HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD NO 638 · -"- ." 'W~AS]~. ~he.- he:ai ~h'~' safe ty~a~d ./'."' ..:u '["the c:~'of Baker'sfield requ.ire~ .the.' · ..', 'ordina. nce p~ovid~ng...~ for .. t~e · .: .. disposal.:' of f'efUse~within· City 'of 'T'EREF]O BE IT ORDAII~D R ELD, .a .fOllows: .... - '~.-.,n.].: -~SE~C~.~'0N'~.!; Emer~enc,V'Sanita~.'Measure. i: .'.~..';and;Shitl:".be.'.'aonstru~d ';'; ' · 'ind Obligation .Dr' a~ 'p~r son 'under' and..within.. ~he' '.:.j~ ~[~.(b )' The.: :term ."refUSe"' Shal..- · garbage aS .~herei.n~f~er' defined ,,. leavi~'s ;' . or ~ermi t'.:t.o. be' .kept or i'acc~ulate. a an~- garbage' =i~:,'s~Tjupon "a~y:=:~:~btii. c:."'~',. . r r t p ace nles e sa ta~ h · g ..... cr~shea ~der Ordinary. condi~i'ons' of its use:,.: s~ami 'be 'leak: and 'fl,~-proo~;~ %~,exC.ept "' ' ,e City .sh~,~Ybe.:divid~a 'int6 , th ., ·: ". ,, ~i=-'~..,'+, B ....<~L: . ~..:,~ · ..-'.:~ ' '. ' . ."::.~"'- of the' City' :, % i.. ' '.' "".' '$ No.. 1,~'. as.".descri~e~'i'~?/~akers,~is~:~t~"'O~di,:./.'- "-{ '? ~,~ '~' ',.' ,',.:. ,:~.":.-~:;n'~nc~.:.No ~', 304 : "' "" ' '; ":': " "' · :' _.:,' ,, '. ,.. *. n-,.- of .the' Ci~y '" .: '[."-; :;..[:~'.:::":~N~., 2 '. as::'descri~ed .. '- ,.' ., . · , . . ~. ' . - ,: ;., '.: . . . < , . .. r . ".'*' ('?::' (a)" ..All ' , - '." ' ' ' · . *' .-' ;'," ~' ' ' ' . :'4.;;?; ~'-.- · ',- .;-: 2: a~Y~{~. : .' .slidi~* or-'hinged 'cov.ers,;:{ which sh'aI1 :,Sa'."kept closed. at,; a~.~s, .' ' }' '- ' :.' "' ', ,. . '.. ';. * ,' ' - ' ;' " ~": "' '. ,, ',',., ~ 4.:xj;.~;,~.t;~f.-,~:' {. .. ";'~hat one cover 'at 'a time' 'may 'be ..o.pen wh~iie VGhi. clea'ti;':/~qb;~/~,~;~ed. '.All- each..d~y:~;. .. .. ;.. .;.:..~-..:: ,. ,.- .. : '" .'*;:~{~b)'; ~1 rubb'i~h., sha~ be' ,ranspe~ted in-vehicle true ted , 'or" ~lZiley.*':'S'~d-'vehid'l~x ~'h~'t be ,'so"',protea~e~;,~{th/cG~erS as ;to~pr, ' . ';' 'X ' " '- .' ' .-' "'. "2" ' "':"'>"'>':' the'*"conte~ts from being. dropped or blowh from' saidCS{~hicl'e. ~,' : - ' . ' the COllSctor..to. ".. "- . ~.:(0.) Every vehicle used. ~y '* ..... ' ' """' "' ' '' · ' ' ·: ' "'" ' " ' " ";" ' ' · ,. . . · , ', . .: ' . ' . ;. . . .. - ..,. ,..; *~.~;,~, .-. .::','y:~;.. "'" """a'"~''~ ' '' '::'":' 'r*;" ;""' ~ ;::44-%f t':':- - , , , ~:.}','..-:... . ". ' ., ..: '" · . ' - ' :'.'' *'.'.. ~,;..' , "'L4"":t . V X.:c:" ." '~ -- '.' "'.':'·...."..''.''.:':, .' 'X ..' :.....:'".. :;<:, ' -'. ',W: '~;.. "";~,(:};x;,4;~;f;; - ,' ' . ../ . . ' '. · ' '-' '' ~ .;, :: .", ".': .; ...-;;.' 't" ', ,-;:.;(~;/: ' "..'..-. .'..'..'..'·'..,. '/'.., :'. ;"t"':': :, -"., ...... . '. ;-.' '.'.'(d)' It sh~l. ,.be u~awful. for a~ perso~"'to colls~;~Y' . '. t"ran~.