HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD NO 621ORDINANCE NO. 621 NEW SERIES AN ORDINANCE FIXING THE CONPENSATION OF CERTAIN OFFICERS A~9 EMPLOYEES OF THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD A~D REPF~LING ORDINANCE N0. 567 NEW SERIES AND ALL A~I~D~Ei~S THERETO, Ai\~ ALL OT~ER ORDINANCES OR PARTS OF 0RDINAECES IN COi~FLiCT HEREWITH. BE IT ORDAII~ED BY TPRE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD, a s follows: SECTION 1. Except as 'otherwiSe provided by the laws of the State of California, or by the Charter or ordinances of the City of Bakers- field, each officer and employee of the City of Bakersfield herein- after named shall receive and be paid out of the Treasury of the City of Bakersfield, as and in full monthly compensation for per- forming the duties of the officei offices and employment to which he or she is or may be appointed or employed, and such duties as may be hereafter prescribed, the amount se~ opposite the resp.ective office, offices, or employment, as follows: 1 . CITY NANAGER. .......................................... SECRETARY. TO MANAGER ................................... ASSISTANT SECRETARY TO I~NAGER ......................... CHIEF OF THE FIRE DEPARTSRENT ........................ .... ASSISTANT FIRE CHIEF. ................. ~ ....... ~ ......... SECRETARY IN THE FIRE DEPA~RT]~E~ ...................... . CAPTAIN AND SUPERINTE~)ENT OF FIRE ALAR~ ............... CHIEF ~ECHANIC OF THE FIRE DEPARTME~ .................. CAPTAIN. OF THE FIRE DEPARTP~NT ......................... INSPECTOR OF THE FIRE DEPARTNENT ..................... .. ENGIi~ER OF THE FIRE DEPARTD~ENT ....................... . HOSENAN OF THE FIRE DEPA_RT~ENT: . _(a~)~. ~r ~ ~h~ ~i~$~t _Year ~_in serv:~ce ............. ~. .......... (b) FOr the second year in service ................... (c) T~ereafter ....................................... TELEPHONE OPERATOR .......................... ~ .......... . -1- 429.16 212, .~0 lz~7. ~0 u2. o 237. -~0 227. 217.~0 212, .~.0 '207. 197. · 14 CHIEF OF POLICE 15. ASSISTANT CHIEF OF POLICE ............................ 16 LIEUTENANT~ OF POLICE · $ 20Z 17 RADIO TECHNICIAN ' ' $207 50 (Radio 'Technician to furnish his own automobile and keep' the same in good repair~ furnish all maintenance~ gas~ oil~ and supplies necessary to its operation.) INSPECTOR DEPARTI~IEBFf · $ IN Th]g POLICE ................... 1 . SERGEAl~ '$ MOTOR PATROLMAN ...................................... $192_. ~0 PATROLMAN: Grade 1 · $182 Grade 2 ~ $172 ~0 · Grade 3 $162 22. SECRETARY IN POLICE DEPARTMENT ................. . ...... $_162.~0 23 ATTORNEY ' $ 212 2, ..ASS STA r A TORNEZ ................................... 25. SEC~ETi~Y TO CITY ATTOR~EY .......................... . 26. INSFECTOR OF BUILDINGS ............................... $ 312.%0 . 27. FIRST ASSISTANT INSECTOR OF BUILDINGS ............... 28. SEC0i~ ASSISTAh~ INSPECTOR OF BUILDINGS; ............. 29. TREASURER~ TAX COLLECTOR AN~ LICENSE COLLECTOR ....... 30. DEPUTY TREASURER~ DEPUTY TiX COLLECTOR LICENSE COLLECTOR .................................... 31. ENGIi~EER A~YD SUPERINTENDENT OF STREETS $ B6,~ ~0 '(Engineer to furnish his own automobile and keep the same in good repair~ furnish all maintenance, gas~ oil and supplies necessary to its operation.) 