HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD NO 662 · ~.I'~G~IICy.: 0RDIiiAi'~CE NO .~9~.~rJ SERIES '~- AN ~IGEiC O~I~i~ FI=~II~ T~ COI~]~E~ATION · :~:: OF C~TAI~ 0~IC~~ ~i~O~S 0F T~ CITY OF B~SFIID AI.~3E~Ii, iG ~.~GEi~Y O~I2al~E i,~0. S43 I~U S~IES al~ ~ OTI~ O~I~i.~ES OR P~TS 0F O~II.~i~ES IN CO~ICT }~'~TH. .~S, the City Co~cil here~:=.:declares that an emergency exists maki~ it necessary to provide for the daily operation of a m~icipal gover~ent and providi~ for compensation for officers and employoes of the City of Bakersfield, and '.jl-~,S, such action is deemed to be for the ~nediate preserva- tion of the public safety a~ ~elfare, iYOU, T}~'0~, 3~ IT 0RD..~I~D BY T}~ COUi~CIL OF TI~ CITY 0F B~RSFI~D ~ as follows = SECTION 1. Except as other wise provided by the la~.~s of the State of C~i- for~a, or by the Charter or ordinances of the City of Baluersfield~ each officer and employee of the City of Bakersfield herei~fter named shall receive aM be paid out of the Treas~y of the City of Bakersfield, as basic mont~y compensation for performing the duties of the office, offices and employment to uhich he or she is or may be appointed or employed, and such duties as may be hereafter pre- scribed, the amour set opposite the respective office, offices, or employment, as follows: 2. SECiCT~i:'~Y TO I.~i'~G",~ll .................................. 212. gO 3- ;.SSISTA:F£ S3CiCTAPJI TO LLAi, IAGZ'R . ... ..... . .... ......... 150.O0 4. CHIEF OF T~.~ PIPS D~PA/~TT~.~i.~ ... .... ......... ......... 312.~0 ~. D'-'.PUTY CHIEF OF TIC| FIPS DL.'PA.RT~..~i~ ....... ...... ..... 237.~0 6, ,~SSISTAi.'T FII.'$.' CHIEF .,,,,..,. ,,.,,., ,..,.,, .,......,, 237,~0 7 · FIRF_, r~.ms~r.~,v. ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, .. ,, ,, ...... ,, ,... ,, ,, .., ,, 227, go 8. CitlEF i.~CEAi,.rIC - FIPa D.~PARTI. JEi~ . .................... 222. ~0 9 · C~PTaII~ AI, FD su~II~-./lDEi,Fr OF FIRE ALAPa. i . ............ 217. gO 10. CAPTAIN OF T}~ FIPa D~PA/tTi,~i.~T ............. ......... . 207. gO 10 3' 18. 9I 3 .i 24. 25. 26. .27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. ENGII~ OF THE FIRE DEPARTE,v. NT HOSFA-,iAN OF THE FIRE DEPART~,0~.NT: Grade 1 $192.50 Grade 2 Grade 3 .....--,-....,...... ...... . ....... ..... ...... ... CLERK Ai~ STENOGi~APPn~,T{ _ FIP~ DEPARTT.-.,v.Y.~ . .................. TELEPHOi{E OPERATOR . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . . .... CHIEF OF POLICE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...... . . . . . . . . . ...... . ASSISTANT CHIEF OF POLICE ........ ..... .......... .... . ...... LIEUTENAiqT OF POLICE . ...................................... RADIO TECHNICIAN ........ . . . ......... (~adio TeChnician to and keep the same in good repair, furnish all maintenance, gas, oil, and supplies necessary to its operation.) INBP~ECTOR IN THE POLICE DEPARTklENT ......................... SERGEANT ................................................... NOTOR PATRODEAN ............................................ PATROLMAN: Grade 1 Grade 2 .................. ........... .................. Grade· 3 .......-....... ........ -............. .... ...... SECRETARY Ii~ POLICE ~PaRTMEi~ ............................. CL,EPj( IN POLICE DEPARTmeNT ...................... .... . .... .. POLICE MECHANIC ............................................ ATTORNEY ................................................... ASSISTANT ATTORNEY .................. ...... ................. SECRETARY TO CITY ATTORNEY ......... ........ .... .... ........ INSPECTOR OF BUILDINGS ..................................... F!R~T .a~I~TaNT Ii~PECTOR OF BUILDINGS . .................... SECOi{D ASSISTAi~ INSPECTOR OF BUILDINGS .................... TREASD~F~R, TAX COLLECTOR AND LICENSE COLLECTOR .. ........ ... DEPUTY TEASURER, DEPUTY TAX COLLECTOR .AND DEPUTY LICENSE COLLECTOR .... .... ....... ..... ............... 182.5o m 72.5o 162.5o 140.00 135.oo 237.5o 2o7. ~o 2o7.5o 197.50 197.50 192.50 182.50 m62.50 162. ~0 140. oo 2m 5 · oo 2~2.~0 162.50 312.50 237.5o 212.5o 312.50 162.50 0 4. 3~. 36. 37. 38. 39. 46. 47. 