HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD NO 673 , EEERGEi~CY 0iUDIKANCE NO.( IfEW SERIES ,,. T.~8; DESCRIBI,~. HO¥~ kl~ BY VtOLi LICENSES ~]E.iIT8 SH~L B~:'OBTAi~; I~ZAKING A VIOL&TiON'~0F KALtCES IN CO~'LICT ~Z~WITH, · . :,,,-" ~&S~ the Ci-t~ Council hereby declares that an emerge~Y exis~'~ki~ it necessary to provide for the daily opera,~'~ of a municipal department, to-wit: That it is necessary to ma~':'~certain changes in the ,ordinance governing the collection of licenses in the City of Bakgrsfield by the License Collector, ','~, NOW~ Z'i~REFOE~ BE iT-0i$,Aii, fED BY TE COUNCIL OF TE CITY 0F -~, B.&ERSFELD ~ as follows: SECTION 1. :' .LICEiT~ES: ., (a) Except as otherwise provided herein~' all licenses shall be granted by the License Collector herein designated', ~pon the payments of the license tax hereby imposed upon the particular business or occupation for the term or period the license. is applied for:. The license shall be ,evidenced by a certificate' bearing the.,',signature or facsimile signature of the City Au'ditor and of the License Collector, shall contain the name of the licensee, the business or occupation licensed, the place where the business or occupation iS;to be conducted, the term or period for which the license is granted, the license tax paid, the number of the license, and such other..~atter as may be desired. by the License Collector. (b) The City ~auditor shall prepare, print and provide blank licenses suitable to carry into effect the provisions of this ordinance; and shall deliver to the License Tax Collector blank licenses as needed, taking the receipt of the License Collector for such licenses. (c) The saidCityAuditor shall keep aledger inhisoffice in which shall be entered a record of all blank licenses delivered to the License Collector, and all blanks returned by the License Collector unissued. SECTION 2. LICENS~I TAX COLLECTOR: The City Treasurer shall be o License Tax Collector. It shall be t~]~fiuty of the License Tax Collector of the city of ~Bakersfietd to grant all licenses provided for herein upon~the payment to him of the license taxes hereinafter specified~ howe~·~ no license shall be issued for any business, trade, calling Orprofession for v~hich a permit is required, until such permit sha!lI have first been ~ranted, but nO permit shall be reouired on the~r~newal of any license except where s~ cmfically required by ordinance. SECTION 3. B~IFESS~S_S_L~ PROFESSIOI~S~_ TRaDi~_~ CALLiNG~ a~D .ACTIVITIES P~RtP~D TO BE LICENSED: , -U jess expressly excepted by the provisions of this ordinance~ every,~person~ firn or corporation~ Izeeping~ conduc~ing~ carrying on~ managing or maintaining a~ public utility~ business~ trade~ profession~ calling~ activity or occupation wholly or partia!ly~ within the City Of Bakersfield~ shall be reouired to procure a license therefor and pay a license tax thereon pursuant to the provisions of this ordinance. For the last half of the current fiscal year (January 1~ 194~ to July 1~ 194~) the license taxes hereby levied shall be 12~7~ of the rates hereinafter specified~ and thereafter the rates shall be as herein specified. SECTIOi,~ 4. Such license. when issued, such license tax as hereinafter prOvided~ It shall be unlawfinl for say person, firra o~.Corporation~ v.~hether as ·principal or agent, owner or employee~ Ito commence, engage l~ transact or carry on, vrithin the City of Bakersfie!d~ any business~ trade, calling, profession or occupation for which a=~license is required and up6n 'W~ich a Iicense tax i~' iraposed by" the pro.vi~i6'ns' of this' ·ordinanCe· or 'any amendment thereto, without first procuring such license and paying shall authorize the person, firm or c~oration obtaining same transact the business, ~rade, calling, profession or 0ccupati~[]~ describeg therein, at the particular locality within the City of Bakersfield designated in said license during the':term stated therein. Separate licenses must be obtained for each establishmSnt~or place of business, or branch thereof. ~. '- SECTION For the Purposes of this ordinance., the. businesses, trades~ callings, activities, practices and devices as specified in thi~.~l;]']~ section shall be required to procure licenses and pay thel.icens~k~'= taxes as follows: 1. .~musement Games, Including. Pin, Ball and-~arble Games - Every person, firm, association or corporation conducting and/o~ main- taining on premises owned or leased by him the games mentioned herein, shall pay the license tax specified herein, respectively: For each ray-o-lite machine, and all other similar machines with electrical attachment, and all games operated solely for amusement, not otherwise specifically herein provided for, the sum of Three Dollars (~3.00) per quarter for each such machine or game. For each pin game, marble or ball game, using ten or more balls, the sum of Three Dollars (~3.00) per quarter. For each pin game, marble or ball game, using four to nine'balls, inclusive, the sum of Six Dollars (~6.00) per quarter. For each pin game, marble or ball game, using one to three balls, inclusive, the sum of Twenty-five Dollars (~2~.00) per quarter. For each iron claw, crane, or similar machine the sum of Ten Dollars (~lO.O0) per quarter. It"i'S"the intent herein 'that 'the license shall stanj in the name of the actual operator. The application for license shall be in writing and on such forms as are prescribed by the License Collector. Licenses on machines already issued shall be t~ansferr'ea~thOut charge, to the actual operator. ~b license shall be granted toelicense or permit the operation! of a machine or game which is unlawful under the state law or local ordinances, or license or permit the Operation of a lawful machine or game in an unlawful manner, or permit the operation of any mach°ne or game in which the element of chance predominateB. No license shall be issued for the oDeratiOning/anY machine v~hich automatically discharges or pays or is capable of discharging or paying counters, slugs, money, checks, coupons, and/or tickets, whethe~in a sealed compartment or not. No license issued under this ordinance shall be~transferableexcePt~ as herein provided. If any such pin game, marble or .ball game is operated without a license, the person, firm, association or corporation conducting and/or maintaining the same on premises owned or leased shall~pay a penalty of double the amount of said license for every c~arter or portion of any quarter during which said machine is operated without a license. If any person, firm, association or corporation shall fail to pay the license tax levied as provided forherein, whenever the same is1 due, or the license tax penalty provided herein, when notified of the same, all licenses issued to him or it for pin games, ball or marble games hereunder, may be revoked by the License Collector. Any such person, firm, association or corporation dissatisfied with the revocation of any license by the License Collector, may, within a period of ten (lO) days from such revocation, appeal to the City Council of the City of Bakersfield for a hearing, and ~pon said hearing the decision of said City Council shall be final. 2. ~raiser - Every person engaged in the profession of Appraiser in the City of Bakersfield shall pay a license tax of Fifteen Dollars (~l~.O0) per year in advance; provided, however, that any person licensed to practice lav~ or any real estate broker or saleSman~who has paid a license tax hereunder shall be exempt from paying a ~t~'~r fee as an appraiser. ~. !~.~¥~" 3- ,~rcades - For ev~ery person, firm, orbcorporation conduC'ting,I managing or carrying on an arcade, the tax of One IHundred Twenty ~)olllars (~120.00) per year, payable ~nually in advance on the first day of January of each year, ~vhich license tax may be pro-rated for s fraction of a year~ but in no event sh~l the license tax paid be lesS~ than the s~ of Forty Dollars (~0.00) For the purpose of this section, an arcadS is. defined one general enclosure in which is conducted the business of op~ting or e~ibiting any phonograph, graphophone, talking mchine, kinetoscope biograph, projectoscope, or any other instr~ent']or machine of like character, and exhibiting, showing or letting the use of amy microscoPe, lung.tester, muscle-tester, galvanic battery, weighing machine, or~ machine of like Character. 4. .Auctioneers - (a) For the business of acting as an ' .&uctioneer, the tax of Fifteen Dollars (~l~.O0) per' quarter~ provided, that if the person by whom the auctioneering is done is .~n itinerant vendor of goods, wares or merchandise, temporarily located in this City, he shall pay a license tax of Fifteen Dollars (~1'5.00) per day~ but this section shall not apply to any person, firm or corporationsselling his or its own goods, wares or merchandise~at his or its regular, established, or fixed place of business in said City~, and such person or a bona fide member of such firm or ~orporation s~all act in theI capacity of the .&uctioneer. if, in the opinion of the City License Collector, the person, firm or corporation selling goods bY auction eStablisied a place of 'busineSs here with theideal'~f holding an. auction and moving' on,~ then in such case or cases, the license tax of Fifteen Dollars (~l~.00) per dsy applying to auctioneers or itinerant vendorS~.6f goods shall apply during the total period of the ~'aUction. 'I.'~:'~/~::~!ii~!l"..~. . ' f .l,: :] , , t , . · at public sale belonging to the United~Statesi~.~:i~:Y-State of California,' the bona fide sale of household ,~oods at the d~micile of the olvner thereof~ prdVided that the owner thereof shall act in ~h~ 'capacity o~ the auctioneer, )'. .,~utomobile ~q~l__e~_r - Is defined to be any person, firm or corporation who carries on~ conducts~ maintains or engages in the business of buying~ selling, exchan.?;ing or otheruise dealing in new automobiles. For conductin~ such business the license tax shall be as provided for in bection g of this ordinance. S. Automobile '~]_~ D~a].e~ _ Is defined to be any person~ firm or corporation vzho carries on~ conducts~ maintains or engages in the automobile wrecking business~ uhere urecked or damaged automobiles are bought and sold~ in uhole or in part. For keeping~ conducting or maintaining an automobile urecking business, ~.,rhere wrecked or damaged automobiles are bought and sold~ in ~vhole or in part~ the license tax of Tvrenty-five Dollars (:~2)'. 00) per 'quarter. 7. b_ai__! ]_'5_o_n_c1 brokers -],'or every ~erson conducting, managin~ or carrying on the business of a bail bond broher~ the license tax of One Hundred Dollars (~j100.00) per year, payable annually in adw-~.nce. . 3arbe~ Shops - For every person conducting~ carrying on or nanaging a barber shop containing one chair, the ta:.