~ort. garbage. .'Within the,. City 'of B.~kerSfiel'd' U~ess' sUCh};.~;~O~:,{~;S'...' ' ' ' . ' . "': ,... '," -' .';".' · :' ' '- · . / '".,'; "'-.". ~";":-:*':"';". or,,~ransportation..of garbage.with any' perSon Who. is "-nOt'. the: co~tor as'- ' her*'in"defihed. H0we~er, 'nothing herein:}~ontained'..~.;S~'a~i ~..th'; .right,, , .. . , . ...... .. ,,, :.:,~, ,: ;~ .. ..': ;.::,~ · .. ' , . , ...'..; .. . ~ . · . _ .. '..- , .; . : . . : ; · :: , .~ . . ..... , "/or~rivimege~o .~ '.~rso;~ o~n'er. than '~he . . . .' . ., ..- ~,., . . : .~,. ;: · .'.. . .' .. -'. ',. :: ."..~.,-' ...,: ' ~ro~uee4-by' hi~, '~roVia~ that' ~'~h ~rb~ge .i~' ~a:~'~Ce.a in qu~.~i'~ies' · "' ." ' "' ' · ', . ·; ' ' · ." ' ,/',':Y-~ '..' ' .. ' "' ' . t' :: ':: ""g~ea.t.er .' than .ten g~n0ns ~er 'day~ ~rovide~, ~0wever, t~'at :; :the :'0Wne;r".or" ..... · % .... :* ~taL:~-.--..--,~ .... : '-:" , '. ,/. --.' - "- '. ' , ' -:" ";";~;';;*:. "*' '~"' '* ' '* ' "' .;" ' ' ' "-. ' ' ../: ' ' ' t. 4 .. - ,. ~ --: . .,. ~';' ~. .' , . ;;' ,' ,:' ..:~ .:.: ~er~t' "So-tO; ~o 'fro* *.the. HeaZt.h Off~Cer.,.'~a.~ .f~r'the~ .~rOV~,~:;.'~hat ~. · , .. . . .... , -:, . · . -..- . ,, .. ..,....,'~.: . ";'; g.~rba~e. be' diSposed :"Gf daily. "SuCh permit' ~hall' '.be gr';nted when ... urpo~:e by a~ person .lawfully ,t~ans .orti ~ef. competent 'custodian who. sh~l ha~e-~:"~harge>"6f~?~id ' sn~l.. be orderly' and sySt'ematic,.' and as id'ire:c~ed=~{6>~qne: Cus.~dT~n, .'. the::.appro~a!'of the Heal ~h .Officer~· !.an~-. approach" ~nd and reg.~ations not'inconsistent with =~he provisionS , Of"this~S~ction~,.= .'garbage containers and Covers ifi 'whiCh'garbage-sh~il'.{~:~=: Placed.= .' for collection,i..'Such eo~ainers~ ,fn .ad~;i~{~ion. 8~e~ion 3 (b). >hereof, sh~l be'tree from '~1 rough'. 0~,' Jag :......... ~o.~uetible rubbish 'may'. be " : ersfiel ,." Or ~.. '..."' -hereaf:~.er'may be amended, wh:en. burni~.may',~ ', ;~" ' as. ~e,~uired' ,by this' .ordinance, in. a . . ,'. e~orce '~the. provisions Of-.thi's.. 'o-rdinahce ::.."' "conditiOn' thereof.. a~d whether the provi~iB'h's-'.6~':~ -,"' de'~i~ :' O'r. 'o bs tructi~' .such 'entrZ sh~l.': be s~ .' ..' (a') 'A .Contract ;,: for a: .period 'as. may be determine'~!~(~;~~ the City" 'Cocktail., but. no~ :to exceed ten (i0) years,' for the collect~'of.ref~, .may be entered into by ~the City o~ Bailersfield in~accor~nce.with~=~a~ +subject tO=~the terms= and conditions O~.~fthis 'ordinance,/The Contr.~;=~? : in mont~y. installments Co~encing within fifteen' (15) days "af~ter the first'full month of .operatiOn.i "' .'- " =~'. '= .... ,~;].,.- ...~'.. '=;.