HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD NO 631 aN EL2ERGENCY ORDiNa~CE"C~TIi,YG A,' '~IBR~8, the City COuncil' hereby declares ~~' .:. ':f emergency exists makinSit necessary for the :ado~.~: of an . ...:Lc. lk::'~ ,61~ance for the i~ediate F. eser:v~tion:o~t~e"~'n~lic ne'~ce, health safet~ and property, ahd ~he f0118wi~Zi'S' a sta~':en~:;~'~' "' · . .~. :-; -. , facts con.atituting such urgency: It is determined b :'.~ eS , . . .c~ .-~, -2 of the Ci~,-.o,t 'saersrieia ~hat. the. provisions0f,,~' ordinance'J l':''=~:~'''~":: are:i. necess~ry to provide any need ~hich may 'E~S~lt from ..tne 'faOz~.:. that the United States' is at war and that the City of Ba~ersfield · is in great continuin~ danger of air and other att~ the. enemy. l~Oli~ THEREFORE~ "~ IZ 0RDA!I~D BY TT~E,.CWNCIL 0F T]~ O~Y. .1.~ . .2 OF B~RSi~"IELD~ as follows ~ ..~.m :' : :-' 'i ':" , . ,.. -, - . 8EC~IOi~ 1 Declaration. of PolicJ~,u,'.b~he United States""' ..'~- · .... ,.. 'C ., · : '::~ 0if'ice of Civilian Defense has reco~mended ba'sic c'.~anges in the "' orSanization and functions of local defense .cosells to meet pres'e~t" w~r needs It has become increasingly evident that ma~ new activities vit~i to the war enrort re,-,~ir~ ee~tra direction and controi.:.~>~'?~:' .'.'.-:"" . . · ..' ~; 3f.:., toca civilian defense organizations operating as official'a~encies .': -: of local ~overment, This is as true of programs desiZned to aid" -::'. -: ~ ~. . ~.~ industrial and agricitural production, to, conserve the available ., supply of consumer goo~ to help maintain a' stabilized economy and the highest possible standards of. community health and welfare~ it is of ~rograms for the nrotection of life' and property against the hazard of enemy attack. '.."' ,-'. Civilian defense now reeuires the active narticipation of' every citizen. Defense council or~anizati0ns established before the" ., ~ ~..'. war in conformity with federal and' state ~econ~nendations were in- tended to be plaxing and advisory, a~encies rather than operating . a~encies It now becomes necessary to establish a civilian. defense ~¢h/r~quir ~ o~ganiz~ SZCUiGN' 2, Departregal ipnF l~ivilian Defense, Th'ere is he~ established u;itl'in the ,'overnr;~en% of the City of 13al[ers.Sield~ a tempor~.r'~ {~{--.ar'l',;~ent to be l:no-.n~ as the lenartment of' Civil.ian,/'~7enae; -' - ' exist only for the period of i-!~a national emer,-=enc'~cFe'~ .... ~c}~ shall consist of ~(.~) .,'o.r Oounci]~and (!) A'C~tizens Defense. ' "' · '9~7 , tc direction an~,i co:ntrol oi' t.he City l.anager.('.. "'i. . ~ v,':~o shall be e;:-officio chai'~n::}u, Snd the Citizens Defense Corps, the l~irector n~ %he Citf6~} .5ervic~OrpS{, the ChieS Engineer of %he if'ire jei'.artment, the Chief Depart{Got, and the Coordiv~.a,t~r For the :rat Counci!,~ wll~(l'0ffi%~s are he]'ebL~ crca%e,'.~ Sue" offices shall be fille{k by a~'intment. by the City Counci!~ whicl'~ slla. ll also have the power. of ~cmoval' O;~.~';sucl:. appoinjtees. ,,A!F f~;~.ncy in ~he W~r Coufici! sh~;.;:~jbe"x~iZ~ed· ip_ %lie Sa?;e nc.:~or as a:~ ori;li;'~aZ a~;qo~utment thereto~e oi'fice ': o2 Seci'ets. ry %0 the lVar Council is hereby created. Su'~h office'shell -:,. l."' be fille'd"bv ap~oig_tr"?n% b'~ the City ll'anager~. WHo ahaI] als0. have the po'~sei~ o:C re,ova,,! of any,.,auc>. afl:,ointee. "~,:';' "' .:-,.