HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD NO 626AI~D ~7 OF SECTION'l, AI9 ADDii~G SUBDIVISION :.'L'~ ~7A TO SECTION 1~ OF O~INANCE NO. 621 I~W SERIES · WITEREAS, the City Council hereby declares that an emer- -~ncy exists making it necessary to provide for the daily opera- NOW~ TEEEFORE~ BE IT ORDAIk~D BY TE COUNCIL 0F THE CITY 0F BAIGRSFIELD, as follows: SECTION-1. That Subdivisions 1 and ~7 of Section 1 of Ordinance Number. 621 New Series of the City of Bakersfield~ entitled "AN "ORDINANCE FIXING THE COL~ENSATION 0F C~TAIN OFFICERS Ai'~ E~IEOYEES OF TI~ CITY 0F BAiGRSFIELD AND REPEALING ORDINANCE N0. ~6y ~V~ · SERIES-AI,~ ALL AI,~R9~NT'S T]~',RET0~ AI'~ ALL OTHER 0RDID~ANCES 0R PARTS 0F ORDINANCES Ii~ C0i'.FLICT }~REWITH" be and the same are hereby amende~ to read as follows: CITY I~NAGER ~262 50 CLERK. .................................. 8187.%0 SECTION 2. That a subdivision to be known as Subdivision 47A be a~d the same is hereby added to Section 1 of Ordinance No. 621 New Series, to read as follows: 47A. AUDITOR. ..... ~ ......................... SECTION 3-- $175.oo 'All other ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith are hereby expressly repealed. --- o0o I HEREBY CEi'~TIFY that the foregoing Emergency Ordinance was passed and adopted by the Council of the City of Bakersfield, at a regular meet'ing thereof held on the y of November, 1942, by 'the following vote~i~' AYES: CLEMENTS, MARMAOUKE, NORRIS, SIEMON, SMITH, VANDERLEI, VERCAMMEN NOES: __~ ................................................. ABSENT: --~ ............................................. C'f[~"~~~l e r k. o f Council of the City of Bakersfield. APPROVED by me this ~~day of 'November~ 1942. ' MAY iel~' the, Xffihauii of osiing (Orhinan,es V. VAN RIPER, being duly sworn, deposes and says: That he is the duly appointed,' acting and qualified Clerk of the City of Bakersfield; and that on ......~..../.._~._., 19...~._...,'(he posted on the Bulletin Board at the City Hall, a full, true and correct copy of an ordinance passed by the Council of said City was numbered.....~--.~ ....... New Series, and entitled: AN E~ERGENCY ORDINANCE AI~NDING SUBDIVISIONS 1 AND 47 OF SECTION 1~ AND ADDING 4-7A TO SECTION 1~ OF ORDINANCE ~qO. SERIES OF THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD~ SUBDiVISI01? 621 CALIFORNIA ~ u,, .. :~ S "bScriS.ed and sworn to before me this x'.; . u ~-~ ....~ ~~;~-~-;=---:,~:-- __ - ...................................... . -~ .. ...: ...................... ,- "-- .. [~ Not of Kern,