HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD NO 646 ORD NO" ':J ":<~.. : ''~ .; , ' ' ~ ': "'" . '.: :~-;il~.. ORDINANCE LE~ZIi'TG UmN TIm aSSESSED f"~ALUAT~"~'~C'': :'. 0FViLUATION FOIl TIB PISe~L ~ BEGI~INQ ,'~Y.I~ ... ' ...... ,.." "'.. '.j ' ,.... . . . ';,;~, ~ '~'..,~q~., ,:':, , ', " B 'fix " "'" .:':.' BE IT ORDAI D .BY TI~ COUNCIL OF T}~ C 'OF BA D, -:':~.-~- a s ' ,, .. ,~,, ;.~-;: ,'.;.: :. .. . :~ ~-A:' ,?%..:t;, "' . -;~-~,.: ' ":' ,g~ - ";::~.::,-ii.~.' ~'..~ Section l, ;: :" ': ''''~'~: "' . ,'.. .,. ,.., ., ::.. ~hat there is hereby ievie~ a ~ax O~ e!~'. '. :. , ' '..-.. half cents (i~.88~) on:each one hundred dollars :f:$~.O0.OO)E o~ .. as- ,,. sessed valuation of:'all taxable property in ~'~;.:~';City..o~ ~rsfietd,'' ,...v . . .'.~.:....":, · , ~.=., Mmicip~'~overment. Of said City (excepting 'as ~6;.~fnafter ~~ed:) during the fiscal year'begixing with the first.aa~:'of J~Y'~$3, '.' ~ . ;,:.f~ ,]..c . :'- ~.~., ~- . · :> . ,. ~n~.:~.ending with the thirtieth day of June~ 1944~i]:'r' , .... f,~.::["'~': ." '~'.:~,' ["~.':;" '~ .... . Section 2..j:];~.gj;~]"' ' 'C.... ']E'U'7'j-:; ..:..~'.~hat there is hereby levied a t o'~ ~B~'~na ,..0n ..; .~, "..-.: '~...~ ' . .. ,: .:~.: ~:. ~. ': ~,:' '. ' ..fib. ,,:'~ .q: ":. ::f'f ".( valuation of ~1 taxable property withi~ the' C:f'~'y~of:='B~Jrsfi~li:,~f~'~"':J:~ . . , . , . ..~ : . ....:,-~ . ~,~.~.~,: ' ....., Co'tory of Kern, State of California, for ParkS "'and Pi~rounds:~ing;j":"~'~j.-C:':, ti'~" fiscal year begiming with the first day of '.~y, tg~3:~:"~nd' ~nd~->- ing with the thirtieth day of' June, 19~. .:..: .j~f.. ,. ]~ ?~?n ' .(.'. .. '(]'. ]...: ..... . . ':~: That there is hereby levied a tax of.~ur ce.nt~i:..G,6~.on each one h~dred d~ilars ((;1OO.00) of the asses'~.ed vat~t'ion of'all: taxable property within the City of Bakers'field',:~ C.Omty of Kern,' State o~.-California, for repairs and maintenance of s'eW~s and storm..d~ins ' . . '~-Z' ':. . .~, . · ... .. and operation of' Sewaffe Treatment Cant, dffr~g?:'~he...fiscalyear 'begin- ' .. " ' ' "~" .... v'; ...... " ' · . . '. :",".' rst' aay of J y,' ''(" ' . . . '::;:;.. u ": ':~;(" day of June~ 19~4 "'~": ..... .. . . '. , :'.' .'j . Section 4. . . '. . ~. That thereis.hereby tevi~'d~:~. tax ,e~<.~r-ee and one-half:c~n . . ts valuati'en+ of all taxable ,.property County of Kern~ .State of California,' for Ci~ili~:~Defense, the fiscal year begi~g with ~s(~t,~'f~~y, ending with the thirtieth.day of J~e~ 19~, '~"~ That there is hereby levi'~d a...tax cents ((;.0~) on each one.hmdred dollars (~6~..00) of'~::~e'~¥ssessed valuation of all taxable property in the Ci f S d, Co of E~n, State of Ca!ifornia, for the cont?i~b tion ~::the Ci~ ~: Bakersfield to .the Firemen's Disability"and 'Retirement 'Ei~:-~uring the fisc~ year begixing with the first day .o~[¥~y, t~~, ing with. the thirtieth day of June, 1944'..v ,;:~5~"":" "U.:-~j'%~? all t xabl[ha~othere is hereby levied'a tax of sixteen~'~nts on each one hmdred 'dollars (~lCO.OO)' of the assessed a p petty in the City of BakersfieZd~'Co~ty of:,:~Kep~;~ State of California, for collection ~d.dispoSa~ of the fiscal year begixing with the first day o~" Jly, .~'~¢B~ and..~-~ ing with the thirtieth day of june~ 19¢~ ': '~ ' ' ;''~?'f~ :: ~ · _ .'