~P:~}: ' :,' 3]';C' 1677 4, po.V{ei"s a!l'] f)ll.tios Of './aP Co~.nqll,. ..:' ' t';~.e duty of %he ./ar Couaci!~ s-'x'l it is i,erob-~ empO}~ered under the dircc',.iqrl ar:'.[ supervision oi' %he City lianaSet: ':' ' , ~ , , ':'i;CI'I0i~ 4a, . ,~ To i~itiate~ coord!:aate and direc~ ".eXcerpt as :" ...- ot!~ern:ise provided b"/t~is orSi",.an. ce~ all ac~vi.t~s ~ade necessary 'by the .... ar which directly affect% %he city go'~en~ent or njqaich requi}e , :, ' ): ' . S-::L3~'~tOI'Y 4b. .To Nrr~psr~ :;rid recammend: fop considerat!So'By- c,- ~- ~ ' · clee~ue~ bb~ the ,;at Comci~ es:~,:nti~::l to the Si.',CFICi.7 4c To m-epare and issue an ad;f:~inistrative ma~at~?: , '...' - - ' ' ' anti mor~Ser-ls "'. of the De:'-ar~.ment:"i"~e~her vO!{n. nteer or otherwise:. 13('.['Z03i ~d. To erforce the !avail,! orders~ and C'0mpt~r ~ ..~.~, ~-s and reeon~nendations ~f the federal or 's~ate governmen~ or. ~r o:C:?icer or a~enc~? thereof~ ~'~-,~-~ sv, ecificallv 'recuested to do , so%~:~Z~zcet~t as to the pm'~ers Zranted in Oection ~bhereof, the War . . Con t may doled'ate any a~? its ~owers~ functi0ns~ or dutieS. to any ner.~ber or.,~merlbeTs of the ..'at CourmiZ. : ' ONLCTIOPt 4e. To,..recrues~:~ ::.rd nnon s~rovs.]. by e department head in cltc. rge thereof~ to obts~.u %]~.e transfer of mu. nicipa$.'(persoxel ' l.'; - orlproDerty on ~t'~er a t~r-~o',~e-.-. ',~ or permanent basis fr "' 3 ~ other. jel:Krtment of the city iiov~:'rs,~en%. ' -, , .j :,~-.. ~i'~C?;iO?Y 4-:C. To yrel,aro and reconmend a'bUdget for %he ex- ,.~. penditure of moneys z. ppropriated or ma~]a availa'ble to the .:~e~'~artment by . : k6ha citLr anf] of moncL-s received ],y the cit}.Z .fron private sources or fror, the. state or federal ~fove~'~m-:ent for ~:ny of the oU~jects or purposes of th.e de',~.art~,ent an..f. to a~3 i'~ the sane for. approval by ;~he C~t,~ Counc il. " SiiC:'!O!.[ A~ 'l/i-N}in %'~ limits of f~nds made av.?ilab!e to t:n~ department~ an,q subject to all applicable requir~:~.ments of law 0r ordinance~ the '~/ar Oou:~...il s'n~].l ]usve 'N:e poy~er to employ necessar. y perso~uqel~ -,rid to acornire bL.' ~:~rc',-as~ or ].ease~ such othe.r:~{facilities~ ecuii~men% and supplies as sr~. :necessary to carry out '-the' func%iOns of t!~e [!e?artment. .S'itI_IOi,T ~. 'Coordin-::t~r for the i.'ar Council. The Coordinator for t:he 'far Council (hero. juan?tot referre~ to as the Coordinator) shall Nave the followinZ powers .-ud ~]uties under the direction an,q supervision · of t~e City ]'ana~er: .~. _no CoordiTu..tor sh~:.!! be the executive officer " of 'Nze '..at council an.:~ shall e~rercise such ~owers of general supervision .. Corps ~u~i the Citizens ,:.orvice Corps~ as the ~Jar Counci! shall determine to be necessary to effect a ~ro-er coor~nation of their activities The CoordinatOr shall or,ia:zize and. direct the worl: of the fn~Uou.i'd," ~:".-inist~i~ive a~enCies of the Vjar Council':· . . ...~ ' office"' fo~] ~e. ,deicart~:~ent Th~"?CoOrdinat~r shall .c~ppoint.,a Director eit~r bra3.~:?-. of the de'oartment s~mil be na.ie except t]'n'ou,~h the.~..~.~:?,~ e O~ficc. "- .' ..... (2) 'A~T.raininfy,Divisio~l. The Coordinator shall.~Foint a Director o:S TraininZ~ w]::o :m~.:-;t be ~n e::-,nerienced teacher; The of Trainin"~ with t!qe sn','rov~ oi' the Coordinators' shall transiting- staff ,~f c. ualifi~,-~ and e--~er~;~ce~ teachers and 'sh~l be res~onsib!e for conductin.' all tra~nin- p~o~r.ams fo~-~e department,: Tzm ']'raini~.': .