HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD NO 681 EL~hGE~CY ORDIi~kNCE i~0. i'~E~W' SERIES ADD 2~ZPE~Ii'.~ ~L OT~i~ OR~I~{~,OR P~RTS 0i~ Oi~DI- ,.~o~ the City Council hereby declares that an emergency exists making it necessary to provide for the dail~[~'ation of a municipal department } to-wit: That it is necessar~~ to make certain changes in the ordinance governing the collection of licenses in the City of Bakersfield by the License Collector} . i'.T.Y.?~ TifE~FORE~ 'BE iT ORDAIi~D BY Ti~ CObi,YCIL OF T~3 CITY OF B&~Rbi,'iELD, as follows: LICjLi,IB>]S: SECTIOi't 1. (a) Except as otherwise provided herein, all licenses shall begranted by the License Oollector herein designated, upon the payments of the license tax hereby imposed upon the particular business or occupation for the term or period the license is applied for. The license shall be evidenced by a certificate bearing the signature or facsimile. signature of the City Auditor and of the License Collectort shall contain the name of the Licensee, the business or occupation the place where the business or occupation is to be conducted~ licensed~ . the term or period for which the license is granted~ the license tax paid~ the number of the license~ and such other matter as may be desired by the License Collector. (b) The City auditor shall prepare, print and provide blank licenses suitable to carry into effect the provisions of this ordinance; and shall deliver to the License Tax Collector blank licenses as needed, taking the receipt of the License Collector for such licenses. (c) The said City auditor shall keep a ledger in his office in which shall be entered a record of all blank licenses delivered to the License Collector, and all blank~eturned by the Licebee Collec~er unissued. LICENSE TAX COLLECTOR: SECTION 2. The City Treasurer shall be ex-officio License Tax Collector. It shall be the duty of the License Tax Collector of the Bakersfield to grant all licenses provided for herein upon the payment to him of the license taxes hereinafter specified; however, no license shall be issued for any business, trade, callingI or profession for which a permit is required, until such permit shall have first been granted, but no permit Shall be required on the renewal of any license except where specifically required by ordinance. SECTi01ff 3- DUbli~SSE~ PROFESSIONS ~ ~'l~aD~ C.aLLI~YGS ,ai.D .aCi'IVITIES REQUIRED TO BE L ICE?~'SED: Unless expressly excepted by the provisions of this ordinance, every person, firm or corporation, keeping, conducting, carrying on~ managing or maintaining any public utility, business, trade, profession, calling, activity or occupation xn~olly or partially, within the City of Bakersfield, shall be required to procure a license therefor and pay a license tax thereon pursuant tc,'the provisions of this ordinance. SECTIOi,.i 8. UiLaV&ZL TO TR~NS.&CT DUSIiES5 V~IYHOUT LIC]4NSE: It shall be unlawful for any person, firm or corporation, whether as principal or agent, owner or employee~ to commence, engage in, transact or carry on, within the City of Bakersfield, any business~ trade~ calling~ profession or occupation for which a license is required and upon which a license tax is imposed by the provisions of this ordinance or any amendment thereto, without 'first procuring such'liCense and paying such license tax as hereinafter provided. buch license, when issued, shall authorize the person~ firm or corporation obtaining same to transact the business, trade, calling, profession or occupation described therein, at t~eparticular locality within the City of Dakersfield designated in said license during the ternrebated, therein. Separate licenses must be obtained for each establishment or place of business, or branch thereof. ............................ aC.. ~aRT~CULAR BUSIi,[ESSEb, Ti~aDE~_~_ P~O~E~bIOi[S~_ C.aLLIi{GS a~.~O ~ TIV~TIE~ For the purposes· of this ordinance, the businesses, trades,· callings, activities, practices and devic~'s asspecified in this section shall be required to procure licenses and pay the license' taxes as follows: 1. Amusement _Games_, ~ncludinE pi__n, ~.a.ll_ and_ Marble Games - .r;very person, firm, association or corporation. conducting and/or main- taining on premises' owned or ].eased by him thee games mentioned herein, shall pay the license tax specified herein~ respectively: For each ray-o-lite machine, and all other similar machines with electrical attachment, for ~ach penny amusement machine, and. all games operated solely for amusemsnt, not otherwise specifically herein provided for, the stun of Six Dollars (~6.00) semiarn~ually for each such machine or game. For each pin game, marble or ball game, using ten or more balls,' the sum of Six Dollars (~.~6.00) semiannually. For each pin game, marble or ball game, using four to nine 'balls, inclusive, the sum of Twelve Dollars (~12.00) semiannually. For each pin game, marble or ball game, using one to three balls, inclusive, the sum oi' Fifty Dollars (~0.00) semiannually. For e~ ~ iron clad.f, crane, or similar machine the sum of Twenty Dollars (,~20.00) semiannually. It is the intent herein that the license shall stand in the name of the actual operator. The application for license shall be in writing and on such forms as are prescribed by the License Collector. . Licenses on machines already issued.shall be transferred~ ~vithout charge~ to the actual ope~Or. i~b license shall be-granted tO license or permit the operation of a machine or game which is un!av~ful under t~e state law or local ordinanceS~ or license or permit the operation ~ a lawf~ machine or game in an ~awful ma~er~ or permit the operation of any machine or game in v~hich the eIement of chance predomi~tes. ~o license shall be issued for the operation of ~any machine which automatically discharges or pays or is capable of discharging or payin~ ~ounters~ slugs~ money~ checkS~ coupons~ and/or tickets~ whether in a sealed compartment or not~ i~b license issued ~der this ordinance shall be transferable except as herein provided. If, a~ such pin game~ marble or ball game is operated without a license~ the person~ firm~ association or corporation conducting and/or maintaining the same on premises owned or Ieased sh~l pay a penalty of double the amount of said license for every portion of a~ period during which said machine is operated without a license. If a~ person~ ~irm~ association or corporation shall fail to pay the license tax levied as provided for herein~ whenever the same is due~ or the license tax penalty provided herein~ when notified of the same~ all licenses issued to him or it ~or pin games~ ball or marble games hereunder~ may be revoked by the License Collector. .any such person~ firm~ association or corporation dissatisfied with the revocation of any-license by the License Collector~ may~ v~ithin a period of ten (10) days ~rom such revocation~ appe~ to the City Council o~ the City of Bakersf~ield for a hearing~ and upon said hearing the decision of said City Council shall be final. 2. uADpraiser - Every person engaged 'in the' profe~ion of- appraiser in the City of Bakersfield shall pay a license tax of Fifteen Dollars ($1y. O0) per year in advance~ provided~ however~ that a~ person licensed to practice law or any real estate broker or salesman who has paid a license tax hereunder shall beexempt from paying a further fee as an appraiser. 3. arcades - Every person,. firm, or corporation conducting, managing or carrying on an arcade, shall pay a tax of One Hundred Twenty Dollars (~120.O0) semiannually, which shall include all penny amusement machines and all other an~usement machines except %¢ ball machines or claw m~chines, which machines are to be separately licensed as provided in paragraph I under this Section. For the purpose of this section, an arcade is defined to be one general enclosure in ~vhich is conducted the business of operating or exhibiting any phonograph, graphophone,.talking machine, kinetoscope, biograph, projectoscope, or any other instrument or machine of like 'I~/character, and exhibiting, showing or letting the use of any microscope, lung-tester, muscle-tester, galvanic battery, weighing machine, or machine of like character. 4. ~&uctioneers - (a) For the business of'acting as an &uCtioneer, the tax of Thirty Dollars ($30.00) semiannually~ provided, that if the person by whom the auctioneering is done is an itinerant vendor.of goods, wares or merchandise, temporarily located in this City, he shall pay a license tax of Yifteen Dollars (~l~.O0) per day~ but this section shall not apply to any person, firm or corporation selling ~is or its o~m goods, wares or merchandise at his or its regular, established, or fixed place of business in said City, and such person or a bona fide member of such firm or corporation shall act in the capacity of the ~auctioneer. If, in the opinion of the Oity License Collector, the person, firm or corporation selling goods by auction establishes a place of businesslhere with the idea of holding an auction and moving on, then in such case or cases, the license tax of Fifteen Dollars '(~15.00) per day applying to auctioneers c.r itinerant vendors of goods shall .apply during the total period of the auction. devices are~not shown ~ith any other show, attraction, or game generally associated with carnivals. The license tax on each carnival shalllbe as set forth in Sub-division (d) of Sub-sectionS6' of Section % of this ordinance. No license for any carnival shall be issued without a permit therefor having been first obtained from. the City Council. 13- Cleaners, Dr_!X - Z'or every person, firm or corporation conducting or carrying on the business of dry cleaning where the plant for"~actual v~ork. of dry cleaning is maintained outside the city limits' of the City of Bakersfield, but doing business within the city limits of said City of Bakersfield, the license tax shall be the sum of Fifty Dollars (~)%0.00) per year, payable semiannually, for each and every delivery vehicle maintained in conduct of said business. 14. Collection a~ency - ~'or every person or firm carrying on the business of Collection .agency, the tax of Twenty-five (~2~.00) Dollars per year, v~hich fee s~all include any two persons, either as partners, members of the firm, or as manager and assistant. additional tax of i~ive Dollars ((;~.00) per year shall be charged for each person in excess of trio employed by or affiliated with the firm, who spends a substantial portion of his time performing work of the firm outside of the office. A~'Collection .agency~ is defined as an establishment for the collection of accounts, notes, obligations, or debts for 'others for a compensation or fee; provided that this section shall.not apply to attorneys at law. 15. Contractor.