HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD NO 665Ei.jSi:[OEiYCY O~iDil.valYC~. ~~.'-fjff,',' Si%i-iIES. ED 613, 6.53, 639 and : -<n, ,E.a~ the "'it'~ Council ::ereby declares that an,. emerSoncY ex2sts makin~ it necessary to provide for the daily o,p~ation of'a, nunicipal";~epartmont~ to-uit: That it is necessary to nal:e certain':': ': chances in the ordinance :~overni:a2 the collection of licenses in the . ~ ~'.::~' City of ~Galnersfield by the L2cense Collector~ -~:~,-', -- d0UZ{CZL OF DK: CZTY OF D,~iU~i~b'~,'iZLD~ as follows: SECTi0/'i'i. -, it shall be the' d~tX, of the License colleC%or of the OitI sl bf Lal:ezsfield to execute Ell licenses pztovided for"'{~ezein upon the naymen% ~o him of the license fees ss ePe hezeinaf{eP me tionee provided that no license shall be issued fop any bu, sineSst trade, CS:tlinS or ~}zofession{i'or wkiah a pePnit is re~u{reat u. nti! such permit shall have rims% been granted~ pzovided~-lhdkTever~ that no Dezrni% shall be required on the zeneu&lL 01' any li, Cense ez:cept uheze specifically rec!uired by ordinance. , It shall be t!m [u~v of the License Collector to com31v with all of tlme provisions of this ordinance as the same is nov; or may hereafter be amended. SECT!0iI 2. ClC'l .jJDiTOit '20 PitOViDL bL.aif=~b: ~ne -C auditor ~ in conjunction with th¢ License..C.~lector ~. shall ~propare and have ~rinted blank licenses suitable to carry into effect the provisions el' this or6inance~ uith blanc spaces thereon for the siWnatures or facsimile signatures of the City .~uditor and the License Collector. The City ,AUd'i~,~:)-phall issue to t'he LiCenSe Collector b] al~r. licenses as neeY~ takin~ the receipt of tile License SECTiOi~ B. Collector for such licenses.' CITY abNDITO~t TO i~L.%i~ Lb]DGEi~: TIe said City ,-~uditor shall keep in'B.C'?office a ledger in which shall be entered a record of all blanki-~c~:~fises issued sold and returned dh~old DISPOSIYIOi~ OF LICEi'ZE i~ES: , ..:~ The License ColleCtor shall pay over to.~he City' Treasurer all license' fees collected by him, and shall tak~,'from the City Treasurer a receipt shov~in~ such deposit. The City ,&uditor shall credit the said License Collector with such honey so~]deposited. -: bLC'2iOlr )'. ..... ,/~ %.i-'iA~TiOi'7 Ok,~ LiCEi.f~E:. ~ver license issued as provided herein':shait become null and void at the expiration of the term for which it i's issued., b~OL'iOff o. LIC~i]'SZ ii~Y bE LtEVOl~P: .,~11 licenses granted under the proVisionS..of this ordinance or any section hereof~ or any amendment hereto, are granted and accepted by all parties receiving said licenses With t~:express ruderstanding that the Council of the City of Bakersfield may revoke the same at any time if any of the conditions of said !icgnse or any of the terms of this ordinance or a~~ .of the terms of reg~-atinE ordinances referred to herein~ have been viotated~ or if the said license was obtained by misrepm~e~ntationS~ or they have. reason to believe that-the holder., of such license is an unfit person to be trusted wi~h the privileges granted herein, or that the .business for uhich said license was granted is con- ducted in such a mamer aS to be a menace to the safety of the public. Provided, however, that befo~voki~gany license', .aS :herein, the City i.]anager shalt:~pend same, and the privilege'.S~:~;~'~ · aFF:-ofore' at which '~t ~:.me the holder o~l.said suspended license may /~h said Council in his own behalf and shov~ cause, if any~ Wh~ said license should not be revoked Uoon his failure to so appear:, or if afte~..such hear.~n.g the Council finds there is good and suff~.¢ient cause for revok- ing same, ';the said license shall be revoked, !~and the findi~_~f~.~of the Council therg~ipon shall be conclusive. If the hearingl. ~journed the license shall ~enain suspended ~ntil such time as a final conclusion is reached by said Oouncil~ It shall be un!awful'.~or any person, firm or cor~oration to continue in said business, tr~d~, occurration profession for ~.i~ich said license has been issued during ~eh' time that same is suspended or after same has been revoked. On-revocation Of any license no part of the money paid therefor shall be ~eturned~ bu~'.~uch license fee shall be forfeited to the City of Bakersfield~ and th$' said license returned to tt~e License Collector. ~LCTIOil y. it shall be ~awfui for any person~ firm or corporation~ ".:hether as principal or agent~ owner or employee[ to co~aence~ engage in~ transact or carry on~ *,~ithin the City of 'Bakersfie!d~ any busines's~ trade~ cal!iny;~ profession or occupation upon uhich 'A license fee is imposed by the provisions of this ordinance, or any amendnient thereto, ~vithout first paying such license fee a.u~]. procuring a lic~-~u'~e therefor as heroinafter provided. Ouch license, when isSued~ shall authorize the party obtaining same to transact the business, trade, cglling, profession or occu].~ation described Itherein, in a ·particular locality ~-/ithin ~qS"City of ~akersfield, designated in.said license~. and Z'oF. the. term stated therein. Separate licenses must be obtained for each establishment or place of business~ or branch. thereof. &z~nua! licenses~ uDless '9~se Drovided'for,-'r~lt be due and payable on the fi~st.day.Qf}july Of each year~'except that the first ai~lus. l license shamm be issuea for the une [ired portion taken out ~ or from the half-c=uarter if ta::en ou, taf%er. t=l..I~~d!e of any ouarter''= ' .' " oem_i-azmaual licenses, u:.tless otTmrwise 'proWl,Sea for, due and pa~,able on the first day of July and the:'~irst day-."d:f."~uary of each year~ e::cept that the first semi-anmual license.:~.Shall be :~.- _ .. "- issued for the unexpired portion of the half year~ co~]~Uted : '.~:--,'.":'~ / i': .V:. first da:~ of the cuarter in which taken out, or .f. rOm ?~{e halfdqUartea if taken out after the middle of any cuarter. . · ]]=cept where otherv;ise provided licenses shall be fssued quarterly~ Oor?~nencing on. the first day of' janua~}(:'~' .april ~ ,~ly and. Cctober~-respectivelY, each year, and shcll' be'~d~e and payable on.:.'Said res:oective dates~ except when business is cor~aenced-~uring a peking cluarter~ in uhich-event the license for said .quar:~er sha!~be due and business is con~aenoed after the i/th day of the seC6nd month of qu er~ une license fee shXl be one-half ~2-) 'of ~he euarterly amount, m~ess otherwise s:oecificsily provided for~ and :the license therefor issued~ and shall terminate at the end 'of the quarter so designated so that the next quarter shall comence on either' the first day of Jan' uary~ &pril~ July or 0ctober~ respectively~ of .each,:year. i,jontl~y licenses provided for herein shall.be due and payable on the first day of each month. '."./- ....... Daily licenses shall be due and payable '(each day in advance~ .. provided, however~ that payment may be made for gnY nmnber 0f days advance~ when application therefor is made. Said daily license may be issued at any. time and for any n~lber of days i~Y~i'~:AZ"f'Y,- 0.~,~~ .OVKID~ L.ZC~L~E5: ' ' ~ ' :~' ' '" ':: whether montl~y, quarterly, semi-azmua!!y or annualZ~'~'.,a.~nal,t~ 2~. twenty-five per cent (2'if, 0 of the amount of saZ~Z:'::~f~nse'-shall-beb']~dded ~.ereto, &ha saia sum sham be collected "aria '~'X~.nt. thereor..:~nf~or~:~'~.'-C~Ui~:::'),);'~:' in the same maxer as other~:!iccnse fees are coli[ected" thereof is enforced~ provided~ hm;ever~ that the word "shall i'or' the"~uri~ose of this section ]~s held to mean' and incI. Ude ~he ~mymentS". bein~Z in the office of the License Collector of-~H~':Liconse Depa'~,~n~.. - . · ,: .. . ":~:~ '-- ....,., . ; ~ .: ..... ~ ,:.. of the CitZ. of ZaY.:ersfield. ,~nd provided~ fu[r.~t!~r~ that'in,the'event :-:-:: the Z'i~teonth day shall i~s. lZ upon a ZeSa~ hoZiday'~-ahen::~':':~]~at e.vent m'.. the fifteenth day shall be held to mean the next bUsinebriety i~media~l~j"~-.- succeedinS such legal holiday. :. ' "':"" , .,~ .;~ , . .: · .: ~ .~ .:~Z ,~ . ~L~ZC['ZO'~ t0 ' ':': ~ bE POSTED ~ifD/02 DiSPLj. YED: ~' ' .: .: ....................... -. ; .: ,. .,,:?:.','.-· · .. L:zcept as' otherwise specifically provided in.-~s ordinanc:e~.:,.. -.- . . .-?, ....., . every persons' firm or'=c6rporation receivinE ;'='a ,license as ~rovided "' .. '. herein shall post ~he sane conspicuously in his".;]~lace of business; ,.11 persons wi~o have n~ i'i:ned place' of busine~'~'):and all foot peddlers must produce and show their licenses ~.nh~nev. er-.re~aested to do so by' -. : . ..: f)~ ': :.,.. ~n~, person who may make demand to see=. the same.:-'.(:Svery person using., :''. ~ ~ , , - :.,,; ~..~, ~- ' ,.. a wheeled vehicle upon ~:hich a license is required" must place and - ... ':: maintain the license in a suitable container a0'~:~, to clearly show . the entire face of said license~ and shall secttret]~.;-fasten said.,-.. container and license. in .plain siSht in the driver~s compartment of. ... ..' the vehicle for which the license is issued'.. ."' ;: ' " ~"'' ...... ' ......~gefv person, firm or' corporat'ion or:"peaam~-.who--~a.m or refuse to post~ e:fi~ibit on demands. Or-displays.as the case may. be;' the license recuired by this ordinance~ shall i~l addition to the penalties hereina~ter imposed...have .l~s: license revoke. ~S.:.provided in .. . Section 6 o:.~ this .o~dinance. :'::":' ':' ':':::"""' ';~:':;' '~"" ....... "'~ . , it shall be umlauful for any person~ firm or corporation to post or e~daibit~ or per:nit to be posted or ei'~ibited~ any license -.:'hich '-~ ~ ~ ~,~.~ e:mpired~ or -.zhich nay have been revoked~ or to post or e~d~ibit any license during any period that such license is suspended as provided in Section S of this ordinance, ..~." Oi]CT IO l~ 12 ' ' :" · .~.~:' ?f DUTZ .~iib PO';'~US2, 01.' ~"~ ? ICE Cl.k,'iC~i~-~: ~. . ~0 ~ ':: ....r .~11 police officers are hereby appointed .inspectOrs of licenses~ and in addition to their severaZ duties as police officers; are hereby enpowered~ and it shall be their duty~ to hake arrests for the violation of any of the provisions of this ordinance, It shall be the duty of all police officers to e=anine all places of business and persons on their respective beats uho are rec~uired to pay a license~ and to see that such licenses are taken out~ and all p'oliCe officers shall have and exercise the power to enter~ free of charSe~ at any time~ an~ place of bffsiness for which a license is requined by this ordinance~ to demand the e;.~aibition of such license for the current term by any person engaged-or employed in the trans- action of such business ~ and if' 3uch person shall then and t"lere fail to e~=i~ibit such !icense~ sucJ~ person shall be subject to the penalties provided for violation of this ordinance, ~,_e Chief of Police is hereby directed to carry into effect the provisions of this section, 27~liLL/,,L Old' LiOEL',[SE: .,~11 persons~ firms or corporations to whom licenses have been the provisions of this ordinance~ and whodes. ire. upon. the expiration of the period for which such license has been'granted to have the same renewed~ shall upon the expiration as aforesaid secure a new license in place of the license held by them which has e~,,~:~:ared, by applyin~ to the License Cottec-to~-:d~..