~iZ'ec'h.mr muir c~rtify and reeo~nend to. the Coordin~tor . :"U' an,i the *..'at Oo':.nei! for ::.l'~U'm'ov'-! anc~. use such trainin~ fa'ciifties as ",ah' n-r.. ~;:. ?~.ereafter be rta<]e available by other publ for :orivate aZenc!cs. ~lt. traininZ c.T-:~rsas 'u~:';t be revie~A~ed m~ .the' Coordina~O~-.:- s.nd ap~',roved V,' 'hbc './at :ounci!~ ~: ud :'.~ust be consistent with the t?:, :.iicab!e .rr, j n~ n" ~e '~l~' 'ts~ o'~s of' t]~e b'ederal Direcfsor ':6f Civilian jefcnso r.- . , c e~xue~_~ o pa.r:t mont :,my be u,.~i"nated by the '.,'at (~jotUqcil as trainees~ pendmnZ savbisSa. ctory con:..'.~etion of t~2eir -,,'~ascribed co~-'ses .of training~ ~rovir:ec',~ ho'.-ever~ wit:". re~;'~',ect ~o trainees of..the Defense :~ "? tho Co~mmnder~ in case o2 ~',',:~r~-.'.~c'~ v:-~':r direct such train~.~s to report 2'~r a. ctivo duty ',.vit)~ ~heir z"esDec-::ive Units and services of ~he corps. lYo ,~c-~',son shall be a'.pDolnted ~.s a hnember of 'the department ~m'::il b.,-~ h~s rat~sfEctsri~v completed t~a i're~cribed course. of trainin~ f'.n-' ]~is uuit or service~ if such. a course has been prescribed. .. ~:.e ._m ......~ Director shall certify to the.' Coo~dinato. r the satisfactorily comp~et~n~ his prescribed course eert:L.<'ic~.ta: ~.2' c,~:-',pi.n;%io~ of trai:::in-j and sl'~all'Qertify such person :;o t~Io a'.~'~r~-.Fia-~l~ o'j=~!cor of '~,~ ,~r-.er,~o~t for ap~n, ointr.lent, (?) ]Y~c.r informs:.- :~ on D-~ v~ zion vri~icl~ shall have. the duty of ,::'.,~:io;'in~: all local ~ nfo~'~mational 'facilities for shall &'PPO!int a Director ~.f ~,:he l,Var informationlDiVision~ n~ho shal!,~, have actue.! n~,'~Dori~;,n,c~ L:.. , ':. least one 'of the fields for diss~ming~ion of information. i~o oress or rad~[.~.~lease may. ]be made by any member of the department and.no published materials may be distributed until suc'~'~ rele~i~or materials has 'been reviewe~] by the L/at ,,I~Srmation ' Division in a~C~'~.dance with rules to. be established by~ War Council. SECTION 6. Citizens .~efen~e Cor~s. Th~r.Ci~izens Defense Corps shall consist of the Sor~aan~er and the fo~owing services= (a) Staff of the Connnander~ (b) i~]:nergency Fire Service; (c) Emergency Police Service; (d) .~ir i~.ai~ ',/arden oervice; ($3' Energency i,ledical Service; (~]~:~/~Emergency hblic ./orks Service; (g) Emergency Utilities ~ervice~ including representatives of all essential public utility services~ whether publicly or privately owned; (h) auxiliary Grou~4 SECTION 7. Po~__~ers of the Colander. In addition to the po~.~'ers snd~duties ]'..erein conferred, or ~'~ich may be delegated to him by the "jar Council~ the Connmander shall have the following, powers sn.5 duties: SECTION ?a. The ~or~!mnder shall organize~ supervise, and direct the Citizens Defense Corps, in conformity with policies established by the '?,war Council. in the establishment of such policies consideration shall be given the recommendations~ of the Federal Director of Civilian Defense and other appropriate fec]eral and state officers and agencies. SECTIC_LY ?b. 'In case of emv. attac?