HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD NO 650AN ~.RGEi~CY O~Dii~AI~'CE AMEh~)II,~G SECTIONS 8 and 10 OF ORDIX~ANCE NO. 541 NEW SERIE~ AND ADDING SECTION IT.} THEBET~. WHEREAS, the City Council hereby declares that an emergency exists for the immediate preservation of the public safety, peace and welfare, ~hich requires the passage of an emergency ordinance regulating the rates ~f taxicabs operating in the City of Bakers- field, and prescribing terms and conditions under which such opera- tions may be conducted. N0~, TH~ORE, BE IT ORDAI~ BY THE COUi~CIL OF THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD, as follows: SECTION 1. That Section 8 of Ordinance No.541, New Series of the City of Bakersfield, entitled "AN ORDINANCE TO REGULATE THE RATES, RULES AE~) PRACTICES OF TAXICABS OPERATING IN THE CITY OF B~.'~SFIELD, PHESC~IBING TEB~ AND COI'~ITIOI~ U.I~])ER WHICH ~UCH OPERATIO~ MAY BE CONDUCTED, REQUYAtYNG ALL TAXICABS TO SECURE A PERMET ~3R A STAND, PROVIDING THE REGULATIONS AND METHODS TO SECUI~ A STAE~), DEFINING WHAT VEHICLE~ S~ALL S~-'CUA~E A PEP~AITs PROVIDING PENALTIES FOR VIOLATION OF THIS ORDIEANCE, AND REPEALING OBDINANCES ~]3S. 319, 320 and 522 NEW SERIES Af~ ALL 0T}DaR OHDYi~AE~ES IN CONFLICT I'~PaWITH" be and the same is hereby amended to read as follows= Section 8. It shall be unlawful for the owner or driver of any taxicab or automobile for hire to operate the same or cause it to be operated without first havi~ filed with the City Clerk a schedule of passenger rates or fares proposed to be charged. It shall also be unlawful for the owner or driver of any taxicab or automobile for hire to demand or charge any amount greater or less than the amount shown on the schedule of passenger rates or fares on file with the City Clerk, which shall remain in effect until a new or amended schedule of passenger rates or fares hag been apprbved by the Clty Councll as herelnafter set forth. If such owner or drlver deslres to change the schedule of passenger rates or fares proposed to be charged, befor~ so charglng any dlTferent passenger rates or fares, he shall flle wlth the Clty Clerk a new or amended schedule of passenger rates or £ares proposed to be charged, wlth asta tement that It ls 1n- tended to supersede the ezistlng schedule and glvtng the reasons for the proposed change or changes° 2ald new or amended schedule of passenger rates or fares shall not become effective untll It has been approved by the Clty Councll. The schedule of rates In effect must be posted In a conspicu- ous place In any such vehlcle so as at all tlmes to be clearly vlslble to ar~ or all passengers who may be rldlng therein and must be prlnted upon a card or other substantial materlal ~t less than ~ x 8 lnches In slze and shall be prlnted in letters and flgures. .not smaller than 24 point bold capltalso Before any tazlcab or automobile for hlre may be drlven or operated upon any of the streets of the Clty o£ Bakersfield, there shall be flled wlth the Clty Clerk by the owner thereof, who proposes to rent the same to any operator or dr~ver, a schedule shorlng upon what terms said vehlcle wlll be rented and the mazlnmm rental rates to such operators or'drivers, and such schedule shall be approved by the Clty Councll before it can go lnto e£fect and before any such vehlcle may be ope rated. No lncrease In such rates thereln set forth, shall be made wlthout the approval of the Clty Counol~';'- SECTION 2. Section 10 of Ordinance No.