- ::~; :- That there is hereby levied a tax o.f three;~':'~U~ts (q; 03)' on each one hmdred dollars (~100.00) of the assessed valuation of all taxable property within the City of Bakersfield~--Coun~.efKern.)' State of California, for interest ~d si~'i~fmd ~on~ ~j't]938 Fire Station Bonds during the fiscal year be~ixing with:. the first day 'of July, 19~3, and ending with the thirtieth day of ~me~ 19~-~ Section 8, " That there is hereby. levied~' a t~x ~""~/'ce~~:~Z~)',~:? each one hundred dollars ($t00.00) of the assesse:~ valuation of: taxable property within the bo~mdaries of the .C~y of BakerS~i'eld~'. County of Kern, State of California~ as said.. boundarie~:~nWe~e(fixed' and dete on the 22nd day of I;.,~arch, 1923,-for nte~8~' ~nd "', · :; ', / '~; ,I .;: - , sinking fund On 1%12 'Sewer Bonds during tile fiscal: Year: '~ginning with ~he first day 0f J~y~ 19~3~ and ending wi'th the thirtieth day . ~: /- .~L: ' Section 9- :~" .... That there is hereby levied a tax of one and o~alf cents ~(~'.Ol~) on each one h~dred dollars' (GlO0.O0) of ~he as~'sed valua- ' '~!~Snl,of ell taxable property within the boldaries 'of the City of · Bakersfield Co~ty of Kern, State of-California~ as said boundaries were fixe~ and determiMed on the 22nd day of l~,larch~ 1923, :]:~"~'interest and si~ing fund o~ the 1912 City tI~l Bonds during the;fiscal yea~.: beg~l .ruing with the first day of Jly, 1943, and' enang"'~'dth the .::~,j.;,~v' th~'~'tieth day of J~e:'~:: 19~. "'"" 1'.;'~ ' '' "'~ .... -; .:, Section 10 . ..-~. . That there is hereby levied a ~ax of one.half;:~:ent ($.00~)'. on ~ach one hundred dollars (~10O 00) of the aSseSsed vatuation,.of' 5' : ' ' -jD.'" all ta~able~.property within the boundaries of the City of B~ke~field · Coxty of Xern~ State of Catifornia~ as said boundaries '~j~'fixed and .'~ fund on the 1712 Fire Department Bonds during.the' fi~SCal year be~in- ni~ff'with the first day of ~ly, 1943, and ending..':: ' . ~ith the thirtieth day of June, 19~ · . - "-~,' ' ;' ;;~. j;. ~ .. : Section ll. ~" - That there is hereby levied a tax of one ceht (~2~.ol) on '~. eaCh~one hundred dollars (~lO0.OC) of the assessed valuation of all " taxable property within the boundaries of 'the Ci.~y of Bakersfield,. which was ]mown and designted as the City of Bakersfield prior to the consolidation of said City and Town of Kern, for interest and si~ing f~d 0n sewer Bond l~j~ber One, during-th.e:';~iSCal 'ye'~ begin~ nine with the first day of July, 19~3, and endi~(~vith the thirtieth ~ day of' June, 1944. passed and adopted~byI~the Council of'the City a regular meeting thereof held on the by the ~ollowing *''~ vote: A i avit of lost ng ( Mnan es STATE OF CALIFORNIAt County of Kern ~ ss. V. VAN RIPER, being duly sworn, deposes and says: That he is the duly appointed, acting and qualified Clerk of the City of Bakersfield; and that on ............... ..A.~.g...~...s..t.. ....... ../....~.. ............. ,19-4.2 .... he posted on th~ Bulletin Board at the City Hall, a full, true and correct copy of an ordinance passed by the Council of said City at a meeting thereof duly held on .............. ..A...~.~.~...s...t....9. ...................... 19.-4-~.., which ordinance was numbered...~..~ ......... New Series, and entitled: AN ORDINANCE LEVYING UPON THE ASSESSED VALUATION OF THE T.AXABLE PROPERTY IN THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD A RATE OF TAXATION UPON EACH ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS OF VALUATION FOR T~ FISCAL YEAR BEGINNING JULY 1, 1~43, AND ENDING JUNE 30, 19~.~·. ..-.- :_~/j' Subscribed ~d sworn to before me this : -/~~ d2 of ~u~-~t ~9..~t. ""' "- .................~...~.:...-~:~t~ Notary Public in and for the County of Kern, State of California.