- ~ contractor within the meaning of this ordinance is a person, firm, corporation, co-partnership, association or otherlorganization~ or' any combination thereof, who for either a fixed sum, price, fee, percentage, profit or other compensation other than wages, undertakes or offers to ~ndertake, or purports to have the capacity to undertake to construct, alter, repair, add to, or improve 8. .u: ~ (b) No license shall be rec, uired for the. sellin~!'l~0f any goods a~"Ublic sale belonging to the United States, the State of· califor!nia!j~l~!! the County of i'Cern, or the City of Bakersfield, or' for sale efl~p~erty by virtue of any process issued by any State or Federal Court~v~'~'~'~gr~ the bona fide sale of household goods at the domicile of. ~the-owner thereof, provided that the owner thereof shall act in th~'~apacity of the auctioneer. 5- Automobile Dealer - Is defined to be any person, firm~or corporation who carries on, conducts, maintains or engages in ~e businessof.buying, selling, exchanging or otherwise dealin~in new automobiles. For conductin~ such business the license tax shall as provided for in Section 6 of this ordinance. 16. .~tomobite Wreckin~ Dealer -Is defined tO be any?person, firm or-corporation who carries on, conducts, maintains or engages in the automobile wrecking business, where wrecked or damaged automobiles are boughtand sold, in ~hole or in part. For keeping, conducting 0r maintaining an automobile wrecking business, where v~ecked or damaged automobiles are *bought and sold, in v~hole or in part, the license tax shall be .Fifty Dollars (~0.00) semiannually. ' 17- Bail Bond Brokers - For every person conducting~I managing, or Carrying on the business of a bail bond broker, the. license tax of One Hundred Dollars (~100.O0) per year, payable annually in advance. Barber Shops - For every person conducting, carrying on or managing a barber shop containinM one chair,~the tax of Five Dollars (~%.00) semiannually~ and where the shop contains more than one chair, semiannuallye. plus a tax of One Dollar (~l.O0)~semiannually for'each additional chair kept in said shop, whether used continuously or not. 9- Baths, Public - (a) ~.'or the business of keeping, maintaining or furnishing ~steam ,~ Hammah* or Turkish· baths not~Conducted ~in -c.onnectiOn ' with and as a part of any other business paying ~a license tax under the proWi;sions of this ordinance, or of any other~ ordinance amendatory ·.'~ hereof or ~upplemental hereto the license taxlof'·T~wenty Dollars ($20.00) (b) For the business~o~'keeping, maintaining or furnishing mineral liquid baths, mineral vapor baths, mineralmud baths~or any other medicinal baths not conducted in connection with .~as a part of.any~lother business paying a license tax under the provisions of this or~i~a~ce or any other ordinance anendatory hereof or supplemental~~ hereto,' th~tax of Ten Dollars (~lO.O0) semiannually. (c) For the business of conducting a health club/!or gymnasium for body conditioning, the tax of Twenty Dollars (~20.O0) semiannually. lO. Beauty Shoos - For every person conducting, carrying on orl~managing a beauty parlor, manicure parlor, or massage parlor where facial massage, hairdressing, fomentations, electric or magnetic treat- ments.or alcohol rubs are administered, the tax of Five Dollars (~.00) semiannually for one operator, and the sum of One Dollar (~l.O0) semi- annually for each additional Operator.; provided that the holder of a license to conduct a barber shop shall not be entitled to engage in said business without paying the full tax herein set out; and provided .further, that when body massages are given an additional license must be obtained for each masseur, as provided in this ordinance. ll. Billlard, Pool and Bovdin~ Games - For the business of keeping,.conducting, managing or maintaining billlard, pool or bagatelle tables, or bowling alleys, the tax of Six Dollars (~6.00) semiannually for each billlard, pool or bagatelle table, or for each bowling alley*or bed. !2. Carnival - Shall be held to mean and include any group of attractions including such things as ball games, merry-go-rounds, whips, ferris wheels, and other riding devices, freaks, dancing shows, negro minstrels, or any other like entertainment or game for which a charge is m~de for playing orbparticipating therein;~provided that any group of riding devices only, such as merry-go-rounds, ferris ~heels, flying horses, whips, kiddy rides, etc., not exceeding five in number, shall not ~e deemed to be a carnival as ~erein defined, ~hen such riding any building, highway, road!, railroa~d'.,]'excava~ion or othe~structure, project, deV~iopment provided, that the term contractor, as used in this OrdinanCe, shall inClUde subcontractor, .but. shall not include anyoae 'Who merely furnishes' mat~rials or supplies without fabricating the .same into, or consm~ing the same in the ~performance of the work of th¢ ~COntractor as herein= defined~ or sole owners of property building thereon~i~welling house intended for the use and occupancy of such owner'~:and his family~ provided that no more than one of such buildings shall be '~o constructed in a~ calendar year. For the purpose of this ordinance ContraCtors s~i~be divided into the fol].owing classes: CLaSh Shall include all contractors who are required b~.C'i'ty Ordinance to submit to special examination as to ~ualificationS and carrying individualinspeCtion. CLASS "S~' Shall include all contractors engaged in the construction of remodeling of any building or improvement, each with a valuation in excess of Five Hundred Dolars (~00.00). CLASS "C" COiqTiiaCTORS: Shall include all contractors engaged.in the construction or remodeling of any building or improvement, each!!with a valuation of not more than Five Hundred Dollars Cj.~00.00) and not less than (Cuenty-six. ; Dollars ((~26.00). For every person, firm or corporation engaged in the business or acting in the ~apacitY of a contractor, excepting a Class Contractor, the license tax shall be as follows: Class "~" Contractor: Forty Dollars (&}~.0.00) per year. Class "S'' Contractor: Forty Dollars (~40.00) per year. Provided, the above license tax may be paid semiannually if~.the contractor so desires. '=~:.Provided~'~' further, that any contractor makin~ a~plication' aidliCenseI who has never before made application for a license contractor in the Cit~y of Bakersfield shall pay a full ly~r!ly license tax in advance from the first day of the current quarter during ~hich said license is issued. Thereafter the said contractor may continue by securing a license semiannualy~ i~so.de.si~d.. For every person, firm or corporation engaged in the business or acting in the capacity of a Class ~'C~' Contractor, a]..~'.Cense for each contract shall be procured, and' said license tax shali be One Dollar (.~1.00). 16. Dances, Public - ~or maintainin~ or conduct.ing.any public dance the license ta~'. shall be ps. id as follov.~s: I. Public Dances - ~O.00 semiannually. Single P~blic Dances -,I~10.00 each. l,'or the above ~entioned nc license shall be issued by the License Collector until a permit is granted by the City Lianager. 17.' Drays..a~n__d Lotor Trucks - For every person, firm or corpora- tion keeping, owning, operating or running any vehicle for the trans- portation of freight or other materials for hire as a re~utar 'business in the City of Bakersfield, vrhether the freight or other materials are transported or hauled from a point inside the City Limits of the City of Bakersfield to a point outside said City, or from a point outside of said City to a point of delivery inside the limits of said City, or operating entirely v~ithin the limits of said City, the license tax sha~i be in accordance to the follov.~ing schedule: /'(a) Carrying Capacity of Horsedrawn Vehicles: Under 2000 pounds pound~ ................. 2000 to 3999. ... ...... ..... .- 4000 .to 5999 po~mdS ... ....... . .... ~'~. 6000 to 7999 potuads ............. ~... 8000 pounds or over ....... ... ...... $t0.00 per year 1~.00 per year 16.O0 _p_~,r. year 20,00 per year 30.00 per year Oe · '~.!-.. (b) Carrying Capacity of [Zotor Driven Vehicles: 'e Under 2000 potuads ... .......... ~ul;lO.OO per:n:y ar 2000 to 3999 poun . ..... ~ .... . t8.00 per year 4000 to ~999 pounds ... ...... ... ·22.00 per year 6000 to 7999 pounds ............ 30.00 per year '-~ ~000 or over ~000 ~er year ~:! ' "~- Provided, where the license tax exceeds Ten Dollars (~lO.~O) per ax~ said license taz may be paid in accordance t~th' the provisions of bection 6 of this ordinance. (c) For any motor driven vehicle to stand or stop on any public street or'alley for the purpose of soliciting or advertising for business of hauling or transporting freight or other material for hire, the license tax shall be Ten Dollars (~lO.OO).'per annum. Provided., no license shall be issued for a term of less than · one year from the first. day of the current quarter during which said license.is-issued. 18. Endless Chain - Is defined to mean and include any plan or scheme wherein any person, firm or corporation sells, transfers, assigns or issues to any person any riMht, property, ticket, coupon, certificate, contract, or other token, and wherein the purchasers, transferees, or signee thereof or the person to whom the-same is issued undertakes or is required or permitted to undertake for himself, or as the agent, represent- ative, or attorney of such person, firm or corporation,' to sell, transfer~ assign, or issue to another any right, property~ ticketi coupon, certifi- cate, contract or other token which may under certain conditions entitle the purchaser or recipient thereof to any right, property, ticket, coupon, certificate, contract, orother token and wherein the purchasers, trans- ferees, or assignees thereof from the original purchasers, assignees, .or transferees~ or from subsequent purchasers~ assignees, or transferees are.aIsO g~Ven, as a consideration for their entry into or partic.~pation in such plan or scheme and their purchase or receipt of such right, property.,'ticket, coupon, certificate, contract, or other token, the'right, privilege or obligation of making' further sales, assignments, or trans- fers of any right, property, ticket, coupon, certificate, contr..~.t For every person, firm or corporation who operates, conducts, or carries on, or 'any person who assists or participates in the operat ing, conducting or carrying on in the City of Bakersfield, any system of merchandising by means of a scheme Commonly kno~rn as an "Endless. ~hain" the license tax. of Twenty-four Dollars C~24.00) semiannuallye. 19. GaSoline a~n.d. Oi__!l Sp.~i_s_t..r_i. butor - For' every person~]firm or corporation delivering gasoline, oil, and petroleum products in the City of Bakersfield,. either at wholesale or retail, the license tax shall be as follows: .