~ of Tvo Dollars and Fi~ty.~.Cents. (~2,~0) per quarter~..and uherethe shop contains, more than one chair, plus a tax of Fifty Cents CP,~O) per quarter for each additional chair kept in said chop, W.~her .used continuously or-i.-a~-. i r or furhishing steam, Hamman or Turkish baths not conducted'in' with and as a part of any other business paying a license'tax under the pro~i.sions of this Ordinance, or of....a~y other ordinance amendatory hereof'or supplemental hereto, the license tax of ~en'Dollars ($~0.,00) per quarter. . '.-~i:' - . (b) For the business of keeping, maintaining or:i~a.r~iShing mineral liquid baths, mineral vapor baths, mineral mudb~s, or any other medicinal baths not conducted in comnection With and as a part of any other business paying a license tax under the provisions of ~nis ordinance, or any other ordinance amendatory hereof or supplemental heretc',~ the tax of Five Dollars (~.00) per quarter. (c) For the business of conducting a health clubor gymnasium for body conditioning,'the tax of Ten Dollars (~10.O0) per quarter.. lO. B.ea~tX Sho~~ - For every person conducting, carryin-g:onI or managing a beauty parlor~ manicure parlor, or massage parlor=where facial massage, hairdressing, fomentations, electric ormagnetic treat- ments or alcohol rubs are adninistered, the tax of Two D~$11ars and ~ifty Cents(+2.%0) per quarter for one operator, and the sum of Fifty Cents (~.~0) per quarter for each additional operator;provided that the holder of a license to conduct a barber shop shall no~ be entitled to engage the in said business without paying ~ full tax herein'set 6ut; and provided further, that when body massages are given an additional license must be obtained for each masseur, as provided in this ordinance. ll. Billlard, Poo__l~_n_d~owling Game_.___~s - For the business of keeping, conducting, managing or maintaining billlard, pool or bagatelle tables, or bowling alleys, the tax of Three Dollars (~3.00) per quarter for each billlard, pool or bagatelle table, or for each bowling alley or bed. 12. Car~iva~_ - Shall be held to mean and include any group of attractions including such things as. ball games~ merry-go-rounds, uhips, ferris wheels, and o~ber ~p~in~ devices, freaks, dancing Sh~ws,h.- ' .-: ~ Z. "'.~ '~: · "' negro minstrels, o~ any other like ente?tai~nent o~ ~ame fo~ which a . :'5: · cha~e is made fo~ playing o2 ~a~ti'e'i'~a~in~ the~ein~ pPoVided that any ~ou~ of ~idin~ ~evices o~y~ s.. a ' . y - ,~ ch s ~r '~o-rounds.~ -~e.rris Wheels, f'ly'in~' horSeS, whips, kiddy rides, · etc. , not exceeding five. in . - ,: .....-. shall not be deemed to be a carnival as herein'defined~ when suCh'.~ing devices are not sho~m with any other show, attraction, or game generally associated with carnivals. The license tax on'each .qarnival shall be as set forth in Sub-division (d). of ~ub-section %6 of~ Section ~ of this :. ordinance. ';o license for any carnival shall be issued without a ~ermit therefor having been first obtained from the City Council. 13- Cleaners., DJZ- For every person, firm or corporaion conducting or carrying on the business of dry cleaning ~re the plant for actual wori~ of dry cleaning is maintained outside the city limits of the City of Bakersfield~ but doing business within' the city limits of said City of Bakersfield, the license tax shall be the s~m~..~Of'One Hundred "'%:- Dollars (~;100.00) per year, payable semi-a~mually~ fo~ each and every delivery vehicle maintained in conduct of said business. i4. Collection ~i~Z~ - For every person or firm carrying on the business of Collection .agency, the ta;r of Twenty-five (~25'.00) Dollars per year~' which. fee shall include any two persons~ either as partners, members of the firm~ or as manager and assistant. an additional tax of i;'ive Dollars (./ff. O0) per year shall be charged for each person in excess of two employed by or affiliated with the firm, who .spends a substantial portion of his time performing work of the firm outside of the office. ~. "Collection .~gency" is defined as an establisP~nent for the collection of accounts, notes, obligations, or debts for others for a compensation or fee; provided that this section shall not apply to attorneys at law. l ff. "C'0~tr~ctOr -A ContraCt'or v.:ithin the meaning of thi's ordinance is a person, firm, corporation, co-partnership, association or other organization, or any combination thereof, who for either a fi~,'_ed sum, price, fee, percentage, profit or otller than wages ~ undertakes or offers ~Q: undertake~l or purports ,to ~a~e the capacity to undertake to construct, alter, repair, add ~to, I~iI~pr~ve any building~ highuay~ road~ railroad~ excavation or other structu~e~ project, development, or improvement, or to do any part thereof; provided~ that the term contractor~ as used in this include subcontractor~ but shall not include a~one uho merely '~rnishes materials or supplies without fa~rmcat~n~ the same the same in the performance of the work of 'the: contrac~Or:ft'~Z'herein. de~ined, or sole ovanets of property building the.reon a dwelling. house int%~d for the use and occupancy of such. owner and his family~ prOvided='that no more than one of such buildin'~s shall be. so constructed' in a~y' calendar ~ear. i,'or the purpose of this ordinance Contractors shall be d~ed into the followin~ classes: .: CLaS~ "a" COi'[f~tACTORS: Ohall include all contractors who are required by City Ordinance to submit to' special examination as to qualifications and carrying:::i~) individual inspection. CLASS ~B" COZCR~CTORB: ;. ' - Shall include all contractors engaged in the construction of. remodeling of any building or im;-~rovement~ each with ~=valuation excess of Five Hundred O.j~O0.O0) Dollars. ' ":'.~' CLASS ~5" C0i~fRaCTORS: Shall include all contractors engaged in the construction remodeling of any building or improvement, each with a valuation of not more than Five Hundred ([~%00.00) Do!!srs and not less than Twe.~ty-six (~i,26.00) Dollars. " .. For every .person~ firm or corporation engaged-in the businessu" -. or acting in the capacity of a contractor, exce'otin~ a Class "C" ~ractor~ the license tax shall be as follows: Class ,,a,, Contractor i] ' Forty Dollars (~40.-00~ · ~:.year. .> Class uB" Contractor: Forty Dollars (~40~00) per year. ~ovided~ the above license tax may be d quarterly contractor so desires. ~ovided, further, that any contractor making~...'~.~l!Cation for contractor in the City or Sakersnemd shah a 'rUil yearly tax in advance from ~he first day of the current .'~q~arter durin~ which said license is issued. ~hereafter the said co~t=actor ma~;':~'~aontinue by securing a license quarterly, if so desired'. /.' For every 'person, firm or corporation engaged in the ..... -,. ...... or acting in 'the capacity of a Class "C" Contractor~ .a licemacgregOr each contract shall be procured~ and said license tax sh~l?~e-One Dollar (~1.00). 16. Da~ces~ ~blie - For maintainin~ or' conductin~ a~ public dance the license tax sh~l be paid as follows: Public Dances - $2~.00 per quarter. Bingle Public Dances - ~i0.00 each. For the above mentioned no license shall be issued by the License Collector until a permit is grsnted by the City Manager. 17. Dray~ and hot~ Trucks - For every person, firm or corpora- tion keeping, owning, Operating or running any vehicle for the transporta- tion of freight or other materials for hire, whether the freight or other materials are transported or hauled from a point inside the City Limits of the City of Bakersfield to a point outside said City~ or from a point outside of said City to.a point of delivery inside the limits of said City, or operating entirely within the limits of said City~ the license tax shall be in accordance to the following schedule: (a)._ Carrying Capacity of HOrsedrawn VehicleS: Under 2000 pounds ' ~10[00 per year 2000 3999 ' l~ O0 to pounds ................. per year 4000 to ~999 pounds ....... ......... 16.00.per year 6000 to 7999 pounds ................ 20~OO:'peryear 8000 poundsor over ......... ~.~:~ 30.00 per year · u'- ' '.~ Carrying Capacity of L{otor Driven Vehicles: Under 2000 pounds..~:.,:'.. . $10.OO per year 2000 to 3999.~Q~mds ............ 18.00 per year 4000 to ~999 pounds.... ........ 22.00 per year 6000 to ?999 pounds ............ 30.00 per year~ 8000 or over .................. ~ ~0.00 per year Provided, where the license tax exceeds Ten Dolla~:s($10.O0) per annum, said license tax may be paid in accordance wi:{~~ the provisions of Section 6 of this ordinance. (c) For' any motor driven vehicle to stand or Stopon any public street or alley for the purpose of soliciting or advertfsing for business of hauling or transporting freight or other materials for hire, the:. license tax shall be Ten Dollars (:~10.00) per ann~un. Provided, no license shall be issued for a term of less than one year from the first day of the current quarter durin~'which said license is issued. 18. ~]ndless_ Chai____~n - is defined to mean and include ~any plan or scheme wherein any person, firm or .corporation sells, transfers, assigns or issues to any person any right, property, ticket, coupon, certificate, contract, or other token, and wherein the purchasers, transferees, or signee thereof or the person to whom the same is issued undertakes or is required or permitted to undertake for.himself, or.as the agent, represent- a_tive, or attorney of such person~ firm or corporation, to sell, transfer, assign, or issue to another any right, property, ticket, coupon, certificate,. contract oy other token which may under certain Conditions entitle the purchaser or recipient thereof to any right, property, ticket, coupon, certificate, contract, or other token and wherein the purchasers, trans- ferees, or assignees thereof from the original~ purchasers, assignees, or transferees, or from subsequent purchasers, assignees, or transferees are also given, as a consideration for their entry into or participation in such pla~or scheme and thei~ purchase or receiptlof such right, property, ticket, coupon, certificate, contract, or other token, the right, privilege or obligation of making further·sales, assignments, or trans- fers of any right, property, ticket, coupon, certificate, contract, or other For every person, firm 0'~' corporation vzho operates, Condu~s, or carries on, or any person v~ho assists or ~artii~.iD'ates in the operating,.l conducting or carrying on in the City :-;.~-.!Bake~field, any system of merchandising by means of a scheme co~mo~y known as an ~EndlesS.:L.~- the license tax of T~velve Dollars (:~t2.00) pe~ q~arter. '~":.-.,. ' ' 19. Gasoline and 0il Distributor - For every per~:::~::' or .... :'firm corporation delivering gasoline, oil, and petrole~ pro. a~'].