9 · ~20 ~3. EiqGIX~2~R Ai~D SU~aIA~EEi~)Eiff OF STREETS Ai~) PARiG~ ........... (Engineer to furnish his own automobile and keep the same in good repair~ furnish ~1 mainteD~nce ~ gas ~ oil and supplies necessary to its operation.) .ASSISTAi~T SU~I~Ei~Ei~ 0F STRUTS Ai~ P~'~S ..... ...... ... DE~Y ENGI~R AFD DEITY SU~II~EI~Ei~ OF STETS ....... F~D ENGI~R . .... .... . ...... ...................... · · · ·. · · SENIOR ENGII~R . ................ .... . .......... . ....... .... Ii~SF~TOR .... . ...... . ...... . . .. ....................... ·. ·. · ERIOR Ei~GII~ ......... ........ ............. . .... .... · . . · . STENOGHa~R IN ENGII~RIi~G DEP~T}~I~ .......... ~ .......... Y~D CL~ . . . . . .... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..... . . . . . . . . . . . · · CHIEF 0F~TOR-SEW~GE T~T~]'~ ~i'~ ...................... ~CH~NIC-SEWaG~ TI~TI~i~ ~i~ . ........................... ATTEX{~A]~-SEJAGE TTCeT~i~ ~ .... ................ ....... ~LIC~ ~GE .. .... . ........................ .... ............ ~LICE COURT CL~ a STLNOG~F~R ....... ........ . ..... . .... ~TH OFFIC~ . . . . . .. ...... .. maintenance ~ gas ~ oil and supplies necessary to its operation.) SAX{IT~IAi~ .............. .......... .... ...... . .............. ~ ........................................ . .......... ... AUDITOR . ... ............. . ....... . ........ . . ... ........... · . SEY'~OR DiC~TY CL~X j~YO D;JPUTY a~UDIT0~I ...................... r~2~01~ DE~ CLE?u{ Ai~D DE~'TY ~UDITOR .... .............. ... .AS~BOR . . ................. . . . . ~a~tenanee~ gas~ o~ ~ s~es ~eoessa~y }raaD JAi~TOR' JA~.~TOR . , , , . , ........ , , ................................. , , . $36a. ~o 27~.oo 237.~'0 227. ~'0 202. ~o l ??. ~o 162. ~'0 z42. ~o 172.~'0 212. ~'0 172. ~0 l ~2. ~o 2~'o.oo 14o. oo 237..~0 2o~.oo 187.~o z79. oo. 162.90 14F.~O 337-Yo 17~.oo 162.~0 1~7.,~0 147. ~0 10. 11. 12. 14. 16. 18. ~9. POU;~D }.:ASTF, R .... · ' · ........... .-.:,,. ....', .................. . .. $I60,OO ~0', FLECTHICIAN "~?~" · · · · · · · .... .., ..... "~. ....... · .... · ........... . 200. O0 SECTION 2. .,:. Except ss othenTise provided by the laws of the State of Cali- fornia, or by the Charter or ordinances of the City of Bakersfield, each of the employees v;orking under the classifications hereinafter named shall receive as basic compensation for performing the vrork of his or her po-~ition or employment to v~hich he or she be appointed, the amount set opposite the respective of employment, as follov:s: C_l_assification %'VaKe Per Hour 1. V.~CmU~C .............................................. ...)l.0~, 2. Cju~i:r~'NTER ........................................... .... · 96-~' 3. P.~Z"- F01q~4.=2AN ..... ............. .......................... · 9~'~' ~. SZ:TaR F0m:{ .. ......... . ...... . ..................... ... .9~} PAINT F01{~,'iAI'~ 92{- TPaZ ?}~nn.im ... ....... ... ........................... .... · 9S~- GEi~R~i UTILITY .......................................... 9~- bEi, EOR E&~ E%UIEEi,E 0E]i~ATO2{ ...... ......... ·.....-... ,9~- Ei.EOR I~ EQUIR~;-~ 0ML~AT02 ................. , ...... , ,9~- LIGIE EQUIEi, E 0FaATOR ......... .... ·........ .......... .8~, Si{ILLED L.~0ER-SEi'~0R GRADE .. .... . .................. ... .8~ SiGLLE~ L~a0E-I-Ei'EOE G~DE . ......... .... . ............. . ~2-~- COLZ.:01~ LZa0I~i~-ST2:n]'.T DEP.r~{TL~iTi' .... .................... .7~ O0:.~:0H L.a0i~{-PiG[ DEPZiTkEi.E ... ..... ·.... .......... ·-. .7~ D~FTSL~i{-SEi.~0il G:{.~Z .. ....... . ...... ............... ... 1.00 . DiI~SilN-E:'jIOH GR.~ .... .............................. .~1, c~n.~.:aN ..... ........................................... · 79~- is or may hereafter classifications 9. 28. 2?. CHIEF FIF~D .ASSESSOR-SE~r/0R GRADE (Chief Field Assessor, Senior Grade, to furnish his o:=m automobile and keep the same in good repair, and furnish ~11 maintenance, gas, oil and supplies necessary to its operation.) CHIEF FI]ILD AS~ESSOR-JU"...~0R C-R.~DE ..... ............... ·. .94 ( ielC Assessor, Senior C-fade, his ov.~n automobile and L'eep the same in good repair and furnish all maintenance, gas, oil and supplies necessary .to its operation.) FI~.~---~D aSSESSOR ~Ui.E0f~ GRADE 81-.I- JUi~iEOR DE~'TY ASSESSOR .. ...... . ....................... . CLE~E.