(a) If warehouse or storage tanks are maintained inside the City~ the minimtua license tax shall be as provided in Section 6 of this ordinance~ provided that a sales office only shall not be deemed to be an established place of business. (b) If warehouse or storage tanks are not maintained within the City, and the gasoline, oil, or petrole~n products are transported into the City, the license tax'shall be twenty-five Dollars (~2~.00) per year for each vehicle, payable semiannually. 20. XosDitals, liaternitv Homes, Sanitariums, Rest Homes - i~or Every persbn, or firm, conducting or managing a hospital, maternity home, sanitarium, rest home or convalescent home, the license tax shall be based on gross receipts as provided in Section 6. 21. Hotels, Lodgi_nz Houses., Auto Courts - For the business of keeping or conducting a hotel~ lodging house, or auto court, the license tax shall be in accordance to the following schedule: Number oi' rooms License Tax 6 to 20 rooms ·............... · · · · · · · · ~ 10.00 semiannually 21 to 3 % " 16. O0 " 36 to ~0 " 24 O0 " 51 to 7~ " " 30 O0 76 to 100 "' - . -40;'00 101 to 1~0 " SO O0 " l~l to 200 " ;' ~0 O0 201 or more" 100 O0 The above license tax shall cover rooms only. ~n additional license tax shall be paid on rece~I~from dining or~lUnch rooms., coffee shop~ cocktail bars, cigar stands and all Other receipts,~!~I as provided in Section '6 of this ordinance. . ):_'~ · I~.~.-. 22. Ice ljanufacturin~ - For the business Of manufacturing ice in the City of Bakersfield and selling or distributing the same, the license tax shall be in accordance with the r~es shown in Section-6, but in no event shall the minimum license tax be~ 'less than Ten=Dollars (~lO. 00) ' semia~ually. ~'~" 23. ic~ Peddler - (a) For each person other ~han sn ice manufacturer who peddles ice~ the license tax shailTM be Ten Dollars (~-~lO.O0) semia~ually for each vehicle, provided the ice is manufactured~ within' the City of Bakersfield. (b) For each vehicle peddling ice whichis manufactured outside of said City, the tax of Twenty-five Dollars (~2~.00) per year; provided that if more than three such vehicles are owned by the same person or firm, the license tax for each vehicle in excess of three shall be Twelve Dollars and ~ifty Cents ($12.~0) per year. 24. Iq.! DeDo~ - If maintained by a company manufacturing ice inside the City, the license may be included in total gross sales of said manufacturer and paid as provided in Section 6 of this ordinance. For every ice Depot handling ice manufactured inside or outside · of said City, the license tax shall be Ten Dollars (~lO.O0) semiannually. 2~. ic__e_ Cream Vja~ons_ anc~ ,Carts_ - For every person, firm or corporation peddling, vending, selling or offering for sale ice cream: or iced confections, either from horse drawn or motor vehicles, ·or from carts or bicycles propelled by manual power, the license tax shall. · be Fifteen Dollars (~l~.O0) for a three-months period dating from the~ '] first day of the'month in which issued, and ~ive Dollars (~%.00) for ~each additional month a~ter-such three-monthspe~iod, for each..ve~icle'~. 'Provided, further, that no license shall be issued for such horse-drawn or motor-propelled vehicles except upon the approval of the Health Officer. 26. importer_ of GoodS,' Ware~ 'arid 'Lierchandise- Shall be deemed to mean every person, firm or corporation that transports into th~'f~2~:~][,~ii! limits of tile City of Bakersfield, goods, wares or merchandise of any description whatsoever including fruits and vegetables, 'and distributes or furnishes the same to retail or wholesale dealers havin~7 an established place of business in the said City of Bakersfield, to become a part of said retail or wholesale stock in trade in said,;· established place of business; or who delivers or furnishes goods~ wares or merchandise direct to the consumer in said City. Eor every person or firm not having a warehouse or place of business in the' City of Bakersfield, and who transports-merchandise into the City, the license tax shall be as follows: fl CLASS 1: For those who sell or deliver merchandise to retai~I( or wholesale dealers having an established place of business in the"~q~ City, to become a part of their stock in trade, the license tax shall be Forty Dollars (~i~40.00) per year for each vehicle, payable semi- annually. A trailer shall be considered a separate vehicle in determin- ing the tax. CLASS 2: For those who sell or make deliveries to consumers (including restaurants) for their own use, the license tax shall be twenty-five Dollars ($2%.00) per year for each vehicle, payable semi? annually. ,A trailer shall be considered a separate vehicle in determin- ing the tax. This class specifically includes persons or. firms deliver- ing poultry in the City, groceries from outside stores, furniture,. household appliances~ lumber, building materials (other than rock, ~and, dirt and concrete) and all other kinds of merchandise brought in from outside the City of Bakersfield. PrbVidedi every personi firm or corporation importing goods, wares or merchandise into the limits of said City of Bakersfield, by means of steam and/or electric trains, or motor freight, and taking delivery from said steam and/or electric train or motor freight, to be placed into said person, firm or corporation's vehicle to be delivered and disposed of to the individual either at wholesale and/or retail, rec~eiving compensation other than the ordinary amount charged for trans- po~tmation of goods, wares or merchandise from ~reight Depots to the home or place of business of the consignee, then in that event said person, firm or corporation so transporting goods, wares or merchandise from said trains, or by motor freight,.will be considered as import- ing said goods into the City of Bakersfield. In that event the person, firm or corporation'having any interest in said goods, wares or mer- chandise transported by him, either as principal and/or agent, will not h~e classified as keeping, o~ning, operating or running said vehicle for the transportation of freight or other material for hire. The provisions of this ordinance shall not apply to any person selling fruits, vegetables, poultry, eggs or butter raised or produced by himself, or for the selling~of foodstuff cooked'or prepared by such person or some member of his family, or for. any person peddling minor articles manufactured by himself or some member ~of his family, when the receipts from such peddling do not exceed One Hundred Dollars l(~lO0.O0) per month. Itine,ran__t lkverchant, -"Itinerant L~ chant" of goods, wares and merchandise shall mean and include all persons, both principal and'agent, who engage in a temporary and transient business in the City of Bakersfield, selling goods, wares or merchandise, and who, for the .purpose of carrying on such business, hire, lease or occupy any room, building or structure, lot or premises, for the ezdaibition or sale of such goods, wares and merchandise~ provided, that this shall not apply to commercial travelers or selling agents, selling their goods to merchants, dealers or traders, where same is to become a part of said merchant, dealer or trader's stock in trade in his regular place Of business, whether selling.for presentor future delivery, by sample or otherwise, nor to peddlers, as the same are defined in this ordinance, nor to persons selling fruits, vegetabI'~eS~., ~'at, po utter, eggs and other products of their own farm or dairy. ~:. I= ?~-~-!~j> ...F. very person, whether principal or agent, who is an itinerant merchant as defined in this ordinance. sha~ ~pay a minim~]~i~eense tax of Fifteen'DollarS (iY~l~OO)per day. "~":~;~ '~ 28 ~.~tinergj~ ~'endo~ - Shall mean and include any person, principal and agent, who engage in a tempora~Y~"and transie~n~ business in the City of Bakersfie!d~ selling oin~ments~ drugs~ o~'m~dical com- pounds or any appliances for the treatment of disea~Z or injuries~ or any person selling goods~ wares or merchandise~ usin~ music~ speeches~ .; oratory~ gymnastics~ entertai~ents~ or any other partict'ar display~ . show or pe'~ormance~ or doing any act calc~ated to draw or collect a crowd for the purpose of advertising his Zoods~ wares or merchandise. -~. .Corn doctors or chiropodists practicing their business or occupa- tion 5ther than at a fixed place of business~ itinerant ~endors carrying on the business of selling nostrums~ ointments~ drugs or medical com- pounds~ .0~ any appliances for the treatment of disease or injuries~ by passing or- soliciting from house to house~ or any person~ firm or corporation selling a~ real property or personal property~ of any kind or description~ 'or vendor of goods~ wares or merchandise~ using music~ speeches ~ oratory ~ gymnastic s ~ entertaiments or 'any particular display show or performance or by haranguing crowds in any public hall or building~ or on any vacant lot or premises~ or doing any act calc~ated to draw or collect a crowd for the purpose of ~dvertising or sel].ing his goods~ wares or merchandise~ shall pay a license tax of Twenty-five Dollars ([:;2~.O0) per day. 29- Jui~ ~ealer - Is defined to be any person~ firm or corpora- . tion who carries on~ conducts~ maintain's or engages in the business of ...... '__ .' - ,_- - .. buying~ selling~ or otherwise dealing in or acquiFing old scraps~ pieces of metal~ rags~ old rope~ or any 6td article not to be used in its former state or condition. Junk Collector - Is defined to be any person who goes, from"house to house, or from place to place, gathering ~ collecting, 'buZing, selling or otherwise dealing in or acquiring any old bottles, scra~'s, pieces oi~ metal, rags, old rope or any old article not to be used in its ·fOrmer state or condition. For conducting~ carrying on or maintaining. the business 'o~ ju~ collector or junk dea!er~ the license tax of Fifty Doltars~.-'(~ff0.00) semi- annually, which·tax shall include one vehicle used in the ~Business~= and for each additional vehicle used for collecting ju~ a tax 0.~' 'T~'wenty Dollars (~;20.00) semiaxually. 30. Kan~ ~aundry - (a) For operating or maintainin~j]i;"a hand laundry and using in coxection therewith any wagon or other vehic!e~ a license tax of Ten Dollars (~10.00) semiaxually for each such ~agon or vehicle. For operating or maintaining a hand laundry uhe~'no wagon or vehicle is used in connection therewith, the license tax shall be ~ix Dollars (~S.O0) semiannually. 31. Lau~ndr~V., bteam~ and/or Linen SuDDlY - For every person~ firm, or corporation conducting or carrying on the business of steam laundry, towel and/or linen supply~ where the plant for actual ~ork of laundering is maintained outside the City Limits of the City of Bakersfield, but doing business within the City Limits of said City, the license tax shall be Fifty Dollars (~,;~0.00) per year for each and every delivery vehicle maintained in conduct of said busineSs~ payable semiannually. 