32. ASSISTANT SUPERINTEi~ENT OF STREETS ................. . .$ 2__~_~.%0 33. DEPUTY ENGIIVEER AND DEPUTY SUPERINTENDENT OF STREETS. 34 FIELD ENGIi~]EER $ 227 3 5. SENIOR ENGINEER .................................... .. ...... $ 2o,~5o 36 INSPECTOR · .'. ~'~ .:. ~' ;' ;~;;; ' $jiZ7 iQ.-"' 18. 19. 20. 21. 3 7 · JGNIOR ENGII~EER ............ , ............. ~ ............ 3 8., STENOGRAPHER IN ENGIi.qEERI!~.TG DEPARTIVENT ............. . o 39. YARD CLERK.. ............................ . .......... .. -2- $162, $1~_2. $m_12. $0. CHIEF OPERATOR - SEWAGE TREATiv~ENT PLANT ................ . 41. MECHANIC - SEWAGE TREATk~NT PLANT ............... · ........ 42. ATTENDANT - SEWAGE TREATI.ENT PLANT ................... ... 43. POLICE JUDGE ........................... . ................ 44. POLICE COURT CLERK At~]D STENOGRAMF_J~ ..................... 45. HEALTH OFFICER ' (Health offi~';~'~d~'~'~'i~~i~'i.A~ .... ' keep the same in. good repair, furnish all mainten- ance, gas, oil and supplies necessary to its opera- tion. ) ~ SANITARIAN ...... . ................... ..................... CLERK AlrD AUDITOR ...................................... . SENIOR DEPUTY CLERK AND DEPUTY AUDITOR .................. ~'GNIOR DEPUTY CLERK AND DEPUTY AUDITOR..I ..... .. .......... 50. ASSESSOR ................................................ (Assessor to furnish his own automobile and keep the same in good repair~ furnish all maintenance gas, oil and supplies necessary to its operation. l 51. DEMITY ASSESSOR AND DEPUTY .LICENSE COLLECTOR ............ 52. DEPUTY ASSESSOR.. ....................................... 53. HEAD JANITOR... .......... . .......... ...... ...... ........ 54. JANITORS. ...................... .... .............. , ...... ~ 5. ~ou~ i~ASTER, ........................... ,., ......., ...., 56. ELECTRICIAN ......................... ................... .. 57. PARK FORDAAN.. ............... .... ................ . ...... SECTION 2. Except as otherwise provided by the laws of the State of California, or by the Charter or ordinances of the City of $ 232.50 $ ;~Tp,,~o $'~2.%o._ $ 2~o.oo $2_32_,..~o_Q_. $ $._362.,~0 $ 162. ~0 $. i 47. ~o $ i7~.00 $162.~0 $i 57. ~0 $ i4.7.~0 $. i37.50 $ 2oo.0o Bakersfield, each of the employees working under the classifica- tions hereinafter named shall receive as and in full compensation for performing the work of his or her .position or employment to ._wh~C~..h~ o~..sh~.~s or may_hereafter~be appo.i-n~ed.,-.-the amount .... set opposite the respective classifications of employment, as follows: -3- Classification 10. 11. 12o 1B. 14. 16. 17. 18. 9 21. 22. 24. CAR FRItTER ........................... . ............. YARD FORERIAN ...................................... $ SEV~ER FORE~N ..................... ; ............... $ PAINT FOREMAN .................................... . $ TREE TRIi~/~v[ER ...................................... $ GEI~ERAL UTILITY ................................... PARK UTILITY ..................................... . EA~ EQUIPmeNT 0ERATOR .......................... LIGHT EO~i MvEi~ 0 ~i~TOR ........................ .. SKILLED LABORER - SENIOR G~DE .................... SKILLED LABORER - ~NIOR G~DE .................... C01.n]~0N LABORER C0tvH~.~0N LABORER DRAFTSMAN - - STREET DEPARTI.