-'~:~in the City ' uct of Bakersfield, either at v~holesale or retail, the license tax shall'be (a) If ~varehouse or storage tanks are maintained inside the 0ity, the mini~-n license tax shall be as ~roviae~ in section 6 of this or~inance~ ~rovi~e~ t~at a s&Zes o~ice o~y s~al~ not be:a~eme~ to be an established place of business. (b) If no vzarehouse or storage ta~s' ars.maintsinea vzit~in the City, and the gasoline~ oil, or petrole~ products are transported into the City, the license tax shall be Tvzenty-five Dollars (~2~.00) pe~ year for each vehicle, payable semi-a~ually. 20. Hos~italJ, ~aternitZ ~e:~, Sani~a~i~eS~ Hom~ - For every person, or firm, conducting or managing a hospital, maternity home, sanitari~ rest home or convalescent home, the license tax shall be Tvzenty-five Cents (~.2~) per quarter for every bed or cot maintained for the aceo~oaation o~ ~stients, but the minim~ license tax shall not be less than Three Dollars (~3.00) pe~' quarter. In the case of 'a maternity home or maternity ~vard of a hospital, the cribs or beds used for nero- born infants shall hot be counted in determining the minim~ license tax. ~. HotelS, Lod~i~ ~Tou~~, ~utj Courts - For the business of keepi~ or conductin~ a hotel~ lodging house, or auto court, the license tax shall be in accordance to the l'ollowing sched~e: ]'~umber of Rooms License Tax ~ to 19 Rooms ....... ~ .......... $ ~.00 per quarter 20 to 3% rooms .................. 8.00 per quarter 36 to 49 rooms .................. 12.00 per quarter ~O to 74 rooms .................. 1~.00 per quarter 7~' to 100 rooms 20.00 per quarter 100 rooms and over ........... 20.00 per quarter plus Fifteen Cents (~.~:i~'i per quarter for each room in excess of 100 rooms· 22. Ice ManufactDrin~ - For the business of manufacturing ice in the City of Bakersfield and selling or distributing the same, the license ta].' shall be in accordance :vith the rates shown in Section 6, but in no event shall the minimum license tax be less than Five Dollars (~5.00) per quarter. ;~!~ 23. ic__~e Peddler, - (a) For each person other than'an ice manufacturer who peddles ice, the license tax sh~l be Five Dollars ($~.00) per quarter for each vehicle, provided the ice is manufactured within the City of Bakersfield. (b) For each vehicle peddling ice which is manufactured"outside of said .City, the tax of Twenty-five Dollars (i~2~.00) per year; provided that if more than three such vehicles are owned by the same person or firm, the license tax for each vehicle in excess of thre~ shall be Twelve Dollars and Fifty Cents (~12.~0) per year. 24. Ic__e .Dppo__t - If maintained by a company manufacturing ice inside the City, the license may be included in total gross sales of said manufacturer and paid as provided in Section 6 of ~his ordinance. For every ice Depot handling ice manufactured inside or outside of said City~ the license tax shall be Five Dol.l~rs (~.00) per quarter· 2~. i::~ Cream ~a~o~ ~ ~arts' - For every .person, firm or corporation peddling, vending, selling or offering for sale ice cream or iced confections, either from horse drawn or motor vehicles, or from carts or bicycles propelled by manual power, the license tax shall be Fifteen Dollars (~1~.00) for a three-months period dating from the first da~ 6'f the month in which issued, and Five Dollars (~'.00) for each additional month after such three-months period, for each vehicle. Provided, further, thatno license shall be issued for such >.' " ?":':' ':: .; -~: '. . - . . ... .. ..... · -.~ ,. "" ' : ., [~. .~%r ,.' - :"' desc~pgion ,;[bagsoeve~ and d~s~Zkges or fU~nishe.B~'6he same go ~Z.--:"' ::,: : :':,~>~':.:' ... -, .. or vzhoZesaZe' desZeus having an esgab!lshed DZsoe,,.,oZ 5us~nes~"~.~E:'the .:~.,... :...' -.> . .~ :.~..> . ,2, . , . ' :',~{~ ' ,~; .. : . o~ Zu~nishes goods~ wa~es o~ ~erehandise dl~ecg g0'~:~:~%0~s~e~ ~n..... -- .: ...::, ....: . said ~gy. """'-" ' :'.'~;:':" " · . :-,.:~.~?,:" ;~:,:,. ... 2or every person or f~rm hog l'iavi~g 'a f~ehouse or pZace oZ .'....; . .. - .. . 'bus~ness %n ghe C%gy o~ D&:,:e~sZleZd~ and ~:~ao g~EsDo~gs'.me~ph&Ed~se ' '" '~:.~(~,! ' . · ' -~2 · : . · ." - 7 . . . . .. .... . . o~ yfhoZes&Ze-de&Zeus h&v%;~5 sn esgabZ~shed ~Z~oe"o~-bus~ness ~n tlie " -. be ZviftV DoZla~s (.;~0,00) pe~ Ze&~ each Zo~ ghe Z%rsg ghree veh%oZes~ ' aEd ?weng~-Z%ve DoZZa~s ('.;2~',00) De~ ~e&~ Zo~ e&ch ~ehicZe 1~ excess oZ ~hree~ paZabZe se~i-a~uaZZ~. ~, g~E%le~ shaZZ be' ooEs%de~ed a -. sep&~age veh%oZe ~E degermin%n~ ghe g&x, ' ' , '-.. , . CL&~S 2= ~;'o~ ghose vrho seZZ ~ make deZ~ve~ies ~o . ,. ... .~' .. T~'reng]-Z~ve z~oZla~s (.G2)',,00) pe~ yea2 'e~eh Zo2 ~he':..ZirSg ghree VehZcle~ .' e. Ed ~vreZve DoZZ&~s aEd FiZg~ Oengs (~.~Z2,~0) pey .Ze~r Zor each veh~oZe ~n . ..... excess of ghree~ paZsDZe sem%-&nnuaZZy. .& g~a~Ze~ shaZZ be cons%tiered ,. ; . a separate vehicle in determining the tax.. This.class specifically . includes persons or firms delivering poultry in the .City~ groceries from outside stores~ furniture~ household app!ianceS'~ l~:nber~ ·building mat. er~!s:(O~i~er than roc]~, spnd~ 6irt and conc.yete) and all other ~.:inds " .... ...,- . of merchandise brought in from outs:Lde the City o~ 'Bakersfield. · .' 4~ Provided, every person, i'irn~ or corporation im.Dortin~':'''' ' ~..rares or merchandise into the !i,:rit. s of Said 'City of means of stean~ and/or electric trains, or ~ot0r freight and'tak d~liVery from said steam and/or electric train or motor freighter'to be and dispose~ of to the individual o / receiving; compensation other than the ordinary amou~ ChHrSed for trans. norta.tion of ?loods~ wares or merc.handise from .i,'rei~ht Depots to theE. homo or place of business .of ~he .nonsi~nee~ then in that event s person~ j:.'j. rm or corporation so transportin~ ~yoodS~. v~rares or mer~ndise from said trains~ or by motor frei~"ht~ u~ill.'be considered ~ ~ ~ S a' d ~='~ - . 1~ ~oods into the city of 3alcersfield. in that even{ the firm or corporation havin~ any interest in said qcoods~'uares or chandise transported by him~ either as principal .and/or a~ent~ be classified as lzeepinC~ ovn~inC~ operatin~ or ru~nZn~[ said' veh~~ for the transportation of freight or other material for sellin~ fruits~ veSetab!es~ pountry~ e~V~s or butter raised Or p~uced b~ himseif~ or for the sel!inff of foodstuff cooked or.--prepared =~X-~3uch articles manufactured by himself or some member of his familY, when:' per month. 27. itinerant I: erchant - :~itinerant ijerchant~' o-,=' ,~loods~ wares and merchandise shall mean and include all persons~ both principal and. ag;ent~ v.~ho engage in a temporary and transient bUsineSsin the City of Lakersfield~ sel].in~ .(Zoods~ wares or nerchandise~ and ~]-io~ for the purpose of carrying on such ousiness~ hire~ lease ..or occupy any room~ building o~ structure, lot or premises, for the exhibition or sale of such .7oods~ wares and merchandise; provided~ that this shall not apply to' co~nercia! travelers or se!lin~[ agents~ sel!in~; their goods to merchants, dealers or traders~ wher'j~'~'~:~:'!k's to become a part of. said merchant, dealer or trader '.s stock in trade]:.*~n, his reg.ular :p!ac~ of business~ whether selling for present .'~/!,~U~e'delivery, by or otherwise, nor to peddlers, as the,'~'same are defined in this ordinance, nor to persons selling fruits, vegetables, mea~,.'.D6~try, ~utter, eggs o~er products and of their own farm or dairy. very person, whether principal or agent, who iSl~'[~.n itinerant merchant as defined in this ordinance shall pay a"minim~ license tax of Fifteen Dollars (~15'.00) per day. '' ... 28. ·Itinerant Vendor - Shall mean and inCiude a~ person, both principal and agent, v~o engage in a temporary and tran.Si!ent business in the City of Bakersfield, selling ointments, ~rugs, or medical com- pounds, or any appliances for the treatment of disease or injuries, or anY person selling goods, wares or merchandise~ using music, speeches, oratory, gymnastics, entertainments, or any other particular display, sh0.~. or performance, or doing any act calculated to draw or collect a crowd for the purpose of advertising his goods, wares or merchandise.' Corn doctors. or chiropodists practicing their business or occupa- tion other-than at a fixed place of business, itinerant vendors carrying on the business of selling nostrums, ointments, drugs or medical com- pounds, or any appliances for the treatment of disease or injuries, by passing or soliciting from house to house, or any person, firm or corporation selling any real property or personalproperty, of any kind or description, or vendor of goods, wares or merchandise, using music, speeches, oratory, gymnastics, entertainments or any particular display, show or performance or by haranguing crowds ~n any public hall or building, or on any vacant lot or premises~-or doing any act calculated to draw or collect a crowd for the purpose of advertising or selling his goods, wares or merchandise, shaI1 pay a license tax of Twenty-five Dollars (~2%.00) per day~ ." . .... ;' 29. ~.U~_~Dealer - Is defined to be any person, firm or corpora.- tion who carries on, conducts, maintains or engages in the business Of scraps, pieces of metal,. rags,' old 'r0~] or any old article..no.t.~t~be used in its former stat'e or condition. ~I.. '."~[.. . .j.unk Coll_ecJo__r_r - Is defined to be any person who goes from house to.house, or from place to place, gathering, colie~ing, buying, 'selling or otherwise dealing in or acquiring any old botfles:., scraps, pmeces of metal, rags, old rope or any old article not:.~.t0 be used in its~former''' state or condition. · or conducting, carrying on or maintaining the.buSi~i~'SS of junk collector or junk dealer, the license tax of Tw'enty:.five~=~'Bollars(~i~2.~.O0) per quarter, which tax shall include one vehicle useldl in the business, and for each additional vehicle used for collecting junk, a tax o. fu~Ten : ,... -: .=~ , . Dollars C~iO. 00) per': ouarter : '~ 30. Hand LaundrZ - (a) For operating or maintaining.-~hand laundry and using in connection therewith any wagon o~.'.o~ vehicle., a license tax of Five Dollars (,.~f~.O0) per quarter- for each such wagon' or vehicle. (b) For operating or maintaining ~ hand ~laundry whe!.ejA:~no wagon or vehicle is used'in coxection therewitH'~ the li'cense~X shall be Three Dollars (~.~3.OO) per auarter. " firm, or corporation conducting or carrying on~..-'~e business of Steam. Laundry~ Towel and/or Linen Supply, where the plan~:.for actual work of laundering is maintained outside the City Limits of the City of Bakersfield, but doing business'within the City Limits of said City of Bakersfield, the license tax shall be One Hundred Dollars- C~iO0.O0) per year for each and every delivery vehicle maintained in conduct of · said business, payable semi-annually. 