~.~!ng..the amount "' 6 . -'.' '.' ':.':..."- ..... .· ... .......... . ' ,"-. ' ' :~t;-Sq..,; ....,, 'r~quired and making such statement as may be resuired under thins ordinance. !~ o2Ot.'iOil 14. ... . .... .~ LICiLi'~'SZ: · . If any section of this ordinance is repealed' or amended,u~-%he CoUncil may, at its discretion, refund to the holder of anX..~n license for the business corninS under such repealed or ame~:$d section a proportionate amount of the license fee paid thereon. All ez-soldiers ~ sailors ~ or marines ~ W!%o have been..honorably discharged from military or marine service of the United '~'ates~ or the Confederate States, who are physically unable %0 ob~'~'~n a livelihood' by manual labor~ and v;l~o shall be qualified elec~ors~of the State of California, shall .be permitted to vend~ hawk, and peddle a~'g~ods~ wares, merchandise, fruits or ve~etables (not otherwise prohibited by ordinance or lau) in the City of Lakersfield~ without ...~ying a license fee therefor~ and upon the presentation of his certificate of diS:cHarge to the Chief of i~olice~ and showinjj proof of his:.~dentity as the named therein~ and the further ~roof of his phy~'~a'at disability~ shall and he is hereby a thormzed to issue to said honorably discharged soldier~ LI sailor or marine, said permit free of charge~ as aforesai~' For the purpose of this ordinance the.-.fo!lowinZ words~ whenever used herein~ shall be held to mean and .include ~s' the same are defined in this section: ..... L.~ ~.utomobile - Is defined .to mean a~d. include ~ny that is propelled by an engine anti used on a pUbl.~c highway. 2. ~u. tp]uobil~ Dealers - Is defined tO~q~e' any pe~son~ firm corporation :vho carries on, eonduc't'~:i~f'~intai~S] 'o~';enga,yes in business of buyin?, se!lin~, e=cha~ing:.~'~o~:~other~ise de~~':~. automobiles; provided thi:~;;'definitio~.. SHalI not inc~~e term nd n nd De ler mn utono,~ ..... 3.-~Utonobi!e Vjreckin~ Dea!e.rs - Is. ~'~ned to be a~rsbn, fi or corporation who carries on, conducts, o~es in are bought and sold, in whole or in part- ""' .'.,~.~'~--V'. ~. Business - Shall be held and construed to Drofessions~ trades~ occupations and all and every kindd~f 'calling carried on for profit or livelihood. '~ )'. CaX~val - Shall be held to mean and include any of attractions such as ball games, merry-go-rounds, whips ~ ferris wheels or other riding devices, freaks~ dancin~ shows~ negro minstrels, or any other like entertaimuent or game for uhich a 'charge is made for playing or participating therein. if the group of attractions~ as~ mentioned heroin, is owned or conducted by any one person, i'irm~ corporation or association~ or if any one or nore~~ the group of attractions, as mentioned heroin, is owned by different persons, firms, corporations or associations es~ibiting or showing'the attractions at the same time~ in each instance the group of attractions shatl~ for the purpose of this ordinance, be considered .a carnival; .provided that any group of riding devices o~y~ such as merry-~b-rgunds~ ferris v;heets~ flying horses~ whips~ kiddy ride~;s~' etC. ~ not exceeding five in n~nber~ shall not be deemed to be a carnival-as herein defined~ uhen such riding devices are not shov,~ with any. o~her.. show~ attraction~ or game generally associated ~vith carnivals~ and the license fee thereon shall be paid as provided in beetion 1~ ~ara~raph ~%'~' Subdivision (g). S. Contractor - a contractor' ~z~'thin the.meaning 'o'f thiS' ordinance is a person~ firn~ cor]~oration~ co-partnership~ association or other organizaZion~ or any combination thereof~ who for.,,either a fi~ed sum, price, fee, percentage, prefit or other than wag:~-~(~'undertai~es or of~e'rs:'~' ":' '::~'' the capacity to""~der-t~e to c.~nstruct, alter=,~"~.~a~r, .add to', improve a~ buildin~-~ higMmy~ road~ railroad excavation or other structure~ project ~ development ~ or improvement ~ or~ 'to dO any 'par. t' thereof;.~ovided~ that the term contractor~ a~'Used in this ordinance, shall inc!'~ae:~.bcont~actor, but shall not in~iUde~anyone :Vho"merely furnishes materials or supplies 't~ithout fabricating the same into~ or consigning the sane in tl~e performance o~(~work of the aS herein defined ~ or sole owners of- property building thereon dwelling house intended .for the use and occupancy of ..suC.~:' OWner' and his family~ provided that no more than one of such buZZ'clings shall be so constructed in any calendar year. ~"or the purpose of this ordinance ContraCtors shall be 'c divided into the following classes: ~ Shall include all contractors ~h.o are requi~e~:by City OrdinanCe to submit to s~ecia! e=amination as to qualifications and' carrying individual inspection. .... OL.a~ "'~" COi'~Ti-IaCT'0RS: Shall include all contractors engaged-in the construction of remodeling of any building or improvement, each ~'rith a valuation in emrcess of k::ive Hundred (5~'00.00) Dollars. .-. CLASS "C" COi~iIaCTOiiS: . ~.: ~hal! include all contractors engaged i~ the construction or remodeling of any building or improvement, each uith a Valuation of not more than Five Hundred (j%00.O0) Dollars and not less than Dance.~ ~ubtic - See Public Dance. Tuenty.siX (,.)2 ~. 00) Dollars 10. Dance Hall, ~ublic - bee Pab!ic Dance iYa!l. Dealer i! .Automobile ~- 'Be'e' ~:au~.omobile Deal er. Dealer, 'Au. t0n{Sbile 'i~re~king -= .See .automobile ZJrecking Dealer:. purchasers, assignees~ or transferees 11. Dealer, Second Hand -,_'~u__tqm.0b_iJ=_e_s_ - See Second V:and i~./.~i~"' automobile Dealer 12. Dealer, ,;holesale - See '.;holesale Dealer.: ..]--'].(vii": 13~:?~ C!eani~ - 5hall be deemed to mean the r s p oces cleaning, dyeing ~ or renovating clothes ~. wearing apparel ~ feathers ~ ~ or any fabric ~ textile, or hats, or rugs~ by means of imm~ersiOn::'~i~:· agit[tion in any cleaning medi'~.~ and/or solvent not ordinarily u~'d ' in reg~ar steam laundry cleaning.. . ';:~2. Established Ka~ p~ Bus$.ne~! - Indicates .~ . 'store~ office or place uhere business is legally and regularly tra'ns' .." .;t'. . .: ac~ed from month to month~ in such maxer as a business of that .aa~,Ure ' n lntea~y n is generally conducted and uhere the cirm~astances show a :;~.:~: ~. ' ... to become an established~ fized and continuous part of the ~.egu!ar and ': ' and not in any lodging roon~ or place where oly temporary, desk room is resorted to for tem~orary pummses~ as distinguis.hed"'from a cont~uous and permanent business in said City. 15'. LEdless Chain - Is defined to mean a~d include a~Plan or scheme wherein any person~ firm or corporation sells~ transfers~ assigns or issues to any person any right~ property~ ticke~:-; coupon~ . certificate ~ contract ~ or other token~ and vzherein the purchasers ~ transferees~ or signee tlmereof or the person to whom '~he same is issued undertakes or is recuired or pernitted to undertake "for himself~.:~?or as . the agent~ representative~ or attorney of such person~ firm oF"'corpora~ tion~ to selt~ transfer, assign~ or issue to another any rights' pro.~,erty~ ticket~ coupon~ certificate~ contract or other token uhich may mn~:~ certain conditions entitle the purchaser or recipient thereof tO any right~ property~ ticket~ coupon~ certificate~ contract~ or other and wherein the purchasers~ transfe~ees, or assiZnees thereof'T~bm~.'. the original purchasers~ assiCinees~ or transferees~ or from .sub~ent are also given~ as a c.o~~a~ion rot their entry into or lpartic!~:t,:ion in such plan or~.,~cheme,..~n~.-.~ their purchase or receipt of such right, property~ .ticket, coupon,'~ certificate, contract,/:.~r other token, the right, privilege or obliga- ~i0n.~of making further sales, assi~mnents, or tra~sT~rS...~. any right, property, ticket~ coupon~ certificate~ contrac~ or 0ther token. 1S.. Fixed Kace of Zusiness - ~hatl be the same a.s the definition Siven for ;~Established Kace. of Business" heroin] l?. GoOds - ~hall mean and include every commodity or artiete of trade capable of bein-; bought~ sold or. eXChanged. 1S. Kite - ~hall be held to mean and include compensation~ reward or revenue derived from the hauiing or transportation of passengers'~ freight or any otker material ~ ' 1~. Z~nDprter of '~oods~ ./ares and Merchandise - Shall· be deemed te mean every person~ firm or corporation that ~ransports into the limits of the City of Dakersffield, goods~ wares or merchandise of a~ description whatsoever and distributes or furnishes the same to retail or uholesale dealers having-an esta]~iished place of business in the said City of L]akersi'ieid, to 'become a part of said retail or uholesale stock in trade in said established place of business; or v..'ho delivers or furnishes goods, uares or merchandise direct to the consumer in said City. 20. lt__i_nerant i.f_ejT_cj~_alat - "itinerant ~:erchant" of goods, r~ares and merchandise shall mean and include all persons, both principal and agent, ~,:i-~o .engage in a temporary. 'and transient business in the City of Balnersfield, selling ~oods, wares or merchandise~ and for the . . ~ of carryinj on suc~c, business, hire~ lease or DU, rDOSe occupy any room, bui'idinf~ or structure, lot or premises, for the ez-fi~ibition or sale of such .3oods, wares and merchandise, and the pers0~;' firm'or eorporati6n so 'engaged shall not be r~liev'~d from the payment oi' any license fee uhich may b'e required therefor by reason of any association temporari!y.~,~i-th any local merchant, dealer or trader, unless all the sums received .therefor are turned over to and become a part of the receipts and earning.~.'0f .Said me'~chant, dealer provided~ that this shalt~;~O'~ ~6p!~.: to com~erciai;t~rave!ers.or selling sellinT their to merchants, er traders, where ~ or trader ,s. s~.~ sane is to-become a ~pS?t of said merchant', de in trade in his reSular ~iace of business~ ~ier seltin~-'~Of-"'~resent' o~ future delivery, by sam'zte or otherwise';"Z'(:~or to pe~:~'~s, .as Sa~'~. ar'e defined in this ordinance, nor to perS]~=i~iiing veget~meS', meat, poetry, hotter, e~s'and'o~n:=~'~roducts of their - 2!. itinerant Vendor - ~hall mean ~--include all persons~- both pri~pals and aZents, who engage' in-~'?:'~mporary and transi~t" business in the City of Saker.sfie!d, Sellin~' ointments~ d~=~gS'; or medical compounds, or any appliances for the treatr~e~:~'=~S'~ disease · ,,.: 4 · , injuries, or any person selling yjoods :rates or"merchandise~ using. . - ~ - ~ . music ~ speeches ~ oratory, :;ymnastics, entertai~ents, or any other.= ': .. .. particular display, show or performance~ or .doing any act ca!cula'ted. to draw or collect a crovzd for the purpose oi~,advertisin;~ his goods~. ' ' ~ ' ~;~ares or merchandise. "22. juan Dealer - is defined to be any person~.