HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD NO 683BE IT-ORDAINED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD, SECTION'i. A~' 0~OINA~CE 0F THE CIT~ OF BA~RSFIELD ESTAbLISHInG BASIC SALARY OR WAGE FOR'OFFICERS .AND EMPLOYEES OF SA~ CITY AND REPEALING EMERGENCY ORDINANCE NO. 662 NEW SERIES OF THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA. as folloW'~ Each officer and employee of the City of Bakersfield shall re~ve and be paid out of the Treasury of the City of Bakersfield, a b~ic mon~T~ly compensation for performing the duties of the office, offices or-employment~hereinafter named, to which he or she is or'may be ap-'. pointed or employed, the amount set opposite the respective office,~i~/~ offices, or employment in this section· I Further or additional remuneration or compensation may ber~Ceived by ~such officer or employee as provided by the laws of/..-~he State of California, or by Charter or Ordinances of the City of 'Bak'ersfield: ASSESSOR ...... . . . . . . ....... . .... . . ..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . DEITY ,ASSESSOR ~ DEITY LICENSE COLLECTOR.......... e 10. 11. 12. 13. 1~. 16. SENIOR DEMJTY ASSESSOR 162..~0 ASSISTANT ATTORNEY · i62 ~0 SECRETARY TO CITY ATTORNEY -" 15Y ~0 A~0~ ,, ,, ,,,, ,,,,,,..,...,.,,..,...,., ........ ,, ......, 175',00 ~SECTOR 0F aU~D~NGS., ,,, ,, ,,,,,., ,,,,, ,,,,,..,..,. ,,,,. 3~.2,~0 , ,:~':':" SEEOR ASSIST&E INSECTOR 0F BUILDI~GS .. ,. ,., ...... ,., 237,~0 JUNIOR .ASSISTANT INSPECTOR OF BUILDINGS .., ............ CITY CLERK SENIOR DEMJTY CLERK .AND DEPOTY .AUDITOR ................ YGNIOR DEPUTY CLERK AND DEPUTY .AUDITOR .... ,........... 'ELECTRICIAN ENGIneER AND UPE I T S A PARKS .+ .~.. .... ... ASSISTAi~I' SUPERIntENDENT OF STREETS AND RAREBI"~ ........ . . 212.50 162~.%0 200.00 386.66 295'.00 237. ~0 18.' 19. 20. 22. :~' ' $227 50 FIELD ENGI]~ER.... .................. . .... ,.... ............... . SENIOR ENGINEER . .. .......... ,..... ~, .............. ,..,., ~.., .. 202. ~'0 INSPECTOR . . . . . . . . ... ................ .... . . . . . . . .... . . · · JUNIOR ENGIltEER. ....... . .... . .... . .......... ..........._ STENOGRAPHER IN ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT · 142 50 3 ® 26. 28. YARD CLERK .. ............. . .... . ........................... 172.50 DEPj~RTMENT , 312 50 CHIEF OF THE FIRE .. .......... ..... ,., .... .......~ · ASSISTANT FIRE ChEF ' CHIEF ~C~C-FI~ DERART~ . .................., ~,~..... 222. ~0 . 39;' ~,' ._31 o ¸32. 3 CAlcTAIN OF THE FIE DERARTMENT' 207 ~eeeeeeieee®e·eeeeeeeeeeeeee . ° ENGINEER OF THE FIRE DEPARTMENT .'. ,;."~T92 HOSEMAN OF THE FIE DEPARTMENT: Grade 1 Grade 2 Grade 3 CLERKAND STEROGRAPHER-FIRE DERARTMENT 182 50 1'72 50 4e TELEPHONE OPERATOR · HEALTH OFFICER ~:"' 13,5'.oo' z~2.5o 6e ss. 39. 40. 42. HEAD JANITOR CITY MANAGER .',..:.~r~ · eeeeeeee·lel-eeeleleelleleeeeeeeeeelelee lee eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeleeeeeeeeeee'leee 205.00 ~.- 157.5o 147.50 429.16 212.50 ASSISTANT SECRETARY TO CITY MANAGER . ......................~ .00 CHIEF OF POLICE .................... ............ . ..... ...., .. 312.50 -ASSISTANT CHIEF OF; POLICE ~L~., .... LIEUTEIIANT OF POLICE : t{~DI0 TECH~CIAN 237.50 207.50 207· 50 46. INSPECTOR IN THE POLICE DEPARTMENT ........ ,............... 197.50 7 · 48. 55- 56. 57. 59. 60. SERGEANT MOTOR PATROLMAN PATROLMAN: Grade 1 Grade 2 Grade 3 SECRETARY IN POLICE DEPARTMEANT ..... ..................... CLERK IN POLICE DERARTMEET ........ . ..... . .. ........... ... POLICE MECHANIC ........ ........ ....... : ............... .. POLICE JUDGE .............................................. SENIOR POLICE COURT CLERK AND STENOGHAPHER .............. JUNIOR POLICE COURT CLERK AND STENOGRAPHER .............. POUI'© MASTER . ...............I. ...... . ..... , ........ ........ CHIEF ~OPERATOR--SEWAGE TREATMENT PLANT .................... MECHANIC--SEWAGE TREATMENT PLANT . .................. ~ .... ATTENDANT--SEWAGE TREATMENT PLANT . ........ .... .......... TREASURER, DEMjTY TREASURER, DEPUTY TAX COLLECTOR .AND DEPUTY LICENSE COLLECTOR ............................ SECTION 2. $197.5o 192.5o '182.5o 172.5o 162.50 162.5o 14o .oo .250.00 14o .00 120.o0 185.0o ~2.5'o 17z. 50 1 52.50 TAX AND LICENSE COLLECTOR .. 312 50 Each employee of the City of Bakersfield working under the 162.50 classi- fications hereinafter named shall receive as basic compensation for per- forming the work of his or her position or employment to which he or she is appointed, the amount set opposite to respective classifications of employment. by any Further or-additional remuneration or compensation may be received such employee, as provided by the laws of the State of California or by the.Charter or Ordinances of the CLASSIFICATION - 1. CHIEF FIELD ASSESSOR--SENIOR GRADE 2. CHIEF FIELD ASSESSOR--JUNIOR GRADE 3.'~ CLERK--SENIOR GRADE 4. CLERK--JUNIOR GRADE City of Bakers field· WAGE PER HOUR ...... .....~ .............$1.o~ .94- .78 CLASSIFICATION 5..~ FIELD ASSESSOR--SENIOR GRADE · ! 6 FIELD ASSESSOR JUNIOR GRADE ~UNIOR DEPUTY ASSESSOR 7e +~, ,,o,,*-,,-,,oeo,,,*-,,,..,.-,,,~l.,o* 8. CARPENTER ..... . ....................... . ..... .... ....... . .. e WAGE PER HOUR, CHAINMAN . . .......... ~ .......................... DRAFTSMAN SENIOR GRADE DRAFTSMAN--JUNIOR GRADE . . . . ......................... . .... GENERAL UTILITY SENIOR H~AV~ Eq~zsm~r OPERATOR ... ............. .........., JGt~IOR HEAVY EQIJI~NT *OPERATOR .81½ .8~ · 96½ ' .?~i- 1.00 .sz½ . ~½ ~5 LAS0HSR C0MM0~ STHSSTDE~AHTMS~r ':' · ~ -- .. ............ .......%, · 16. :~LABORER, COMMON--PARK DEPARTMENT .. ........................ ~9~ 17 I~ABORER SKILLED SENIOR GRADE ' ' 8~½ l s. Z~s0~a, SnLL~D ZU~OR Gm~DE LIGHT EQUIPP~NT OPERATOR ..;:~ 8~½ 22 RARE FOREMAN 23 RARK UTILITY · 92½ · eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeleeeee'e. · 25.. STE~OGRAPHER--SENIOR GRADE ....... ......... .. .... . ..... . .. .78 STENOGRAPHER JUNIOR GRADE ---- eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee,te-.,e.~ · TEE TRIMMER · '-:!: 92½ eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee®eeeeeeeeeeeeee · 8e WORKING FOREMAN in the Street Department or Park Department shall be paid 10¢ per hour in addition to his regular hourly rate while acting in such capacity. SECTION 3. Each employee of the City of Bakersfield working under the classifica- tiOnS~hereinafter named shall receive as basic compensation for perform- ing the work of his or her position or employment to which he or she is appointed,· the amount set opposite to respective classifications of em- ployment. Further or additional remuneration or compensation may be received by any such employee, as provided by the laws of the State of California or by the Charter or Ordinances of the City of Bakersfield. RECRE~TI0i~AL SUERVISOR ' $ 89 ~:~'~ PLAYGROUND DIRECTOR ' &SSIST&I~rf PL&YGROU~1) DIRECTOR · JUNIOR PLAYGROUND DIRECTOR . . . . .'