32. Loans, i~o___r_tZ.aX~__s, other. than Pawn Brokers - Every person, firm or corporation, who engages in the business'of loaning money,' either for himself, or for any other person~ upon personal security, evidences of debt~ assignment of salary, salary warranty, salary lm~ demands, 'automobiles, or any other personal propertyf~=!~or purCha~],ng For himself, or any other person, automobile contracts, ~ commercial paper, evidence of debt, assignments of salary., salary warranty, salary demands~ time checks or other evidences of salary due or to become due, shall pay a license tax as follows: (a) Those persons, firms or corporations, licensed or req~l~d to be licensed by the State of California under the provisions of either or bo~h of those certain .acts ~mown as the C~IFORNIA B~L 'LOAN or the ERBONAL PROPERTY BROileRS' ACT ~ shall pay a li~cense tax of ~wenty-five Dollars (~2~"00) per ~arter. (b) All other persons, firms or corporations, making pers~'~ loans~or purchasing co~ercia! paper shall PaY ~a.license tax of Twenty- five Dollars (~325'.00) per year~ payable' in advance. .~, Nothing in this section sh~l be deemed to apply to'~any person~ firm or corporation making real estate loans or to other persons~-'firms or corporations exempt from payment of a city license by the S'ta~:;~. or Federal Law. · - .33. i~asseur - For every person conducting the business or engaging in the occupation of masseur in the City of Bakersfield~ the license tax shall be Fifteen Dollars (~1~.00) per year, p~able in advance~ provided that any person conducting the business of public baths or gymnasi~ and paying a license tax therefor shall not be required to pay an addition~ license tax for masSeur. 34- ~.~i~j~Wa~.!, Dairies an__!dC~ea~erie__s -.(a) Every person, firm or corporation delivering milk~ buttermilk and/or cream from wagons or other vehicles, shall pay a license tax of Three Dollars (~3.00) per quarter for each vehicle. (b) If such wagons or vehicles are operated by a creamery or dairy having an established place of business inside the City Limits of the City of Bakersfield, then such sales shall be included in gross sales, and th~. license tax paid as provided in Section 6 of this ordinance. (c) Dairies and creameries Inot ~n~ an establish~=~'.I'I!O~ ,~" business Fithin the dealers and markets~ shall pay a tax of Fifty vehicle, as provided 'in. t:aragraph 26..:].class 1.~ of this~lsectiO~n.''~'~, 35'-. ~iniature Golf Course -~.~a.Qh minia ur. golf course~. '4. :"' : ' practice driving course~ or putting green~ the licen-se tax shall b~' Five Dollars (~.00) per ~uarter .. 36- Zfusic Boxes (machine or device for playing musi overly person~ firm~ or corl-.oration operating or maintai~ tables~ machines~ or devices for playing or renderin~ music upon t'he deposit' of a coin~ ~' license tax of Tuo Dollars and Fifty Cents (~2.~0)~]rpe~ ~.uarter shall be paid for each such machine~ tabl'e or device. "For every coin intake slot~ uherever located in co~ection with the' main machine~ a tax of l,~ifty Cents (:~..~0) per quar~r .~11 remote control machines operated from a central station shall pay a tax of Two Dollars and ~,'ifty Cents (~2.%0) per qua~'for each machine. . 3?. Pa!mist~ For~~e tZ'e!ler~ ClairvqF~n~ EtL~'.-k~or everX~.~mperson ~vho carries on~ practices or professes tO practice-.the business or art of astrotogy~ palmistry~ phrenology~ fortune tetlin~ life reading~ cartonancy ~ clairvoyance ~ clairaudience ~ c~ystal .gaSing, hypnotism, medim~Ship~ prophecy~ auEury~ divination~ raagic.~ep~necromancy~ and demands or receives a fee for the exercise or e~ibition of his art therein~ directly or indirectly, either as a gift~ .donation, or otherwise~ or gives an e;~ibition thereof at any place where admission is charged~ the license tax shall be One Hundred Dollars (~100.00) per day, or Two Hundred and Fifty Dollars Q,~2%0.00) per quarter or any fractional,part thereof. This shall not apply to performers or entertainers when ~iven as a Pa~, Q~f_~a_n establishe~ vaudeville show or theatre .along v~ith other entertainments. such license shall be issued until a permit therefor is granted 9- by the City t~anager. ~. 38. Pav~__n Broker - Is defined ~! be any person, firm or corpora- tion v~ho carries on, conducts, maintains or engages in the business~I/of loaning money for interest. for himself or any other person, firm ~o~ corporation, and receiving goods, wares, or merchandise as a pledge or pa~vn in security for the payment of same, or ~.~ho purchases articles of personal property and resells or agrees to resell such articles to vendors or their assigns at prices agreed upon at or before the time of such purchase. For keeping, conducting or carrying on the buSineS~n~'0f pav~n broker, the tax of ~ifty Dollars' (~0.00) per querter. i~o such license 'shall be issued by the License Collector until a permit '~i~ granted by the City ijanager. 39. .Peddler - Shall include every person who carries "from place to place in either a pack, vehicle, basket or other .... conveyance or con- trivance, or stands on a public street, or occupies a temporary stand on private property, and offers to or does sell, barter or-exchange any goods, wares and merchandise, or books (except religious publications, newspaperslor periodicals); provided, that persons furnishing to retail dealers having an established place of business in the City of Bakers- field, to become a part of said retail dealer'S 's~ock in trade in such place of business, and aproducer ~vho furnishes directly and delivers any poultry, eggs, butter, fruit or vegetable, being the produce of his garden, farm or dairy, to any person in the City of Bakersfield, shall not be deemed.to be a peddler within the meaning of this ordinance when said garden, farm and/or dairy is situated within the limits of the County of Kern, State of California. For~the peddling or delivering over fixed routes of any foodstuff, such as bakery goods, delicatessen goods, tamales, pies, bread, buttermilk, candy, popcorn,.bottled soft drinks (but not including ice cream or ice confections, or milk deliveries), the license tax shall be as follows: (a) If cooked or prepared;: inside t'~City Fi~s Dollar~ '.($~.OO) per quarter for each horse drawn or motor vehicleS'! o~ T~ree Dollars' "" "' ".~'.'.:' (~3.OO) per quarter if ped~led on foo~.~or w~tk-~ushcart~'bicycle, or ." ~" to any license ~aid for an est~lishe~ "~ace of business, such .as a · .¥ :~ . ~ . . '-'~/~):~. 2z:*'~.. . ' , '. ,. , bakery or delicatessen store. :' ' ~ ':' "" (b) ~o~ foodstuffs brought in from outside theCit' · ' a tax of Ten Dollars (~lO.OO) per quarter for each ho~se d~w~ or motor propelied vehicle, or Five Dollars (~.OO) per quarter if p~ddled on ~oot ~r. with pushc~rt~ bicycle, or other manually propelled vS~i~e,...:.:.~ (c) No license tax shall be required for .any f~e~son to peddle foodstuffs cooked or prepared by hinself or some'::member of his family, when the receipts from such peddling do 'not exceed One M~dred Dollars (~lOO.OO) per month. ~d) All' classes of peddling above mentioned shall be subject to the appr0v~ of the City Sanitarian. Peddle_r~ Niscellaneous - (a) For every person peddling fruits or vegetables, the license tax shall be Five Dollars (~.OO) per quarter. (b) Every person, firm or corporation not having a fixed and regular place of business within the City of Bakersfield, who sells vegetables~-fruits, groceries, dry goods, potatoes, or other merchandise or other agricultural products, shall pay a license tax of Fifty Dollars (~O.OO) per quarter, and in no case will a license be issued for less than one quarter. (c) i~o license tax shall be required for any person to peddle fruits, vegetables, poultry, eggs or butter raised or produced by himself or some member of the family, vzhen the receipts from'such peddling do not exceed One Hundred Dollars (~lOO.OO) per month. (d) ,all other kinds of peddling not otherwise provided for shall pay a license of ollars '( lOiO0) perday,'whether peddling iS done by foot, from a vehicle~ or from a temporary stand. $0 Pho~oS~ra-0hers - Every perso.~!~irm, or corporation engaged l .I~.:i:~ Ior-~.~6y business in the ~business of photographing or p.~dre making, connected therewith, shall pay a license tax as fo!t~ws: (a) For those who have a regular and perma~en~ place of business where photographs are made, the Sb~m Of Six Dolla~7~a'nd Twenty-five Cents per ouarter. (b) For those who have no regular, established place of business, but 'make pho'tographs or sell photographs and ~harge and receive re- muneration he efor, the o t r su~n f Twenty-five D~llars (¥2~.00) per ouarter, or fractional .part thereof.. ~(c) For those who peddle tickets to apply inwhole or in part pay~nt of photographs or frames by any person, firm or corporation who has not al:fixed and permanent place Of business in the City of Bakersfield, or for anything in shy way connected lwith the business of photography, the Sum of Fifty Dollars (~50.O0)~D~er~quarter, or any fractional part thereof.. · (d) For those who take pictureSon sidewalks or public streets, or in public buildings, of persons passing by, and give out tickets or coupons to call for the photograph, the sb~'~ of Fif~ty Dollars (~0.00) per quarter for each person. (e) For each automatic coin operated photograph machine, the sum of Five Dollars (~5'.00) per quarterS. provided this shall not apply to machines located in an amusement arcade where ~a regular arcade license is paid. ~l. pr_iVate Detective - Every person engaged in the profession of detective in the City of Bakersfield shall pay a license tax of Fifteen Dollars (~1~.00) per year~ payable in advance. 42. Private Patrol - For every person, firm, co-partnership, association, or corporation engaged in the business of conducting a private'patrol-"system,'the license tax shall:be Five D~!lar~" per quarter. , For every person :'employed as a Private Patrol Watchman by any any person, firm, co-partnership, associ':~on, or corporation who. holds a permit and has paid a license to operate .a private patrol system, a license tax of 'Two Dollars and Fifty Cents (~2.~0) 'per..!i~u.~?'! te ' quar r shall be paid. .-.a: ~ovided, however, that for the above mentioned Pri~'e Patrol System and Private Patrol 'ffatchman no license shall be issued by the License Collector until a permit is granted by the City i.~anager. ~3. professions - Zvery person engaged in one or more of t~:? following .professions, in the City of Bakersfield, and everFOrte engaged in a profession not otherwise provided-for herein and ~intaining an office in the City of Bakersfield~ sh~l pay a license tax of Fifteen Dollars (j~l~.O0) per .year in advance: .