32 · Loans ~ i../,ortK.a~es, other than Pawn ;~Jrokers - Every person~ firm or corporation, who engages in the business of loaning money, either-for 'himself, or for~_any other person, upon personal security, evidences of debt, assignment of salary, salary warranty, salary demands, automobiles, or any other personal property, or purchasing for himsel-[', or any other person, automobile contracts, commercial paper~ evidence of debt~ assignments of sa!ary~ salary w~rrantY.~. S.a~ary demands, time checks or other evidences of salary due . due ~ shall pay a license tax as follows; '~. (a) Those ~erson$~ firms or corporations~ licensed or reeuired to be i~icensed by the State of California ~der .'the provisions of either or both of those certsin acts impown as the or the ~NRS0ii~ R~OpER~;y Z~Ci~k{S' aC~ shall pay a license 'tax of Fifty Dollars (~,~0.00) semia~_mually. ..3~'.'.' (b) ~G1 other pe.rsons~ firms or corporat!pns~ making personal loans or purchasing commercial paper shall pay' a. license tax of Twenty- ...',,-.~, fi~e Dollars. (=~2~'.00) per year, Fayable in advance. .. i~othing in this section shall be deemed to apply it0 any person~ '% ~ -t" firm or corporation ~naking ~eal 'estate loans or to other persons~ firms or corporations exempt from payment of a.~city license by the State or Federal l'aw. -. 33. Nasseur - For every person co'nducting the business or engaging in the occupation of masscur in the Cit~"Of Bakersfield, the license tax shall be Fifteen Dollars (;~lJ.O0) per year~ payable in advance; provided that any person conducting the business or public baths or gymnasi~ and paying a' license tax therefor shall not be required to pay an additional license tax for masseur. 34. i.ll__k'.YaSons, Dairies and Creameries - (a) Every person~ i'irm or corporation delivering mitk~ buttermilk and/or cream from Yzagons or other vehicles~ shall pay a license tax of Six Dollars ('.~.00) semiam~ually for each vehicle. (b) If such wagons or vehicles are operated by a creaNery or dairy. having an established place of business inside the City Limits of the City of 3akersfield, then such sales shall be incluled in gross sal~s, a'nd' 'the'license 'taxi paid' as provided in sec~i0n~ 6 ofI I~his ordinance-. (c) Dairies and creameries not having an established place of business nithin the City, and selling dairy products at v~holesale to dealers and nlarkets~ shall pay a tax of Forty Dollars (~0.00) per 1,8 . ,I~$., vetlicle, as provided in Paragraph '26.~= ~-1~ of this s ion. 35'- i.iiniatu.re Golf CoUrse:, ~,:For each miniature golf course~ practice driving course, or ~;~ng-'g~een, .the lic~n~e tax shall be Ten Dollars (~10.O0) semiaxually.. ~.' .':u;.~ja~ .~'V"Y~ 36. i.fusic Boxes '(machine .or device ',lOci'playing music)":Z For every persons' firm~ or corporation operating or mainspring tables~ machines~ or devices for playing or rendering mu~i6'~ {~:Oon the deposit of a cSln~ a license tax of 5'ive Dollars ($.~f50) semiannuaZly shall be paid for each such machine~ table .or device. ?~:~:it~':~'U' For every coin intake slot~ wherever located in coxection with. the m~in machine~ a tax of One Dollar (~1.00) semiannually. '- all remote control machines operated from a centraZ. station shall pay a tax of Five Dollars (~.O0) semiaxually for eac~'machine- 37- Palmist_, i:ortumS"el!er, Clairvoyant etc -For every 'person ~.fiao carries on, practices or professes to practice the business or art of astrology, palmistry, phrenotofjy, fortune teliing~ life reading, cartomancy ~ 'clairvoyance, c!airaudience ~ crystal gazing ~ hypnotism~ medimship~ prophecy~ auEury~ divination~ magic~ .or necromancy, and demands or receives a fee for the exercise or exhibition of his art therein~ directly or indirectly, either as a gift~ donation~ or otherwise~ or gives an e~iibition thereoi' at any place where~ admission is charged, the license tax shall be One i{undred Dollars (Q~iO0.O0) per day~ or Five Hundred Dollars (~00.00) semiaxually. This shall not apply to performers or entertainers when givenas a part of an established vaudeville show or theatre along uith other entertainments. such license shall be issued until a permit therefor is granted. by the City i;anager. 3.3. ~av~n Broker - Is defined to be any person, firm or corpora- tion who carries on, conducts, m~intakns or engages in ~h~ business Of loaning money for interest for himself or-any other person, firm or led~e corporation, and receiving goods, ~?ares, or merchandise as a p .~ or pawn in security for the paYmentof./.same, or who purchases articles '~f personal property and resells or agrees to resell such articles to · ~dors or their assigns at prices agreed upon at:: or before the time of such purchase. :~,.,' For keeping, conducting or carrying';':6'~i the business of pawn broker~ the tax of One IIundred Dollars (,,;100.00) S~m~xua Y. ~ 11 i[o such license shall be issued ]~y t~e-~Cense Collector until. a permit is granted by the City i/anager. ' -jL.,=.-. 39- i~eddler - bhall include every.~ person WhO carries from place to place in either a paoli, vehicle, basket or other ~'~'eyance or con- trivance~ or stands on a public street, or .oceu~-i~eS a temporary stand on private property~ and offers to or does 'sell~ barter or exchange any · goods ~ wares and merchandise ~ or books (except religious publications ~ newspaperS..or periodicals); provided~ that persons furnishing to retail dealers !'aving an established place of business in the City of Bakers- field, to become a part of said retail dealer's stock in trade in such place of business~ and a producer who furnishes directly and delivers any poultry~ eggs~ butter~ fruit or vegetable~ being the produce of his garden~ farm or-dairy~ to any person in the City of Bakersfield~ shall not be deemed to be a peddler within the meaning of this ordinance when said 'garden~ farm and/or dairy is situated within the limits of the County of ~[ern, otate of California. For the peddling or delivering over fixed routs of any foodstuff~ such. as bakery goods~ delicatessen goods, tamales, pies, bread, .,buttermilky candy~ popcorn, bottled soft drills (but not including ice cream or ice confections~ or milk deliveries) ~ the license tax shall be as follows: (a) If cooked or prepared inside the City~ Ten Dollars (~10.00) semiannually for each horse draun or motor vehicle, or Six Dollars (q~6.OO) semiannually if peddled on foot or rith pushcart, bicycle~ or other manually propelled vehicle. This license tax shall be in addition to any license paid for an established place of business~ such as a bakery or delicatessen store. (b) i~or foodstuff~.~brouZht in from-outside the City, a Twenty Dollars (~20.00) semiam~ually for each horse drawn~:or motor ';propelled vehicleS' ~.or- Ten Dollars (..~10.00) semiannually if peddled foot or with pushcart, bicycle, or other manually propelled vehi~ie. (c) Jo license tax shall be required for-any person to foodstuffs cooked or prepared by himself or some member o!~;?j~is family, when the receipts from such peddling do not exceed One-r~dred Dollars ((~100.00) per month. (d) .all classes of peddling above mentioned shall be sub~'~ct to the approval of the City Sanitarian. i'viscel~aneous - (a) For every person l~'~dlin[~ fruits Peddlers, ~;. _ and vegetables regularly over fixed routes, the license tax shall be Ten Dollars (..~lO.O0) semiannually. -' (b) Every itinerant peddler of fruits, vegetabies, potatoes, O'r other agricultural products, not havin~ a fixed and regular place of business in the City of L. al~erSfield,. shall pay a license tax of ~"" ' (~10.00) per day, or if ~referred, One i-:'undred Dollars ~ell Dollars (=~100.00) semiannually to cover any number of days within the current half year. ; (c) For every person selling coffee, tea, spices, e~-~tracts,. packaged grocery ordrug items, etc., over fixed routes or to regular customers~ the license tax shall be Ten Dollars (~.;10.00) semiannually for each vehicle. This class includes the type of business conesonly known as Vehicle Lierchant. (d) lio license tax shall be required for any person to peddle fruits, vegetables, poultry~ egEs or. butter raised or produced by himself or some member of ~is family or for the peddling of minor articles manufactured by himself or some member of the family when the receipts from such peddling do nct exceed One ilundred Dollars C~]iO'O.O0) per month. (e) ,~11 other kinds of peddling not otherwise provided for shall pay a license tax of Ten Dollars (-~lO.O0)'per da~:~;'' whether such peddling is done by foot, from a vehicle or from a 40. PhotoKraphers-Every person, firm, or corpor~]~ionengaged in the business of photographin~ or picture making~ or any business connected therewith, shall pay a license tax as. follows·: (a) Any photographer having a regular and permanent ·place. ~of business in the City shall pay a license tax in accordance ~vith~he Irates shown in Section 6. (b) a transient photographer not having a place of business inthe City shall pay a license tax of Ten Dollars (~lO.O0)·per day, provided, however, photographers licensed by the County o~Kern desiring to take pictures or make portraits in the City, ·shall pay alicense tax of Twenty-five Dollars (i~2~.00) semiannually. (c) For those who peddle tickets to apply in whole or in part payment of photographs or frames by any person, firm or~'corporation who has not a fixed and permanent place of business in the City of Bakersfield, or for anything in any way connected with the business of photography, the sum of One Hundred Dollars (~lO0.O0) semiannually. (d) i~or those who take pictures on sidewalks or public streets, or in public buildings, of persons passing by, and give out tickets or coupons to call for the photograph, the sum of One Hundred Dollars (~..~100.00) semia~mua!ly for each person. ~'·~I (e) l.'or each automatic coin operated photograph machine ~ the sum of Ten Dollars (~1'0.00) semiamlually~ provided this ~h~l not apply to machines located 'in an amusement arcade where a~reg~ar arcade license is paid. 41. Private De~___ective- Every pereon engaged in the profession of detective in the City of Bakersfield Shall pay a license tax of Fifteen Dollars (~1~.00) per year, payable in advance. 42. Private Patro~- ~'or every person, firm, co-partnership, association~ or corpor.ation engaged i~he business of,~onducting a lp,rivate patrol -syStem, the !license tax sha!ll~ h.~-Ten Dollars ($10.00) lly ' semiannua . ~ or every person employed' as a" Privat6! %Patrol ~Yatchman by any person~ firm~ co-partnership~ association~ or ~cerporation v~ho holds a permit and has paid a license to~ operate a' private oatrol system~ .