HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD NO 641 Ai/Ei~GENCY ORDINANCE PROHIBITING PERSONS ID°i~ER THE AGE OF EIGHTEEN (18) YEARS FROM BEING UPON THE PtF~LIC STREETS OF THE CITY OF BAKERSFiELD OR IN PLA'CES OF A~USE,~Ei~T OR ENTERTAII~]E!~ IN THE CITY~ ],2i BETV~E~EN THE HOURS 0F lO 0 'CLOCK P. M., AND % ~0'~,CLOCK A .. i'.,~., OF ANY DAY. .*-~: i~FEZfEAS, the health, safety and welfare of"the inhabitants of the City of Bakersfield requires the passage of an emergency~ 'ordi- nance prohibiting persons under the age of eighteen (18)ye'irs from being upon the public streets of the City' of Bakersfiei~;Z~or in placles of amusement or entertainment in the City between the'hours of 10 o'clock P. ~i'., and ~ o 'clock A. M., of any day iff0~.V~ Til,~.i~E?0i-~3~ BE IT 0RDAIi~TD BY TE COUNCIL 0F TI~ CItY OF B~RSZ.'I~D, as follows: It shall be u~awf~ for any person under tt~e .~gS' of eighteen (18) years to be upon the streets in the City of Bakersfield or in places of amusement or entertaiment or in other public places in;~Said City,between the hours of 10 o 'clock P. v'; and ~ o 'clock A M., of a~ day~ u~ess said person is accompanied by a parent~ ~ardian or other ad~t person having control or charge of said minor. SECTION 2. It shall be unla~n~ul for any parent, guardian o~ .'.any adult person having the control or charge of any person under the age of eighteen (18) years, to permit, allow or let 'said person be upon the streets of the City of Bakers field .~r. in places'of amusement or enter-' tainment or in other ,public places';in said City between the hours of !0 o 'clock P. ~., and ~ o 'clock A ~' of any day, unless said minor is accompanied by a parent, guardian or other adult person having control or charge of said minor. ~ECTi0i,~ 3- A violation of this ordinance shall-be punishable for the first offense by a fine not to exceed Ten (~lO.00) Dollar~ or by For each imprisonment in the County Jail not ·exceeding fi.ve:~(!5);days. subsequent offense, by a fine of~InOt ,less than Ten($10.O0)Dollars or; more than Fifty 0~0.00) Dollars, o~ imprisonment in the County Jai~ of not less than five (~) days or not more than twenty-five (2~)·~d~~?,.~ by both such fine and imprisonment. // SECTION ~. . all ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith are hereby expressly repealed. ·~-~,I.:,- .':~his ordinance is hereby aeclared to be an eme~cy ordi-' nance within the meani~ of Section 2~ of the Cha~er ~of the City of ',~-' Bakersfield~ State of California~ and necessary fo~ the imediate p~ese~vation of the public peace~ property, safety and welfare, an~: ~haZ1 take effect i~ediately. The facts consituti~ such emergency are aS follows: That there is a growing tendency ~ong persons under the, age of eighteen (18) years to be upon the streets and to frequent ~blic places and places of amusement in said City at late .ho~s of.: ~e night and at early hours in the morni~ to the detriment of the morals~ safety and welfare of said persons and the itabitants of the ·City of Bakersfield. o0o ......... I ~-~i~Y CERTI~ that the foregoing Emergency Ordinance was, passed and adopted by the Council of the City of Bakersfield .at a regu- " lar meeting thereof held on the ~ .day of i~ay, 19~3, by the follow-· ing vote: AYES: CARNAKIS, MARMADUKE, NORRIS, SIEMON, SMITH, VANDERL~I, VERCAMMEN NOES: ~ .................................................... ABSENT: ~ .............................................. CitY~C~~~rk of 't~he  Council of the City of Bakersfield. XPP'40VED by ' -- day of May, 19~B. ~ ~ ~ 0 :~er s f i el d. fLZAY ~ ~ ~a STATE OF CALIFORNIA~ County of Kern I ss. V. VAN RIPER, being duly sworn, deposes and says: That he is the duly appointed, acting and qualified Clerk of the City of Bakersfield; and that on ........ ..~I..a.y. ............... ~ ........................ 19.-43.., he posted on the Bulletin Board at the City Hall, a fUll, true and correct copy of an ordinance passed by the Council of said City at g of duly held on .........¥..a.~. .................~ ....................19..-4.3. which ordinance a meetin th~r~ / was numbered ...... ~ .............New Series, and entitled: AN E~ERGENCY ORDINANCE PROHIBITING PERSONS UNDER THE AGE OF EIGHTEEN (18) YEARS FROM BEING UPON THE PUBLIC STREETS OF THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD OR IN PLACES OF AE~SEI,'ENT OR ENTER- TAIX,&ENT IN THE CITY BETWEEN THE HOURS OF 10 0 'CLOCK P. M. ~ AND 50'CLOCK A. M., OF ANY DAY. ~ [~b~scribed and sworn to before me this "' "' ~: ....... day of ?,i.8.~. 19....4.~, ~. ....-- L' ' ' ..........'~ y in and for the County %Kern, " ~ State of California.