HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD NO 634 AN ORDI2LfiqCE Pa~'j~iiTC.- 01~DIL.~J, NCE I'!O. 559 SERIES f~ED ALEi~DIHG ORDIS~ii'ICE II0.20 ~:~I SF~RIES BY ADDI~D T}~ET0 SECTIOH 7~I' ROHIBITING Ti~0W- ING, S~'CEHNG O~ OTI~2V~SE FL~CIi~ UPON T}~ STIIEETS AID ~LEYS UITHIN TI-~ CITY OF Bi~RSFI~D, S~.~E~NGS~ E~BiSH, LEAI~S 0R OT}~R RESE, ~,LZZTDING SECTION 7 0F 0RDII~AiYCE i~0.29 i,Yff.~ SF]RIES, PZRIffITTiNG TI-E USE CP 'jYAT~ T0 CL~i.Y SIDE~V~X~. DE IT 02DAIR~D BY T!~ COUi~CIL 0F TIE CITY 0P B.[~ItSi'I~D s.s follows: SECTION 1. Ordinance No. ~9 New Series, entitled: "AN ORDINANCE ORDINj~IEE NO. 20 ~ SERIES OF U[l~ CITY OF B~RSPI~, BY ADDING- UI~[ET0 SECTIOH 7a, [;.01IIDITIi,;G TI-~0VIIi'[G, g~E'PIi.~G, 0TEE:iISE F~ACING U~N Ti~ STPCZTS ..l,l:J C-UTT~S UITtlIN Sf~ID CITY, UATE~I, LIqUIDs, SVCEPING~, i[~ZISH, LEA~S 0R OTIER RE~SE::, is hereby repealed. · SECTION 2. · Section'7 of 0rdimnce He. 20 New Series of the City of Dal:ers- field iS hereby amended to read as follows: A~ person owni~ or havi~ in his possession ~ water pipe, drain or hose who shall permit the xvater therefrom to rm across sidewalk, public street or alleFj~ay, so as to injure th~ same or obstruct or interfere with the free travel thereon, or who shall permit said water to run into or upon the curface of the street, shall be 'guilty of a misdemeanor, excepti~, however, that it shall not be u~a~f~ to use a reasomble amount of x'~ater t.o clean a~ sidewalk or portion thereof within the City of Bakersfield. SECYION ~. 0rdimnce No. 20 New Series of the City of Bakersfield, is · - ~ereby. m~ded _~-.. addi~ ~l~rete- a .~ction .to .~- kmwn as Section 7-~-, to read as follows: SECTION ~-. A~ person who tl~ows~ sweeps or otherwise places upon a~ street or ~ley within the City of B~ersfield, a~- sweepi~s, rubbish, leaves, grasses or other refuse, is guilty'of a misdemeanor. ........... o0o I ECREBY CERTID~ that the foregoing Ordinance was passed and adopted by the Council of the City Of Bakersfield, at a regular meeting thereof held on the 1st day of l:arch, 1943, by the following vote: / AYES: CLEMENTS, MARMAD. UKE,-NGlilt~,SIEMON, SMITH, VANDERLEI, VERCAMMEN NOES: ,~j ............................................ ,,.sENT: --~--_.~--~-:- ................................. '--- City Clerl: and ~.. fficio Clerk of the 0ouncil of the City of Bakersfield. ~PPP~07~D by me that day of Y.Zarch,· 19~-B. ty of Bakersfield. · ' 2e Alfti avit of losting ( rMnanres STATE OF CALIFORNIA~ County of Kern ~ ss. V. VAN RIPER, being duly sworn, deposes and says: That he is the duly appointed, acting and qualified Clerk of the City of Bakersfield; and that on ............ ~ ......... ~ ........ ,19..~..~, he posted on the Bulletin Board .at the City Hall, a full, true and correct copy of an ordinance passed by the Council of said City at a meeting thereo.f..~...ly held on ............ ~ ........ ../. ..........., 19..~....~.., which ordinance was numbered.....~...~.. ....... New Series, and entitled: AN ORDINANCE REPEalLING ORDINANCE NO. ~9 A'~ffj~ SERIES AND A~NDING ORDINANCE NO. 20 Nt~ SERIES BY ADDING TtlERETO SECTION 7' I~fiOHIBIT- ING THROWING, S~EPING OR OTHERWISE PLACING UPON THE STREETS A~ ALLEYS WITHIN THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD, SV~F_~EPINGS, RUBBISH, LFAVES OR OTHER REFUSE, AND AI.ENDING SECTION 7 OF ORDINANCE N0.20 SERIES, PE.R~.IITTING THE USE OF WATER TO CLEAN SIDEU~ALKS.