~;~Tm or - .,q, 5(~~'~'- · ,, ~ - ,. corporation ~mo carried on, conducts, maintains or en~.g~s in.the business' of buyin.l~ sel!in~ or otherwise d~aling in or accuiring old bottles, scraps, pieces of metal., rags, Old rope, or any old ' article not -~o be used in its former state or condition. o~ Ju~m Collector is defined to ~De any 'person Who~ goes .. . co!] ecting from house to bourse ~ or from place to place ? gathering ~ ~ . . buying;, selling or other-jise dealing in or acquiring' any old bott].es, scraps~ pieces of netal~. ra{js,_ Old r.$iSel.gr any =.otd= article not to..' be [~'~'in~.'t~g-former' state' or condition:.~-~ , - ,- . .~. o~ Machine s ~' · ' ' ~ ~ e mmn - See' Vek~di~ ifa~hines. 2Z~. i.[erchandise .. ~hai! be hel'd tq' mea~h the. same as the.. definition .~%iven for "Goods~ i~erei~;i- =- 26 i.~erchant~ Itinerant - Ses~Tinerant Lf hant"' herein. · - , _ erc 27. i.;otor Vehi cl__~e- bhall be held to mean and include any' truck, automobile or other vehicle .d~'or ~ro.pelled by any engine; which vehicle is used for the ha~i~or ,transporting of freight o= other materials~ or any trailer Or vehicle attached thereto which ha~s or. transpor. ts freight or othe~ materials therein. ~. Peddle~ - bhall include every perso~ uho carries place to place in oither a pacZ:~ vohicie~ basket or other Con~eFance or contrivance~ or stands on a public street~ or occupie~--a temporary stand on private property, and offers to or does se!t~ barter or exchange any .~oods~ wares and merchandise~ or Books (except religious publications, newspapers or porio~icals)~ provided~ that persons furnishing to retail dealers having an established place o~ business in the City of Bai~ersfield~ to become a part of said retail dealer's stock in trade in such place of business~ and a producer who furnishes directly and delivers any pou!try~ e.ggs~ butter~ fruit or vegetable~ being the produce of his garden~ farm or dairy~ to any person in the City of Dakersfield~ shall not be deemed to be a peddler within the meaning of this ordinance~ provided, however, that said garden, farm and/or dairy must be situated '.,~ithin the limits of the County of Xern~ State of California. ¸29. Place p_~ Business - Oha!! be held to mean the same as the definition given for "Established Place oi'business~ herein, 30. I:awn Bro]:er'- Is defined to be any person~ firm or corporation vrho carries on~ conducts~ maintains or engages in the business of loaning money for interest'for himself or any other person~ firm or corporation~ and receiving goods, warester merchandise as a pledge orpa~-m in security for tXe pa;;ment of'same~ or ~o purchases 'articles of .po:r-sonal proper~ty-s2ad roTesells or agrees to resell such articles to vendors or their assi.:;ns at prices agreed upon at or before the time of such purchase, i~'erson, ~.~' ~jl'ma!l ]~e held. to mean and include natural include both sez.~es. 32. Profession - Shall be held to mean .and 'inc!ude,.v.o~qa~ions~ ~ependinS 'upon the knoTzledje~ ability~ and effoTt of i~ividuals~ and not ~OnceTned with the furnishinJ of amusement~ SoOds~ o~ 'merchandise to the ge~?ral public. ~ ~b!ic Lance - ~ha!l for the purpose of this ordinance be held to mean and include any dange to which the public generally may gain admission upon' tim payment of a fee · 34-. i'ubliX ['>~-j~JX lYiaj~. - Shall' for the purpose of this ordi- nance ]0e held to mean and include any room~ place or space in uhich a public danq:e= as defined herein is conducted; 3~ ~]nar i=!ace of Business Shallbe'held to mean and include the sane as the definition ;Uiven ~or "Established Place of bus~iness;~ herein. ,Second -,[and Dealer Is defined to' be any ~0erson, firm or corporation uho carries on, conducts, maintains or engages in the business of buyinfZ or sellinU or exchanging or' 6therv/ise dealing in or acquiring any article or thinS: that has been sold or used before~ provided, this definition shall not include tl'~e term gunS-Dea!er~ i'-awn Stoker, becond Hand Dealer in a~tonobi!es~ Automobile Dealers and Second Xand Furniture ~caler as the same is herein defined. 37- Sec___ol~~ lland 2urniture Dealer - Is defined to be any person, firm or corporation dealing in~ buying, selling or era'changing second hand household furniture cr household goods orly~ provided~ however, that this definition si'm!! not include any person, firm or corporation who handles or deals in second tnand household furniture or houSel'~otd goods o~u]y as an incident to his regular 'business, or one uho conducts 'or .maintains a furniture store and whose principal business consists oi' buying, selling or dealing in neu or unused house-. hold fur~f~ure or household goods, :,L - 33. ~econd }iand Dealer ~h ~utomoblles - .is' defined to be a~X': ,- :~ '; 7-;,.. - ::!-L eTga;;es in the. business oi" bUXin~; s~ll~n;, exchangin~ o~ 0't~viSe':;;4;<;} '~'>'39. S'team Laundry ,-ehall be deemed to 'be a ~au~dry uSi~?s'%<4:~"'>.- ":" other '[una?ieS. shamf" e aeenea to be hana mauna{[;,s:.-"'-V ~0. T w 1 and/or Linen buDn.~ bhall be deemed to mean the ~?-, ::j ;" 0 e -- . ' . . . towels or other linen for com:~ensation. ' . .;}~;~,~'~.:;F' ='/'' ' ': "...' 4-1. Vendor o~ Goods -~n~ll ee aemmned the same. :,~ he for "I~inerant Vendor" herein. : :.,,:. -. .... 4 ,: '.:, '. < ,: ,.,. 42;- '~ea0Y04~ l./achines ~hal~ be deemed to mhan and includ~'.::.~ny machine~ contrivanCe~ device or a~7>!iance which:aS a reSit o~:~'.~.:; ' '. deposit of' money 'therein avs o,fiy merchandiSe..'~ %he value o~ which P merchandise corresponds to 'the value of t}te money deposit~;,';?~:'herein. .:. ~.~ V.:'ho!esale Dealer - Zs deemed to be one ~vho.'se!:~?'e;zclusivelY to retail dea!ers~ and provided that any article sold, to a cons~ier direct shall be classified as a retail sale. "'::.'~',j' :' 4-4. '~iare~- Shall be defined the sane 'as the definition ?or "Goods" herein. "~ ~VGFZ ZgeFSO~ fiFL! OF oor'DoF~ltio~ ~z/ho keep~'~ conducts~ carries o:a~ mana~;es~ or maintains sm~ ~ub!ic uti!ity~ or business~ or who sells or ofi'ers i'or sale any cormodity~ ~Zoods~ wa~es .o~'.merChandise or services :./ithin the Clip' of ,bakersfiold~ either as principal or at~ent~ ;zhether on co~nission or otheruise~ vchether .for igresent,.'or..::fg-ture deliver~ or ,v;hg~h~__,~_~90ds~ Wares or merchandise are owned by or consigned to said persons~ firm or corpora'tion~ e~mcept as otherwise provide~' err person 'firm or cornorat~on~ uho at a fixed this ordinance~ and ev . . ~ place of business, las:Ving a fixed and permanent ~?adquarters or office z~ .,,,:" , ~ '-: , '_< ,.,, .~, f".: "' 'k "' nanages, or maintains any trade, profes§'~.~n, .calling or occupation'i.; shall pay a license fee equal to one. and. one-half mills (~Z~Oi~) of each .dollar of Zross income~ receipts or sales within Sakersf~'61d, payable quarterl~ each payment to be made 'witt!in.- fifteen (1~/) days after ti~e first day of each qua~e~,. proVided~:'jbowever~ in no case shall the license fee be less tha~4'~he minimum fees- set forth in bectiOn lJ following: (a) Zetail.- i%r every person~ fi~'~('~'~rporation conducting a business exclusively: .at retail the license fee shall ~i'n acc0rdanc~' with the rate set forth above in this 'section~ 'b]~' in'~ase shall' the license fee be less than L:ive boliars (Oj,O0) per quarter (b) ';/holesale - The license fee for wh0t~.S~ers shall be the same as for retailers except in' every base where the wholesaler main, rains a warehouse and complete distribution facilities within the/.'City of ]~akersfield~ the license fee shall be one-half (1/2) of. the retail rate~ but in no event shall the license fee be less than Five Dollars , carries (..;~,00) ~er quarter, (c) './h___oj__esa~e an~ Retail - For every person, firm or corporation conducting both a wholesale and a retail business on the same premZSes, the sales or receipts fron each class of business shall be reported separately and the combined license fee for both v~holesale and retail sales shall be not less than Five Dollars (..~',00) per quarter, SiZC~iOiY 1S, i.fli¢iLibif LiCL_/SL~ i~EL~ Z'O L3 l~Ib: The license fees based upon the total amount of gross income, receipts or sales as provided in oection 17 above, shall in no event be less than the n~inimum amount of license fees,fixed and established according ~o the following sch'edu!e and ~the same shall be ~Daid by persons, firms or corporations enga~ffed in any business, trade,profession, calling or occupation unless the license fee based upon the gross income, receipts or sales exceeds said minim~n fees: l~very person, firm, association er corporation conducting and'/or main- tainin] on premises o-.:ned or leased by him t'_'~e ~Zames' mentioned herein, shall pay the minimum license fees s]~ecified herein.~; respectively: "For each ray-o-life machine~ and all other :similar machines tzith%!ectrica! attachment~ and all games operated sol~9':f"~or amusement, not otherwise specifically heroin provided for.~: the Stm~ of Three Dollars (;.j3.00) per quarter for each such machine or 'game. For each pin game~ marble or ball game, using ten or more balls~ the sum[ of Three Dollars (73.00) per quarter. l.~or each pin game, marble or ball game, using four to nine balls, inclusive, the sum of Six Dollars (~.~S.O0) per cuarter. '..'or each pin game, marble or ball game, using one to three balls, inclusive, the sum of Twenty-five Dollars (.i~2~.00) per rt qua. er. For each iron c!aw~ crane, or similar machine the s,Um of Ten Dollars (-.;10.00) per quarter. ' it is the intent herein 'bhat the license shall stand in the name of the actual operator. The application for license shall be in writing and on such forms as are prescribed by the License Co!tec~or'. Licenses on machines already issued shall betransferred, uithout charade, to the actual operator. This license fee shall in no way license or permit the operation of a machine or game which is unlawfml under the state law or local ordinances, nor license nor permit the operation of a lustful machine or game in an unJ~awf~Ll manner, nor permit the operation of any machine or game in v.~hich the element of chance predominates. license shall be issued for the operation of any machine vfhich automa_tically discharges or pays or is capable of dischargfilg or paying counters ~ slugs, money, ci'~ecZ:s, coupons, and/or tickets, v.~het:aer in a sealed compartn~ent or not. iVo license issued Under this ordinance Shall be transferable except aS herein ~rovided. ' a license, the person, and/or nmintaining the sane oa"prem~:i4h owned'j:~'~'eased sh~-.npay a penalty of double the amount of said license ~0'~~ every qu~r or portion of any 0uarter durin3 which s~id"mae~i~.;~,,~S 'onerated withon~ a license, ..%? Zf any ~erson~ firm~-as',socia~ion::op~f~rporation S~all fail o~ saZes as pro~Ge6 ~y 5ee~o~ Z? abUve o~ ~e,,'~u~ Z~cense fee Dro~Ge6 Zoz ~e~efi~ wh~che~e~ ~s ?~ea%e~ W~a~%'~e~ ~he same Zs 6~e-~ o~ ~e Z~eense }e~a~x }~o~Ged Xere~n~ %Then a!l licenses issued to him or it for ;sin games~ ball or nl~le games ~. .- 2 ~eunc~e nay be revoked by ~e License Collector, '-'Any such person~ i'irm~ association or corporation dissatisfiedl %~i:th"the revocation of . any license by the License Collector nay~ within. a period of ten (10) days from such .revocation~ appeal to tlie cktv Council 0f the City of Lakersfield for a hearin~ and upon said hearing the decision of said City Council shall be final, " 2. .