construed to contract away or to modify or to abridge the city's right to exercise the power of eminent domain. The franchis.e..~.:~. granted hereby shall never be given any value before· any Court or · ' ' .' .. ' .., ..' ' '- , ' '. . ...: :'i..'; .' '-,,' ..'.. ':..":;'.'E!",~;~':~.'!";i · - ' .:.=.'...'-'-' "' .: ?~"..':.,' .'-".:".:. . ....' ...: ,::~',-,'. "...'."' .::'-i'.." , "...'. :':r .... . . '~:.. . ~ . ~ . .;; ... thirty days after its passage, u~ess ·suspended by a'refe'r.~nd~ ~' ~'52.""..:.~,:' .' . ..~::~ ::.. ~..~ ".......3,.....' '-.' .- .:.~ . · =. ..... ..' .,-...., .. thereofi'.such pa~ent to be made v~ithin thirty.-days ·after· the ci;l~.....E' ,:,:... shall hav~ furnished 'such grantee with a written statement. L~.8~ Such """"';::';;" .. ..~; .. ....., expenses. " '.¥ ...... ." Section ll~ The franchis~ granted hereby· 'shall ,net '.~, become effective until written acceptance thereof s.~lZ have been' '~"' filed by the gr8ntee wit~. the City Clerk; how~ver~ the. grantee· .. ""' .E..'..' shall accept the francb. ise hereby granted within' thirty .(BO) dayS: ~";" after this ordinance becomes effective~ and if' the grantee shall··.···.' fsi~ to file its acceptance with the City Cle'rk of the City of -'..'...; Bakersfield withit. the aforesaid time, the franchise hereby gran~Sd '......".' shall be ipso facte vaid and no longer in effe'c.t";"' :..';:'; Section ~8. The 'City Clerk shall cause this ordl'nance to be published once within fifteen (l~) day.s after itd.,Dassage. in .....,...~ · . .:...;. The Bskersfield Californian~ a newspaper of gen~al .cire~:ation .. .:...".~.. published and circulate8 in said city. ... "':' .";: , f .. '..',.,;..'.. I ER~Y CERTIFY that the foregoing OrdinanCe was .passed'- .' and adopted by the Coul~cil of .-the City of Bake~.afiel.8, at a re'g~ar ' "':" "' '. , ..'.,. ":,.. .. '.. ": ... ~... . '.'.';' · ....... .. ........ · ' "" . ;"""""'~ '~:"": L' """' · '.,..'L-". .... . ' ~ll~, .... ~~' ' '~ '? .... ..' . ~''~ " . "" '-" '" "' '''~ ~ A P~O~D: ......... "' ".".. - ""'...""""' 7'..' ',"'. V. VAN RIPER, being duly sworn, deposes and says: That he is the d a pointed, acting ~.nd qualified Clerk of the City of Bakersfield; eries, and e ORDINANCE GRANTING TO PACIFIC GAS AND ELEC- TRIC CO~PAErY, ITS SUCCESSORS AND ASSIGNS, THE FRANCHISE TO USE, FOR TRANSMITTING AND DISTRIBUTING GAS WITHIN THE CITY OF BAKERS- FIELD FOR ANY AND ALL PURPOSES OTHER THAN THOSE AUTHORIZED UNDER SECTION 19 OF ARTICLE XI OF THE CONSTITUTION OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA AS SAID SECTION EXISTED PRIOR TO ITS AA~NDMENT ON OCTOBER lO, 1911, ALL GAS PIES AND APPURTENANCES WHICH ARE NOW' OR ~,LAY HEREAFTER BE LA~JFULLY PLACED IIq THE PUBLIC STREETS, WAYS AND PLACES WITHIN SAID CITY, AND TO LAY AND USE IN SAID PIrBLIC STREETS, WAYS AND PLACES ALL PIPES AND APPURTENANCES NECESSARY OR PROER FOR SAID PURPOSES.