¥:~. '.' (b) . Such';'Contrac.t'Shall. 'proVide that the Collee haI~t "".~jW ;coll'eCt':and dispose. of refuse ~ '-' , 'p~dUced in-,:the' CitY 'o~:BakerSfieid to"main~ain with ~he city of eld d of, said ~ontraCt; a corporate surety bond to the CitY.or a.a:~h de,pOsf/~';~]/=.'/';:./~i.~, Fifteen Th6u~and ($i'5,+000.66;~ Dollar'a%~'~? at'his ;~6p'tion~ in the s~ 'of ' ' ' ~=~;~ cOnditioned 'upon, the-faithful' performance of the, Contract and., the pro~i ons of .this ordi ce..:7 ~(c").'.' SUch .contract shall provide. that 'the.City~ shall power. o~. ~0~feiture 'and/or the i~ediate..r~ght and perf~m':.~e-duties of the Collect6'r a't ~is expense, in~.~h~ event he and/or hiS'surety Substantially' fails t0~pe~form his- dut~'~?,.hereunder' for' the period of one week, or' iEedi'atel.y upon-'.~epudia~'~A or" aband0n; men~ 'Of the contract. b~ the Collector,. or in .theeven=t'of the de~=~ inSol?VenCy, ba~rUptCy or other' disability of the'.C0ile'6tor ,' resulti~ in.'.a '.SubStantial interruptidn of the 'service'for such period,. or in the 'e'v~nt '0f a~ other cause which substantially interrupts the service · -the period of ;0he week,. or obstructS. sa~e to such extent th.at.~-public . health may b~ substantially. endangered, and/or in the event" performance by ~h~zC6Ii'~'~%or' sho~d~=.'.beco~e~"impossible:for.~.a~y~other.~reaso.~;. provided. however:'~. that the contract Shall make prOVision for re-inS.tatement of the CoiieC.tor' within a reasonable time after-'the 'removal 0f any such , .disability and..on. his=making reimb~semen~. to .the City for 10ss and' . exp~n'~e's incu=rred 'in performing du~i~. 't'h~.. diSabiii ty.. of '~h'e'-~t.~coil~'~or~.7 Said contraot shall' also provide 'that ln~'any such-~ e~sht, .~:~.'~.ha,ve theI~ight tO immediate ~"'~he e~ i C "'~ '~'~ prO~ide~,,,~ howeVer~'that 'the city sha~ ' ' ' ~- ' , . - ' -,' ,~ .'.' ·' ' . :. ~ ~3"~;',':~."''--" '" *.'.' . .. . .: .~: .' . .~. .,'.-: ..... - . .' . ~,: , . ~... ,. f ' . ' a'~f~, '. . ' '. '2:"' . ':~ ' ' ' '" . .' ' ,, ~",..' .' ~ ' ~" ,: ... "'2:-; . :".,~.:"':..pr6cu~'~' the'.'period':'co~eredby~::.'~he. pr0~:~.s~:~b~ ~;:~. fu~Li "':,. ':," :::::.' a6c~rd~ce:d~i~H :"t'h~ '~:~iSion~' 'gf "~he.~'~ct .,. . .:. · . . ...: ~: ,~:~:;~. ; .... ,.. .. . . ' "'' ". " .' ' ' ' , " . .~ ,. ' , ' ,' ':: ',': .;.'; . ' . .':' - · . '. --.. .,.:~:~:3.',.......'....7,... .z:' . :.....:: ,,:.., ..: :'.. :~: .., ' '~'Y26 ~ ..191~,; ad ,as :subsequently': me~ed...-' ... .. '~Z{~:...:... . . ~ ~', .. . ~ "-' : ;;LC:~ -'- .~, ,' . ',.;.: · .' :-.:.. . :% '.~ ..,'-I: . . ' , , . , . . ,,. .'- ..~..~.~, ,. :~;3. ,.: :: - ... ..