. ........................ .86 .79 .60 8. &SSIST~&NT JUNIOR PLA~GRO'UND DIRECTOR .................... SWIMMING INSTRUCTOR .................... .... . ............ ASSIST~&NT SWI~R~ING INSTRUCTOR . . ... . ........ . . . . . . . . . . . . . LIFEGUARD . .............. ...... . ....................... .. ~'GNIOR LIFEGU. aRD ...... .................................. RECREATION LABORER .......... ....................... . .... · 5o .79 .73 .60 · SECTION 4. In the event it becomes necessary, because of the manpower shortage, for employee~ listed under Section i of this ordinance to. work additional shifts or days over and above their regular shifts or days, compensation for said additional shifts or days shall be paid at the same rate as the said additional shift or day bears to the number of days in the particular month during which said additional services are performed, and at the same rate as the .regular monthly compensation received by such employee~ pro- vided,. however, that no additional compensation shall be allowed unless a full shift or day is worked· In no event, shall compensation be allowed for working such additional shifts or days without prior authorization from the City Manager that such additional work may be performed· SECTION 'Emergency 0r~inance No, 662 New Series and allother ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith, are hereby expressly repealed. *o0o ......... I EERERY CERTIFY that the foregoing Ordinance was passed and adopted by the Council of the City of Bakersfield, at a regular meeting thereof held on the 13th day of August, 194~, by the-~following vote: ~, AYES: CARNAKIS. CROSS. NORRIS. RYDER. SliMON, YANDERLEI. VERCAMMEN NOES: _~ .............................................. ABS~,T: -~~ ...... : .................................. City Clerk and Ex-0fficio Clerk of th~ Council of the City of Bakersfield. &PPRO~D this 13t~y of ,&fust, 194~. M&~City o~~ ~e~field. of ( rMnan es STATE OF CALIFORNIAt County of Kern ~ ss. V. VAN RIPER, being duly sworn, deposes and says: That he is the duly appointed, acting and qualified Clerk of the City of Bakersfield; and that on ............. ..A...l~..R..s...t. ........... ~..~... ............. 19....4.~, he posted on the Bulletin Board at the City Hall, a full, true and correct copy of an ordinance passed by the Council of said City at a meeting thereof duly held on ....... ..A.~.g.~.S.._t....1..~. .......................... , 19-~5--, which ordinance was n-mbered....~...~..~. ......... New Series, and entitled: ":AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD ESTABLISHING .A BASIC SALARY OR WAGE FOR OFFICERS AND EMPLOYm~ OF S.AID CITY AND REPF. ALING EMERGENCY ORDINANCE NG. 662 NEW SERIES OF THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA," SubscribetI, and sworn to before me this ..... /.'.~...~..day of....a...t~...~.5...t. ............. 19..~...~.... Notary Public in and ~or the County d Xern, State d Calffornh.