~'-' or during a period of en ~. air raid alarm and ~mtil such time as the emergency created thereby shall be ~eclared ended either by t~:e Comman!?er or by the city council~ the Con~aander shall have complete authority over the city gover'nment~ and he shall have the right to exercise all police power vested in the city by the constitution and the laws of the State of California~ including'power durin~'such time to issue and enforce rutes[~egttte- tions and orders which be considers necessary for the protection of life and. property. i.'henever the Commander or the city qouncil shall declare the emergency to be ended~ the ru!es~ regulations or orders ["". ,' ~ECTtOi~' 7c. Th-e:COmander shall hold periodic ~Yt-~. and such other Ltests of '.tP, e effectivenesS' of the Defense: Oo~pS as may be necessarv t6 assure' its effective ~erformance mlde~' center~ and, if necessary~ a district control center . ; .- :~., which-=-shall he used, .i~ .,ti~5 of ener~'ency as the centers from the )ereuse Cor~s sha!~. be d-i. rected and coorc_inate~.. The ~ander. - .., .~, ,.; shall 6esl~nate the persons who shall .be present.j.in the control center; or c'~nters, durin~ times o2 emergency ~Hd' drili~'~'' the C}~iefs ~f the ~nerllency oervices. i,jo r, ersonLs!~.tl be':~.~mitted; to enter tLa control room durin:.: tjines of emergency .~e:S~;~'he shall have a ~,sss issued to biu by the Commander. The':Co~ander and the ,- .... J, .: : .. ~/.:L ',. Chiefs of :]merjency L~rvices~ uith the s.~rova~.::O'f the i,;ar Council~ shall designate deputies to talne t?:eir places~ exercise their poWer'~,:':' ~:~gnd perform their 4uties i:a <:he control center 'in the event they s,~sent~ become inca~acitate,:i~ or are otherwise unable to ac, t: The :,- Conm~ander shall staff~ erui~ and o~erate the control center and Citizens E, efense Corps as nearly in accordance With the reconmendatiOns of the Federal DirectOr of Civilian Defense as local conditions ~arran. t. In the event this city is included ii'L any plan for the operation of a control center over a larger area within which thi~' city is inc!u~].ed~ which plan calls for the presence therein of a representative of any of the Emergency Services of this city~ the Con~nander~ uith the approva? of the V,.'ar Couneil~ may authorize the chief of any such service or a representative desiZ~ated by him SECTIOi'~ S l.:utual A~d. The Cormrender, in' accordance with ,:', :. - tl~e provisions of Chapter n9:: Statutes of lo~l or other statutes" n:ucb_ 16~sed ~~~eements to the~.ar :cornoil for its a~roval.~;r?' " .... ~i'~ereaf~n~r:~'to the city coUnciZ~or final approval.:' :'-" a~:~ sbd,.ll be Civet'n,. o'n 7~7~.~].f 6'f:'-~l-~e city in '~ace0rdr~oce with -;., ' ' ' · .F:: "' ' . ..: ..,:j ~ th~. terms of such ~k~eement s n, nd may be given or. r&que Sted -only ~gh&n c~,t:~9~ed by t]'le Com~deIr in the absence of Such an a~re'emen~] ¥~heneve'~?~'.~'~he ju6. Sr~ent of 'the Commander the public inte'r.~; ::recuires '. itS. aia may ~'~d~Spatcfied to or requested f:,;'um another. gove~mnenta! ' "" a~ en~ bv~ the .C ~m~m~nde r. ~-;,~ '~:~ION 9- Local EP,-v,~ertv off'~c~. mhe locsl ~roper~y :"'~':"~ ~o~e anpointed by the city council) in c,e~fOr~:~it '.',~Zth reCu.!a'I:ions o.~ the lPeder.a~ Dir~nctor off CZvilia.n Defeuse~ sha!'L be under ~he direction and s-~-*~,-,~:ion of ~.n~n subject -I;o 'Pezuoval by - : ; , ~', . ~, ~' , · , the Conmander. TTe is authoriz~] anj dlreated ~a'::re~ive aeC~un~[Z~ -r'm,~ .n;~f dis':~fi~ta~ in acr:~rfi~.nc~--:ith 'hh? orders o.'r the .Comm6"n,ler ~o~'' inconr~izte~'~ :vit:-: ~'~,~ tg]','~': ~f ::u-r algree~'~ent under ~ch r~ro~Derty :-Ia~2 given hi' ].o~:,.=.led to the ~-~-'~ any n~crsona! 