~-SEXTIOR SPADE .......................... ..... ..... . .?8 CLE~(-JUNIOR GRADE .. ........ . ........................ .. . ?l ST'.~0GR,~F~.~.R-SE~,FIO_~ GRADE . ................ ......... .... . STEi'~G~PP.P_~-~Ui',~IOR GRADE ...................... ........ .. ?l L;~orking Foreman in the Street Department shall be paid lO~ per hour in addition to his regular hourly rate v/hile act- ing in the capacity of such ;.Yorking Foreman· SECTION 3 · Except as other~.'~ise provided by the laws of the State of Cali- fornia, or by the Charter or ordinances of the City of Ba:;ersfield, each of the employees workir~. under the classifications hereinafter named shall receive as basic compensation for performing the ~7ork of his or her position or employment to which he or she is or may here- after be appointed, the aqount set opposite the respective classifica- tions of employment, as follows: Classification 1. EC}~TIOI.-L~L SUPS~:VISOR 2. PLAYGROUi'~D DIECTOR ... ......... . .................. ...... .86 3 · ASSISTAI~ PL~YGROU!~ DIRECTOR . ........................ · · · 79 4 JUi'~IOR PLAYGi~OUi',PD'DIP~CTOR · 60 ~. ASSIST~i:~ rUl.~IOR PL.AYGHOUDD DIRi;CTOR ............. ~0 · S:YIIT&II.vO I!IST2UCTO~ o. ' ' ................................... · '79 7 ASSIST l.T S!'fliXYIi.D Ii'iSTRUCTOR 73 7Ya~.e Per Hour · ... ................. ............ $ .39 O GUARD '~ ~0 JUi,.rIOi~ LI~ GUARD .. o ......................... .... ...... .. .~0 P~.'~Ci~E.&TION LAB01~ER ............................ · · ....... . · . ~0 SECTICN 4. In the event it becomes necessary, because of the manpower shortage, for employees listed ~under Section i of this ordinance to work additional shifts or days over and above their regular shifts or days, corapensation for said additional shifts or days shall be paid at the same rate as the said additional shift or day bears to the number of days in the particular month during ~ich said additional services are performed, and. at the same rate as the'regular monthly compensation received by such employee, provided, however, that no additional compensa- tion shall be allorbed unless a full shift or day is ~orked. In no event, shall compensation be "~llowed for working such additional shifts or days without prior authorization from the City Eanager that such additional work may be performed. SECT101I ~. Fanergency Ordi~mnce ib. S43 i{ew Series and all other ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith, are hereby e=$ressly re- pealed. SECTIOiq 6. This ordinance is hereby declared to be an emergency measure ~ithin the meaning of Section 24 of the Charter of the City of Bakersfield, State of Califon~a, and necessary for the immediate preservation of ~xe public safety and welfare, and, shall take effect immediately. -o0o .......... I I-~Y CERTYA.Y that the foregoing Emergency Ordinance was passed and adopted by the Comncil of the City of Bakersfield, at a regula~ meeting thereof held on the 14th day of .AugUst, 1944, by the following vote: AYES: CARNAKIS, MARMADe'lYE, KORRIS. SI,eMON, SMITH, VAN'DERLEI, VERCAMMEN City Cier :io Clerk of the Council of the City of Bakersfield. APE~OVED by me this day of .August, 1944. ~0~' t~t2,--/ l~Y of City of Bakersfield. of J ostmg ( rMuan es V, VAN RIPER, beinf~ duly sworn, deposes and says: That he is the duly appointed, acting and qualified Clerk of the City of Bakersfield; .and that on .......... .A...u.~.t.. ........... /..[ ............. 19.....~..., he posted on the Bulletin Board at the City Hall, ~L full, true and correct copy of an ordinance passed by the Council of said City .at a meetinf~ thereof duly held on .............. ..A...,t~._,.~...5...t.....1.~ .................... 19......~f.., which ordinance was numbered ..... .~..~..~.. ......... ,New Series, and entitled: "AN E~"~RGEI'ICY ORDIi~A}~E FIXING TI'IE CO'Z. iPENSATION OF CF_,RTAIN OFFICERS AND EMPLOYEES OF TIm. CITY OF BAI,~.RSFIF. LD AI'~ Pd]PEAI, ING E~.[ERGENCY 0RDI}[AI'.]CE 170. 643 IF~'.; S-~.~'~IES AI~D AI~L OTHER 0RDINAi~ES OR PARTS OF ORDINANCES Ii~ C0].J'FLICT ttEltE;,[ITH.'~ Notary~'ublic in and for tho County of Kern, State of California,