~rchitect Attorney at law Auditor or .Accountant Assayer Bacteriologist Chemist or Chemical Laboratory Chiropodist Chiropractor ~,.. Civil lZngineer Dental Laboratory Dentist.- Electrical ~ngineer Geologist Hydraulic or Mining Engineer Insurance .adjuster Mechanical Engineer Medical Laboratory Oc~ist Optician Optometrist Osteopath Physician Structural Engineer Surgeon Surveyor Veterinarian Provided that where two or more persons are engaged in a profession at one place of business, the license tax shall be Fifteen Dollars (~1%.00) per year for the first person, and Ten Dollars ($10.00) per year for each-additional-person aCtually'engaged.in the ·profession, whether an. employee, member of the firm, or a person practicing independently. 4~. Rp_al~ Estate - (a) For every person who engages'in the ' . business (whether full or' part time). of a real estate broker,-in'.the City of Bakersfield, as defined by the laws of the state of cali£oraia, the license tax shall be the s~ of Fifteen Dollars ($15.00) per. yeg~;;' provided that where a partnership is e~aged in such busin~sg~. the c0~partnership shall pay the tax of Fifteen Dollars ($1~.00) per year, and each member of such co-partnership shall pay a separate tax of Three DS!lars (~3.00) per year; ~d if a corporation is engaged,i~;...~:aid business~ then the s~ of Fifteen Dollars ($1%. 00) per ye]~' and the sum of Three Dollars (.$3.00) per year for each officer 'oF~V~agent of said corporation who acts as a re~ estate broker (b) For every person engaged in the business of a real estate sa!'~sman for a licensed broker~ the tax of Three Dollars (~3...O0)':~i~er year.. 4~. he,n! CarS~ Automobiles ~pr. ~i~e, sta,les - (a) F0r~"every person, firm or corporation conducting~ managing or carrying on ~he business of running, driving or operating any automobile or motor-propelled vehicle for.the transportation of passengers for hire, when driven by the owner or a representative of the owner at rates per mile, per trip.~. per hour, per day, per week or per month, and. such vehicle is routed' under the direction of such passenger or passengers, or of such persons hiring the same, and when such vehicle does not stand in or upon any public street, alley or other public place while awaiting' employment, for each such vehicle, the license tax of Fifteen Dollars ($1~.00) per year. (b) For every person, firm or corporation conducting, managing or carrying on the business of letting the use of any automobile or motor-propelled vehicle for the transportation of passengers for hire, to be driven by the persons hiring or renting the same, at rates per mile~ per trip, per hour~ per day~ per week orper month~ and such vehicle is routed under the direction of the person or persons hiring the same, and which such vehicle' does not stand in or upon any public street, alley or other public place while ~waiting employment, for each such vehicle, the tax of Fifteen Dollars ('~1~.00)-. per year. ~ ~!'..: ~ . . .. ~..' .~. of Ten Dollars (~10.00) per quarter. (d) For every person~ firm or corporation conducting~ managing or carrying on a stage line or stage for the transportation o~ passengers for hire~ having a terminal or office in the City of BakerSfield~ the tax of Ten Dollars (~10.00) per quarter.. ' . For tile above-mentioned no license shall be. issued by the License Collector until a permit is granted by the City ~ianager. 46. Rocl__ __~, ~..an~, Gravel, Dirt, I~ixe~. concrete - (a) If place of business is maintained in the City~ then the license tax shall be Five Dollars (~.O0) per quarter. (b) If no place of business is maintained within the City Limits of the City of Bakersfield~ the license tax shall be Twenty-five Dollars (~25~.00) per. year~ payable semi-annua!ly~ for each vehicle delivering in the City. (c) No additional license tax shall be required for engaging in the business of paving~ excavating~ or grading contractor. ~Y. Schools o_~fCosmetolo~y - Every person~ firm or corporation engaged in conducting and/or operating a school of cosmetology~ as defined in ~ection 1~ of "An act Concerning Cosmetology"~ approved May 31~ 192F~ as amended~ shall pay to the License Collector of the City of Bakersfield~ the tax of Sixty Dollars (~60.00) per quarter. · . 48. School~ ~ancin~ - For every person conducting a dancing school, ~ancing academy, or studio where dancing is taught, .and where n6. charge is made for ~admission or seats, the license tax shall Five Dollars (~.00) per quarter. 49~-.~Schoo!s., Secretarial and Trade - For' every person or firm conducting a secretarial school, business college, or trade school (other than Beauty Colleges) where instruction i~s given in any tion,. the license tax shall be Twenty DOllars ($20.00) per. y,ear~ payabl~ semi -a~uatly. "~-- %0. Sec. ond Hand Dealer - Is defined to be any person, firm or-' corporation who carries on, conducts, maintains or engages in the~i or acquiring any article or thing that has been Sold or used ~before~ provided, this definition shsjhl not include the term Junk'~Dealer, Pawn Broker, Second Hand Dealer in AUtomobiles, Automobile Dealers and Second ~and Z"urniture' Dealer as the same 'is herein defined:..~';~~''~;~'''~ Seco~ Hand Furnit~r~ ~es~le~ _ Is defined to be a~ person, firm .~. or corporation dealing in, buying, selling or exch~ging se:*e0nd hand household furniture or household goods oly~ provided, however, ~t this definition shall not include any person~ firm or corporati6~" who handles or deals in second hand household furniture or household' goods o~y as an incident to his reg~ar business, or one who 'conducts or maintains a furniture store and whose principal busine~'~ consis~S~: -~,<~ of buying, selling or dealing in new .or unused household furniturj~ or household goods. For keeping, conducting~ or carrying on the business o~' second .,,~, hand dealer and/or second hand furniture dealer~ the tax of Twenty-~ .... five Dollars (~25'.00) per quarter. .~_ Fo.r the above-mentioned no license shall be issued by the L~Se Collector until a permit is granted from the City i~anager. 'Provided, however~ that jewelers keeping and mainta~ing a reg~ar purchase Old gold in connection.with' their business virtue of th'eir general business license, subject to all other rule~:~' and regulations relating to the purchase of second hand go0~ds.~'~i['~!kl?· · 51. Shoe ShininK - For the business of k p'~ r.. conducting a .. ~ ee z o boot-blocking or shoe shining parlor or stand, the ta~-6f 'One Dollar. and Fif Cents ($1.~0) per quarter, payable in advance. 52. Shootin~ Oallery - For the business of keeping or condu~2ing a~ shooting gallery, the Tax of Twenty Dollars ($20~00) per .... '~3. Bkatin~ ~i~s - For the business of ~e~ping;' conducting', managing or maintaining a skating rink, the tax lof Twent~-.'five (~2%,OO) per quarter; provided that an additional tax of Ten DOi:~[~s (~iO.0S~;". per auarter shall be charged if skating exhibi~ions.~' hockey games~- ' or at~etic contests are held in such· skating Fi!' and an.admiS~' fee charged therefor. %~, -S~ortin~ Events, .~thletiq ContestS, et~. - For s~.~ enclosed field~ track or stadi~ where baseball ~ Softb~l~ professional foot~i.l~ horse racingt auto racing, or any other sporting '~v'ent or at~e.t:~c contest not Othervzise provided for heroin is held, and where ..~'ff admission fee is charged for spectators~ the. license~..~x: shall be Fifteen Dollars (~1~.OO) for the first three months or fractional. part thereof, and Five Dollars (~.OO) for each additional mo:nth~ The license shall date .from the first day of the month in?:~which it is taken out. Nothing in this paragraph shall be deemed to apply to any activity or contest held under the auspices of a public school or under the auspices of the City ilecreation comission. 5'~. Stock Brokers - For every person conducting~ carrying on or managing. a stock or produce exchange~ where orders may be placed by telegraph or otherwise, for the purchase or sale'of stocks~ securities~ .grain~ oil ~ meat, coffee, cotton~ or other co~o~dities, or where a call board is maintained giving or quoting prices: of any such article sold~ the tax of Ten Dollars (~10.00) per quarter. .j, .... ~ ., . ':'_ i . , ' every person, firm, or corporation conducting, managing, or on a theater containing a permanent Stage upon which.]movable scenery and theatrical appliances are used, where regular theatrical or ' ' V. w~udevil!e performances are givcn~ and to which an. a~ission fee 'is char%ed~ coZlecte. d~ or received~ or conductin~ mana~in~ or.c~yin~ ~ ' , O~ a DoViz13 picture theater where novinS or motion pictures are ex- . hibited and an admission fee is c]~sr~ed~ co!lected~';On.received~ the quarterly license tax shall be ~wentY-six DoZZars (~-~G.O0) for three hundred (300) seats or less~ and T'./o ~o].lars (Z~2.O0) per quarter s. ddition~:, for each one hm3.dred (!00) seats~ or fraction thereof~ . oveF and above 300 seats. Zf for less than one month~ the license fee shaZ1 ~be '2an Dollars (-)10.00) per day. (b) Fdr every person, firm or corporation engaged in the business of conducting a theater, n?otion pictures, show, indoor cir~'ds, concert, opera, contest, marathon, stunts, or any other attraction or enter- tainment vfhere not otheruise ]_k, rovided for in this.Ordinance, eithe.~ as principal or agent, in the open air, in a tenjt~i. in a hall or building not constructed exclusively for theatr.ina! purposes, ~zherein said attractions or entertafi~aonts are conducted or exhibited as an independent business or entertairz~ent, and not as a l. part of any other business~ the license tax shall be ~'uo'Kundred Fif~y'Dol!srs (q2~O'O0) for each day. Provided, that in the event any of the said attractions or enter- tailmnents specified in the above section are sponsored by any charitable organization or by any fraternal crganization for charitable purposes, and said entertainment is held in a building owned or leaS;~d by said organization and conmonly used as the meetin~ place o~ ;headquarters, and any Deftion of the ne~6 proceeds are derived by any person,'~v~~ f , association or corporation o~!.~er .than tiq~'sponsOring charitab_e Organizations~ the~,ticen~"];~.~ shall be 'five per cent]~.~ of the net proceed~s derived by said person~ firm, association or corporation. Provided~ further, that in no event-shall the license tax be less than Twenty-five Dollars (~.j2~.O0) per day, pa~e~daily (c) The provisions of cubdivision (b) shall not apply in the event said attraction or entertainments are Eiven ~vhol!y for the benefit of churches~ schools~ the Community Theatre, or charitable enterraiment given bZr any fraternal or cha~itab!e organization of this city, where the entire net proceeds .are derived by the sail] organizat~ and for entertainment t~nder the auspices of any bona.fide. Chautauqua assoCiation~ provided. a ~ermit is first obtained from the City l~ianaEer. Provided~ further~ that before a permit is issued for. said enter- raiment or attraction b', the City I-fanager~ a certified-~?80py of all' contracts pertaining to said attractions shall be. filed with ~;he City l~anager, showing in detail t.L'le division or distribution of all e2~-~enses S[nd profits expected i'ro:a said entertainments. .