- a license tax of Five Dollars (~.00) semia~ua!ly. ..... ] ~ovided~ howeVer~ t'hat for the above mentioned ~ivate Patrol system and ~ivate Patrol Watchman no license shall be issued by the License Collector ~til a permit is granted by the City Nanager. ~3- Professions -Any person or firm engaged in one or more of the following professions in the City of Bakersfield~ and everyone engaged in a profession not otherwise provided for herein and maintain' ing an of~ige in the City of Bakersfield~ shall pay an annual license tax based on the annual gross receipts in accordance with the following Schedule Under ~,;~000 per year ~000 to ~}10,000 per year ......... I0~000 to 20~000 " " .. ..... .. 20~000 to 30~000 " " .... . .... 30 000 to 40,000 " ~' Over ~40;000 per year ... ...... . ............. ~1~.00 per year 2DLO0 " " 40. O0 " 55'.00'" " FO.O0 " " 85.00" The following professions are specifically included in this classification: ,architect Attorney at Law ~uditor or .Accountant Asssyer Bacteriologist Chemist or Chemical Laboratory Chiropodist Chiropractor Civil Engineer Dental Laboratory Dentist Electrical Engineer ,~..- ....... ~eolo~gi~t 44. R__eal Estate .-' (a) Hydraulic or Nining Engineer Insurance .Adjuster Mechanical Engineer Liedical Laboratory Oculist Optician Optome~rist Osteopath Physician ~tructural Engineer Surgeon Surveyor "Veterinarian For every person who engages in the business (whether full or part time) of a-real estate broker, in the City of Bakersfie!d~ as defined by the laws of the ~tate of Ca!ifornia~ the license tax shall be the sum of ~wenty-five Dollars. (~,~2~.00) per 23 · . -;,, - · ~. . year~ provided that where a partnership is engaged in s~lh~!'-~usiness, the co-partnership shall pay the. ltax of Tvlenty-five Do~!~!]~(~2%.00) Der year, and each member of such co-partnership'shall pay a separate ta~'~of Five~ Dollars ($%.00) per year~ and if a co~poration is engaged in said business, then the s~ of T~venty-five Dollars (~2~.~0) year and the s~a of Five Dollars (~.00)'per year for e~0fficer or agent' of said corporation who acts as a real estate broker. (b) For every person engaged in the business of a real estate salesman for a licensed broker, the tax of Five Dollars (~.00) per year. ~. ~ent C~rs, .Automobiles for Hire, S~aEes- (a) For every person, firm or corporation conducting, managing or carrying on the business of ruling, driving or operating any automobile or motor- pr'opelled vehicle ~for the transportation of.passengers for hire, when~ driven by the owner or a representative of the ov~ner a~ ra~es per .mile, per trip, per hour~ per day~ .per v~eek or per month~ and such vehicle ~s routed ~der the direction of such passenger or passengers, or~ of such persons hiring the same, and v~hen such vehicle does not stand in or upon a~ pu'olic street, alley or other public. plyace while ~waiting employment~ for each such vehicle,. the license tax of Fifteen Dollars ('~31~.00) per year. (b) For every person, firm or corporation conducting, managing or carrying on the business of letting the use of'any automobile or motor-propelled vehicle for the. transportation ofpassengers for hire, to be driven by the persons hiring or renting the same, at rates per mileS' per trip, per hour, per day,. per week or per month, and such vehicle is routed'und'er the direction or~ the person or persons hiring the~ S'~n~'~ ahd"v~r~ich~.sueh vehicle'~'does n'ot .stand in 6r'~npon any-publ~ic street, alley or other public place while awaiting employment, for each such vehicle, the tax of Fifteen ]Dollars (~l~.O0)per year. ~.~. .'~ ("C) For every person, firm or corDoratiSn conducting, managing . or carrying on the business of r~-~g~d~ing..~r~'~~ operating any-~'~' ~ '~'~' passengers for hire when driven by the owner or representative of the .~.~. owner at rates per mile, per trip, per hour~ per day, per week, or per month, and such vehicle is routed under the direction of such passenger or passengers, or of such persons hiring the same, and when such vehicle stands in or upon any public street, alley, or other.": public place while awaiting employment, for each such vehicle ~e tax of'Twenty Dollars (~20.00) semiamnually. (d) For every person~ firm or corporation conducting~ managing or carrying on a stage line or stage for the transportation of passengers for hire~ having a terminal or office in the City of Bakers£ield, the tax of Twenty Dollars (~20.00) semiannually. For the above-mentioned no license shall be issued by theLicense Collector until a permit is granted by the City i~anager. 46. ~ ' ~a~d~ Gravet~ Dirt, iaixed Concrete - (a)If place of business is maintained inside the City, the license tax ~hall be in accordance with rates shown in Section 8. (b) If no place of business is maintained within the city limits of the City of Bakersfield, the license tax shall be Twenty-five Dollars (~2~.00) per year, payable semiannually, for each vehicle delivering in the City. (c) iYo additional license tax shall be required for engaging in the business of paving, excavating~ or grading contractor. ~7. ~chools OX Cosmeto3o_qEZ -Every person~ firm orlcorporation engaged in conducting and/or operating a school of cosmetology, as defined in Section 18 of "~n ~ct Concerning Cosmetology", approved i~ay 31, 1927, as amended, shall pay to the License Collector of the .Cit~.~f Bak~rs~[ieldi the tax of 0~e Hundred Twenty Dollars (,.:120.o0) semiannually. 48. School,_Dancing - For every person conducting a dancing school, dancing academy, or studio where'dancing is taught~ and where no charge is made for admission or seats~ the license taxa~all be Ten Dollars (~iO.O0) semiannually. .~.=1.49. Schools~, Secretarial and Trade - For every person or firm conducting a secretarial school~ business col!e~e~ or trade schoo~ (other than Beauty Colleges) whe~.e i ~'~ is given in a~ t~ade, pro~ession or occu~ation, and a fee is charged for such ~truction, the license tax shall be Twenty Dollars (~:~20.00) per ~r, payable semia~ually. .. ~'.' '~ %0. Second H~n~. Dealer - Is defined.to be any p~.son, firm or corporation who carries on, conducts,'~main~=ains ?~?j~es in the business of buying or selling or exchanging or otherwise de~ing in or acquiring any article or thing that has been Sold or used before; provided, this 'definition shall not include the term Junk Dealer~ ~awn Broker~ Second Hand Dealer in Automobiles, automobile Dealers and Second'iiand Furniture Dealer as the same is herein defined. Second Hand Furniture Dealer - Is defined to be anyperson~ firm or corporation dealing in, buying, seli~ng or exchanging second hand houSehold~urniture or household goods~Sn!y~ provided, however, that this definition shall not include any person, firm or corporation who 'handles or deals in second hand household furniture or household goods only as an incident to his regular businesS~ or one who conducts or maintains a furniture store and ~hose principal business consists of buying, selling or dealing in new or unused household furniture or household goods. For keepin~ conducting, or carrying on the business of second hand dealer and/or second hand furniture dealer~ the tax of Fifty Dollars C~5'O.OO) semiannually. For the above-mentioned no license shall be issued by the License Collector until a permit is granted from the City i'~Zanager. ,~ovided~ however, that je~relers keeping and maintainin~ a regular and established place of business within the City of Zakersfield may purchase old gold in connection uith their business mnd'er and by virtue of their general'. ~inesslicenSe, subject to all ot!ier. rules and regulations relating ~to the purChaSe of second hand ~gO0ds. 51. She_ e Shining - For the business of keeping or ..Q,~nducting a boot-blacking or shoe shining parlor or stand, the ~'~f Three Dollars C:~3.00) semiannually ~ payable in advance. ~ :y %2. Shootin~ Gallery - For the business of keepin~ or conducting a 'shooting gallery~ the tax. of Forty Dollars .(~0.00) sem~nnually. [~3. SkatinM~ i~inks - D'or the business of keepi~'onducting, managing or maintaining a skating ri~, the tax of Fifty Dollars (~0.00) semia~ually; provided that an additional tax of Twenty Dollars (~20.00) semia~ually shall be charged if ~Skating exhibitions, hockey ~ames~ or at~detic contests are held in such skating ri~ and an admission fee charged therefor. ~ .... =' - 5~. ~ortinK Ev__e~3._t~s.,.~a~~c contests, et~. -For' each enclosed field~ track or stadium~ where baseb~ll~ softball,;pr0fessional foot- 'ball~ ho~se racing~ auto racing, or any other sporting event atl~etic contest not otherwise provided for herein is held, and where an admission fee is charged for spectators', th~ license tax shall be Fifteen Dollars (4~1%.O0) for the first three.months or fractional part thereof, and five Dollars (~.00) for each additional month. The license shall date from the firstd~y of the month in ~.rhich it is taken out. lfothing in this paragraph shall be deemed' to apply to any activity or contest held under the auspices of a public school or under the auspices of the City idecreation Comraission. ~. 5t,opk Brokers - For every person conducting, carrying on or managing a stock or produce exchange, where orders may be placed by telegraph or otherwise, for the purchase or sale of stocks, securities, grain, .oi]..~ .meat., coffee, ~cOt.~t0n, or Other co~rm~oditie.s, .or v~here a call board is maintained giving or quoting prices of any such article sold, the tax o'~' Twenty Dollars (..;20.00) semiannually. ? 5'6- Th__e_a_t_~_r.~s, bh~:L~s, C~_r.~_, ~m_~_e_~p_nt_!s, ~xh!bi.tion__s, e_t_c.. - (a) For every person~ firm~ or corporation conducting~ managing~ or carrying on a theater.:~ontainin~ a permanent s~age upon which mS~%b!e scenery and theatrical ~ppiiances are used;%.~her& regular t~&'trical or vaudeville performances are given~ and.- to v · h r ~n t rape ex- . hibited and a~/admission fee is Char~{ed~ collec%{~d~ or received~ the se~ia~ua! license tax sha}! be Piety-two Dollars (,~2,00)'for three hundred,~(300) seats or tess~ and Four Dollars {~n~0') semia~ual!y additional SoP each one hundred (100).seats.~l]~}fraction thereof~ over and above 300 seats, If for less than one month, the license fee shall be. Ten Dollars (-.