HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD NO 674S[j.~T}ZD~ i~0l{ ~ b'25T'f'% 02 I.TOTOi~ O0.aCi[ LIi'YS]$ FOR.' ,~ fra~nqc~j. se is b, ereb~' C:ra:ntecl .to 3a":erst~ie!d Jc 2:ern ~ctric ~tailvzay Co.rq~eany~ a corpora'~,ion~ oi' the Dtate of California~ ,.j,,: ' -.successors a, nd assi'.:rns~ for the 'to~'~n of three (3) years~ to maiA~ain and operate a system of passeny:er n}otor coach lines along ~,and over tl~e re!lob, vinE described routes in the City of Zal:ersfield~ Sta,~.e' of California ~ viz.: L-:'~C;UT:.] 2: Cor~.~encing at the intersection-of 5ernard Street and Ba]~er ~treet; thence aoutherly on .k:La!:er Street t6' .:ineteenth ~treet; thence .Yestem'ly on l.:ineteenth utreet to C;- btreet; thez~ce l-7orth on 6 ~treet to Tt;entieth '~treet;' thence Easterly' on Tvontieth ~treot to i-.: street; thence Southerly on if Street to lFineteenth ~atreet~.,thence Eas'~rlY on :7ineteenth Street to Lsel~er Catreet~ thence i'EortherlY"~0n Ba]:er ~troet to Dernard E~O~'TE" Cor~encinr,' at tLe intersection of..Nineteenth Street and Chester Avon_uo~ -',~;-~ence southerly on'Chester ,~vonue to Oa!iforhia ~voz~ue% 'hhence Lasterly on California ;.venue to ~ershing o'brect~ thence Southerly' on ~ershing Street to Eighth Street; thence '~Zesterty on Eightb:-Street to L ~tz'eet; thence ,zottther!L;' on L Dtreet to ~'ourt'h btreet~ thence ,."estee:iy on i,'ourth errcot to E;hester ·avenue; thence :7ortherly on Chester ~venue to :Gighteenth Street; thence .-:aste~'].y on ::~i::hteenth ~tz'eet, to :: a'[:reet~ thence ]brtherly on 2C 5tro. ot to Tvzentietl~. ~treet~ thence %/ester'!y on T~yentieth Dtreet to Chester ~venue; 1:hence Southerly on. Chester ~veztue to :..Yineteenth Dtreet. 2""U~% 4 Cor:~encing a.t 'bl'~e int;ersect~'On'oZ ThirtZ- fourth ~treet and Chester ,.vc:nue; thence-Southerly along Chester ..venue to Terrace ,~'ay~ thence ',2'esterly on Terrace "'a',~ to lZ Street; - ..... R~r~. Route: .... G~nc~n~. at the intersection'of .... . . .. -,= ;."' Cieander .~venue and Drundage Lane; thence Northerly on .t, leander Z~venue to Chester Lane; 'thence ;~e"S~'erly on Chester %,;-,rtq e Street to Lane. to i..:yrtle btreet~ thence Northem-ly on. ~ Sunset .avenue; thence Easterly on Sunset .~venue to O Street; ..... ~>~.,.thence Northerly one btreet to, Ca!ifor,nia .aVenue; thence ~ ......Easterly on California Avenue t.o, Chester Avenue; thence 2~ortherly along Chester Avenue tOTbAtty-fourth. Street. ROUTE ~:_ Conm~encing at the intersec{~ion-of Virginia Otreetland Xiles Street; thence ujesterly along ililes ~treet to Bak~F~treet~ thence boutherly along~ Baker Street to Nineteenth btreet~~ thence ,festcrly along lineteenth ~tree~ to P Street~ thence ~outherly along F ~treet to, .the ~raii- road depot'~f the oanta Fe Railroad at Fifteenth Street~ thence Northerly alon~ F Street to iYineteenth btreet~ thence Easterly along :{ineteenth btreet to Laker Street~ thence Xorther!y along Baker Street to ~a'lower otreet~-thence ]~.:;... Lasterly along F1OvJer ~treet to Ouens btreet. and over such changes in said routes and such .~ew and a<~onal routes as may be established frou tin:e to time by g~antee uith consent of tke City Council of tke City of bakersfield. .o:;3CTZOi. Y ~. "~' Oaid Motor coach service shall be the type of s.erVic~ ordinarily ~0'rovided by first class street rn~ilway or motor coachf~omPanies- 3Uses shall stop when necessary for the receipt or discharge =.,.:~f passengers as near the rilht kand curb line as practicable, before crossing intersecting streets~ except uhero conditions recuire a different stopping p!ace~ .and the City of Bakers~ie!d shall pro~ide adeauate parkinZ and losdinE zones in compel ~ance with the traffic laws of the City of 3akersfield and the Orate of California.. ?fhe :3ity 02 Lakersfield shall not grant any franckise to a competing passenger motor coach line, motor. bus !ine~ street railway line or jitney bus operator over %he routes designated '.~ere~! or a~v ne~,v or additional this Ordinance. routes a.s may 'oe established as provided for in The City Council of tb.e City of ~Ba!.'.ersfield may demand the establishment of a{dditiona! motor coach rou~e.s within %he City of Bakersfield and any territory annexed to the City of Zalnersfield~'Tn the future whenever it shall be reasonably necessary to secure adequate~ s~'fficient and proper service and acconmoda~ions for the .people of the City of Bakersfield and insure their sa~etv~ comfort and convenience, subject, hoWSoever, to the o ve= ve. ted ailroad State of California, to c~nt~l tl~+ ~era~on of, and to fix rate'~' to be charged by the .