~Dpraiser - laycry person engaged in the profession of ,,ppraiser in the City of 5aZzersfio!d shall pay a minimumlicense fee of i.'ifteen Dollars (,,!~,00) per year' in advance; provided~ however~ that any person licensed to practice law or aZ~'[.real]'~state broker or salesman ~¢ho has paid a license fee under'~ect'ion 17 above or a minimum license fee hereunder shall be exempt from paying a further fee as an appraiser, 9 ,~rcades For every person~ firm~ Or corporation conducting~ ~anaging or carrying on an arcade~ the minimun~ fee of One Iiundred Twenty / · ~Dollars (27120,00) per year~ payable annually in advance o'n the first day oi' JanUary of each year~ which license 'fee may':bepr0-rated for a fraction of a year~ but in no event shall the minimum license fee V :'f:~enera! enclosnre-in which is conducted the:~.~i'ness of operatin~ c , o ' or machina. of like Chars~ter." "-[::~??h ':~b' Drovided~ that if the person.. by whom the,.,~~eerinS- is :done i,s:..<'a'n per day~ provided, furthers. that .t~iis ~S.~tion shall not apply to any person, firm or corporation sellin? hi'~'~':%~":.,;its 'o~vn goods, war.es or merchandise at his or its 're~ulaZ'~:esta~llS~-~ Or fixed place of ' ?~"~, ' ' ' ' ' "' business in said City, provided such person or':'~:':'~6na fide member of ~uc' ~.yhof .~uctioneer. ~ n firm :0r corporation shall act in the cap~C~ the If~ in the opinion of the City Lice~'Se dollector the per:son,. firm or corporation selling '~oods by auction established a place of 'business here With t!~e idea of holding. an aucti]q~-and' moving on~ then ..:... in such case or cases, the minimum license of Fifteen Dollars (~!~.00) per day applyinZ to auctioneers or. itinerant vendorS. of ;Zoods shaft apply durinZ the total period of the auction. '.' · (b) LYo license shall be required for t~e selling of any. goods at public sale belonging to the United s:~te~:.~..~ the state of 6alifornia, the Count.y oi' ~dern~ or the City of~kersfield, or for. sale of propertZ~ by virtue of any process issued .~-. ~n~y' State or domicile of the owner thereof~ provided. that the.owner thereof shall act in the capacity of the .auctioneer. - ..:.~.:.~ ..... Twenty.rive' Dollars (S~5'.OO)per 'suarter. ~';:~ '1'~. ' ~1:. ]].] i'ee of' ~n~ ilundred,,DplZars ($io0.oo) per year,:2~~a!ly in' :,',, o~ ma~ag~'a ba~be~ s~o~ con~a2n&n~ o~e C","'~r~ -'.'~:j~ee of -": · ,..- ~ - - o ~ ........ .~ ~. _..u .... . .. ,. - ::~, ~" :.: .... .,.' taining or furnishing steam~ i-la.n~an or '2u~kis~ths not conducted in coxeotion with' and as a cart of a~iv other b~Zness pa}~~'' the ~arovisions of this orc.inance, .:o~U~:'~'a~';'~ti~er ordin~ce fee, under ~ ...... : aniendatory hereof or supplemental hereto ~. 'the::.~j..~mum license fee .Sf · en Dollars (:.;i0.00) per cuarter '-.':<?.::~27~. .'. (b) if'or the business o~' l:eepinS,, nm~l.i'ii.ng' or-f.urnishing ."' mineral licuid baths, mineral vapor baths, nine~'al. mud baths, or. any other medicinal baths not conducted in conne%t.~'~"n with and as a part ~.-- oi' anZt other business pa}'inC a license ,fee u~der= ':~e'r.provisions 0f .~': this ordinance~ or any other ordinance .amendator~h.ereof or supple-' . ,f.....~., .:. ,- , ,. mental hei;eto~ the minirim fee of i.'ive D0!l-ars...'(~}<'.O~) per qUatrey,. ""' · (c) For the business of conducting a HeaZ~hOlnb o.r,.:Gym' nasium for bodl conditioninS~t~e mii~imml-fee/'o~.~'~.~en']D0'iz'ars C']lo. O0) : 2-- ~_9~ slto.~ - For ever~ person :~ondU'etinS, cartling on. - or nanaSin:C a beauty parlor, manlcur~l:'pafZor.;."or.~asf~'~'~e p~rlor. where ~ ~l e!eCtr~¢~. net facial massage, bairdressmng tions ,~ -- or treatments or alcohol rubs ere' ~ administered , the m~nimum ~'~o Dollars and Z.~ifty Cen~s(~2.~'0) ~er Cuarter=~.feff~]0~e.i'~t6r~ and the sum ox ~'mfty uents (-.~.p0) per ouarter fD~=Zeachadditmonal Imc ~:r~ 'Conduct a barber . ' 'en~ o operator~ provided that the holder of a shop shall not be entitled to engage in' said':'Ou-siness uithout the license the full minim~n fee herein set out, or ~~e t ~ection 17, vrhich ever is the greater~ and provSded,'=~fUlrth r, tha when body massages are Ziven an additional !ice~e must be obtained for' each masseur, as provided in this ordinance. 10. L__i~liaF~, I~oo! and .~Zowlin~ Games - ~:;or the business of keeping, conducting, managing or maintaining bil].iard, pool or bagatelle tables, or bouling alleys, the minimum fee of Three Dollars (.,~3 00) per quarter for each billlard, . · pool or bagatelle table, or for each boulinZ alley or bed. 11. CleanqM~, DX7,( - b'or every person, firm or corporation conductingor carrying on the businesS.of Dry CleaninE where the plant for actual work oi' dry cleaning is maintained' 6utside the city limits of the City of Zai.~ersfie!d, but doing business within the city limits of said City of Balnersfield,'the minimum license feeshall be the stun of One Hundred Dollars (~100.00) per year~ payable semi-annually, for each and every delivery vehicle maintained in conduct of said business. 12. C.oll.ection...aiy:encX. - For every person or firm carrying on the business of a Collection .j~gency the minimum fee of Twenty-fi,.ve Dollars (,.~2~.00) per year, which fee shall include any two persons, either as partners, members of 'the firm, or as manager and assistant· ..~n additional minimum fee of Five Dollars ((~5'.00)per year shall be charged for each person in excess of two:emploYed: by oF affiliated with the firm~ who spends a substantial portion of his time performing work of the firm outside of tl~e.office. .. . exceptin~ a' Class "C" COntrc. ctor, the. minim~ li b~: Class ;'~;' Contractor; Porty DOIlars:j~(.~ per. ye~:l/ Provided, the above license may be-'p'~cuarterly. i'f"~he con-. tractor so desires ~;:: :'. ..... ~::~'~':' "~ i'~rovided, further, tlmat any 'contractOr ~ng. application'. for a license who has never before r. mde ap:pliCat:i~"]?~Br a license as a con~ractor':in the City of bakersfie!a :shalt'p~;.;~?f~l yearly license in advance from the first da" "~ .... ~ of' the ;curren~ 'q~ter durin$ v/niCt[ license is issued, Thereafter the .Said contractoi may con~inue"by ." 2,'or every lqerson~ firu o~ co~ora~$O~i. 'aSed in the b~sines~ .... or actinZ in the capacit~ of a Class ~,'C" c0n~r~ct~j'k licen~e:-.~e~ each contract shall be procuFed~ a~ .~a~d-.l!C.ens~"~s~all be one dance a minimum license.. fee shall-.be:::~pafd as l,'or the above mentioned no :l'i~enss' sha'll,:/be.. il;s~ued by the License COllector until a permit is granted b~J' -~he.'City i;.ianager. tion i:eeping~owninq, operatinZ or runins any '~g~i~!e for the .trams-' portation of freiZht or other materiaIsA-for.' or other material s are transported or ~.ed .f~~omnt ins .... 5Zhe · - h~t ...... ' · ' ' ida '. , ~ i} L: .l','r , .......... ,: .. .. ,. City Limits oi' the City Of. 3ahersfie~d.:.:~~.nt o;Z~tside s~i{{~ · , ' .',.,,,,-. Z' o:P rrora'a point outside of said 'City to a .poin% of del ';~inside ,,,1 · ~ . ..-j .. : - the !imi%s of said ~i%~ oP opePa%ing en%irel !imi%s of said CiSy~ the ninimum license foe shall be "' ,.nee %o the ~o!-. lo~,zinS schedule = . -ll~% ~ .... '::;.~ ....~(-7' ,"'=' .' (a) -'CarryinS Capacity o2 iioPSe ~!es= ' "' .'...~.., Under 2000 pounds , SlO 00 pe~ ~{~:" 2000 to 3ee} pouRas z .'oq ~000 %o j??9 pounds 16-.00 p~P year ' · " 5000 ~o 77~ pounds... .... -'.... 20.eOpeP year "~ 3000 pounds o.~ over...'......¢.-.. 3~9O per yeaP (b) CarPying Capacity o2 i,.lator Driven Vehicles= :. :t ~"'Under 2000 pounds ............. ~kO.O0 ~er year 'i. 2000 to 3999 pounds ...... .. ,... 18.O0 .per year ' 000 to ~9 unds OQ ~ y~ -._. ~. co ~v,O ........... 22., . . ,, ,.: er ar ,3000 to ~999 pounds . . '30.OO per year ~000 or over ................. . ~O.OQ per year ~ovided~ uhere the nininun license fes exeeeds Ten Dollars (,~!0.00) per ai~un~ said mini!:m;.: license maybe, paid in accordance ',:ith :the provisions of ~ection ,3 herein. '. ,~, (C) ~br any motor,drive:a vehicle to stand or stop on public street or alley for the purpose of solici~i'n~ or advertising Zor bus~ness of ha~ing or transporting freight or Other for hire~ the minimum license fee shall be Ten Dollars ~'(~lQ~O0)per annum. ?rovided~ no license shall be issued for a term of less th~n one year from the first day of the current quar,ter 'during ~vhich said license is issued iS. Endless Chain - ~:'or every person~ firm or corporation/who operates~ conducts~ or carries one. or any person~vho assists or par- ticipates in the oDeratinS~ conductiny~ or carrying on in the City L~:]e~s]~'e~d~'~ny system of':nmerc2mandisi]~ kno~vn as an ~End!ess Chain~ the minimum !icense"'fee of Tvretve DollarS' cor-ooratiOn delivering_,gasoline, o~T:and DetrO!~um-~pr(~s~tsin ~he ' City of Sakeserie!C,' either at uho!escle or ~etail~the' min~s ti~n~e 'CitY, ~he minimt~ !icenS~e fee shall be as this oraina~nCe~ 9~oviaea t~mt a sales office to be an established place of business.. oil into the Clty~ the minimum license-2ee shall .5e~'~enty-five Do!lore. C,:2f~'.00) per year for each vehicle', p,ayabl'~ s'em:~<~z~raally ' , 'f. -.., ~ -:...:;, .,' ,, ,, .~ 13. Ho~ioita!S~ ifaternitv HoneS~ Sanitari~.~ [.est Homes - For every perSon~ or firm~ conducti~ or 'mana~inC a :~6.$Dita!'~maternit~ ho'me~ sanitari~ (,rest hone or convaiescent home~ the t~'~:~nse fee shall be Tuenty-five Cents (..s.2)~)TM per ouarter for every:bed or co~q~:intained for the aecolmnodation of patients ~ but the minimum l~-~e~:~' fee shall not be less. than Zqree Dollars (,..j].O0) per quaFter.-,::~n the case'of a rfia be ' = rnity home or maternity war~ cf a hospital~'~"heY"Cribs or. beds used for new-born infants shall not be counted in dete'rminin~ the miniram .. license fee. '19. Hotels, Lo~n~---ouse~, ,-~uto Sou~s -' For .the business of keeping or conductinj; a hotel~ lodging house, or.auto court, the .minimma license fee shall be in accordance to the follo~Vin~ sChedu!e: .. i:kunber of ~ooms ~ 1~ ff ' to i~'~oons .... .......... ., ~ b5 .00 per ouarter ~C~ ~ ~ '~ i[oOrns "< S.' ' 00 per cuarter L o to ~-~ ~ooms ................ ,.. 12.'00 per cuarter j0 to 'Z~- -tooms ......... .'. · · · ...... t~.00 per euarter '/)' to !00 booms ......... -... ~ ..... 20.00 per quarter I00 ~iooms and over .... ........... ., 20~00 per 'quarter plus Pifteen Cents ((~.!~ per qu-arter~:k~f0r each room _. ~in excess oi' 10O 'rooms .... 20. Zc~q ~Zanu.Z~'.6.S-ic2.y~?~ -.;'or .the business 02 manufacturing ice in the city of Zakersfield and selling or distri~SUtinS the same the Y__c! C,_,.,r~!?; ;j_ajiq:'l_jls a__n__d ~a~rt__!s - For every person, firm or corporation pedi!ini;, vendin:q, selling or offeri'n.~'-.~o~:Sale ice cream or iced confections, either from horse dra:m or mbtor .Vehicles, or from carts or bicycles propelled by manual power, the minimum license fee shall be '-ifteen Dollars (..~iLf. O0) for a three-months period dating from the i'irst day oi' the month in uhich issued~ and-Five Dollars (_?