HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD NO 671 ~i./aRG2X~Y 0~DI',,~:~;','Ci~ ',.$0. 6~1 ]Z.Y S'~-~IES air ?.-/Lj.'iI{GEij[CY OPa)Ii.[,~i~L ~LLiFDIi,.~G SU~-DiVI~IOi~ 1 )' Ol,' o)~CTIOi{ 1 OF Li,L. i2~G~HCY 02~Iiia~.lCE E0 662 o~..;i~S 02 ~...iL] CITY 0,~ B.~'~Si.'I3~LD~ the City Co~.ci! hereby declares that an emergency e~sts making it necessary to provide for the daily operation of a municipal Kover~ent a~ providin~ compensation for officers and eraployees of the City of Bakersfield. i~O',~, ~iL.;x~l,'OA~ 'Z~ IT Oi-~.~IAP~ BY T~ COUjCIL OF TE~ CITY FInD, as follows: 8.'~CTI0i~ 1. That ~ub-divisions I and ~ of Section i of ~ergency Ordinance No. 622, i.YevF Series of the City of Bakersfield, entitledk~i'r Oi{DINAZ~E FE[Ii.;G TE~ COEPLi,T~aS;~Oij OF C~T.aIN OFFZCE2A8 AiFD ]i..~F~OfEES OF TPZ CITY OF B~u~ASFI~D .a'FO ~.R]~Ii.YG )~.~i~GENCY ORDINAlDE N0. 643 i'Ej.~~ L~'ITH", be and the same are hereby amended to read as follows: 1. CITY l.lal~kGE2l .................. ~429.16 9. bl .............. . SL.~CYIO2'i 2. This ordinance is hereby declared to be an emerZency measure uithin the meaninE of Section 24 of the Charter of the City of Bakersfield and necessary for the daily operation of a m~icipal Zover~ents and sh~l take effect December 12, 1944. .o0o ......... I E'~Y C~TIiiY that the foreZoin~ ~merEency Ordi~nce v/as passed and adopted by the Council of the City of Sakersfield.~ at a reg~ar meetin3 thereof held on the llth day of December, 19~-4, by the follow- inE vote: AT:S: AKIS, NORRIS, SIEMON, SMITH, VANDERLEI, VERCAMMEN, WILLIS ............................ .APPRO1D..~D this llth day of Deceuber, lo~.~. YaYOR of the City of L.]a!.~ersfield. A i avit of losting CO Mnan es V. VAN RIPER, belnf~ duly sworn, deposes and says: That he is the duly appointed, acting and qualified Clerk of the City of Bakersfield; and that on ............. .D._e...c..e...m...b..e...r. ....... ../....'~.... ......... ,19...J~....., he posted on the Bulletin Board at the City Hall, a full, true and correct copy of an ordinance passed by the Council of said City at a meeting thereof duly held on ....... ..D..e...c..e...~..b_.e..r......1..1.. ..................... , 19..~...~..., which ordinance was numbered ...... .6..~..1.. .......... New Series, and entitled: "AN FA~ERGENCY 0RDINAI'~CE AI~EHDING SUB-DIVISION 1 OF SECTION 10F EIu1ERGEI~CY 0RDII~ANCE N0.6~2, NI~,~ SERES OF TIE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA". ,..-r;- S(xl~s'cribed and sworn to before me this ':~" -"> · .j._.-/- ..... day of..~.e...c..e..m..b..e...I:.. ....... 19....~.4.., Notary_'Public in and for the County of Kern, State of California.