~10.00) per day. (b) For every person~ fir~ or corporation engaged in the business conducting a theater~ motion pictures~ show~ indoor circus~ concert~ opera~ contest~ marathon~ stunts~ or any other attraction or enter- tainnient where not otherwise provided for in this 'ordinance~ either as principal or aSent~ in the open air~ in a tent~ in a hall. or building-not constructed exclusively for theatrical 'purposes~ wherein said attractions or entertafi~ents are conducted or emhibited as an independent business Or entertafi~nent~ and not as a part 'of any other business~ the license tax shall be Two Piundred Fifty Dollars (~,~2~0,00) for each day, Provided~ that in t~e event any of the said attractions or enter- tainments-specified in the above section are sponsored by any charitable organization or by any fraternal organizati0nfor charitable purposes~ and said entertafi~aent is held in a building owned or leased by said organization and commonly used as the meeting place or headquarters~ and any_-por%i~n of the ne%prQceeds are derived by anype~son,.i'irm, association or corporation other than the sponsoring fraternal or charitable organizations~ the license tax shall be five per cent (~,~) of the net proceeds derived by said persOn~ firm~ association or corporation. Providedr further, that in no event shall~.~he license tax be less than Twenty-five Dollars (G25~.00) per da~¥ayab!e daily in advance. (c) ~he provisions of Subdivision (b~'haI1 not appt~-' in the event said attraction or entertai~ents are grove ~y for the benelm of churches ~ schools ~ 'the co~unity Theatre ~ or~-..~cha~table entertainment 3iven ~oy any fraternal or charitable organization of this city~-~here the entire-net proceeds are derived by the said organ~[~tion, and for C a entertai~ent ~der the auspices of any ~oona fide ~utauq~ ,~ssociation provided a permit is first obtained from the City i~nager. Provided~ ~urther~ that before a permit is issued for said enter- taim~ent.~attraction by the City i.~anager, a certified copy of all contracts pertaining to said attractions shall be filed with the City L~anager~ shorting in detail. the division or distribution of all expenses and profits expected from said entertainments. A permit will not be issued if the evldence shows the entire net proceeds are not received and retained by the said fraternal or charitable organization. (d) For every ~ersonr firmr· corporation or association owningr maintaining~ conducting or presenting a carnival as defined hereinr in theCity.of Bakersfie!dr the following license tax shall be.charged and collected in advance: T~'~o Hundred Fifty Dollars (~2~0.00) per dayr and an additional Dollars'(~:~.~.O0) per day for each and every separate shove, attraction ey~ibition, or riding 'device in excess of twenty (20). Each ferris v~heelr merry-go-round, v~hipr or any other riding devicer as well as attractions such as 01d Plantation or any other number of freaks or attractionsr grouped under similar headingsr together ~vith all dancing shoW~,.n~!~r_0 minstrel:s~ so-called "girl shows," and other similar attractions carried by travelin[; c~rnival organizationsr~tether under one management or several managements, shall be deemed to be a separate attraction in determining the license tax. strength, and all other"concessionS of~ any kind, traveli~'~ith a · ~carnival, where a fee is charged to participate~ s~a~t be countsd .~'h. ~he n~ber of attractions as set ~orth above~/~t sn~mm be separately licensed at the minim~ rate of .One Dollar (~) per day for each such game~ in addition to the regula~.ca?~!~al license ~ mentioned in Subdivision (d)~ provided that nothing in this~p~aph shall be construed to license or authorize the conduCt~$~any gamblinJ~ or any game~or device prohibited by the laws of the>?S~ate of California~ or 6rdinances of the City of Bakersfield.- <~j~"' i'~lo license shall be required for any hot-dog~.tstand~ lunch stand~ refreslment' stand,. or for the sale of dri~cs~ popcorn~ candy, cigarettes~ gum~ or other food products on the carnival grounds. (f) The license tax as herein provided~ shall not~be'charged or collected in the event said carnival~ as defined i~ ~this ordinance~ or the attractions mentioned herein~ are conduc~e'd entirely for the benefit of churches~ schools or charitable entertaii~ents.~ given by a~ fraternal organization located v~ithin theCityof Bakersfield~ ~vhere such fraternal organization receives all the moneys or benefits derived from such carnival or attractions~ where such' carnival is conducted entirely within a bui!~ing .and is no~ conducted in a tent. In .this case a special permit shall be obtained from the City i..ianager. (g) ~ny person, firm, corporation or association Conducting or ~perating any flying horses, merry-gOprounds,'ferris~wheels, kiddy rides, or other riding devices, v~rhen said flyinghorses,'merry-go-rounds.~ ferris wheels, kiddy rides, or other .riding devices ~ye not shown with . any other show, game, attraction or carnival, 5s~/mentioned herein, shall pax a license .tax often DO~!ars (~!O.O0).per~day ~for. each sulchriding. device. ~,, (h) Every person, firm, corporation orassOciation conducting~ operating or managing an amusement game, or test of skill, Strength, physical endurance or capacity of any kindwh~:~oever~'f~°r partici- pation in which a fee is Charged~ or w~i'ch is conducted for profit, shall pay a l~eense tax of Ten Dollars (310.00) per~month, I or f~ional part thereof~ provided., whenever any sU~.~:amuseme~t ga~:.~:~eSt of skill, strength, physical endurance,.gr-capacity of any .ki.~~soever is conducted at the same time but not as a part o'f a c~nival, as defined herein,. the license tax for each such amusement game, tenn.'of skill, strength, physical endurance or capacity of s~ k~~soever, shall be ~wenty-five Dollars (~!~2~.00) per day if condhcted within one thousand (1CO0) feet of the carnival site. (i) For each e~ibition for pay of a caravan or menagerie, or any collection of animals, circus, or any other a~r~&tic performance,. a tax of T~-m Hundred Fifty Dollars (~2ffO.OO) per day, including any panorama figures, jugglers, necromancers, magicians~ wire or rope dancing or sleight of hand e~ibitions or sideshow. (j) .all_ other exhibits, of any ns.t~e v~,hatsoever, not' specifically referred to in this section, shall pay a license tax of Twenty-five Dollars (~2ff. O0) per day~ and no license shall be issued by the License Collector until a permi't to conduct such e:iibit is granted by the oity i,..ianager. %7. Vendin~ Liachines - Shall be deemed to mean and include any machine~ contrivance, device or appliance which as a result oi' a deposit of money therein pays oiy merchandise~ the v~ue of which merchandise corresponds to the value of the money deposited ~herein. (a) For every person, firm or corporation operating 'any machine or machines rending any .'goods, wares, or merchandise for the ss of One Cent (~.01), a license tax shall be charged in accordance with the following .,n schedule: ~ .. .. - · . -. .. 1¢ Vendi~g ~iachines: . 1 to not more than 2~ machines, $~.00 per year. · :?8.00 l~ot less than 26 to not more than ~0 machines, ~ .per year. ,.Z Not ·less than 51 to not more t~,~:7~ machines, ~,;12.00 per Not less than 76 to not more than 100 machines, t~t6.00..,pe~r' year. For more than 100 machines~ ~16.00 for the first !0.~achines~ ~lus i~.lO per year for each machine;Z~r'100 ",.~ (b) For every person, firm, or corpo~h'operating any machine: or 'machines vending any goods~ wares~ or merchandise for the Five Cents (~;.0~) a license tax shall be charged in acco~e with the following schedie: ~-j~. . .y] . · ~ (or mo~e) Vendi~g 1.ffac.hine~: 1 to not more than 10 machines~ ~;10.00 per year. t,~ot less than 11 to not more'than 2~ machines~ ~)20-.~O'per year. Not less than 26 to not more'than ~0 machines, $~.00 per year~ Not less than ~1 to not more than 75 machines, ;i~37.5'0 per year. iYot less than 76 to not more than 100 machines, ':,~0.00 per year. For more than 100 machines, (~0.00 for the' first 100 machines, plus ~.%0 per year for each machine'over 100 machines. All the'above licenses 'shall be'payable annually in advance~ on January lstof each year., I. all operators of vendinS machinescover.gd'by this ordinance shall file with the License-Collector an affidavit showing..the location of each and every machine for. which a license' is requiFed herein. Xll operators of vendinS machines coveredby t·his ordinance shall. affix to each such vendinS machine a sticker. or seal to be furnished by the License Collector~ said stickeror.seal to be placed on each such machine ina conspicuous place. any person, firm or corporation operating a vending machine in violation of this section shall pay a penalty of Y,'ive Dollars (~,;~.00) in addition to 'the regular license tax · for said machine,. ~or..eaCh quarteF or portion.of a quarter_during.. which said machine is operated uithout a license. if any such operator shall fail. to pay the license tax when due, or the license penalty provided herein when notified of the same, all licenses issued to said Operator for vendingmachines may be nevoked by the License Collector. .Any Such operator of a vendinS machine who shall be~dissatisfied with the revOltion of any license by the License Collector may apDeal to the City Council of the City of Bakersfield, ~within a period ~Z~ ten (lO) days from such revocation, for a hea~ing, and upon~hearing the~ecision of t~hs City Cotmcil shall be final.. -~ ~.~ '~8.~]Wa~r Company -For the business of supplyi~ the City of Bakersfield ~d the inhabitants thereof' with water, the tax of Two Thousand Dollars (~2 ~ 000.00) semiannually. ~ ~:~.~'~; ~ ' ~9. 'jei~hinM Liachines - For every person, firm or corporation operating a~ one Gent (~.01) weighing machine~ a !iceS'~?~tax of One Doll. at (~1.00). per year shall be charged for each such machine that such person~ firm or corporation operates or maintains~ payable '~ annually in advance on january 1st of each year,' ~ill o~erators of weighing machines covered by thi~ ordinance~ shall file with the License Collector an affidavit showing .the location of each and every machine for v~hich a license is reouired ~erein, All operators of weighing machines covered by thisp~dinance shall affix to.each such weighing machine a stickeror seal to be furnished by the License Collector~ said sticker*or seal to beplaced on each such machine in a conspicuous place, .Any person~...firm or corporation operating a weighing machine in vio!atio~ of this section shall pay a penalty of Five Dollars (~.00) in addition to the regular license tax for said m~chine~ for each,quarter or portion of a quarter during which said machine is operated without a license. If any such operator shall fail to pay the license tax when due~ or the license penalty provided herein~ uhen notified of the same~ all licenses issued to said operator for weighing machines may be.revoked by the License Collector, ~ny such operator of a weighing machine vFho shall be dissatis- fied with the revocation of any'license by the License Collector may appeal to the City Council of the City of 3akersfie!d~ vzithin a period - · ..... .... , hearing the decision of the City Co~l shall be final. . . . - · 60. _Lr:e~%3mn,l ~ 3oxin{ . a~..pe.