~.0'0) for each additional month after such t~rea-months period~ for each vehicle. ..... ,-~r~Mided~ furZ]:er~ that ns liceD~e shall be issued for such horse-drawn or motOrlpropelled vehicles except upon'the approval of the lZealth ~i'Sficer. G 7, (..~j;.O0) per quarter. outside of said City~ the minir_,uJn license fee 'sHall' be k'~ive Dollars license fee shall ~oe in' accor, danqe ~,.~i-ah areS, . '- - · - .... ~,~,:: n, .~;.., - ' 9., ~ , - but in no event shall the ninimt~: iiconse be les~. ~h~.'FiV~':':7~'S1lars' · '.: ·~ .- :,..;//: (.,~j.00) per quarter. '. .:' ::.? ,. ,.:: ~,- , , ,: :(.',~:' , ,, . . , · ma~ufacturer uho peddZes ico~ the minimt~a license fee shall'./he.:I,~ive ~o!lars (,,~j.00) par q.uarter for each vehicZe~ provided manufacturetit :,ithin ~he Ci~jy off Za:.:ersfield. "::,::.' :::~" ' (b) For each vehicle pedd!inE ice uhiCh 2s.'manufactured. : ,. :, .,: ,. ,. , ,. outside of said City~ the mini;m:u fee of ':::-¢enty-i'ive' DoZlars (~j~00) ~:.- --. , ':.. ': per year~ provided that if more tkan three such vehicles aF~"-ovmed . by the same Derso2 or firm~ tS:a ':inimum license fee for 'e{ch vehicle ,: in excess of three shall be 2':~alve ~oZlars and l,'ifty"'Cents per year. ~. ,.'- .. :', 22. ice Depot -.if nai~ rained ~y a company manufacturing: "' ' ~"incZuded' 'in total' gZes's s"' ' ice inside the city~ 'the license Zles of said manufacturer and pai' as ~2ovidect in Section 'Z? :'of this ordinance. i~or every ice Depot handtinJ ice manufactured inside or "::' ":":' :: 24. Zm~ortins Goods ,;%z~'es or; ~A~?cha~e:'~for~ $61e': ' For. every person or firm not having a w~:~puse or place ~.¢~:F~b~sm~ess in"Y.. the city of ~a::ersi'ield, ana who t~';)ts'merC[~'~{;e'.'~n~j";the City, the minimum license fee shall be as follows: ~, ~j~'" CLASS ~: ~v;or those who se~ or .d'emiv~r~'~i'~:rchandise to retail or uholesale dealers having an established ~l~C~b~Gf business in the City~ to become a ~3art of ~heir stock in trad~the' minimum licenS~' fee shall be Fifty Dollars (,.,yO.O0) per year' da¢~ for the first three vehicles~ and Tuenty-five ~ollars (:~2~.O0)~pj~'ear for each vehicle in ezd~ss o2 three~ payable semi-asmmlly. A:Vj, t-~ai!er shall be con-, , f ,. sidered a separate vehicle in determinin~ the:.j,fee. · CL.~.~S 2: For those uho sell or make delive~ieS;.<:;~.dj'consm:aers (including restaur'ants) for their own user the minimm license fee shall be Tv.renty-five Dollars (-~;2)'.00) per year each for the first. three vehicles~ and O.'nrelve Dollars and l.'ifty Cents (~!2..yO) per year for each vehicle in excess of three~ payable semi-annually. ,a trailer shall be.. considered a separate vehicle in determinqing .the fee. This class speci- ficsity includes persons or firms delivering poultry in the City~ ., .groceries from outside stores~ furniture~ household appliances~ lumber~ building materials (other than rock~ sand~ dirt and concrete) and all other kinds of merchandise brouZht in from outside tke City of Bakersfield. i-rovided, every person~ firm or corporation importing :~oods~ v:ares or merchandise into the limits of said City of Bak rsfie!d~ · e 'by means of steam and/or electric trains~ or motoz' frei,Zi':b~ and taking delivery from said stean~ and;or electric train or motor freight~ to be placed into said[ person~ firm or corpoz~ation's vehicle to be delivered and disposed of to the individual either at v~ho!esa!e and/or retail~ reeeivinS compensation other than the ordinary. amount charged for trans- portation of .goods, wares or merchandise from ii'reight Depots to the home or place of business of the consi.~nee~ ther~:,.in that event"said. Derson~ ffirm or corporation so transporting gOods~ wares or merchandise front said trains, or by motor' ht ,. )viII be-considCre&/'~s in~ said Soods into the Ci-~ 3aU.zers-ffe!d tn:'.ftbat' event the-':" ,~m 0r corporation 2~-avinS~]~ interest in said:~6~-ds, :" be cla'~:Z~ied' as 2:eep~'~'ownin7., o-oeratin~; or ,n~i~/.. Ld vehicle,. for the tra~~ation of freicht or othe~r~atbri~::-for hire. . ...~::. .... - or prepared By such person or some member"o:f"..hi~1~ily, or'. f0~..a'~.:':~(] ~ 2~. itinerant l:erehant - Every ~erson~ '~hler principal 'or. ~av a minimt~,a license fee of Fifteen Dollars -.~Cf'~'~]50) ~er day.' : 26 itinerant Vendors - Corn doetors'n~-'~52~~ Chiro~odists Pr ticin~ their 'business or occu~ation other than at-a fixed .pt--ace .0f business~ itinerant vendors carryine' on the-busi-n~s of,'~!ting nostr~s~:";.:"::~ ointments~ dru~s or medicsi conpounds~. or any -~ppl~anCes for the treat-' merit of disease or injUries~ by passing or .soticijtin~ from.-~o~e. to. house, or any person, firm or eoruoration seXlfi~g"anX~real pro~er~ty "' or personal property, of any Z~ind or'descrip~ien,'.Gr vendor of wares or merchandise, ~.sinU. music, speeches~ 0'ra~0~y.,~ gymnastics, entertaffy:merits or any particular display~ S'howo.r-performance or o~.'on any vacant haranguing crotTds in any public f~a!L or bui!ding~=: or y. renises, or doing any act calculated to draw. 9~."Col]-ect a croVd for the pur~ose of advertising or seltin~ his goods., ,war'es or merch:andise.', shall DaY a minimum liCSHBe fee off bw6H~ty-five::~olZars' 2y. juni: Dealer -'L,~or condhctinZ~ carrying on or maintaining the business of ju:~: collector or 3 .-.. ~. .... ... (b) 2,'or operatin.% or maintainin~.a:~j~aund~Z-:..:]~no" · ' ' wad:on or vehicle'is used in comaection fee shall be Three Dollars (;2~3.O0) per ' 27.. Laundr:,,~ ~team~ &rid/or L'.lnen"~'~l~r - For e~e~"pe~son,. fi~m or corporation conductin~ or os:rryi~"on Laundry, Z'owe! .and/or'Linen ~uppty, where of launderinz is maintained outside the City"'E~ts. of tile City of Zakersfield'~ but doiny~ business within:'the..~'.~.Limits of'said"'Oit~,':~' of Bakersfield, the miniram license fee shall/be One }i~:~:d:~:"Doilars (~10O.00) per year'for each and every detivery.~ehiC!e maintained in conduct of said business, payable s~mi-amnually~ '30. Loans ~ i.'lortKa~es ~ other ,thanf Paw~jBrokers - Every pets.one. firm or corporation~ who engages in the busines.S']-.~f !oanin~ money.~ personal security~ either for himself, or for any other nerson~ upGn" evidences of debt~ aSsi~mnent oi' salary,, salary warranty~ 'salary demands~ automobiles~ or any other ~ersona! property~ or. ~urchaSi g for himself~ or any o~her 2erson~ automobile con~.acts~ commercial paper~ evidence of debt.~ assif]mmon~s of sa!ary~,satary warranty, ..sal. ary.' demands~ time chec]:ns 'or other evidences of Salar.y.due or to become due~ shall pa~, a minimmn license fee. as follows.: (a) '2hose pe. rsons~ firms 'or 'corporati0ns'~ liqensed or re- quired to be licensed. by the State of CaliforniaV under the provisions . .. r ~. · , , - , of either"or both of .those certain aCtS' .Iraown as '~he CALIFOI~i[~SI.Z~L license fee of %~v~enty~five (02~.O0) per cuarter.'*:j". (b) i%ll'other peons, personal loans d~ p~ha~'in:. cormer.c.ial' P~e~ . . . : . ..:: ,,~ . license· 'fee of Twenty-five.DoZ.~a~s'~',(~2:~.O0) per"-Fe. ar~ payable advance ~':-~'~?~;:;~" '? ~ ..:V~i'~'- ijo'~kin;Z in' t~is~ section shall be ·deemed to ap~-~ .~e "any persoS~ firm or corporation makinZ real estate to persons~ fi~ms or COrporations exempt from p~t of a city ·licerise,;' 3~l:asseur -Pot every ~gerson c0n~in2 the:,~as~'~"~"'or' the mi~m~. license fee shall be l:'ifteen DotZar'~ (:)i'/.00)'p.er' payable in advance; provided that any person oE~ductin5 the business of pu]~lic;-~S~hs o'r bynnaasi~ and payzn~ a !'Icefi~,~ therefor .shall' not be required to pay an addi%ional lic~ns~ for "~'a'sseu~, ':.:~[ffa-:"- " 32. Z;iilk ]VaZons~ Dairies '~nd Creame~ieS;"'~'('~~ _ ......... , ;-~very, person. firm or corporation d~livering milk, buttermilk (9~d/or cream from uaj~ons or other vehicles, shall pax a .inimUm?i~'~ense fee of Three Lq Dollars (a.;3.O0) per quarter for each vehicte'.~.'..~-A (b) if such wagons or vehicles ar~ :0p'Sr~*~e~'bu- a creamery - or dairy havinZ an established p~[ace of[..busines~:(~i~side the City- .Limits of the City of Lakersfieid, then s~ch s~gs shall be included in :~ross sales and the license paid as prb~ided in Section 17 of this ordinance. (c) Dairies and creameries not having an established place of business within' the City~ and selling 'dairy .p~6ducts at wholesale to dealers and markets, shall pay a minimmn fee of ~ifty Dollars (OjO.O0) p.er vehicle~ as provideoS. in-Paray]raph 2~ of this sections' class, t. ~iniature .~olf oou~'se, ~ For each miniature .golf course, ,,r~ ' the.-minin~:~ license fee ctm driving course ~ _ i:'a ' ce or putting green, ~icense Collector until a permit is grafited-nby.' ,the City Lianager. ";" <:>,:-. ,: '.~.. v- .' ' ' . .. , ' '-~,:,' ':'" ,' ,' ' ' ~ "~.:': ":- , "-:: :"..-/:~ >- .->.'.-~:. :. :: 2 ", [' ': Z+ ,'?' > the above :=inentioned no' license, sh~K~ff!]~;'..issued-' by the , ,.~ .~- ~a i.;usic Boxes (machine or device 'for';~ay'~;~'music) .'Fer.:':-:'>~[':>:'''' every ~aerson, firm, -or' eor~ao.ration operat~nr~ or m~i~taining per.quarter shall 'be paid for each such machine','tabZe-"0Zd~ice. . For every coin intake slot , ' waere~er leaa:~e~/(~xection.:',.:"~:~(.~:!:~((. with the iain machine,' a minimum fee of 'Fifty-'Cen~S'f'[~SZ:~O) per cU~ife~"~;:.)(~?;> 'All remote control machines operated.".~>a~ central.'S~n. shall pay a minitomB fee of Two Dollars and Fi~t~:~-~'~nts($2,::~O:)~'~r: person uho carries on~ practices or professes ',~o:':'~tice the' buSi:~ess , readin;~ ~ ca~.tomancy, y ce a i z - ..: hypnotism, mediumship, prophecy, au~ur-y, divina~i0:ni~i~4~]~.,tic, or 'necrOmancy", :.. and demands or receives a fee for the exercise Or;:']~ibition.of hiS-. art therein~ directly or indirect'ly~ either as a:-~'ift~ : otherwise, or gives an eliibition thereof at any:.~pl'a~'where adnissio~v is charged, the minimum license fee shall be'O~eti;,H~ndred Doitars per day, .or Two l{undred and i,'ifty- Dotlars($2'~O';.60Yn;~' uuarter or a~ fractional part thereof. This slyall not apply t~::;~jp:~formers or' entertainers when ~iven as a part of an estabi~'~he~'[~udevilte shoi~. ' or ttieatre a]-onZ with other entertafiments. ':~>:f':~'::~]~'::::'" ' ' . -, .,.; ,~.. ~, - iYo such license shall be issued mtit"alpermit therefor 'is... granted by the City i.lanager. -.-.t. .' .. .......r: - ........ oo · ~aun Broker - Fo~, !ceepin~ ~. ,cond~etin,~ o'r.-C, Zing On the""..::,..,,... business of pawn broker, the mininUn fee'of~:Fiy~7 37- ;''~ .FoOdstuff ~.F.~F, the ped deliveri over riz.-ea routes of any <f~odstuff, >'s~Ch as ba~;~"~.od~a, 'delica~essenf ~loods, tamales, pies, .bread, buttermilk, candy~,.~gcorn~ bottled drii~s (but not inc!ud~n~ ice crean or ice confections, or milk' '~-:}~ (a)' tf docked or'prepared inside t~}~{~ity, Five;Dollars ' (;~.00) per quarter for eaci~ horse draw~-dr motor v~:i~ie, or Three" .' Dollars (.?3.00) per ~uarter if pead!ed on foo%'--~;~ith pushcart,' ~0'iCycle', or ot!~er manual propelled vehicle. This mini'~-license. ~ee shall in addition to any license paid i'or an establisi}.e~l]'~~6'f.business such as a bakery or delicatessen store. '-.