~'~ permit will not 'be issued 'if the evidence shows the entire net proceeds are not received and retained by the said fraternal or charitable organization. (d) For every person, firm, corporation or association owning, maintaining, conducting or .presenting a carnival as defined herein, -in the City of Dalnersfield, the fotlo~.~ing license tax shall be charged .and collected in advance: Tuo Hundred Fifty Dollars ('.;2~0.O0) per day, and an additional Five Dollars ((jd~.O0) per day for each and every separate show, attraction, ejfhibition, or riding device in excess of twenty (20). .]:ach ferris ~heel, merry-~yo-round, whip~ or any other riding device~ as well as attractions such as Old Plantation or any other number of freaks or attractions~ [~rouped under similar headings~ together with all_ dancing shows~ negro minstre].s~ so-called ;:~irt shows~'~ and other similar attractions carried by traveling carnival ~ganiZati6ns,l whether under one management or several~ma;n~gements., shall be deemed to].be~... a separate attraction in determining' the license tax. : ' ~,.-;~ (e) Amusement games, games of skill, tests of skil~'.~;~Itests of strength, and all other concessions of any kind .t~~: v~ith a carnival, vzhere a fee is charged to participate., :Shall not be counted in the n~ber of attractions as set-forth abdVe.f':but shall 'be separately such gams, in addition to the rsg~ar carnival. licenSs. ;~x mentioned. in Subdivision (d)~ p~ovided that nothing in' th~sparagraph shall' be. construed to license or authorize the;eond~C,~.~Of any gambling, or any" game or device prohibited by t;'~e lairs of the Sta~e of~-:California, or ordinances of the 'City of Bakersfield. ;. , '~''' i'~o license shall be required for any ho~-dog ~stand, lunch stand, refreshment stand, or for the sale of dri~s, popcorn, candy, cigarettes, g~, o~ o-~er food products on the carnival grounds~ .?~.~ (f) The license tax as herein provided, shaI1 not be charged o~~ collected in the event said car~val, as defined. in this· ordinance, or the attractions mentioned herein, are conducted entirely for the benefit of churches, schoO~ or charitable entertai~ents, given by any fraternal organization located ~vithin the ·City of Bakersfield, ~vhere such fraternal ·organization receives all .the mOneys or benefits derived from .such carnival or attractions, v~here such carnival is conducted entirely within a building and is not .conducted in a tent. .'.. In this case a special permit shall be obtained-: from the City ~fanager. (g) .&ny person, firm~ corporation or assoQiation conducting or operating any flying horses, mer;ry-go-rounds ,~ ferris wheels, kiddy rides, or other riding devices, ~vhen said flying horSes~ merry-go.roundS, ~ermVis v~heels, kiddy rides~ or other riding devices'are not sho~vn ~vith any other showy, game, attraction or carnival~ as mentioned herein, shall pay a license tax of Ten Dollars (.lO.O0) per day foF each such riding d~Vice~ .. (h) Every person, firn~ cO~Doratmon or association conducting~ operating or managing an amusement game~ or test of skill~ strength~ '~' and for partici- physical endura~e or callacity o~;~any kind uhatsoever~ pa{16n in which a fee is charged~ or which is conducted for profit~ shall pay alicense tax of Ten Dollars (~.;10.00) per month~ or fractional Dart thereof; ~rovided, whenever any such amusement game~ test of skil]_~ strength~ physical endurance"6r capacity of any kind whatsoever is conducted at the same .time but not as a part ofa carnival~ as defined herein~ the license tax .for each such amusement game~ test of skill~ s;trength~ ~hysical endurance or capacity of any kind~,~b. atsoever~ shall be ~wenty-five Dollars (1~;2~.00) per day if conducted within one thousand (1000) feet of the carnival site. (i) k.br each exhibition for pay of a caravan or menagerie~ or any collection of animals~ circus~ or any other acrobatic performance~ a ta= of Two Hundred Fifty Dollars (.~2%0.00)per day~ including any panorana figures~ jugglers~ necromsncers~ magicians~ wire or rope dancing~ or sleight of hand exhibitions or sideshow. (j) .All other e~hibits~ of any nature v~hatsoever~ not specifically referred to in this section~ shall pay a license tax of Tuo Hundred ,Dollars (,-i;200.00) per day, and no license shall be issued by the License Collector until a permit to conduct such exhibit is granted by the City Manag.er. ~y'. y~_n~i.~ i:ia:chine_.s - Shall be deemed to mean and include any machine~ contrivance~ device or appliance which as a result of a deposit of money therein pays. only merchandise~ the value of which merchandise corresponds to the value of the mcney deposited therein. (a)' ~-~'or every person, firm or corDoration operating any machine or machines vending any Eoods~ wares~ or merchandise for the smm of One Cent (:j.O1), a license tax shall be char~]ed in accordance ~,-~ith the following - scheduter 1~ Vendin.~ nlis:c_hi.nes_: 1 to not more than 2% machines, .00 per year. ~6 I~ot less than 26 to not more than ~0 machines, ~-)S.00 per ye~f iiot less than %1 tO not more than 7~ machines, .u~12.,00. per year. Not less than 76 to not more than !00 machines, $i6,O0 per year. For more than 100 machines~ (; 6.00 for the first 1 ' '~ ~ achines plus ~,;.10 per year for each machine over 100 machines. (b) For every person, firm~ or corporation operating any m~chine or machines vending any goods~ wares, or merchandise for the su~ Five Cents (~.0~) a license tax shall be charged in accordance with the following schedule: .." L(9_r: m~_re ) Vendi.ag jl=Z~chinp s: 1 to not more than 10 machines, .~10.00 per year. Not less than 11 to not more than 2~ machines, $20.00 ~r year. Not less than 26 to not more than ~0 machines, $2ff, 00 per year. Not less than 5~ to not more than 7~ machines~ ~37.~0 per ye~r.~ Not-less than 76 to not more than 100 machines, ~O.OOper""year. For more than 100 machines, .;3~0.00 for the first t00 machines, plus ~3.%0 per year for each machine over 100 machines. ~11 the above licenses shall be payable annually in advance,.'on January 1st of each year. All operators of vending machines covered by this ordinance shall -file with the License Collector an affidavit showing the location of each and every machine for which a license is required herein. All operators of rending machines covered by this ordinance shall affix to.each such vending machine a sticker or se~ to be furnished by the License Collector, said sticker or seal to be placed on each such machine in a conspicuous place. Any person, firm or corporation oPera~iHg'~:Ve'ncYing machine in violation of this section shall pay a penalty of Five Dollars (~.;~.00) in addition to the regular license tax for said machine, for each quarter o~l~ion of a quarter during ~vhich said machine is operated without a license If any Such'operator shall fail to pay the license .tax when due, or the license penalty provided herein ~.vhen notified of the same, all licenses issued to said operator for vending machines may be revoked by the 'License Collector. ~.~. .Any such operator of a vending machine who~shsll be diSSatisfied with the revocation of any license by the LiceH'se Collecto~Z!!~may appeal to the City Council of the City oi' Bakersfield, within a~f.~eriod of ten (lO) days from such revocation~ for a hearingS' and.'upon said heari~ the decision of the City Council shall be final .... ~" ~8. '.ja~ CompanX - For the business of-/~Upplying the City of Bikersfield and the ~iiabitants thereof with w~ter, they.taX of ~'ive. Hundred Dollars (~5~OO.OO) per quarter. 5'9. Weifhi~ i.:Yachines - For every' person, firm or corporation operating any One Cent ($.O1) weighing machine, a~iicense t~x'of One Dollar C:;1.OO) per year shall be charged for each such machine that such person, firm or corporation operates or maintains~ payable amually in advance on January 1st of each year. .~t operators of weighing machines covered'by this ordinance.' shall file~with the License Collector an affidavit showing the location of each and every machine for vrhich a license is required herein. All operators of weighing ~achines covered by this ordinance shall affix to each such weighing machine a sticker or seal~.~'~ be furnished by the License Collector, said sticker or seal;.~O'~be placed on each such machine in a conspicuous place. .Any person, firm or corporation operating a weighing machine in violation of this section shall pay a penalty of i,~ive Dollars ($~.OO) in addition to the regular license tax for said machine, for each quarter orportion of a quarter dUbring which..said machine is operated without a license. if ai1Y such operator shall fail to pay the license tax when due, or the license penalty provided herein, when notified of the same, all licenses issued to said operator for weighing machines~may be revoked.by the License Collector. Any such operator of a Weig~hi~Chine who shall be dissatis-. fled with the revocation of any license by the ILicense Collector may appeal to the City Council of the 0ity of Lakersfi~!~d~!Im.~ithin~ a period. of ten (lO) days from such revocation, for a hearings, ~nd upon said hearing the decision of the City Council shall beI finalI. ! 60. WrestliBX and Bonin~- Any person, fir~~' corporation~ club or ass~Ciation conductin~ wrestling and/or boxlags. contests within the limits of the City of Zakersfield~ shall pay to the License Collector of the City of Zakersfield the tax of fifteen ~ollars'~:~.O0) per Ouarter. ~ovided~ however, in the event said contests are held in a rheatot building, operating as such and paying a license therefor, the license tax for said contests shall be Five Dollars (~.00) per quarter in addition to the license paid for maintaining and operating saiR theater. SECTION LICLNSE F~5 NOT OT~li'~;i~E P.~t0VIDED FOR ~REIN. Every person, firm or corporation who, at a fixed place of business,.having a.fixed and permanent headeuarters within the City of Bakersfield, who keeps, conducts, carries on, manages, or maintains'any public utility~ business, trade, calling, occupation, or ~fho sells or offers for sale any commodity, goods, wares or merchandise, either as principal or agent, whether on cor~ission or otherwise, whether for present or future delivery or whether said goods, wares or merchandise are owned by or consigned to said person~ firm or corporation, except as otheruise provided for in this ordinance, .shall pay a license ~ax based on the gross amount of monthly receipts and sales within the City of Bakersfield, in accordance with the following schedule: Over ..j%00 and not exceeding {Z~l,O00 per month ;;.:.. . q~;er .