HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD NO 647 ,-='="' .~f~ 0~TE A-'RAIL}{0.AD T~CK 0F =8~"~"G.~UGE'~=,z> .~,~=~<}"' .'?i~i~:.~<=~i~~, !'0R Ti{ ~<8~SE"0F DiPAI~I{~'~ I~8 YA~ID FACI~. . ' "'= "' '+' ' ' ' ' "'=~?' th :k~=~ The Council of '~the City-of, Bakersfield hereby,,=g~a~%'~ to e Southern Pacific company, a 'cbzporation organiz'~l~d incorpOr~W*~, und.er the~'=-!aws of the State of Kentucky~ its S~Ccessors'==la~d'~=assigns~ ::~.~-":a per~i~='to lay down, construct, maintain and oper~t'~='~ilroad."? track of standard gauge across t{aley Street, locate~d in the~-C-~tyof Bakersfield~ Co~ty of Kern~ State of Californ~&, for the purpoS~?'~'. of expanding present facilities to cope with the increase in/m~Vement of~= freight traffic, the partic~ar'deseription of s~idi='r~.~oad track necessary for the purpose as aforesaid.being as folto~S: Description of center line of track to be constructed.. Co~encing at a point on the"'~esterly line of Street, distant 37~.7~ feet, more or less, me along the Westerly line of Hale~ Street, fro~e Southerly line of Kentucky Street, as sho~n o~'~=the Official },,Tap of the City_ of Bakersfield; '~henCe' Easterly a distance of 80.82 feet, more or less a point on ~he Easterly line of Hatey~treet, distan~ 364.2~ feet more or less~, measured along the Easterly line o~ Haley.':Street, :from the Southerly::~. line of Kentucky Street. That said permit and privilege is granted ~ubject-:=~:.."' .... "' I... .... ~..- , .. -.,.,.-. ..: '. : :.. ~'Z -'. , . ..."..: : ...' ., · .. . ......,, . :~:. (a)- To such regulations and conditions. as may"',:.be prescribed :'.<' ' " ~]:." ~' i..:' .'> :.'~u:.::- from-~im~ 're' t'ime'by the Council of"'the'Citp~'~T-N~ke~TI~UYf~;~ ......... --' ...... (b) To the use of said railroad .track .for.~he transportation.~ . '~.:.'. ~], '.;.~. ....... "'- of freight for hire. :':'~";: · (c) That said' railroad track must be laid-.to-le0nform'. to the . ,. . . . · ... ..=..:. grade of the street over which i% pa_~;Ses, and the work n~s~r be done to the satisfaction of the City Engineer of the City of "Bakersfield and must be kept and maintained in good condition and repair to the satisfaction of said City Engineer. ~.~/.i (d) That it must be operated under such restrictiO~s.~as not to interfere with the use of said street by the publ~ (e) That this permit shall be revocable at~:~t~e pleasure of' the City Council of the City of Bakersfield, and (f) To the provisions of the Charter of the City oE' Bakersfield. ......... o0o ......... I HEEEB~ CEETIFY that the foregoing Ordinance was pa~sed and adopted by the Council of the Cit~ of Bakersfield, at a regular meeting thereof, held on the~ day of August, 19~3, by the fol- lowinglvote: AYES: CARNAKIS, MARMADUKE, NORRIS, SIEMON~ SMITH, VANDERLEI, VERCAMM~N ~: NOES: __~ .................................................. . ' ABSENT:'*"2/(.,~.i,a~..' · C o Clerk of t~e Council of the City of Bakersfieldo· APPROVED by me this ~ day of August Ii a <~R~ % m eo~ tf~ ~/ . "'YO jrsfiel'd. , 19 3. Affihauit of ~lonling (~rhinanres STATE OF CALIFORNIA) County of Kern I ss. V. VAN RIPER, being duly sworn, deposes and says: That he is the duly appointed, acting and qualified Clerk of the City of Bakersfield; and that on ............. ...h..U..g..U..S...t. .......... ../....~.. .............. 19..4.3 .... he posted on the Bulletin Board at the City Hall, a full, true and correct copy of an ordinance passed by the Council of said City A~g~s t 19.~a.., at a meeting thereof duly held on ...........................................................which ordinance was numbered.....~....~...7.. ........New Series, and entitled: AN ORDINANCE GRANTING TO THE SOUTHERN PACIFIC COI,JPA~Vf~ A CORPORaTION~ ITS SUCCESSORS ~I~D ASSIGNS, A PER/~.~IT TO LAY DOWN, CONSTRUCT ~ ~iAI~,~AIN .AND OPERATE A RAILRO.AD TRACK OF STANDARD GAUGE .ACROSS HALEY STREET, LOCATED IN THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD, COUI~Y OF KERN, STATE OF CALIFORNIA~ FOR THE PURPOSE OF EXPANDING ITS YARD FACILITIES. /~hb~c~{bed an~'=sWorn to before me this ~.~.~:~....~ o~.-.--...--..~.~.~.~ .........~.....+~ ~..~~ ......... ' ': ~otary Public i~-and f~r the County of Kern, ~- ~'-.~. 'S~a. te~of California.