~- (b) Pot foodstuffs brou,=li~t in from ~~e the City, a. minim~ fee of Ten Dollars (.Sl0.O0) per quarter. for"e'a'Ch horse dp:~W~'or motor propelled vehicle~ or i.'ive ~ollars ($5'.00) per quarter i~::~peddled on foot or uith pushcart ~ bicycle, or other manual~y'-'propelled vehicle. . ,,,.' 1] ', (c) lfo license fee shall be required for any person'.to peddle foodstuffs cooked or prepared by himself or some ~ember of his fanily~ when the receipts from such peddling do no~""exceed One ilundred Dollars (-.~t00.00) per month. ' (d) .,~11 classes of peddJ_inE above mentioned shall be subject to the approval of the City Sanitarian. 38- ~eddlers, i.lj!ce!~anpous - (a) Nor. every ',person peddling fruits or vegetabies~ the ninimum license fee shall' be l~ive Dollars (.]s)~. 00) per ~uarter. (b) Every person~ firm or corporation not l)avin~ a fixed ai~ regular place of business within the City of Baker.Sfield~ who sel~. vegetables, fruits, groceries ~ dry foods ~ potatoes ,' or other merchandise or other agricultural products ~ shall ~a~l"a' minimum .license' fee of l.'ifty Dollars ($~0.00) per cuarter~ an~'in no case issued for less than one %uarter. . ._ ...:~ .~.~}{ (C) ijo license fee sh~t~../'Be.'recuired for any pe.rson ~o peddle fruits ~ vegetablela, poultry,l eels or butter nr~.or produced~ ~ by himself or some me. mb~r of the family, uhen the receipts from peddling do not exceed One ]Zundred Dollars (~;100.00) per mont~' ' :.: -' ...... ~ i ;.;s ~ i ~- 3. ' g ot o, th~rwise p~b~i'ded ~'or i ~ii=pay a minimum~ license fee of Ten Dollars (]to;oo~r day, :". whether ' - · "' , · _f' such peddling' is cone by foot ~ from a vehicle, or from a,. =: -.: , ,, , L' ~.- tempor a~'y's t and. ."n', '. '- Q Photos, raCers -i~very ~erson firm' en~a~,ed in the business of ';n~oto;,ra~hin~' or picture .ma '~ or any business commec.ted therewith~ shall pay a minimumyZ, license fee as :: .... follous: . .. ~], .... (a) l,'or those,uho have a r'egiar andpermanent.place of : - business where nhoto~ra~ohs are made~ Zhe smm of Six;Do!l'ars and ' ~uenty-fi~e Cents ((]~.2~) per' quarter~ j[.:';~:~'- (b) l~or those wiio have no~'reZular~: estaB~'~shed place of business, but make photographs or sell photographs an~; ,e~a~ge and receive remuneration therefor ~ the smu"o'f '[went~-five Dollars (jjf~.00) per quarter ~ or fractional part' thereo~. ': [ ' '~: " . -~:' .. (c) if'or those who peddle tic!~ets t~ apply ~n ~:hole or in . part payment of photographs or frames by any' ~e~son~ 'firm or corporation, who has not a fixed and permanent place of bUsineSs in the City of lJakersfieid~ or for 'anything in any way colmected with the business of photography~ the stun of i. ifty Dollars (,j~0.00) per' quarter~ or any fractional part thereof. (d) For those uho take pictures on sidewalks or public . , ,,.:.,~ streets~ or in public buildin]~s, of persons passing by~ and give out' ' tickets or coupons to. csll for the photograph~. the s~ of Fifty Dollars. (u~YS]00) ~e'~ cuarter for eac~a person. - ~ (e) 2or each automat'ic coin operated photograph machine, ~t ltc nse ms D~ma ~ ...... ~.' of aetective in the City of lakei :pay license. fee of Fifteen Do] lars (. ~Z y O0 ) ,er ~ear~, p~y~ble '[fn -alvanee' :~- assec~atmon, or corporation eng'ag(ed.ii~ the.:businesS...o "=::":'~'~ting a 1;riValt. e .Patrol System, the minim~n licenSe- ~ee=' ~~~ Do!lara ($j. O0) per quarter. ' '-'::'.,: ~" .- "-'..~,~l~j< ' ..... ' . , 2or every person employed s.~U Ferson.~ firn~ co-partnership~ assoCiati0n~ or corporation who holds a permit and has paid aFficen'Sel.to operate a private patrol. ,.' system, a ni~mm license. fee of ~wO-Do!l~r~ and Fifty Cents _ .~ ' h ' ' ,. ': per $uarter shall be paid. .;. ~.:....... Provided, however, Patrol bystom and i~.~.vate .Patrol './at~hr.:an no license 'shall be '. ' '.= '..': "&:-'. '2 ". " '" :' ' , '- by the License Ooliector m!til .a permit is Siranted by the City ~-~,' i=rofessions :" ~verT, ~er~Qn-'en~a.~ed. in one o~.m~r'~'o~ followinZ professions, in .the "City Of",Z~'fiers2ield, and ' , ' ' ~aged in a-~.rofession not othemvise':prnevided for ..herein and an office in the Cit~ of Zal:erSfield~, 'shall pay a 'minim~=~ license fe.~ of Fifteen Dollars ($1~.00) per year in.advance: . . .&rchitect ' ... : ~ttorney-at-Law ' :.. '= . 2 .auditor or accountanti.=..='...',...,... iSact, erio!o,Ui s't ' 2.- = .~<. i= .=: ' .. Chemist or Chemical La~'ra~o~y <- .:' .:=..l. Chiropodist ' -; · .': .... c= ~ ' .....7.-: 'Dental-Labora'bory i'.>-.: ".. · .: ""-=. ' ": .....'= ......-..-~ ~ Dentist j] .: '.2 ?: .... =~ Electrical ]]nTineer OeolOcjist. .. ~; . ': ..-'; ,: . .l ' ·. : ,<:=::.~ l:. ' '; ...' . '~}> ':- . .-- . . :-...:-.,..<:/..::'33 j'~l:<.',t.:lj:::: .'=':::=':{~>:"1"11:':<"-" ~:::':''= '=:' ' Provided that .vhere t-.=-o or more D.ersons 'are en~ag 'proi'ession at one place of 'business~ the minimum !icen~e~' shall be : i~=ifteen Dollars (~.~15'.00) per year i'or the first perS6.~'~ and Ten Doi. I~S': (-)10.O0) per year for each additional iDerson actdally en=anied inc%he' .. profession.~ :vhether an ernp!oyee~ member of the ri~'m:~ or a person practicing independently. ' .- ' ..:..:::~.~?:":'' : ~;C: ~,' , - 43. ~[~A ~]sta~~'- (a) ifor every ~Dorson .who: enga:es in the' -. ''~' business (~zhether full or ~art time) of a real es~'~-te broker, in City oi' aakersi'ield~ as defined by the !av,:s of t'he" otate Of Catifornia~ ... '- the n'_inintu.~ license f"ee shall be the s~n of k~ifteen DOllars (:.]!)~.00) ':1'~"' :~,, . . :. ' 5:' Der year~ provided that where a partnership iS eng.a.g~d in such busin~.ss~.:.,=, the co-partnership shall pay-the minimum fee of~Fifteen Dollars (:$!~-.QO)-. per year~ and each member of such co-partnersh'ip 'a'ha!l pay a sepai'ate fee of Three Dollars .(~3'-00) nDer year; ancl if acorporation is engaged · in said business, then ~he sum of l,'ifteen Doitarsff?(~iy. O0) per year. ' .,: ~ ~..,:,,.,~ ,, .:;,,~1..' . and the s,om~ of '2hree Dollars (.,,2,.00) per .year for. each officer or agent of said corporation't'~ho acts as .a real estate· broker;'.' (b) ].'or 'every Derson enf;ra.~ed.in: the:-bnsineas of a real estate salesman for a licensed bro:cer~ tl:e minimum fee 'of Three Dollars (~3 00) ' Dei~ ~oar. "'~ " ' z:-~i-. ~Lant Cars~ ,.uto:uo]~ileS f'Or:ifire~ '.SthZes. (a~ ~.'or every person,. z'irm or corpora.rich condtue~ing~ f'managinS' of'carrying on the business of ruzxtin';, driving or operatinfi" any .aU%$~6'B{!e 6r mot·or-. ' ~ '-'. propelled vehicle for the transportation of passengers;fOr hire,· when ~r~ven by the. ouner or a ~esenta'tive of utti~e o~C~ner at rates per mile ~ per tri;~, per hour, peru' day ~ ~er 'week"'~S~ per 'month, and such vehicle is routed under.. the direction .O~-~S~ch ~assenger or passengers, or oi' such ~persons hir. ing the .~:~'~ ~and when such vehicle does not stand in ~ar upon any 'public 's'troOt~ alley or other public place ';-/hi!e.-awaitin~ einployment~ i'0r each such vehic!e~ the minin~ license fee o~M.~ifteen Do!lars((;1)~.O0) per year. · (b) For every ~erson~ firm or corporation conducting~' managing or carryin~ff on the business of ietting the use of any auto~ mobile o~ motor-propelled vehicle for the tr'anSportation of passengers for hire~ to be. driven by the ~ersons hiring'or' renting the same~ at rates ~er mi!e~ per trip~ per hour~ per day~ per ~voek or 'oer month~ and such vehicle is routed' under the direction of the person or persons hiring. the samo~ and which such vehicle does not stand in or upon any public street~ alley or other public place wlaile avmi~ing ,employment', .. for each such vehicie~ the minimum fee of Fifteen Dollars (~1~.00) per year. (c) l;'or every person, firm or. corporation conducting, managing or carrying ou the business of running ,-.-.driving or operating any automobile or motor-propel].ed vehicle for the transportation of passengers for hire ~.'fiaen driven by the o~.~'ner or representative of the . orsnet at rates per mile, per trip, :per hour, per day, per ~eeY:z, or .per month~ and such vehicle is routed under the direction of such passenger or passengers~ or of such persons hiring the same, and when such vehicle stands in or upon any public street, alley, or other public place uhi!e awaiting employment, for each such vehicle the mi'nimtm fee of Ten Dollars (.~i0.00) per quarter. ......... (d) vet every person, firm or corporation conducting, nanaZinZ or carryinZ on a state line or stage .for the transportation of passenf~ers for hire, havin[ff a tcr~nina! or office in the City Of a '.~i'," , ~r.l,- .; (b) If;no 'place of business is City Li'ji~.¥'lSr,-,the, C~ty of Sa~rers.fi~]d, the eact~vehicle delivering in '~zhe City. - .;l ,'l, (c) fro additional license in the business of pavin~ ~ excava-bin~ ~ or: eorpo~ati~n,-enga~ed in c.onduetin~ ancJor operat{~=~'ta(~:jehoo! of cosm~t~l o~y~ as defined in ~ection 1:3 of "~,n .act Coneer~g cosmetolo~y~'~ of the Ci,ty oi' bakersfield~ the minimum fee o'~/'S:~v" Dollars (,3jO',O0) per cuarter. ~ ,. , ,.~.'."~ ~-7. ~chool, banci~S~-if'or every-~}l~lGn' conducting a daneinf5 sehool~ daneinD~ aeadmny~ or st~diQ W~i~e"~aneing is tauZht'~ and where no charge is made for admission' or sea~s.~:,t~ie minimum license fee shall be Five Dollars (:.sL~,O0)per .quart-er-,'/%','::-~' ....:. or i'irn conducting a secretarial School, business :~}'d!.%~lg.e, or trade school (other than Beauty ,soi!e.~:es) wh6~e trade~ 3roi'ession or occupation~ and a m~e.e is .clmrged 'for such instruc- tion~ the minimum 'license .fee shall hie '~wen~y D0'ltar~' year ~ payable' Seni-axua!ly. . . ,.. .. Dealer - i%r keeping~ conductin~;, or ~arrying on: the, business of second hand dealer and/or second hand furniture dealer~ the .minimum 'fee of T~'enty-five' Dollars (,e21.00) .per .Ouar~er. ' field nay' nutchase old ~'o!d in comectiDn v~'ff:their 'bu~fi;~eS'F~der and by virtue o1' their ganer-al 'buslne'~s t.i'~;~%se, s ': rules and regulations relating to the ~nd h.and~.~g~j~ ~O. ohoe Shinin~ - i.~or the business~:' ~ing or conductEnd:' a-.hoot-blacking or shoe shinin;v~ Da~i0r Or' s~ minim~.feer.~] One Dollar and Fifty Cents (,jl. SD) per~uarter~::~:[~ in ~1. ShoO~q!~v~ 9~=~ - For the ~usin~.-.of keepingOt cenduct-~ ing a shooting Sallery~ the ninimum fee of T~en:~y ~2. ~kat in~:~ '~i~ns - l, or the business] _o~~;L keeping, conduct ing(~ mana~inZ. or maintaining a ska~tinZ rift: ~ the' minimum fee~of'TWSnty~rivef (-~'n'.OO) net ~uarter; ~rovided that an ad~i~]~j~i minimum. fee Dollars C,~IO.O0) :oer ~uarter shall be Ckaargedn:.]i'~]'Sl~atin~~ hoCZzev ~ames~ or athletic contests are heId in ~;~'~'ch sz~atin~ ri~-f~nd an adr~issio'n fee charged therefor. . :' ', ~:"'.', .'-. :. 73 ~rtinz Events ,athn etiC ContestS:,"~%~,-'l.' "For , · ~ ~ _ ~ ____ - . - , r. ~ ;: :$ .* ..- . .. ~ . , enclosed fi, eld~ track or stadit~ where has tbai!~ foot'ball~ horse racin~Z~ auto racin~.~Sr'any o~he~',.spbrting event.or, athletic contest not otherwise ~rovided' for herein,~ls heZd~ an~, The license shall date from the first day:of :the] month'in ~ ~vh~.,Ch taken out. l~bthing in this para;graph~shatZ~ 'be deemea:'?