~I~ ................ - PARK DEPARTk,~NT .................. SENIOR GRADE ......................... . Wage Per Hour ~l .ol½ $ .96½ c~2~ $ . $. $ . $ .8~½ $ .8~- $ ,82½ $ .79~ $ .7~ $1.oo DRAFTSMAN JUNIOR GRADE ' $ 81½ C.'F,.AZmtAN .... ...................................... $ . 74 CHIEF FIELD ASSESSOR - SENIOR GRADE ............... $1.06~ (Chief Field Assessor~ Senior Grade~ to furnish 'his own automobile and keep the same in good repair, and furnish all maintenance, gas oil and supplies necessary to its operation. l CHIEF FIELD ASSESSOR - ~ffNIOR GRADE ............. .. $ .94 FIELD ASSESSOR - SENIOR GRADE .................... . $ .94 (Field Assessor, Senior Grade, to furnish his own automobile and keep the same in good repair and furnish all maintenance gas, oil and supplies necessary to its operation.] FIELD ASSESSOR - YGNIOR GRADE .................... . $ .81~ CLERK - SENIOR GRADE .............................. $ CLERK - YGNIOR GRADE .............................. $ ,71 STENOGRAPtTER - SENIOR GRADE ....................... $ ,78 STENOGE~PtTER- JUNIOR GRADE ....................... $ .71 -4- ClaSsification 26. with, ~ Per Hour RECREATION SUFERVISOR .............................. ... $ .8_9 FLAYGROUND DIRECTOR ................................... $ .86 ASSISTANT PLAYGROUND DIRECTOR ........................ . $ .79 J'JNIOR PLAYGROUND DIRECTOR .................... . ....... $ .60 ASSISTANT JUNIOR PLAYGROU~VD DIRECTOR .................. $ _~.~.9 SWIiI~I~ING INSTRUCTOR .................................. · ASSISTANT 'SWIrv~I~ING INSTRUCTOR $ 73 LIFE GUARD · $ 60 JUNIOR LIFE GUARD ..................................... $ RECREATION LABORER. ............................... . ... SECTION 3. Ordinance No. 567 New Series-and all and all other ordinances or parts of ordinances are hereby expressly repealed. amendments thereto, in conflict here- --o0o I HEREBY CERTIFY that the ~oregoing Ordinance was passed and adopted by the Council of the City of Bakersfield, at a regular meeting thereof, held on the/~9_~ay of ~ , 1942~ by the following vote: AYES: CLEMENTS, MARMApUKE, NORRIS, SIEMON, SMITH, VANDERLEI, VERCAMMEN ABSENT: --~ ............................................... City Clerk and E~-df"ff~io Clerk of the Council of the City of Bakersfield. ........ .' :APPROVED by 'me 't~ ..... .~ .4?. "~day '0f "~Ugus't'; I942. ' . ~D b 'yme t~h'~g . ~~ld .. V. VAN RIPER, being duly sworn, deposes and says: That he is the duly appointed, acting and qualified Clerk of the City of Bakers field; and that on ............. ..~...~..t...~i~...~... ..... ./.....'~... ....... 19.--~.---.~(,he posted on the Bulletin Board at the City Hall, a full, true and correct copy of an ordinance passed by the Council of said City at a meeting th~uly held on ............ ~~...../....~.. ...... , 19.-.~.....'(,which ordinance was numbered Ne 1 ........................ w Ser'es, and entitled: AN ORDINANCE FIXING TI~E COi,~I~'?~NS.ATION OF CERTAIN OFFICERS AND EMPLOYEES OF THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD AND REPE.~ALING ORDIN- ANCE NO. %7 NEW SERIES AND ALL A~,i!EIqDIVrENTS THERETO~ AND ALL OTHER ORDINANCES OR PARTS OF ORDI1QANCES IN CONFLICT HEREWITH \~' S~(3~%ribed and sworn to before me this ' ! ' """"" ~''''('' ""'"""""~"