~1,000 and not exceeding'~2,000 'per month ............. O~er 1~2,000 and' not exceeding ._,33,000 per month ........ . .... Over N3,000 and not exceeding 04,000 per ~onth ....... l ..... . Over ~4,000 and not exceeding [j~,O00 per month ...... . ..... . Over ~%,000 and not exceeding.. ~6,000per month .....,......~f.. .~V:er_a-fle i_:_o~.t_h_lZ 9r__o_s_s. R_ep e i D t s and S ale s. :.~L~rterly_ n.i?.n. Se max l'Tot e=ceeding -~5'00 per month .~ '. '~ :': ] U ~'V [ ......$3 ~b~"' 4. ~o 6,00 8,00 Over ~;S,000 and not exceeding -..7,000 pe mgnth ...~ ......... 416.00 over .,.7.,000 and not exceeding ,?Z~000 per m~nth ...... ...... 1S.00 Over ..j~,000 and no~ exceeding ~9,000 per month .... ........ 20..00 ~ 000 g ~;10 Over j, and not exceedin 000 per month Over ' g ~1~ " ........... :.10,O00 and not exceedin ,000 per month..- ........ 2~4~:00: :' Over .::12,000 and not exceeding ~13,000 per month' .- ............ Over .:~1~000 and not exceeding 01~,000 per month .. .... . ... Over :.14,000 and not exceedin~ :?1~,000 per month . Over 'j1 ~,000 and not exceedin[j -716,000 per month' Z Z. over -)ls~ooo and not exceedin~ jl~,000 per month . ..... .... Over :.~lZ,O00 and not exceedin.~ -,~1~,000' per month ..... ..... Over (~l,-J,000 and not exceeCing blg,000 per month ... ......... Over ~219~000 and not exceeding v20,000 per month.:',, ........ Over -720~000 and not exceeding ..~21,000 per month.. ........ . Over .721~000 and not exceeding ;..~22 000 per month.... .... Over -.]22 000 and not exceeding -j23' Over :223.~ ~ ~000 per month ...... ,000 and not exceeding ..;28~000 per month Over 224,O00 and not exceeding (,~)',000 per month Over (~2~000 and not exceeding L.~26,000 per month ......... . Over j~2S~000 and not exceeding :-22_7~000 per month Over ..;2 ~000 and not exceeding ';.~2j~000 per month ... .I ....... Over ,000 and not exceeding -~20 000 per month ... Over ' "~ ....... ' ~,~29~000 and not exceeding ..GO,O00 per month .......... Over 630-000 and not exceeding j31,O00 per month Over ;.,31 000 and not exceeding j,:;2~000 per month Over .?~2 ' ....... ~ 000 and not ez.;ceeding !.;j 3,000 per month ....... ,~, .. Over ~ 000 and not enceedinZ .?Z,t 000 per month ~. over ',~3~-~000 and not e:,'ceeding '~000 per month .......... Over ~;35~000 and not exceedinS :,~]S,000 per month OVer '/- ' j3 D ~ 000 c: nd not exceedin~ t.]3 7 ~ 000 per month: ,'I ......... Over j337~000 and not exceeding -j30 000 per month · Over ]?3G~O00 and not exceedin~ ~j~9' ........ ' 'r" .... ~ ~ 000 per month . .... ,. Over ~739~000 and not exceeding ,-~40,000 per month ....... Over :i;40,000 and not exceeding (j4!~O00 per month., ........ Over ~.;4t, 000 and not exceeding --,j42,000 per month , ......... Over ;j~-2 ~ 000 and not exceeding ~43,000 per month.. ,..., .... Over q.~43~000 and not exceeding :~4~000 per month .... ...... Over ,-:;44,000 and not exceeding :.;~,000 per month ..... ..... Over ~4~000 and not exceeding ~ :~, ~o ~ 000 per month . ;, ........ Over '..34o, 000 and not exceeding ~;j4?, 000 per month '. ......... Over ,--3~'~000 and not exceed~n~ '.;~43~000per month . Over ~/.'-~000 and not exceeding :~2~9,000 per month ........ .. Over 689,000 and not exceeding ~j0,000 per month .......... Over j~0,000 per month ................. '.. ........ ......... ~:,1.00 for each additional ,.l~000 or fractional part thereof, in excess o f -;~ ~0,000. Quarterly License Tax 30.00 32.00 3~.oo 36.00 8 3 · :0o. 4-0 ,:00 ~"oo ~4.oo 46.00 43.00 50. oo 52 .oo >',¢.oo ~6.oo ~8.0o 60,oo 62'.00 63.50 63. :o 68 .oo 69.5o 71 .oo 72.50 7¢.oo 75.50 !~ O0 ~o .00 ,Jl. 5o 83 .oo 3¢. 5o 36 .oo ~7.5o d9.oO 90.50 92.00 92.00~ ~lus (a) Retail - For every person, firm or corporation conducting a business exclusively at retail the license tax shall be in accordance ~.:rith the rates shovzn in the above schedule. (b) ./holesale - For every person, firm or corporation conducting a business exclusively at wholesale the license tax shall be one-half (1/2) of'.the rates s'.nor;n in.the abo~e schedule; provided, hoTfever, that in no case shall the license tax be less than Three Dollars (hs3.00) per quarter. .I (c) Wholesale and iletail - For every person~ firm or corporation ,.; the sales or receipts from each claS~'-Qf bus:ineS~"Shall be repo~t~ed seP'aratety and the license tax for ""' '~' ::Z'2f,: ':~::'' ..... ' ' · :~:.j~;~i!~:' ' ' . ? "~:~ 'class shall be paid as provided in paragraphs (a) and (b) above, 2,fotwithstandin.~ anythin~ herein contained~.(~ license shall be required to be obtained or taxes paid by the foZi;Swing persons or businesses: '- bailors and LZarines - ijo ex-sotdier~ sailor or marine~ Ex-So!diers who has been honorably discharged from military or marine. ser~ae of the United btates, uho is physically unable to obtain a iiv~Iihood by raamal labor~ and who shall be qualified electors of the State of Ca!ifornia~ shall be required to pay any l~nse tax 'under this ordinance; and'upon the presentation of his certificate of discharg.~ proof of his identity as the person named therein~ and the further proof of his physical dis- ability,~ the License Collector shall and he is ..hereby authorized to issue to said honorably discharged soldier~ sailor or marine~ a certifi- cate of e=emption from license taxes hereunder, SLCTION 3. (a) Every person~ firm or corporation required to pay a license' tax as provided by Section S above~ shall~ on the first day of J~y of each year~ and before any further license is issued~ render to the License Oollector~ a statement in ~;rriting~ sworn to before some officer authorized to administer oaths~ that the facts therein set forth are true~ and that the figures therein given are the s~e' figures and amounts' as are given to the State Board of Equalization for. the same' period~ s.~d sh0win~"the 'tOtal gros~ receipts or sales during the twelve months immediately prior to the making of said statemehts~ or the n~ber of tables used in any game~ or the rimbet of chairs used in any business~ if the amount of license is based upon 'such .nsber~: dur-~ng the ~welve months imediately prior to the making:.of such .stateme~t.~ which s:~ate- ment shall determine the s~ount due and payable from such person~ firm or corporation to the City o~ Ba]cersfiet~as a license tax for the ,. ensuing~year~ said total amount or total y~rly license taM due as,shown by said statement shall be divided into and paidin four equal q~erly PaYments~the first payment due and payable the first day Of Jul~Iiof each Year~ and the balance shall be payable quarterly thereafter]~ntil a new statement is filed as required herein. i~osuch statemen~Shall be con- clusive upon the City of Bakersfie!d~ or upon any officer thereof as to the matters therein set forth~ and the same shall not prejudice the right of the said City to fix the'amount of said license tax at a higher amount~ should there be reason to believe that said business shoutd'~ave a higher rating than that sho~n by said statement~ nor to recover any amount that may be ascertained to be due from such person~ firm or corporation~ in addition to the amount shov~n by such statement if it should be found to be incorrect~ and the License Collector shall~ and he is h~reby authorized to fix the amount of said license at a higher rate v&en he has reason to believe or evidence that said statement is incorrect. l~ny person~ firm or corporation feeling aggrieved or dissatisfied with such rating by the License Collector~ as aforesaid~ may appear before the Council' at the next regular meeting thereof ~vith proof, if any~ why said !~ ense fee should be in accordance ~vith their said statement~ and the finding of the Council thereon shall be conclusive and they shall direct the License Collector to issue said license in accordance with such finding. (b) .any business~ as defined in Section ~ hereinafter started or commenced~ prior to the passage of this ordinance~ or any business ~vhich has not been conducted or operated for the period of one year and for which a license is required to be paid and a statement of said business made as set forth in this ordinance by said person~ firm or corporation so conducting said business~ shall~ if requested by the Locense Collector~ quarterly during the first year said business is being operated or conducted~ render to the License Collector a statement under~oath~ sho~'~ing the total gross income~ receipts or sales of said business~ or the number of tables used for any game in said business~ or the numberror rooms in any building being operated in said business~ or the number of'''':~;;~ vehicles., d in sai~ business, or the number.';o~../~hairs use used ..in said business, for the ouarter ir,~aediately orior! to the issuing or renewal of such license, and "*~" like statement shall .~be made' and filed by the person, firm. or corporation conducting such'.'Business at each o.~arterly license renewal date during the first year such new business , ~. : . is "'cOnducted. .at the end of the first year such'::~:statement shall be made and a license fee paid as ~ereinabove'provided fo~.~n-':Bubdivision (a) of this section..:.lL,:- ~k~CTiOi~ 9. '~L::. .Z~ual license taxes, u jess othervzise provided.fO~';~ shall be due and payable on the first day of Jm!y of each year, except that the first amual license shall be issued for the unexpired portion of the year~ computed from the first 'day of the quarter 'in which taken o~'~ or from the half-quarter if taken ou'~ after the middle of any quarter. Semi-amual license taxes~ u jess otherwise provided for~ shall be due and payable on the first' day of J~y and the first day of January of each year, except that the first semi-amual license shall be issued for the unexpiredportion of the half year~ computed from ~he first day of the quarter in which taken out ~ or from the hal. f.v~.arter if taken o~t after the middle of any q~arter. Except vzhere otherv~ise provided licenses shall be issued quarterly, co~encing on the 'first days of January,' april~ July and October, respectively in each year, ana. shall be due and payable on said respective dates~ except when business is cor~enced during a pending quarter~ in which event the license tax for said c, uarter shall be due and payable ~:rhen said business is co;aenced~ but in the event business is co~enced after the 1%%h day of the second month of a 'quarter~ the license tax shall be one-half (~-) of the quarterly anount~ u~Gess othervfise specifically provided for, and the license issued therefor shall terminate at the end of the ouarter so ~esignated so that the next quarter shall co~ence on the first day of January, .april ~ July or October ~ respectively, as the case may be ~ of each year. i,.Zonthly license taxes provided for herein shall be due 'and payable .. on the first day of each month. Daily.license taxes shall be due ~.Zyable. each day in advance, bU.t·~payment· may be made for any number of days in advance, v~hen :.