~6~i.y' activity or contest held Un~ler tH~'~uspices-of an=~ pdY6'lic--'school ,o.r 'the' auspices of the City ilecreation comissionr~U,U ,:',:..' ' :. '. ,; ~:-9~';:~:' .7:'~:'.: U:'~/':~:~,~,:?'~:~:~ .~,."..~::<"~";~' ".~f~ez~¢~t~,T2~:~'f;~?~;.~.-.. uZ;:'~,.~-. ;2:~<~---~:~!~:~,,t.~ ' 0i'1 by telegrapli or otherv~iSe, for the purchase or sai~,l;ef: stocks, '/~{;~i'?,i,'~I,(!i!:~?i]', such article', sold, the minimum fee of t:jen Dollars ,(eO:~i~'._~},~Sr quar~e~l',3 iN. J}~'~"~terS~ Shows~ O&ncs, ~musementS.~-F~&bit.ions~ et87~.:~)".;l. on a %heater con%'aini~ a ~mrmanen% s%aSe- ' .... · and theatrical app!~ances are used~ r/here z ea~ ~]a~~ ;.. '~-':... ' , . ~. . charSed, .co!lieC%ed ~ or. received ~ or condracting ~ mafiasins, or.. c~ing'l on'a novin:- picture theater where novinZ or mo~:en ~}ic~ur.e}: are ex-' for %~ree hm'~dred (300) seats or less, and Swo D~Zlars (42.00) per ou~.rter additional.' for each one hundr'ed' (t00) Se~s~ or fraction- :" Zi' for le-ss than one month, %he minims'-liCe~se~ee shall be" '~'" , -- , business of conductinS a theatre~ moti6n pic't~.~':}~' show~ indoor. cire~s.~ concert, o'oera, contes'%, marathon, Stumts, or.~l.)%~k. oth'er attractio~':b~ .... entertaii~aent where not otherwise provided for..::'in'~ this-6rdinance~ .. . . . . . '. ~. , .: . :..:., ,,.... .'- .. , . 'Oui~ di n', no% constructed exclusively~ for- thea~rig:~': 'our~Doses.~' wherein. said attritions or enter'aaimuents are' c.ondu~'teatl':Or. eyXi~'~d' aS.an[ ":' independent business or en%ertafimnont~ and not aS.:Ci~.p'a~%' of any other business, the rainimp'license fee shall" be ene.,--~dred Dollars (~i00.00).:'. . .. :..- .. ':%~..~ . . . ,, . .-,.~ -Previded'~. that in .the event :anp:OS. the said attractions or - . ,': ' ' : ' .f- ' :."-"..' ..' ' u: %. ' "-" . . , . · . . en~.~Ff~airm~ents specified in the' above ]section are sponsored ~0y "'i. ~5ii;'~..:-. "~:'i~i'' charm~aole or2~anmzatmon or by any fraternal organ].i2~ation.fo~][...c~l table y, urposes, and .said enterta~r~nent is hela in a build~fig owe;or leased : -. ,U'.,/~ :/, ' , :' '~' j. , .--', quarters ~ and any portion of the net proceeds are .~rived by anyb.~ersenf~... firm, association or .corporation other than the s~'o~soring or charitable organizations ~ the' minimt~ Zicense. fee Shuall'.[~TM 'five per cent.( ) of the; net ~roceeds derived ~ay. sai~.~ersbn~ firm~ ,:~] f:. ~. ,'~'..'~ .-v. · associati6n or corporation" I~rovided~ further~ ~t.in no .eve :Salt the minimuj,~ license fee be less than ':.:went~-five Doll~rs~:.~2~*OO) per'. :.. , .. :..-.. -..~(?;~- ~..... daZ~ ,. payable daily in advance; and proveideal, fui~ther,:' '~&license will be issued for a period to ez:cCcd seven (?) dayS.',v.~ ~;":"T: ' ~; '':~'. ' , ? :,.j .-:]: · ,~. j b. ". (c)':':..:The provisions' of Subdivision (b) shall not ap~ly in the ,. . ~ - .~ event sai~. attraction or entertainacute are [~i/V;:~ uhO!iy for the of churches, schools, the Oorz~unity Theatre~ or. char.i~ble enterta~ent:. liven by :any i'raternat or chaitable ory~anization ofV'%his city~ v~here' the entire net proceeds are derived ;jy. tile Said.. q~inization~ and/for`.. entertainment under the'.'aus~,0ices .of any bona fide ~'C'hautaug~'Associa~ion~, provided a perLilt is first obtaine:d fi~ont the City ~iana~e~.~L~.:~-' ~rovided~ fu. rther~ that before a permit iS' ~Ssued for said ,.. , .,~.. : entertai~ent or attraction ~sy the City ~anage~. :~i:':"C"ortified copy' all contracts pertaininE to said attractions sh&ll be filed witit bl~ i-anaZer~ showin.[~ in detail the division or distribut:~:'::of 'all.- ' ,- . , expenses and profits expected from sai~. en~ertafi~aentS., .~ permi'~ will not be issued if the evidence shous the entire net.proCeeds are not:- received and retained by ~he said fraternal or charitable organization'. (d) For every pe~son~ firm~ corporation or association o~ming~': maintainin.U~ conductinff or presenting a carnival .a-S]~.e~ined herein~ .', in the City of ZaFzersfield~ the followfinE minimum license shall be charZ.ed' and coll'ected in advance: ';'~ ..... One ifundred Dollars ('/!O0.OO) -per' day~ and an addition! Fi~e - ~ '.~ - ., · -.:].,, , e:~hiVoition, or ridin~..de~]~ce in e~-:ceSS-O~-;' twenty. 'l'!(~O'~-~. Eac~:'~n~~ff;~f;:'~"~'.. whee~V~3~m~rry-~o-round, uhi ~0 ,' or any other ridi~i~ice.,~,:' attractions, yCrouped unqer similar ad ~ r shoWs~ negro minstrels, so-caLled ~'~;irl a se~arate attrac'tion in deter:.~inin~.- the ninimm:'.-~i~.~nSe (e) .,,musement ';~ameS, :'ames of s'zii] ,-' tei~9 Of stre:a~jth, and alI other concessions o~'any carnival, where'a fee is char~ed to ~articipata']~{~l']' not be in the n'~.~ber of attractions as set forth abo~]~u'~ shatl"be; licensed at the rainimt~=~,m rate of C;ne Do~liar.'(:~;"oo) per a~:'~br such ..~ane, in addition to the regular minimm~i carniva!':j~:aease in subdivision (d); provided -ahat nothindU in-*tt~iS~a~agraph shail~"'be construed to license or authorize t]~e 'conduct..:?0~']y:~lny' gan~bZ~fi~]' or j~ame or device prohibited by the laws oi~ the uSt:~.te O:f Gai'ifornia,"=o~ ordinances of the City el' La~nersfie!d. :-v.."'.;.. '.~- iio license shall be rec~uirced'for; ~y ho~<~6.~' stand, lunch refreshment strand, or l'or the sale of.dri~sj"pop.cOm]n. candy, cigaretteS., :~:. ~junn~ or other i'ood products On the. carniV. at;=gr' s. (f) The license fee~ as here;in provide d;' 'shit!n.Ot be c.harZe~.'. or collected in the event 'said carlival.. ~as] d'e~-i~d~ in 'this ordinanc'e~ or the attractions mentioned herein~ are .coffductre~'~"~$ntire!~ for tl~e benefit of churches, schools or charitable entertainn~ents,, given any m'raternal or~anization located within: Zhe'C.it~f O~ Balzersfield.~ uhere- such ~aternat organization rec.aives~' all .tile· mo~y.s~. . ..... ,: .,. n'Ih~/~'n.such carnival i's derived from such carnival or att. rac:tions~. ~ ..'.~..;~ -. ..... - conducted entirely within a 'buildi'n~ ]'and ~i's not conducted. in.. a ten~.. In this case a s?ecial lzermit shall be obtained from the Ci~'Manager. (C) ,.my persony firm~ corporation or association,conducting. or operating any flying horses~ nerry-~o-rom~ds~ ferris whee~Sy,'~-. kiddy rides~ or other riding devices~ uhen said y . fling horses'~:'~erry-~o.rounds-, ferri~ wheels~ biddy rides~ or other riding devices are not any other shou~ Zame~ attraction or carnicai, as mentioned herei~-;' shall pay a minimum license fee of 'fen Dollar.s (..~!0,00) per day:.j:]:'~oir each such' (h) Every person~ firm~ cor~0oration or ~ss0ciation condu~tin.z~ operating or nasa,SinS an amusement game, or test.. 0ff%skilt~ st~ngth~ physical endurance or ca~oacity of a'.~y kind :.:hatsoever, and for ~0artic-i- patlos in uhich a fee is charged~ or uhich is conducted for profit~ shall pay a minimum license fee oi' '_.'en Dollars (~i'0.00) per month~ or fractional part thereof ~ provided ~ uhenever any such amusement ~ame test of skil!~ strength~ physical endurance or' capacity of any kind.' ~..~hatsoever is conducted at the sane time but not as a part of a carnival~. as defined herein, the minir~um license fee for each such amusement. ~a~'~e test of skill, strengt].m~ . ,~ -.- ~ physical endurance or capacity oi' any kind whatsoever~ shall be Tv.~enty'five Dollars (-~2~.00) ~S~[ day if conducted within one thousand (1000) feet of the carnival site· (i) l~or each e~iibition for pay of a caravan or menagerie~ or any collection of animals~ circus~ or any. other acrobatic perfornance~ a minimum fee of One iiundred Dollars (,~100.00) per 'day~ including any psn0rama figures ~ jugglers ~ necromancers ~ magicians ~ wire or rope dancinZ~ or sleight of hand emnhibitions or sideshow. (j) ,.1! other ez,~aibits~ of any nature whatsoever~ ;not specifically. referred to in this .section~ shall pay a minimum license fee of Seventy- five Dollars (,.,~'?.;.00) per day~ and no license shall be issued by the License Collector until a permit to conduct Such ez.~ibit is Sranted by' the City i..anager. .I .I ~'6. 7endin% Lachines '4'(a)=~. F ?r every IJe~son, .~.~n~l:or.~.corpora- merchandise for the sLz of One Cent '(~.],0!):~:a minim~ license :f~~jU~': shall be charged ill accorda]lce"with the follovzing/'sChed~e:....:'~.~?Li...~'' :::" 1~ Vendin;: l.ach'ines.: ,. ~'?~:Z:. ' ~.~ to not more than 2j machines~ y..6.00 per year~ 'd?~:" ~ ' ~".. :Tot less than 26 to not more than jO machines~<.~8.O0 pe~ ~... r.bt iess than ~6 to not note than 100 machines, ::Z~i'G~j~O ~e~ year', ' ' ' '~'~" '" k.'or' .more. than 100 nm. chines , (-1~,00 for the rirs~.~ machi~eS..~" p!~lS >,10 per year for each z~aohiI!e over !o~ ~ac.hi~eS]~ .-..' (b) ki'or every ?ei~so!l~ firr~ or 'corporat~on'o eratin~ any machine , . ~ or machines vendin;~ any ~Caods~ v;ares~ or narchan~'~e-fo~t'the s~ o~..,'~ Five Cents C,,.O)'), a minimum license fee shall be claarg';ed in acc~r'da~ce -:zith the fo!:Zowing schedule: .... " din~ hines "' . .:..~a~,~-i:.': ./ t to not more than 10 machines~. C;iO 00 per year,,' .... :" ': · .-lZot less than 11 to not note ~han 23 machineS; (;20,00 per year, .' ifot less than 2S to not more .than ~O machines~ ':" --7".;"' .' ' lFot less than ~1 to not more than 7~ machines~ ~37.~.;~"Per yearj' .~:~,.,;_ · ]UOt less than 75 to not more than 100 maChi.neS,'U-. ~)ff0,00 per year, - ~0 00 for the-""first 100 machines~ For more than 100 machines~ ,,, , . . plus ~;;.p~O per year' for each machine over 100 nmehfnes,~:. ,~1! the above licenses shall be payable am~aliy in advance~ on · . ; january 1st of.each year. ",.-' " ' ,' -.'.11 oDerators of vendin.3 machines covered: :~X this ordinance s~ia!! ' affidaviti".sho~v-ing the file with the License Collector an location of ~' ". 'L "7 ~'~- ' ' each.and every machine for ::chich a license is .reCuire~' herein. ..... ~Zi' 'operat6rs o/' vendinU ':n6. c'hineS, cov~red.vb~ ~hi~' '6r~/~.nce' .'shaZ1 afFi~c to each such vending machine a' s~Ck~r Or~'5.e:~ to be furnished by ..-." ' ' .:' -- . ' ? ...'/..-:':.' ' the License .0o1~ ector.~ SaiC stZcker o~~. seal-to be 'DZaced on each such :'c..: '7. "..' '. :- "' .... : ' -~ .,:.-; .,. ..' Z ' : ' ,:.: .., t..~.~/.' ',j . . .' ' . . .. ( - . ~. ,: . -: ']":..--" '~ :j"/'TL" -~' :-.:.. .:; ',:: ' :.j.. ~':. :-.:.. .. '-.:L-:....:; L":':: '." :'..'::':":.:'... ~(C~:~`~..~::~:~.~:~.d~w~:~`.:~:~X:~:~:.~.~[~:.~:~.:~' ' machine in a conspicuous p!ac~i~y.~:~"D'~rSon, fir,m or,'corDoration . , o~erating a vendisis; machine-in violat'ion of tt~ "sej~0n shall pay'f[a ..... " penalty oi' Z.~ive Dollars :.(~.~.OO) inadd'itio~Y;='6~Y~{he re,~'uiar'ti'c~" fee ~or said machine ~ for each Quarter ]r! ~'i.~ .~ ;~.TM during which said machine is operated ~ithout .... ~'~ ~ h operator,~ shall fail to pay the license fee when due, o~n:~u~/~ticense pen~tty:'~" ~-~rovided herein uhen notified of the sane ~ a!lJ l~{:~enses iSSUed .~;~'76; said operator for vendin.] machines nay ,~e revoked by-~.~.Vi~~ Col]-ector. .,.nL~ such operator om~ a vendin;~ nmchine ~h~.']~aim+ b~ dissat:is.f. Zed with the revocation of any license by ~the LiceH~i~iCotlec~oZ~ 'nay appeal to the City Council of the '~itZ/oi' ~aZ.