HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD NO 629ORDINANCE NO. NEW 'SERIES AN ORDINAI~!CE ~Z.Xt,EOII,IG EEERGENCY ORDIN.'~NCE NO. 619 NEW SERIES, BY REPEALING SECTION 3 TI~nREOF. BE IT ORDAIt'FED BY TIlE COUNCIL OF TIE CITY O~r BAi[ERSFIELD, as follows: SECTION 1. That Emergency Ordinance No. 619 Iffew Series, entitled, "AN E~,.~RGENCY ORDINA!',YC.E A~.~E~DING S,UBDIVISION 6 OF SECTION 16, SD'BDIVISION 13 A-~D ~6 OF SECTION 1.7, ADD PAP~GRAPH (a) OF SECTION 20 OF ORDINANCE D~O. 61S ITEV~ SERIES OF THE CITY OF BAilERSFIELD, C~LI- FORi~A; be and the same is hereby amended by repealing Section 3 thereof, which section reads therein as follows: "That Subdivision ~6 of .Section 17 of OrdinanCe 'No. 61~ New Series be and the same is hereby amended to read as follows: 56- TITLES. ABSTRACT OF--For every person con- ducting the business of examining, searching or investigating titles to real estate and issuing abstracts, statements or certificates of title, showing or purporting to show or certify the condition or state of title to any particular property or properties, as disclosed by examina- tion of the public records~ but which abstract~ certificate or statement does not insure or pur- port to insure the title to any real property, or any interest therein~ the license fee shall. be Fifteen Dollars (~)1%.00) per quarter, payable in advance. Provided that when said business consists of not more than three (~) persons, including employees, the'license fee shall be five dollars ((~.00) per quarter,.payable in advance." SECTION ~!1 ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict here- with are hereby expressly repealed. o0o I .Z,-"E'[~EBY CERTIYY that the foregoing Ordinance way passed and adopted by the Council of the City of 'Sa?.ersfiel~'Ij~' at a regular meeting thereof held on the 1942~ by the follm.vin~ vote: AYES: CLEMENTS, MARMADUKE, NORRIS, SIEMON~ SMITH, VANDERLEI, VERCAMMEN NoEs: ......................................... ...... ABSENT: --~ ....................................... ~Y~y C~~ler~ of the Council of the City o'c~ Bakersfield. APPROVED by me this y__J~ day of , . '~ 1942. ~ . I~~ ' ' · Bakersfield. STATE OF CALIFORNIA~ County of Kern. ~ ss. V. VAN RIPER, being duly sworn, deposes and says: at a i r . - was numbered...~.~.~ ...... New Series, and entitled: ' . AN ORDINANCE A!~,~NDING E~fERGENCY ORDINANCE NO, 619 NE~~ SERIES ~ BY REPEALING SECTION 3 THEREOF. i.' fi~~,--'1~abScri~~e~l:~'-a~~~_n.;i~, sworn to before me this i ;~ '~ % 'Y~Z ' Notary~Pubti~n and for thj~ounty of Kern, ~ . ~j~ '~-- '~ ~- ~ ~ ~t~ of California.