~2-firm, cO .... ~'~tion, cluo oT association conducti~ w~eStlinZ ~nG/oT boxin~ COntests within. the , , , - ~ ~; ~"~? ,~ · , a. theater building,. OpeTatin~ ~s SueUl'~'&nd paying a. fi~ense therefoE]=~' the license tax for said contests. Shail be3~'~' Dollars (~!0'..00):~;~=Sen~i- said theater. '~' b. ........ SECTtOil 6. Zvery person, firm or corporation uho, at' a fixed'place of -business, having a fixed and permanent heac3qu. arters within the City of "~'~ ' uho keeps ~ ~c~ersrield~ conducts ~ carries on,~. manages ~ or maintains any public utility~ business~ trade.~ calling;, :occupation~ or who sells or offers' for sale any comnodity~ Soods~ wares or merchandises'either as priCipa! or agents' whether on cotmission or otherwise~ vhether for present or futu~e delivery or whether said gOods~ wares or merchandise are owned by or consigned to said per~on~ firm or corpo~ation~ except as otherwise provided for in this ordinance~ shall pay a license tax 'based on the gross amount of montt~y receipts and sales within the City of Bakersfields. in accordance with the following schedte= Ave~a~ Monttly ~rosS Receipts and Sales Semiaxual License Tax Not exceeding ~00 per month ...... .............. . ~ ~.00 Over $%00 and not exceeeim~ (Sl O00'pe~'i]~gAt~ . . ....... . 9.00 Over Ol~O00 and not exceeding 02~000 per month ........;., 12.00 Over" q52~'OOO 'and -not' exceeding (a3 ,COO. per. month., .'..'~..', ·. · Over ~;;3,000 and not exceeding L>4,000 per month .... ..... .. Over ,.;4,000 and not exceeding ~%,000 per month ..... . ....· Over :-2~000 and not* exceeding 5;6,000 per month .. ....... .. Over ,-~ ~ 000 and not exceeding 1,~7 ~ 000 per month ......... . · Over ~000 and not exceeding ,;O~O00-per month .. ........ · Over ~000 and not exceedin~ ;c O00 per month .... ....... Over :?~O00 and not exceeding ~;,lO~OOO per month .. ........ !6.00 20.00 24.00 23.00 32.00 36.00 40. O0 44. O0 Over $11,000 and not exceedi.,~,,~,.',2~OOO,per month':. Over (:,!2~000 and not exceedi~ 3,000per month':'.' .... Over L2~4-~000 and not e;,;ceedin, j;li~O00 'p8%' month .. .... Over ~1~,000 and not exCe~din~ z2~l~,O00 per month ... :Z.'.. 7~.00- ' ' ' Over $1S~000 and not exceeding ,:~tZ~O00 per month . ..... Over ~!?~000 and not ~x~eeding ,~lo~O00 per month .;j.,~. 3 Over ~13~000 and not~e~ceeding ~;,1$~O00 per month .. ...... .. '0.00 ..].'. Over ~19~000 and not exceeding ~.~20~000 per month ..,.;-...... Over >21~000 and not exceeding ..,,22~000 per month ,... Over 022 ~ 000 and not exceeding : o3 000 per month ......::]/(a96'. O0 Over >23 000 and not exceeding ,]2~000 per ..mOnth ...'; .~-]~bO.O0 Over .:]2~-~000 and not exceoding $2y,ooo per month ...... Over ~.~2~f 000 and not. exceeding .>2~ ~ O00..per month ..... .~;jj~7; "103. O0 Over ~.,27~000 and not exceedin~ ~000 per month'.'.." ....... 116.00 e ~ ' ... 120.00 Over ->~S~O00 and not exceeding =~29~000 per month,. ..... Over ~29~000 and not exceeding ~30~000 per month~,=. ......... Over -~30~000 and not .exceeding f,~31~O00 per month ~. ...... ... .!27.00 Over ,>31 ~0 and not exceeding V32~000 per month' ', .......~,ziU~.; '130.00 Over ~32,000 and not exceeding' ,=~33~000 per month::~ .'~T~] ~ 133.00 Over -.>33~000 and not exceeding -.,3~000 per month' .if O0 ' 13b · Ove~ 634,000 and not exceeding -Z~3~,O00 pe~On~h ......... . 139.00 Cve~ [53~000 and not ez~eeeding 53o~00~ pe~"~r~Onth .......... 142.00 Over 5~3S,000 and not exceeding 03%~000 per month .... ~.. ,.., i4~.00 Over -.~37~000 and not exceedin5 v3-~,O00 per month ..... ~.=~.,j~'~' 'i4j.O0 ~ 000 and not exceeding ~9 000 pe~ month ~. 1~.00 OveP ~ Over ..~39,ooo and not exceeding ..;4-0~000 per month .......... 1~4-.00 Over <,40,000 and not exceeding ,,-I-1,000 per month ........... 1}'?.00 Over ',:M.!,O00 and not exeeedinf; >42.~000 per month .......... 1SO.O0 Over ~>42,000 and not exceeding -.,43,000 per month .......... 153.00 Over '~z-~ OOO end not exceeding ,,~44~O00..per month ... ........ Over :.M-z~,O00 and not exceeding >~',000 per month .......... Over ,>z~5',O00 and not exceeding ..,z~o~O00 per month .. ..... . .. 172.00 Over ~4-5,000 and not exceeding 124-7,000 per montll .......... 17~'.00 Over -,~7 000 and not exceeding t~j~O00 per month .. ........ 131. O0 Over ,~4-6 ' ' ,000 and not exceeding :2~4-~000 per month .... . ....... Over ;,4-9~00 and not exceeding (~jO,O00 per month, ... ....... 134.00 " !34 O0 plus Over j~O 000 per month '..;2.00 for each additional ..;1~000 or i'~2aetional part thereof, in excess of :> ~0 ~ 000. (a) z~etail - i,'or every person~ firm or corporation conducting a business exclusively at retail the license taD[ shall be in accordance ~vith the rates shown in the above schedule. (b) .t'~olesa!e .a.n__~d L.anufact%!Lij~ - Every person, firm or corpora- tion with a fixed place of business within the City of Bakersfield and conducting a business exctusive3v for v,.-holesale, manufacturing, or food pr~cess~Y~, includ'~nS' productiOi 'of dairy prod'uC'ts~ frozen fruits or vegetables, shall pay a license tam-, of one-half (-~-) of the rates sho',z.~n in the above schedule based. on gross receipts from sales of merchandise sold and delivered within the City of Bakersfield, provided the license tax shall be not less than Six D~ars (~6.00) per half year. (c) .d~olesale and Z~etail - For every petS'on, firm or coloration · <' ~ .' conducting both a wholesale and a retail business on the same premises, the sales or receipts from each class of business shaT~'~ be reported separately and the license tax for each such class shall be paid as provided in paragraphs (a) and (b) above. ~ ' ·~- (d) in~d~strial betvice Or~anizations -For every person, firm or corporation engaged in service ~ork and maintainingUawarehouse or fixed place of business within the City, .but performi~the major part of its business outside of the City, the !icense~tax shall be in accordance with the above scb~ed~e of rates as provided in paragraph (a) above, for all work actually performed within the City, provided, however, the license tax shall be not less th~n Ten Dollars (~lO.OO) per half year. This classification specificall~f~applies to those persons or firms engaged in oilfield ~servicing 'and repairs and similar enterprises v~here the service is performed at the well or' other places outside of the City of 'Bakersfield. SF, CTION 7- ]~otv:ithstanding anything herein contained, no license shall be required to be obtained or taxes paid by the follovrinZ persons or businesses:· Zx-Soldier's., Sailors and i.~arines , iYo en-soldier, sailor or marine, ~yho has been honorably discharged from military or marine service of the United States, who is physically unable to obtain a livelihood by mandallabor, and who shall be qualified electors of the State of . . .I . k~ i ..... California, shall be required to pay any license tax under this ordinance; and upon the presentation of his certificate of discharge, proof of his identity aS the person named therein, snd the further proof of his physical disability, the License Collector shall and he is hereby '6 · authorized to issue to said honoFabIy discharged soldier, sailor or marine, a Certificate' of exemption from license taxes hereunder. SECTiOij ST.~TEi. L)Zi~' TP jLICEjjS~ COLLECTO~i Off C-ROSS BDSIi~SS:: (a) ]]very person~ firm or corporatiOn')required to pay a license tax as provided by Section ~ above, 'sha~l, on the first day of July of each year~ and before any f~th~license is issued, render to the License Collector~ a statement in' writin.~ sworn to before some officer authorized to administer oaths~ that the facts therein set forth are true, and that the figures therein given are the same figures and amounts as are given to the State Board cf Equalization for the same period, and showing the total gross receipts or sales' during the twelve months i~aediately prior to the making cf said statements~ or the rambet of tables used in any ganle, or the number'of chairs used in any business, if the amount of license is based upon such number, during the twelve months inn.~.ediatety prior to the making of such statement, which state- ment shall determine the amount due and payable from such person, firm or corporation to the City of Bakersfield as a license tax for the easuing year~ said total amotmt or total yearly license tax due as shown by said statement shall be divided into and paid in two equal. semi- annual payments, the first payment due and payable the first day of J~iy of each year, and the balance shall be payable on the first day of January each year. No such statement shall be conclusive upon the City of Bakersfield, or upon any officer thereof as to the matters therein set forth, and the same shall not prejudice the right of the said Oity to fix the amount of said license tax at a higher amount, shinrid there be reason tO believe that said business should iaave a hi~her ~ratin~ than that shown by said statement~ nor to recover any amount that may be ascertained to be .due from ..suc!~ person~ firm or corporation~ in addition to the amount shown by such statement if it sho~d be found to be incorrect~ and the License Collector shall~ and 'e hereb~ authorized to fix the amoL~nt of said license at. a higher n is . rate when he has reason to believe or evidence -that said Statement .is incorrect. any person, firm or corporation feeling aggrieved or dissatisfied uith such rating by the LiCense Collectori l as aforesaid, may 'appear before the council at the ne~.~t reZular .meeting thereof with proof~..~.i~ any~ v~hy said license fee shotdd.be;";in accordance :with their said statement, and the finding of the..CS~u~cil thereon shall be conclusive and they shall direct -she License COllector to issue said license in accordance with such finding. (6) -~ny business~ as defined in Section ~."'~hereinafter started' or cmm~enced~. prior to the passaffe of this ordinance~ or any business ~fiaich has not been conducted or operated for th'e' perio.~~ of one year and for which a license is recruited to be paid. ~nd-a statement of said business made as set forth in this ordinance by said ~erson, firm or corporati'on so conducting said business, shal].~ if reouested by the License Collector, semiannually during the first'year said business is bein[-~ operated or conducted, render to tile License Collector a statement under oath, sho~.vinS the total gross income, receipts or sales of said business, or the number of tables used'for any game in said business, or the number of rooms in any building ~heing operated in said'Ousiness, or the number of vehicles used in' Said buS'iness~ or the m~ber of chairs used in said business, for the half year imnediatet~ prior to the issuing or renewal of such license, and a li!qe.