'DFoDert~":'r-~c]~. '~- · _,as · , ', beer~ ~2 ~.".~ e .... , ,. ~:~va:~ '~':' .~:~":ned to tke clty for the frotection n" fcrs':~ns .n~r"'?~ono~+v c,:'~-'~:~; .-;.~ rg.i~]~ a.~ other w:~,r ~ d. ', The local Frol--.r~vy officev zb~.!! Z,~rfor',n such o-t~.er duties as ?~::.y be /.n!c/att~.~ to ".i:~ by the "~r .~nunc,.i~ ~r t:.-~e (]ommander.""Zf the office of L~cai i:-,-.o~-~.y Of-~c~r sha.!t ben.:ne vacant 'v'ne"off~ce ~h'~n be "' ~ by -'nlie [j '~ tv .dna~er. "'~C~"'~!'T 10 Citi~'~s .Lorv!ce Coroz. The Citizens ~rvice. corps shall cousist of !.fu~ v.i'rect.~'t~ and the follo{(dng divisions: (a) ]Division of Ple~l'th, ./el'fr:.re anl '-'~ecreation;' '(b) Division of T~ansportation and ]lousin.J ~ (c) ':~a'_va~e Division~ .(~) Consumer interest 'Division; (c) Division of ~[lric~Iturat and !n~ustrial Fro~]uction~ (f) Division of -~choo!:; and Education; and (~) Division of "'.jar v.~onds an~.n ,~tamps. A sl~ecia! unit of neighborhood and.block leaders-sha~.t be atta~hed to ~ha staff ~fthe DirectS~'..-;.. ..................... . ...... ..........-~=~. S7.n~,C?I01; !Oa. TZb9 'Director sf.r~all or.g~nize~su!~ervise~ and ~ireet '[;he Citizens ,~ervice ~ in c:n>nfort~ity with policies to be establishe~ bLr tke ',,~.-'r Co~ucil. In the estab!isi~nent of such' ;,:' ~oliCies~ consi~erat-~on shall be given to t?~e .~ ~n ' ,~Q-,.:.7/,~9. ..... I CO~l aellC~a ~ 1 ns f the Federal Director of Civilian .~efense,!.(an6 other appropPir~te.' : st he off'c · .... .~:Z ,~['IO.N los. In a~Idition t0'::'the regular members divisions r:nd units of the Service Corps~ the Director~ uith the approval of t3~e '.far Council~ may establish volunteer auxiliary forces to be attacheel to am~ro~-r~ote divisions and ,~ni~s ..'Of the Service". Coros::"~-{ssist the members of sucZ~ divisions and Units in the ,.j,jn,~'. i>er:go~,'aa.nee ~.f'th'eir duties. Suclm auxiliaries; recruited' for'n'~ecia!~ te'~r-~orarv or c, cc~.siona! duties ~ need not be recuired to outh of office and other'.~ise ~..eet '~-.~e re~:~irs~n~onts esta~_is]_ed for reZu!:r ~:cnbers and traincos of the departF~e~t. Such auxi!ia~ies may qu~-~!if'/for reCu!sr or .,..oc:ial ~ae::!bership in the Servic~"Oorps~ in accordance ~,it~m rules ~n~ re~;ui~einents established Counc il. ~?uCTI01'Y ll. [oucrs oZ..~-~o~L~jtm~!ent an{! RemOv~.. EDnce~t as otherv~ise provided in this ordinance~ officers an~. memberS-of the citizens Defense Corps and Citizens Service Corps shall bel"~Ubject to appointKent a,ad removal under the ~irection and ,supervision of the City ]. :anag~r, a s ~ol].ows: C]~iefs of the ~]r.~cr~;o.~c'r 3F-~.-_.vices and units ant] other' officers and volunteer netabets of the ]efexose Corps shall be appe]fnted by the Commander~ ~'~itD~ the approval of the ,/ar Council~ except that the (jhief of the i~o!ice ':~e~art,',e,'rb shall be Chief of the ZmerZency Police ~-ervics ~nd tho Chief of tZ,.o L~ir:e Department s]~alt be Chief of the ]?~raergency ].n ire ~ervice. Chiefs of the divisions and units and other officers and volunteer me~bers of the j~ervice Corps shall be appointed by the Director ;,~,ith the approval of the ]Var Cmu'n_cil. The Chiefs of ti~s .,Zmer!]yencbx :Services of the Defense Corps and Chiefs of the ,:tivision of the ~ervice Corps may reject any person ':"::.' reer'Ui'te~i by the volunteer office v.,'ho~ in the'. opihi0~ 0f'~l~'~Chi'~; is not qualified to ~:,~ori: in t:u-~_t :,;mergency Service or division. j in accordsace with time provisions of this ordinance and rules established by the .:ar Co~uacil~ the Connmander shall have power to / that t'_,;is ordinance shall not vest Z-~L.