~rantee, ~n a~cordL[~c~it~gSect~on YOO of ~,Char~ of the ~ity of ~ak~rsfield.' ......... ' ~<=~,>,~:- OECTION -'6, The grantee of this franc~Se~ its successors.and assigns~ must during the life of this franchise~ pay to the City of 3sl~erSi~i.eld one per cent (1~) of the ~ross annual receipts received by grant~2Under the exercise of this franchise for the transportation of 'passengers within the city limits of the City of ~a]:ers2ield, and one per cent (!>j)'~',26~~ the .'~ gross annual receipts .received by grantee for the transportations'of pas- sen~ers outside of the city limits of the City o'f Bakersf.is;~d' within a ten (10) mile radius of said city limits~ said ~ayment~=shall be made annually on the 31st day of January of each year during the term of this franchise beginning '~ith January 31 ~ 1946,· and in the event said payment is not so made, said franchise shall be forfeited. ~i;~C[[' iOl,.~ 'Z · On the 31st day of January o2 each yea~ be=li~ing with January 31, 1946 ss~d grantee shall file uith the City Clerk, its annual report in ~,7riting, verified by the president of the [~rantee company; said report shall s.hou the ~ross receipts arisin..,~ from the business under said franchise, both within and uithout the city limits of the City of Gakersfie!d, for the calendar year immediately preceding such report. Oi. JCTiOil S. .,. The grantee shall file a corporate surety bond running to the City, to be approved by the Council, in the penal stun of $~000.00, eonditioned that such bidder for this franchise shall well and truly observe and faithfully perform each and every term and condition of such franchise~ and that in case of any breach of conditionof such bond, the uhole amount of the penal su~ therein named shall be taken and deemed. to be liquidated damages and shall be recoverable from the principal and Sur'ety upon sUc~. bond~ provided, houever,: th~'t ~'he' le',Tji~id~iV'e: body "' of the city sha!]. have po~Ter to ua'.ive action on the bond, and in lieu thereof, declare the franchise forfeited. in case such bond be not so filed uithin thirty (30) days after ,the effective date. of this -ordinance, the award of tile f~;~i'nchise shall be set aside and any 'ImoneY deposited in connection with the awarding .of 'the franchise be forfeited. - ' '..., b].]CgflOi,,r 9. The Cit~' of Bakersfield s.hall have the right, at all reasonable t~mcs to d:~.raine all. the books~ vouchers, records and other oapers of the grantee. i-~efusa! of grantee to produce the sang:at any reason- able time for examination, by the City ~uditor or other agent appointed by the Conncil~ shall worlm a forfeiture of said franchise ~EC. TiOi,i !O. in the event grantee .shall fai!~ neglect or refi~.se to comp!y~ with any ProvisiOn of this franchise, the City of Ba]:ersfield shall give notice in writing to time grantee at !OO East' 19th Ltreet, Bakers- field~ California, of such breach and if said. grantee fails to remedy such breach v~ithin thirty (30) days from the date of service of said notice~ then this franchise and all rights and privileges thereunder shall imr,~ediately forfeit and terminate. shal 1 I }Z'j:u[~.l.q'Z Cfji~t.".Y. py that i;he foreCoing Ordinance was passed and adopted by the Council of the City of EaT~ersfield, at a regular meeting thereof held on the 26t}~_da;,,,- of 7.pece.~)~ --~ !94~, by the following vote: ABSEF~[: ___~ ............................................ Council of the City of ~jakersfield. V. VAN RIPER, being duly sworn, deposes and says: That he is the duly appointed, acting and qualified Clerk of the City of Bakers field; and that on ...................... ...~.. ........ 19 .... he posted on the Bulletin Board at the City Hall, a full, true and correct copy of an ordinance passed by the Council of said City at a meeting thereof d ly held on .......... .'.D..e...c...e...~..]_)..e...r.....2...6. ................... 19.._~...~.., which ordinance was numbered.....~._.Y....~... ....... New Series, and entitled: "~kN ORDIN&NCE GRaIqTING TO BaI,~2~RSFIELD & KERN ELECTRIC RAIL'!~4AY CCI:iPAI~'f~ ITS SUCCESSORS AIxVD ASSIGNS~ & FRai,ICHISE FOR THE TERI... ~FEREIN&FTER STATED~ FOR A SYSTEI,'I OF MOTOR CO~CH LIti~S FOR THE TRaN.SPORT&TION OF PASSEi./GERS Ii'X TI-~ CITY OF BAKERSFIELD ~ CALIFORNIA ,*~ Subscribed and sworn to before me this ~-~V day of December 19....4..4_... "'i~-'~"."-'': .......~"'i ..............................' : Notary Public inland for the County of Kern, : State of-California.