<~i/-;:· appliCa%ion therefor is made. ~aid daily license may be issued ~' any .time and for any number of days. Upon every license tax remaining unpaid at the close of the ~th. day after v~hich said tax is due or renewal thereo,~ ~vhether mon~y~ quarterly~ semi-a~mually or a~ual!y, .a' penalty of t~venty-~i~e per cent (2%,~) of the amount of said tax shall be added thereto~-~d said sn~ shall be collected and payment thereof enforced in the same manner as other license taxes are collected and payment thereof is enforced~ provided~ hmvever~ that the v;ord "~,~iD" shall~ for. the purpose of.~is se~tion~ be held to mean and include payment in the office Of the License Collector of the License Department of the City of' BakerSfield. Oi]STiOY=I 11. EXPIR~TIOI'! OF LICEi.!SE: Every license issued as provided herein shall, u_n!ess renev~edas herein provided~ become null and void at the expkration of the term for which the license tax was Daid. o.~,,,,_~iO~'T 12. nl,~i"Ss'j~j, OF LiCEi'I~E: Each person~ firm or corporation reouired to pay a license tax under the provisions of this ordinance~ and v.rho desires upon the expira- tion of the period for which such license has been ·granted to have the same renewed, shall upon the expiration as aforesaid secure a new license tax receipt in place of the license tax receipt held by such person, firm or corporation for a period v.rhich has expired, by applying to the License Collector and payinZ the amount recUired~ and making such state- -men-t as -m~y- be-reouired under this ordjnance. ' ' SECTION 13. L_ICEi~SE T,0 kjL POSTED Ai~y_ql'{ DtoPLjYZED: .Except as otherwise specifically provided in this ordinance 39 · · every person, firm or corporation receiving a license as provided herein shall post the receipt for payment of the license tax issued by the License Collector conspicuously in his place of business. All persons who have no fixed place of business and all foot peddlers must produce and show such receipts for the payment of. the~'{=Cense tax uhenever requested to do so by any person who may' make demand to see the same. Every person using a wheeled vehicle. Upon which a license tax is required to be paid, must place and maintain the receipt in a suitable container so as to clearly show the entire face of the receipt, and shall securely fasten said container and receipt in plain sight in the driver's compartment of the vehicle for which the license tax has been paid. Every person, firm or corporation or peddler who shall fail or refuse to post, e~aibit on demand, or display~ as the case may be, the license tax receipt required by this ordinance, shell in addition to the penalties hereinafter imposed have his license revoked as provided in bection 10 of this ordinance. SECTION 14. The license tax imposed by this'ordinance shall be deemed a debt due the City of Bakersfield from and against any person, firm or cor- poration who engaged in, conducts, carries on' or maintains within the said City any business, trade, calling, profession .;or' occupation upon which a license tax is imposed herein, without first having paid such license tax and procured said license according to" the terms and pro- visions of this ordinance, and said person,. firm or corporation shall be liable in a civil action in the name 0f the City of Bakersfield as plaintiff in any court of competent jurisdiction, for the recovery of the amount of said license tax, and for the costs of suit. SECTION 1 ~. _ ~..' iGi;Ui~YD Ui, ru'SED LI. CEN, SE, TAX: .~,j- " If any section of this ordinance is repealed or amended, the Council may, in its discretion, refund a proportionate amount of the Ii6en~e tax paid. any section hereof ~ or .any amendment ,'hereto ~ are >~=~" ~ ' .g,F:~~~nd accepted. by all parties receiving 'Said licenses with the e.xp~ess maderstanding i.'~ , that the Council of the City of Bakersfield may ~evoke the same at-,.' any time if any of the conditions of said licen~B~:oF .any Of the terms of this ordinance or any of the terms of regia~'!,~.-:~~[~ces referred to herein~ have been violated~ or if the said license was obt~ned by: ~i'srepresentations~ or they have reason to beiieve that the such license is an xfit person to be trusted' with the priv~'leges ~ranted herein~ or that the business for which said license wa's,~ranted is con- ducted in such a maxer as to be a menace to the safety of the public ~ovided~ however, that before revoking any licenSe~ as provide.d'~]~erein~ the' City Manager may suspend same, and the privileges grant, ed therein~ for one week~ or until the next regular meeting of said 'Council~ ~d notice thereof shall be given to the licensee by the City M~ager.; and at the time specified in said notice, the holderof said s~pended license maY'lappear before said Council in his own behalf and show cause~ if any~ why said license should not be revoked. Upon his failure to so appear~ or if after such hearing the Council finds there is'good and sufficient cause for revoking same~ the said license shall be revokedr and the finding of the Council thereupon shall be conclusive. If the hearing is adjourned the license shall remain suspended until such time as a final conclusion is reached by said Council. It shall be unlawful for any persony firm or corporation to continue in said business~ tradei occupation or profession for which said license has been issued during such time that same is suspended or after same has be~nrevoked. On~ revocation of any license no part of the license tax shall be returned~ but same shall be forfeited to ,the City of Bakersfield. SECTION ~F.~2.~- EXPr.?aD Am/on It shall be ujawf~l for a~ person~ firm or corporati6n to post or e~ibit~ or permit to be posted or e~ibited~any license tax receipt which has expired. or which 'may have beg'n revoked. o~. post or erlibit any such receipt during any period that such'likeWise is suspended as provided in Section 16 of'this ordinance. )~VIDELJCE OF BUSIi~ESS: ..I. In any action brought under or arising out of any of the .p~Visions of this ordinance, or any amendJnent heretoi the fact that a party thereto represented himself oz" herself as engaged in any business, profession, trade, or calling for the operation or transaction of ' which a license is required, or that such party exhibited a sign indicating such business, trade, profession, or calling, sh~tl be conclusive evidence of the liability of such person, fi~m'~:~Or corporation to pay for a license as required by this ordinance. ,=; bECTIOi'~ 19. DUTY P.14.__POL CE TCE. iS :, ~11 police officers are hereby appointed inspectors of licenses, and in addition to their several duties as police officers are hereby empowered, and it shall be their duty, to make arrests for the viola- tion of any of the provisions of this ordinance. It shall be the duty of all police officers to examine all places of business and persons on their respective beats who are required to pay a license taX, and to see that such license taxes are paid~ and all police officers shall have and e~ercise the power to enter, free of charge, at any time, any place of business for which a license is re- quired by this ordinance, to demand the e~ibition of the license tax receipt for the current term by any person engaged or employed in the transaction of such business, and if such person shall then and there fail to exhibit such receipt, such person shall be subjectto the penal- ties provided for violation of this ordinance. SECT!'Oi'~ 20. COi'ISTITUTIOi,Y~L_I~_Y_: ~/zi."<.'. '..i ':'- If any section~ sub-section;'> ~sentence, clause o'r' phrase of ~h~~ ordinance is for any reason held to be unconstitutional~ such dec~ion shall not affect the validity of the remaining sections of thisu6~dinance, [.'he Oouncil hereby declares that it would have passed thi~':ordinance, and each section~ sub-section~ sentence, clause and ~hrase thereof,. irrespective of the fact that ~ny one or more .'other sections~ sub.'. u sections~ sentences~ clauses or phrases be declared tmconsti~U~i0~'. any ~erSon firm or corporation vio!atinE any of the provisions of this ordinance or wilfully non-complying: uith any of the terms:~::,.=~i(-=~' .. s-shall be demeanor~ and upon conviction thereof, shall be punishable,by a fine not to exceed Three Hundred Dollars (-:~300.00)~ or by inpr~'soment in the .C'ounty jail for a period not exceeding ninety (90) days~ or by both such fine and imprisonment. ~ECtJI0l,Y 22. fiL.'PEaLIiJG Oi~DIi,[&i~CE: fDO f ~/ ' Ordinances num~bered aiD, 633, o~x and i.~ev~ ~eries, and all .~ po amendments thereto, and all. other ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict. herev~ith~ are hereby expressly repealed. bhC'/'IOi.[ 23. This ordinance is hereby declared to be an emergency measure ~ithin the meaning of Section 2~ of the Charter of the City Of Bakers- field, Otate of California, and necessary to provide for the daily operation of a municipal department, and shall take effect at midnight December.31~ 194~, and shall be and remain in effect until midnight June 30 19~%. ooo I I~i'SBY CERTIFY that the foregoing Emergency Or. dinance was passed and adopted by the Council or~jthe'City of Ba]~ersfield~ 'at a reC~ar meeting thereof held Qn,~,,tb.e//. ay of Decembe~ t944,, by the following vote: . -/~t=)~ AYES: CARNAKIS, NORRIS, SIEMON, SMITH, VANDERLEI, VERCAMMEN, 'WILLIS NOES: -~ ................................. ,r--~- ........ ABSE.T: _~ ..... ~ ........................: City ~ . 'of the Council of the City of Bakersfield, t9~-4 Aifii avit of Iostiug ({{)rMnanres V. VAN RIPER, being duly sworn, deposes and says: an ...... 9 on the Bulletin Board at the City Hall, a full, true and correct copy of an ordinance passed by the Councfi of said City at a meeting thereof duly held on.~ ........ ..D...e...c..e._ffl...b..e...r.....~...]:.. ................. , 19...~...~.., which ordinance was numbered....~...~...~.. ......... New Series, and entitled: "AI~ EMERGEI~CY ORDII~ANCE REGULATING BUSII~ESSES, REQUIRIi~G LICENSES ~ .AND IMPOSING ~.KINICIPAL LICENSE TAXES; DE~CRIBII~G HO~ AND BY WHOM LICEi~SES AND PE.P~.~IITS SHALL BE OBTAI~E.D; ~tAKING A VIOLATION HEREOF A MISD'.E~.REANOR AND PRESCRIBING A PENALTY THEREFOR, aND REPEALING ALL OTHER ORDINANCES OR PARTS OF ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT HERE~ITH.:' Notary Public in'~nd for the County of Kern, State o~ZColffornfa.