-.~" ~ .,;u anthoneSty to r~m~o~:.'-~rom his re.g~.;~.~:~:..en~plo~ment ~ny.officer or of any other department 0f the" city .'.~.6Ver~aent a~i:Snea ~to, or '[~': in the normal course 'of hiS othSF'd~{ieS,~-is:.~;~jde"a' mem~'~-~'=anY . TbU~' power of remova'!.may..be deie~atea'by-.~he:;C6~nder or tRe Director: shall h v i se i2~ ereate (~nit~ wit~in each of such services and C~visions~ to cre~ division~ or ~9.nit if~ in ti-~e opinion of the War. CounCil the mor~ em~:?ieient execution of the activff. ties of th~ department .'requires su~ch Y~merJencZ jez'vi ces ,:,~nd ~its of the Defs=n~e-Corps shall ~er'~or'~n s ..c. duties as the ommander~ n~H th the:~ ~pDroval of the V,/ar '3ouncil~ nmy s~'.~ci'm~ Divisions ,:~nd units of tfie tiervice'. ,Corps shot] i3erTFor~n suc]'~ Curies as the Director~ uith the a~0~u, oval O~:.the ,:;or The '.'/ar Council sha!l determine the number of members to b.e. an~ointed to ec';.cTn. o~~ tZ~e TSmer~encTr Services of the Defense Corp's.;~.nd" units thereof~ and to each o2 the divisions of tHe Service COrp,~:.':-~d S~]CTIOZ'T 13, Oath o:ff Office, Every member of the .)epartmen~].~ of Civilian l'~efense sha!! taTce such an oath 6f office as may .be~s~::2 "~"': prescr!bed b'~ the ~.:ar Council at s~ch ~ime as the :~ar ~i:!'shall of the denartment S>a~l ~"ea? or ~se any form 'of insignia prescribed by the )~ejeral T:~irector of Civilian Defense or :~the Z.:/aZ:' Co~l With the regulations of the i~'ed~'ai Director of civiliar~ DeEense~ or the ]jar Council, to wear such insi~3nia. No other ~erson shall 5e en~i~d..to wear or use suCi~"~orm of.'!~entification~ nor shall any.~/~'-.. other person reoresent himself to' be f-~e'mber of such deDartment.~:.~]~'~v in, erson resis' inS or re' n ovea frOm his position asia merit to uhich he has been appotnted or ceasing to act for any reason, shal-l, im,'aediatcly surrender to the ~erson or agency from which the i ' b~ r' ~ i,* , ' i:t :"- ' j., same-was received any arm band, card or other mea~s-of idcntifica~iO~ other equipm~ht, materials or supplies entrusted to him ~.y or behXf of the city.. '.- ,.'~ Any ~erson wearing or ~ossesslnq, v~ithout pro~er'~'~thorizati'on, the forms of insignia or ot]~.er netl~ods of iaentifi'cation to members of the department or who falsely represents him~ to be a membeF of such ~epartment~ shall be ffuilty of a misd~eanor and upon conviction shall be punishable by fine of not to :.~xjeed 0!OO.00 or imprismment of not to ezceed ]0 days in the CoUnty Jail, or SECTI0i~ l~. Other De~0artments S.ball Coq~or~e with~'t~e DeDartmom. t of Civilian Defense. l;ver~ depart~ent~ comis'Sion, board, officer and employee of this city shall cooperate v~ith and assist the Departnent of Civilian Defense and the officers ~:h~ employees thereof so as to enable the department and the officers. ~nd employees thereof to accomr~l~ s'.-, t.he objectives off this ordinance.' ~very municipal aff~ency and officer having.. jurisdiction over any officer or employee of the city is hereby authorized t0 comply any re~.uest from the liar Council for the transfer of municipal personnel or propert'.