~erSfield~' with.i~.'~permod of ten (!O) days from suci~ revocs~Zion~ for a hearj. ng]~ and u]~on said hearing. the decision of the City C:ouncil shall be finat:,~? · :' ~7 .~ater Company - For the business of "Smpp~Sr~n~-' the City of Bakersfield and the iia]~itants ~fi'me~eof' with Wate~ the minimmu fee of _;;ive ~iundred Dollars (.?)'OO.OO) per ~uarter'..'~' 5~'0- '.je~ljJZ i.-ach%xles - For eVer~ 'pers0n,f;~firm or cotpoPlar!on operating any One Cent ((~.01) weiZhing machine~ a minimu~=~l%-cense fee of One ~o!lar (v! OO) per year sl~att 'he 'Charged~;fo~""ea~f7Buch machine th ~ such person~ firm or cor~oration,operates or:. m.~n~ains payable annually in advance on january let el' each .~il o~}erators of ueiygliinU machines covered by %his ordinance. shall file '{;ith the License Collector an :.affidavit ,sh0winS the location of each and every machine for-~s~7hich :.a license is r}eeuired herein. .~!i operators or eiZ~hinS ~nachines co'verje-d,l 'Oy .t-iiis ordinance shall affi= to each such weii;hinZc macl~ine &' 'stic!~er.'or seal. to be furnished by the License Col]_ector~ ~id sticker ,or sea! to be placed..' on each sucl~ machine in a conspicuOus'place. .~ny' perSon~ f'irm or ~ cor~porati0n operating a wei::hing machine in v~Ola~ion 0f this section shall 'pay a ~enalty oi' Five .Dollars (0~.OO), in addition to the regu-' lar license fee for said machine~ for each qnarter ~or portion of a license '~enalty provided herein, v,'l~.en notified of the issued to said operator~ for ~eighin~ machines may be .~evoked by the License Collector. " -~,~U(~.,. Any such opePator of ~ wei~hin~ machine who"~jS~!l be lied uith .the revocation of any license by %he Lic~nse Collector appeal to t~e City Council o2 the .~ity of DakerS. fie!d~ within a~.per~iod. of ten (1'0) ys from such revoca~ion~ for a heari~ and ~u~.'Said hearing the decision of the City Council shall .be'- final.. ~9. ','2rJ~jjjli and Boxin~ -~ny 'person~ firms, corporation~ club or association conduetin% vrrestlinZ and/or-boxing'contests vdthin the :~7~:~' ' ' : limits of the Citbr .of Lakersfield~ shall pay to the License COll~htor - of the City of Bakersfield the minimum fee oi~ l:'ifteen Doll'a~B~' (:~1)'.OO) per cuarter ~'rovided~ hov/ever~ in the event said con~eS'tS are held in a theatre building;~. operatin~ as such and Daylug a'!icense therefor~ the n~inin~l license for. said contests shall be Five Dollars (~}~.OO) Der c!uarter in addition to the license paid for maintaining and operat- inZ-said theatre. ~ZC'i.:iOlj 19. . ~ TO LYC'X~SE COLL~]C~Cl~ 0.-? d,~;~O~S ZUbIi~ESb: (a) Zvery person~ firm or corporation ~ec;uired to pay a . . license fee as provided by Section !7 above~ shalt~. on the !st day of July and not later than the !5~th day of j~y of 'each year~ and before any further license is issued~ render to the License Collector, a statement in :vritin~, sworn to before some officer authorized to '- administer oaths, that the facts therein set forth are true, and that the fi;~:ures therein given showin~ lross income are the same figures. sh~d~ amounts as are .aive~ to the State for...income tax' purposes for the same period, Lnd that said statement shows the total gross income, receipts or sales during the twelve.months immediately prior to the making of said statement, and the humabet of tables used in anD, yjame, and the. nvjnber of Qhairs Use.d.in any business, ., .:-. ~if the amount of license is .based/', .... ,~]~$uch numb~r,,Iduriny; the ~tW¢l~e months in~nediately prior. to the making:, of such~ S~u~ement, ~Thich~s~te merit shall detern~ine..~he .~mount due and payab~j~¥rom or corporation to 'th~City of ~a]~ersi'ietd aS~=:~icense f~]~r the ensurerig year~ uiess said license fee,so det.e~ined--fa~s,~betow the ',i minim~ lice~]Tee provided fo~~ in Oe'ctio~ t8 aS~/'said total, "]~]]~ amount or .total yearly license fee ~re as shO,~~ Said statement' ~hai1 be divided into and paid ~n fotu TM ecual ,~uar~y Daymen~S~U?~th~'~'irs~ the first day of j~%~jjeac '.ii" '~r~ and th~' payn~ent due and payable balan~=shail be payable c uarterly, the~eafte~]~;~iI~'~' hey; s at r~en ~" t e~ is filed as re~t!ired herein. 'if a Swdrn s~=~it'~t shouing ..the amQ~ht submitted to the License Collector'priOr.to ~h~?~ate of this ord~ce~ the sane must be filed. on o~ Icefore' Qcto'be~ ~/~i.~44~ and thereafter '. 'i . }' ?'~'i_ ~'~:V~j::'Of each . such a suorn statement shall be filed 'on' 'or b~f~e., year. i2o such statement shall be conclusive Up~.-~he City of Bakers- , . ., -, . ',~ field, or upon any officer thereof as .to,';the/ma:t;ters therein set forth, and the sane shall not ~}rejudice the:' right of:.the sai8 Ci~y-:to fix:the, amount of said license fee at a higher ~raount~ sho~d t~re be reason to believe that said business si~ot~d':have a hi'ghe~, rating than tha~ ~ . f . , .~:. ': shown by saL6 ~gagemong~ no~ go recover c, nx .~oung ghag may be asee~- gafi~ed go 5e due ~zom ~uch ~;er~on f~m o2 co~porag~on~ %n-addLtion' - ~ · . . - go gho amoung sho::n Dy ~uch sgagemong L2 ig.. BhoUl6 be found ~o be ':;:'. . ... ~nco~2ect~ ~nd ghe L~cense OoZZeogo~. shaZZ~ aEd'.'he ~ heyeDy auShori5ed go l'~;c ghe ~Eoung o~ BaLd Zlcense &g a h~F;her ~age when he h~B 2e~on f%rm or oo~po~ag%on Z'eeZLnS ~gg~ieved"o~ 'd~ssagCis2ied u~gh such .~ag~nE by the License Collector~ as aforesaid~ may ~ppear' ~efore the Council'. at the next regular meeting thereof with proof,~:y. if any~ why said license fee should be in accordance with their said statement, and the finding of the Com~cil thereon shall be conclusive and they shall direct the License Collector to issue said.license in accordance with ~e s',:orn stE:~e~en~G reCu. i'red .by~c~.~he precedin.~ p~ra~.]~.~ ~o~ be open to public inspection, but nay~ inspected by a~'o~'~'~er of the City oi' 3ai~ersi'ie!d '..i~ose official duties make it necessary for . (b) .~ily b~siness~ as defined in Section t6~ hereinafter s or comrmnced~ prior to the 2assage of this ordinance~ or any business which has not been conducted or operated for the Deriod of one y~i%?ihd fSr which a license is rec;uired to be paid and a statement of said business made as set i'orth in this ordinance by said person, firm or corporation s'~ conduct- ing said business~ shall, if' requested by the License; Collector, c~uarter!y' during 'the first year said business is being operated or condUe to the License Collector a statement ~d'er oath, s4ewing th'e tot~t 'gross income, receipts or sales of said business~ or the' ntm~ber o.f .~bles used for any game in said business~ or the n~ber ~of rooms in anP~uilding being operated in said business, or the rimabet .of vehicles used in said b~ness~ or the n~ber of chairs used in said business~ for the ~quarter ime~ely prior to the issuing or renewal of such license~ and a like statement shall be made and filed by the person~ firm or corporation conducting sucl~ business at each quarterly license reneua! date during;the f. Zrst year such new business is conducted. at the end of the first year g~uch statement .shall be made and a license fee paid as Rereinabove p~ided for in Subdivision (a) of this Section. SZCTIOi,Y 20 The license fee imposed by this ordinance shall be deemed a debt due the City of Zakersfield from and aC~ainst any person, 2irm or corporation ,,no enga~~es in~ conducts~ carries on or maintains within the City any.business, trade, cal].inZ~ profession or occupation upon ~'~hic.h a license is imposed 2~erein, without first having paid such license fee and'pf~ired said license according to the terms and provisions of this ordinance, and said person, firm or corporation shall be liable in a civil action in tr.!e name o2 the City o2 LaZnersrieid as plaintiff in any court of competent jurisdiction~ for the recoveryof the amount of s.~id license fee~ and for the costs of suit. ,/ · . In any action brought under or arising out of any of'.the,.!']:~. . . :.::::.. provisions of this ordinance, or any amendnent hereto, t~fact that'-:: , ~ru thereto represented himself or herself as eng'a .... : ~ ~ in any business~ profession~ trade~ or calling for the operation or-.tT~ans- action of which a license is rec'uired~ or that such' party..:~ibited. a sign indicating such 3usiness~ trade~profession~ Or be conclusiy %vidence of the liability of, such person, firmOr)f~ corporation to pay for a license as reouired b~.t'his 'ord' if any section, sub-section, sentence~ ,claUse or phr~l O~ this ordinance is for any 'r. es[son held %0 be uncoz{stitUtionat~ such decision shall not affect the v~i'idity of the remaining s~tions 'Of tl~s i~?' '~ . ' pas s.e this . ordinance-. the Council hereby declares that it v;o~d have ordinance~ and each section~ sub-sect,ion~ sentence~ clause:~d phrase '~hereof~ irrespective Of the fact that any' one or more other sectiQ ,, sub-sections~ sentences~ .clauses oi~ phrases be declared unC, ons~i'tutional ': .:. .any i0erson~ firm or corporation violatinS an~ of the ~arovisions o~' this ordinance or wiift~l!y non-conp!yinS with"any of the terms'~ recsuirements or provisions contained heroin~ shall be :uiitv or a mis- .. ,- .L" demeanor~ and upon conviction %hereof~ shall be punishable by a fine not to exceed Three Xundred Dollars (.5300,O0)~-or By'imorisosnent in ' .... the County Sail for a period not e::ceedinSS .ninety (90) days~ or by 'both such i'ine and impriso~ent. ';~,-:.:: OIdinances numbered {}lj~ ,3~3 639 and ,6~6. i, lew'Series~. and' all - ~ . -: ] amendments thereto, and all other lo~:i!"~i:~i ces or pa. rtS'of' ordinances in conf_ict hcrev:ith, are hereby ~:~~ v repealed. ]' ' :~ . - " SECTICLY 2ft. :' ~ ..... . ... ~.... ~'his ordinance is 'hereby declared to be an~&mergency measure wi%hin the neanin.[~ of Section 2~ of the Charter %f the City of Bakers. field~ State of Ca!ifornia~ and necessary to prOVide for the operation Q~.a municipal de~artment, and shall tai~e effect Qcto~l, ' .o0o - ,, : . ;: :-.. :' -:-/..~::, .. .,: . .:... '?~,'~':": Z i-~I~S5Y C'K~IL.'Y that the fore.roin~ Emergency Ordin~.' :was ..~ ~.;~.~ u .. ' - :.~;~ : . ':, . z~assec~ s.'~i aaoi3tea 'b:,~ the uounczz or the City or bakersZieZ'~, at a ,- "E ' ' ' ' " ' ': re~:'ular meetin~ thereof hold on %he .- day o~:..~ by the following vot,e~ ,. ":-~.- ' .. . -~. ...' .,: ..] AYES: CARNAKIS, MARM~E, NORRIS, SIEMON, SMITH, VANDERLEI,, VERCAMMEN ,,,;~' ' ,. .: ~. .' ;~, - ~...-,- .. -~, ~:.~, , Oo~c~ o: ~he C~ o~ .~., . ,'~. ? ! Aff hav t of J3osting ( r nan es V. VAN RIPER, being duly sworn, deposes and says: That he is the duly appointed, acting and qualified Clerk of the City of Bakersfield; and that on ......~----.. ~--'-.~ ........)f....~.. .........,19..~:.~.., he posted on the Bulletin Board at the · City Hall, a full, trueand correct copy of an ordinance passed by the Council of said City at a meeting therco du held on .......... ,_f,/..i.'.:..,,',',,~,,~,~ ......,,.'~,,,.~,,, .....1,,9~,,,,,,, which ordinance was numbered.,,,,~,jZ, d.~'?.,,,.,New Series, and ~titled: Subscribed and sworn to before me this · Notary Public in and for the County of Kern, State of California.