HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD NO 600ORDINANCE NO ~O NEW SERIES AN ORDINANCE A~RENDIi~G PARAGRAPH (a) OF SUBDIVISION 44 OF SECTION 17 OF ORDINANCE N0. 512 NEW SERIES OF THE CITY OF BAERSFIELD, AND ADDING SUBDIVISIONS 1A, 6A, 28A AND 45A TO SECTION 17 of SAID ORDINAA~CE. BE IT ORDAINED BY.THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BAERSFIELD, as follows: SECTION 1. That Paragraph (a) of Subdivision 44 of Section 17 of Ordin- ance No. 512 New Series of the City of Bakersfield, entitled "AN ORDINANCE REGULATING AND IMpOSING MUNICIPAL LICENSES; DESCRIBING HOW AND BY WHOM LICENSE~ AND PERMITS SHALL BE OBTAIneD; MAKING A VIOLATION HEREOF A MISDER~ANOR, ~ND PRESCRIBING A PENALTY.THEREFOR, AND REPEALING ORDINANCE NO. ~91 NEW SERIES Ai\,D ALL AMENDNENTS THERE- TO, AND ALL OTHER ORDINANCES OR PARTS OF ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT HERE- WITH~, be and the same is hereby amended to read as follows: 44, Theatres, Shows, Ga~es, Amusements, Exhibitions, Etc. (a) For every person, firm, or corporation conducting, managing, or carrying on a theater containing a permanent stage upon which mov- able scenery and theatrical appliances are used, where regular theatrical or vaudeville performances are given, and to which an admission fee is charged, collected, or received, or conducting, managing, or carrying on a moving picture theater where moving or motion pictures are exhibited and an admission fee is 9harged, collected, or received, the quarterly license fee shall be Twenty- Six Dollars ($26.00) for three hundred (BOO) seats or less, and Two Dollars ($2.00) per quarter additional for each one hundred (lO0) seats, or fraction thereof, over and above ~00 seats. SECTION'~j' That a new subdivision to be designated as Subdivision 1A be added to Section 17 of Ordinance No· 512 New Series, said sub- division to read as follows: -1- 1~,. Arcades. For every person, firm, or corporation conducting, managing or carrying on an arcade, the sum of Sixty Dollars ($60.00) per year, payable annually in advance on the fir'st day of January of each year, which license fee may be pro-rated for a fraction of a year, but in no event shall the license fee paid be less than the sum of Twenty Dollars ($20.00). For the purpose of this section, an arcade is defined to be one general enclosure in which is conducted the business of operat- ing or exhibiting any phonograph, graphophone, .talking machine, kinetoscope, biograph, proJectoscope, or any other instrument or machine of like character, and exhibiting, showing or letting the use of anymicroscope~ lung-tester, muscle-tester, galvanic battery, weighing machine, or machine of like character. SECTION 3. That a new subdivision to be designated as Subdivision 6A be added to Section 17 of Ordinance No. 512 New Series, said sub- division ~o read as follows: 6A, Bail Bond Brokers. For every person conducting, managing, or carrying on the business of a bail bond broker, One Hundred Dollars ($100.00) per year, payable annually in advance. For every person employed by a bail bond broker to aid or assist such broker in procuring or soliciting business, Fifty Dollars ($50.00) per year, payable annually in advance. SECTION 4. That a new subdivision to be designated as Subdivision 28A be added to Section 17 of Ordinance No. 512 New Series, said sub- division to read as follows: - 28A, Music Boxes (Machine or device for ~layin~ music). For every person, firm, or corporation operating or maintain- ing tables, machines, or devices for playing or rendering music upon -2- following vote: AYES, CLEMEHTS, MARMADUKE, NORlUg, ~EMON, SMI*'TH, SOLLEAS, VERCAMMEN NOES, _~ .................... ABSENT,, , ................ City Clerk and Ex-0ff~ ~ Clerk of Council of the City of Bakersfield. APPROVED by me this~'~~ ~ day of , 1941. N OR f City of Bakersfield. the STATE OF CALIFORNIA~ County of Kern l ss. V. VAN RIPER, being duly sworn, deposes and says: an .... 9 on the Bulletin Board at the at a i r . was numbered....~......~.....~.. .......New Series, and entitled: AN Ot~DINANCE AMENDING PAi~AGI~APH (a) OF 8UBDIVISION 4~ 0F 8ECTION 17 0F 0BDINANCE N0, ~2 ~W 8EHIE8 0F T~ CITY OF B~SFIELD~ A~ ADDING 8UBDIVISION8 1A~ 6A~ 28A AND TO 8ECTION 17 OF 8AID O~DINANCE, 'SubSCribed and sworn to before me this .' ..~.~"~_._ day o~ ........... '~tary,f ~ .... ~"L~"'