HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD NO 611E~ERGENCY ORDINANCE NO. 611 NEW SERIES AN EMERGENCY ORDINANCE A~ENDING SECTION ~ OF ORDINANCE N0. 600 NEW SERIES OF THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD~ .AND ADDING SUBDIVISION 45B TO SECTION 17 OF ORDINANCE NO. ~12 NEW SERIES. .WHEREAS, the City Council hereby declares that an emergency exists for the immediate preservation of the public peace~ property, safety and welfare, which requires the passage of an emergency ordinance licensing certain businesses within the City of Bakers- field, NOW~ THEREFORE~ BE IT ORDAINED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD, as follows: SECTION 1. That Section ~ of Ordinance No. 600 New Series of the City of Bakersfield, entitled "AN ORDINANCE A~NDING PAP~GRAPH (a) OF SUBDIVISION 44 OF SECTION 17 OF ORDINANCE N0. 512 INEV~T SERIES OF THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD, AND ADDING SUBDIVISIONS 1A, 6A, 28A AND 4%A TO SECTION 17 OF SAID ORDINANCE" be and the same is hereby amended to read as follows: SectionS. That a new subdivision to be designated as Subdivision 45A be added to Section 17 of Ordinance No. 512 New Series, said subdivi- sion to read as follows: 4_~.Vendi~g Machines. For every person, firm or corporation operating any machine or machines vending any goods, wares, or merchandise for the sum of One Cent ($.01), a license fee shall be charged in accordance with the following schedule: a~A~l¢ VendinE Nachine~.. -1 t~.not more than 25 machines $6.00 per year Not les~'than 26 to not more thaH ~0 machines ~ $8'.'00 p~r year Not less than 51 to not more than 75 machines $12.00 per year Not less than 76 to not more than 100 machines $16.00 per year For more than 100 machines, $16.00 for the first 100 machines, plus $.10 per year for each. machine over 1.00 machines. For every person, firm or corporation operating any machine or machines vending any goods, wares, or merchandise for the~sum of Five Cents ($.0~), a license fee shall be charged in accordance with the following schedule~ bX~_~.'~¢ (or more~_Vendin~ Machines. 1 to not more than 10 mach~ne's $10.00 per year Not less than 11 to not more than 2~ machines $20.00 per year Not less than 26 to not more than %0 machines $2~.00 per year Not less than ~1 to not more than ~ machines $3~.%0 per year Not less than 76 to not more than 100 machines ~0.00 per year Formore than 100 machines, $~0.00 for the first 100 machines, plus $.~0 per year for each machine over 100 machines. All the above licenses shall be payable annually in advance, on January 1st of each. year. All operators of vending machines covered bythis ordinance shall file with the License Collector an affidavit showing the loca- tion of each and every machine for which a license is required herein. All operators of vending machines covered by this ordinance shall affix to each such vending machine a sticker or seal to be furnished by the License Collector~ said sticker or seal to be placed on each such machine in a conspicuous place.-Any person, firm or corporation operating a vending machine in violation of this section shall pay a penalty of five dollars ($~.00), in addi- tion to the regular license fee for said machine~ for each quarter or portion of a quarter during which said machine is operated without a license. If any such operator shall fail to pay the license fee when due~ or the license penalty provided herein~ when notified of the same~ all licenses issued to said operator for vending machines may be revoked by the License Collector. Any such operator of a vending machine who shall be dis- satisfied with the revocation of any license by the License Collector may appeal to the City Council of the City of Bakersfield~ within a period of ten (10) days from such revocation, for a hearing, and upon said hearing the decision of the City Council shall be final. SECTION 2. That a new subdivision to be designated~as SubdiVision 49 b~ added to Section~l~ of Ordinance No. %12 New Series, said sub- division to read as follows: -2- 4_5B'. Weighing Machine~ For every persony firm or corporation'operating any One Cent ($.01) weighing machine, a license fee of One Dollar ($1.00) per year shall be charged for each such machine that such persony firm or corporation operates or maintainst payable annually in advance on January 1st of each year. All operators of weighing machines covered by this ordinance shall file with the License Collector an affidavit showing the loca- tion of each and every machine for which a license is required herein. All operators of weighing machines covered by this ordinance shall affix to each such weighing machine a sticker or seal to be furnished by the License Collector~ said sticker or seal to be placed on each such machine in a conspicuous place. Any persont. firm or corporation operating a weighing machine in violation of this section shall pay a penalty of five dollars ($~.00)~ in addition to the regular license fee for said machine~ for each quarter or portion of a quarter during which said machine is operated without a license. If any such operator shall fail to pay the license fee when duet or the license penalty provided herein~ when notified of the same, all licenses issued to said operator for weighing machines may be revoked by the License Collector. Any such operator of a weighing machine who shall be dis- satisfied with the revocation of any license by the License Collector may appeal to the City Council of the City of Bakersfieldt within a period of ten (10) days from such revocation~ for a hearingt and upon said hearing the decision.of the City Council shall be final. SECTION 3- This ordinance is hereby declared to be an emergency measure within the meaning.of Section 24 of the Charter of the City of, Bakers- l'fi~ld';r~St'a~e of ~California~-~nd-necessary. for-the immediate preserva- -3- tion of the public peace~ property~ safety and welfare~ and shall take effect immediately upon its passage. o0o I HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing Emergency Ordinance was passed and adopted by the Council of the City of Bakersfield~ at a regular meeting thereof held on the 2rid day of February~ 1942, by the following vote: AYES: CLEMENTS, MARMADUKE, NORRIS, SIEMON, SMITH, VANDERLEI, VERCAMMEN NOES: _~ .................................. ,_ ................ ABSENT: __~ ............................................... i y' ~ '~E~ '~l'~fi~ '~lerk of the C t Council of the City of Bakersfield. APPROVED by me this 2nd day of February~ 1942. NAYOR of the City of Bakersfield. kff avii of posling (_Or inanres STATE OF CALIFORNIA~ County of Kern .~ ss. V. VAN RIPER, being duly sworn, deposes and says: That .~. ..~.....,'(h he is t duly appointed, acting and qualified Clerk of the City of Bakersfield; and that on .............. ~ ........ 19. e posted on the Bulletin Board at the · City Hall, a full, true and correct copy .c~an ordinance passed by the Council of said City at a meeting thereof duly held on .......... ~ ..... ~ .... 19--~--.--'~-,which ordinance 'was numbered......~,.../,/_ ........... New Series, and entitled: AN E~ERGENCY ORDINANCE A~JrENDING SECTION ~ OF ORDINANCE NO. 600 IXVEW SERIES OF THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD~ AND ADDING SUBDIVISION TO SECTION 17 OF ORDINANCE NO. ~12 N'EW SERIES.