- . .: . . .:':- . . . ,. · .:. . ......... .~..:.' ' . "~""':' ' , :. ' : ":'.:":'."',' ~:' 7" ' .: :'. ..... ::"~'~' ..?-"."."' ':~"'-..;'. . ... ': ,: '. . ': :~;~,-: ': , . . .. : -. .: ~-.~."~.~. .' ... ~ - .. .' . : " ' '.:": . ' .. · . ~''' .' ~.' ~'~"':"' ':.'~,.",'.~::;':'.T':': '. -' "'. "'.:"-'or moreDersons,-.' and' property; d~ge i~.s~a~c~:':'t:~::~'the .. . . . . . . . '.... ...... . -. ? . .~: .!.,!~ · ,;... . , -:, .rti :., ..: · . :.. .. . . . · .. ,.... ,. . . .. . . . . -... ,,.~..~.:.: .... . ..- :'-' '.~' applican~'.'~esiring to.'bid, and' the ...c0~t~'ac.t-';~W~'~'d'ed:2~-~o.:.~L~'ii~Wes~t'Z. . :' .. ' -'. · ., ': .. ....'- - ', -..' ,' :~. "- ' '~' ~. -: ;:'. "~z.'-~F'~:~, - ~ '~'?:~:.:'~' .' .':~' "fac~0r.'." :EaCh." ~prop:5'~'l or ;'b'idshall '.b~ .acco~D~'ied by 'a . certifie~ '. "'.. or:-cashie~i'S' cheCk payable to the: 'Cit~.'.of.B~e:rs~'ield, in'the .. :.. '.-...: .'...' -.'z .'., ,' .' ,. :,:-' '. -~"~.-".,,..' ' "'. '.: ": "' :' . ':':".'.. ""' .'..' ':-~ :~:'. '~-L: ·. '. ' . '.- of 'Fi~e -ThOusad. "' (:$5,000.00) Dollars:,-.'. which s~': .Shall be 'forfeite'd:' -'or ~il~ty non~comply~Lwith · ~ -"":~'!=,~i' ' ~' . '-'-= :..~ · ' -. ' 7 ....= '. "' =' ~,~ red (~3o~.~jOO) ,~ollars ~e~6~.'. no Affihavit of osting Orhinanres STATE OF CALIFORNIA) County of Kern i ss, V. VAN RIPER, being duly sworn, deposes and says: That he is the duly appointed, acting and qualified Clerk of the City of Bakers field; and that on...;.~..~ ....... ../....~... ............. 19.~, he posted on the Bulletin Board at the City Hall, a full, true and correct copy of an ord.inance passed by the Council of said City at a meeting thereof duly held on .......... ~ ......... ../.._~ ..... 19...4.3., which ordinance was numbered...~3..S ....... New Series,. and entitled: AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR A~,&) REGULATING THE COLLECTIONy. TRANSPORTATION AND DISPOSAL OF, AUTHORIZING AND PROVIDING FOR A CONTRACT WITH SO~ PERSONy FIRM OR CORPORATIONy PROHIBIT- ING ANY PERSON, FIRM OR CORPORATION FROM ENGAGING IN THE BUSIITESS OF~ COLLECTING, TRANSPORTING AND DISPOSING OF REFUSEy GARBAGE ARiD RUBBISH IN THE CITY OF B~RSFIELDy UNLESS SUCH PERSONy FIP&ff OR CORPORATION IS THE COLLECTOR OR OTHER AUTHORIZED PERSONy FIRIVI OR CORPORATIOX~ UNDER THIS ORDINANCE; AND PROVIDII~'G CONDITIONS UNDER WHICH THE OWNER OR PRODUCER OF REFUSE, GARBAGE OR RUBBISH MAY TRA]~SPORT THE SA~E, PROV. IDING PENALTIES FOR THE VIOLATION OF THIS ORDINANCE, AND REPEALING ALL .ORDINANCES IN CO~FLICT HEREWITH. ~;<~.."' .-Simbscribed and sworn to before me this - - ~' .~,~.. :*~-.f_'_/-:.i~,ay of ...... : .~-,_. ~!~~' -..- ~'.-- s