~41, New Series of the City of Bakersfield, is hereby amended to read as follows~ Section 10. Application for such driver's permit shall be made to the City Manager. It shall be in writing and shall contain the followir~ Name~ age~ citizenship and address of the appli~ant.o A hoto "~ ' "'~"' p graph of ~pplicant, Past experience as a driver~ includir~ the names addresses of his employers durin~-~='.preeedir~ three (3) years, (4) Statement of ownership of valid chauffeur's liCense~ to be presented with application,"" (~) ~ statement of whether or not ar~ chauffeur's license issued to him by the State of California or any governmental agency has ever been revoked, (6) The name and address of the owner of the taxicab to be operated, (~) ~n endorsement by the owner or owners, .Upon application for a driver~s permit and before it shall be issued the driver~ whether the owner or otherwiser must evidence a proficient knowledge of the traffic laws of the City of ~akersfield and the State of California~ and demonstrate his ability to operate a taxicab~ all to the satisfaction of the City Manager, Upon satlsfyln~ the foregoinE requirements such driver shall be firmer- printed and a record thereof filed in the ~olice Department ~ureau of Identification, Said driver shall.also file with his application two recent photographs~ size 1½m~ by 1½~'~ one te be filed with his application and one to be permanently attached to his driver's permit when issued~ which permit shall be posted in a place conspicuous frem the passenlarge compartment of the taxicab while said driver is operatin~ same, Every driver'~s permit issued hereunder shall set forth the name of the owner or'owners of the taxicab to be operated by said driver, Upon the termination of said occupation as driver~ the said driver shall forthwith surrender his driver~s permit to the City ~anager, ~o such driver~s permit shall be issued to ar~Vone under the a~e of twenty-one (~.l) years. Such driver's permit may be denied upon substantial evidence of facts of either physical or moral deficiencies of the applicant whichs in the sound discretion of the City Lianagets would render such applicant an incompetent person to operate a taxicab. i7o such driver's permit issued hereunder shall be transferable. All d~ivers while on duty shall wear a distinctive caps and a badge bearing the drlver's number. Only such caps and badges shall be worn as have been approved by the City Manager for use by drivers. Badges shall be worn in a conspicuous positions an~ must conform to recommendations of the City ~anager. Upon the termination of the occupation of any drivers the owner or owners of said taxicab shall immediately give the City Manager written notice of such termination. ~EC~ION 3. That there shall be added to said Ordinance !qumber ~41 New Series of the City of Bakersfields a section to be known as Section l~s said section to read as follows= Section 1~. The City Manager may promulgate further and additional rules and regulations governing the operations mainten- ance or control of taxicabs~ not in conflict herewiths which rules and regulations so promulgated shall~ for the purpose of this ordinance~ be deemed provisions thereof. 8ECTIOR 4. This ordinance is hereby declared to be an emergency ordinance within the meaniD~ of Section 24 of the Charter of the City of Bakersfields State of California~ and necessary for the immediate preservation of the public safety~ peace and welfares and shall take effect immediately. th~:"foregoing Emergency Ordinance I B~.R~Y CERTIFY that was passed and adopted by the Council of the City of Bakersfield at a regular meeting thereof held on.the ~J__~ay of 19¢ ~ , by the following vote: CARNAKIS, , , ' NOES: ABSENT: ...'i~...C~.F...~,_, ........................................ City Clerk and E~-0~io Clerk of the Council of the City of Bakersfield. APPROVED by me this j~day of /~' Bakersfield. A~av~t of ~osltng (~Mnan~es STATE OF CALIFORNIAl County of Kern ~ ss. V. VAN RIPER, being duly sworn, deposes and says: That he is the duly appointed, ac~ and qualified Clerk of the City of Bakersfield; and that on ........~..~..~.f..-...s...~..;.~ .................,19.-/~.., he posted on the Bulletin Board at the City Hall, a full, true and correct co ordinance passed by the Council of said City "' Z'-'-Z~Z~. ~'jjZ'~''''T[''''~''''''~''~'z .....~'~ ~'~ 0~'~"~ was , erles, and entitled: AN EMERGENCY ORDINANCE AMENDIi.~G SECTI0i, B 8 and 10 OF ORDINANCE No. ~41, NEW SERIES AND ADDING SECTION 1~ THERETO. Subscribed _and sworn to before me this Notary Publie in and for the County of Kern, State of California.