- to the De~Jartn~ent of Civilian Defense. officer or employee of this city assigned to the Department of Civilian Defense for the performance of full-time or Part.t.imp....qZ~t. ies shall per'for!an said duties as a part ~of~ the of~]~C.~! .... duties of hi~ position and in the course of hiS employment, notwith- standing the provisions of any or~]inan~e, resolution, civil service or oth..r rules[an'd reg:ulatio~s, ot~erwlse orescribing or limiting e his d~ties or the duties of his position. sTc,.all' =n~,t..,=,.,~ deened t~ to any 'officer or.. emp!oyee;Uof the ' .-...x~'t~ ~Tithin the civilian defenseseffOrt. ~'97T ~:~,.~,:.'~ i,:o officer '::~'~ empl'o~e~[?~ this City'shall suffe~'~]n " ' y reduction . ~.~.~. of pay or loss of eivil~ServiCe status or rights or'. retirement' be~:{its or rights b7 rea3on of his performance of seyViC:a:S:funder th~j'3urisdio-tion of the Department of Civilian Defense, if perfo~ed::.Wi,~a'' consent of or at the order or re~.u_est of the boara or off{~e,~.":~ control .,.. the ~epartraent in which he is enoloyed~ ho~ever.~.~:no officer~::empl6~ee~ mer~ber, trainee or auxiliary, r~.:::0 .~ .. appointed or employed in the LeDart~mnt' of Civiil~':D~{~se~ other than the employees in the re~jula:t~ departr~ents of-,~~'t7 "overnment~..sha!l Uain ~ny civil service status or riShts-or retirement benefits or riShts b7 reason of his 7.erfor'.~ance of servlc.eS'"~nder~the jurisdiction of this ordinance. ": ":' SZCT!Oi'i !6. 2e~e~__~s and St~ccession'~ ,:-~Emergency 17o 613 ifev~ ~eries~ adopted on the 24th day of Febr',.tary~ / ~ · , ~ lo42 establishing a ]Defense Council~ and al!.o~her ordinances and parts of , ordinances in conflict ]'~erev~ th are hereby repealed. The ~far COx~il may ratify and approve such official acts of the Council of Defense"' as are in keeping =..zith the provisions of this ordinance and thereby continue such acts in full force and effect as though originsjtly enacted by the ijar Council. necessary. n,'2' to carry out the 7,nu~l~osos of this ordinance may be obtained by the transfer of r~one,Js from any available fund of the citY, and ~ necessary specio] taxes m,:'L~ be l~vied to take care of the needs for Civilian Defense 'htri:..%S any current fiscal year in accordauce ;vith .. fvncl to be · ~ -, , .: ,, ':: ,: '~ , I~'und" is hereby c~eated' '~,k,' /';~:' ':, '; "" , :. .. ~;~ , . Council of the:City of 3ake~SfieZd, APPL~0VED by me this ~_,jte, y of 2Toyember, m942. . ' -' ':',:V,, , ~',. ~ ..,,'. ~'. ..:,~; --, V. VAN RIPER, being duly sworn, deposes and says: That he is the duly appointed, acting and qualified Clerk of the City of Bakersfield; and that on ..... ~..-.'~---...~-- ......... 19...~_...-,'~he posted on the Bulletin Board at the City Hall, a full, true and correct copy of an ordinance passed by the Council of said City at a meeting thereof duly held on ........ .D...e...c..e...~l_..b..e...r...._.2_.]: ...................... 19...~...2.., which ordinance was numbered.....~..~..l.. ............ New Series, and entitled: AN E~ERGENCY ORDINANCE CREATING A DEPART~.~.NT OF CIVILIAN DEFENSE AND PROVIDING FOR THE ORGANIZATION~ POWERS AND DUTIES THEREOF~ AND REPEALING ORDINANCE 61B NEW SERIES AND ALL OTHER ORDINANCES AND PARTS OF ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT HEREWITH. .... Subscribed and sworn to before me this ....... : ...................day of ......D...e..c...e.~.b...e...r. .....19..._..4~_.., Notary Publie in and for the County of Kern, State of California.