~stat,ement.sha!! be made and filed bY the person, firm or corporation conducting Such business at each semiamnua! license renewal date during: ~i~e first year such new business is conducted. at the end of the first year such statement shall be made and a license fee paid as hereinabove provided for in Subdivision (a) of this section. .~maual license taxes, unless otherwise provided for, shall be due and payable on the first day of July of each year, except that the first annual license shall be issued for the unexpired portion of the year, computed from the first day of the quarter in which taken out. Semiannual license taxes~';~.jtin!ess otherwise be due and payable on the first day of-July. and the firsa;~~ of January rated to the nearest one-third (i/3') of the halfjF.~r~ computed from the first day of each two month's .period in..~Ch taken out~ provided that the tax for the .full year may be paid in advance to?:-~e 30th if desired. ,,-~"' · ..,. . . Lonth!y license taxes provided for herein-[~:;.Sha!l be due and payable on the first day of each month. Daily license taxes shall be due and payable each,-~BY in advances. but payment may be made for any n~ber of day, s in adVance~ when application therefor is made. Said daily license may be issued at any time and for any number of days. SECTIOY~ 10. Upon every license tax remaining. 'unpaid at 'the close of "the 3Oth day after which said tax is due or renewal· thereof~ whether montXy~ quarterly~ semiannually or annually~ a penalty of twenty-five per cent (2~.'~) of the amount of said tax shall be ~dded thereto~ and said such. shall be collected and payment thereof enforced in..the same manner as other license taxes are collected and payment there0f~.is enforce~; provided~ however, that the vord "i~.,:~ID" shalt~ for the purpose of this section, be held to mean and include 'payment in the office of the License Collector of the License Department of the City of Bakersfield. 'SECTIOi~ ll. Every license issued as provided herein shall, um]ess renewed as herein provided, become null and void at the expiration of the term for 5vhich the license tax uas paid'. SiZCTIOii' 12. REi~'Elfi:.L OD' LICEi',ISL.': Each person~ firm or corporation reeuired to pay a license tax under the provisions of this ordinance, and who desires upon the expira- tion of the pe~:iod for which suc~':kioense has been ~ranted to have'he , t -same renewed~ shall upon the expiration as aforesaid. secur'e a new licease tax receipt in place of the license tax receipt held~-by such Derson~ firm o~'~-'~orporation ~or a period uhich has expired~ by applying License Collector and paying the amount reeuired~ and making suc.h'.state- merit as may be required under this ordinance. 5ECTIOi~ 13 . iZxcept as otherwise specifically provided in this ordinance'~' every person~ firm or corporation receiving a license as provided herein shall post the receipt for payment of the license tax issued hy the License Collector conspicuously in his place of business. ~11 persons who have no fixed place of business and all foot peddlers must produce and show such receipts for the payment of the license tax whenever requested to do so by any person who may make demand to see the same. Every person using a wheeled vehicle upon which a license tax is required to be paid~ must place and main.~ain'~he receipt in a suitable Container so as to clearly show the entire face of the rece'ipt~ .and shall securely fasten said container and receipt in plain sight in the driver's compartment of the vehicle for whigh the license tax has been paid. Every person~ firm or corporation or peddler who shall fail or refuse to po. st~ exhibit on demand~ or dispiay~ as the case may be~ the license tax receipt required by this ordinance~ shall in addition to the penalties hereinafter imposed have his license revoked as provided in Section !0 of this ordinance. LICZ:if~L TaX DEBT TO CiTY: The license tax imposed by this ordinance shall be deemed a debt due the City of Bakersfield from and against any person~ firm or cor- poration who engages'in~ conducts~ carries nnor maintains within the -0. said City any business, trade, calling, profession or occupatio~-~n which a license tax is imposed herein, without first having paidI'/'USuCh license tax and procured said license according to the terms and-pro' visions of this ordinance, and said person, firm or cbrpQ~'~ti~ shall be liable in a civil action in the name of the City of B~Y~sfield as plaintiff in any court of competent jurisdiction, for the amount of said license tax, and for the costs of if any section of this ordinance is repea!e~t~r amended,,the Council may., in its di,scretion, refund a Droporti~nate amount of the license tax paid. .-~!1 licenses granted under the provisions of this ordinance .or any .sec;tisn hereof, or any amendment;hereto, are granted andl'accepted by ~lt~.pa~rties receiving said licenses with the express traderstanding that the Council of the City of. Bakersfield r~ay revoke the same at any time if ~y'o[f~.~ t~%~nditions of said l~cense o~ '.any of the te~ms to here in~W~"~~' ~;' olated, or if %he 'sa~ license was, ~'Sb a" y mis~ePrgse~t~-~ ~'., F .~ey. have .reaSOn to believe that the holder of ~ Un ~ son to be-.-trusted wmth the prmvmle es ar~nted herein,' t~he ~u~:~'~'~ for which said license' was granted is con- Provided, however~ that before revoking a~ license~ as provided neremn~ the City I~ianager may suspend same~ and' ~he .privileges granted therein~ for' one wekk, or until the next testa meeting of said Council~ and not{ce thereoZ' shall be given to the !icensee by 'the City 'ija~a'ger; and at she tmme specmfmed mn samc~ no~ the holder of said suspended license e~-' ' · · ' ~'~ · may appear before said Council in i~is own behalf and showy cause~ if any~ or if aft'St such hearing the council ~i~:S there is.'goo'd ar~?%uf~icient ' -:' ' ':-~; k~': ' ':/." "'I ~ cause for revoking same, the'l:said license Shall be'rev.oked, and the. finding of the Co~cil thereupon shall-'be conclusiVsl., ff the hearing is adjourned the license shall remain suspendedL:~til such time as a final conclUsiOn is reached by said Council..."':.$~'Shall be tawful for any person~ firm or Corporation to continue i~:said busineSs-~ trade~ occupation or profession for which said license has .bee~( issued durin~ such time'that same is suspended or after same has "been revoked. On revocation b~' any license no part Of the license~:tax shall be returned~ but same shall be forfeited to the City of Bikersfield, SECTION 17,'.. .~-7' t .'-:: "b-' EXPIitED &l,~/Oi~ EVOi'~D LZCEiiSE: . .-' ~ ..... it-~lffall be utavrful f'o~ an.~ persons. 'f.~m o~ corporation to post or exhibit~ or permit to be posted or etibited~ any license. " tax receipt which has expi~ed.~ or vrhich may have been revoked~ o~, t6 post or e~ibit any such receipt during any period that $~ch license is suspended as provided in Section 16 of this ordinance, EVIDENCE OF BUSIi8SB: If any action brought under o~ arising out of any of the provisions of this ordinance, or any amendment hereto, the fact that a party thereto represented hin~self or herself as engaged in any business, profession, trade, or calling for the operation or transaction of vrhich a license is required, or that such party exhibited a sign indicating such business, trade, profession, or calling, shall be conclusive evidence of the liability Of such person, firm or corporation. to pay for a license as.required.by this ordinance. DUTY, .aid POV.~R OF POLICE .all police officers are hereby appointed inspectors of licenses, and in addition to their several duties as police officers are hereby-.=..-. empowered, and it shall be their duty, to make arrests for the viola- tion of any Of the provisions of this ordinance. ' ~- It shall be the duty of all police officers to examine all places of(~/.~iness and persons on their respective beats who are required to pay a license .ta~:, and to see that such license Itaxes are paidl; a'~dl' all police Officers shall have and exercise the power to enter, '~e of ties proV~ided for violation of this ordinsnce. ~EC~!IOi.~ 20. CO~¢ST ITUT I0 i.iAL ITY: "' Zf any section, sub-section,, sentence', .clause or ~hrase o~!,th'is ordinance is for any re~son heldto be[u~constitu~iona!, such decision , shall not affect the validity of tl~e remaining sections ofth~s' ordinance. The Councii hereby declares that it v~ou!d have p~.Ssed this. ~dinan&e, 'and each section~ su~'-section, SentenCe, clause and.phrase.'. thereof, irrespective of the fact 'that any oneor"more other sections, sub- sections, sentences, clauses or phrases .be deciared unconstitutional.' SECTION 21. PEN&LTM: .any person, 'firm or corporation violating any.. pf the provisions of this ordinance or wilfully non-complying with any..'of the terms, re.~uirements or provisions contained herein, sha~l' be guilty of a mis- . b,y a fine demeanor, and upon conviction thereof, shall be punishable' .-. . .' ~ ...... : ~. .--:~ :-. ..... , .,..~. .,-,., not to exceed Three Hundred Dollars (;~300.00), or by impriso~aent mn the County Zail for a period not exceeding ninety: (90) days~ or by R,... both such fine and impriso~'ment. charge, at a..m3r time, any place of business for which a'li'Ce~Se is re- quired :b,:y this ordinance ,. to demand the e;~ibition of the.itcense tax receipt for the current term by any person engaged or employed in the transaction of such business, and if such person shall~,.then and.t.~re :~ " fail to e.~ibit such receipt, such person' shall be subject to [~penal~:'. P, EP~ALIZVG OiIDiDiI' '.?'E: 22. 6 3 and ,676 kiew oeries, and. all Ordinances nmnbered 444, 7 , .'amendments thereto~ and all other ordinances or parts of ordinaz~.CeS' in conflict hereuith, are hereby e:~pressly repealed. IXi!'f~' 23. ~]his ordinance is hereby declared to be an emergency measure ,within the meaning of Section 24 of the Charter of the City of ~akers- fieZd~ State of Ca!ifornia~ and necessary to provide for the daily operation oi' a mtu~icipal departmsnt~ and sh~l take effect~t midnight June 30~ 1945'. o0o ~ ~- CEil[~ik.'Y that the foregoing Emergency Ordinance was passed and adopted by the Com~cil of the City of Bakersfield] at,':!~ regular ~neeting thereof held on the 2~th day of June, i9~,']]by the following vote: ' AYES: CARNAKIS, CROSS, NORRIS, RYDER, StEMON, VANDERLEI, VERCAMMEN .OES: ~ ....................................... :"- ABSENT: ~ City' Clerk and Ex-Of~io 'c!e~P- of the council of the City of Bakersfield. Aff i avil of J osnng rMnan es V. VAN RIPER, being duly sworn, deposes and says: That he is the duly appointed, acting and qualified Clerk of the City of Bakersfield; and that on .............. ..~....t![A....e. ........... .?...~.. ................ ,19.~..., he posted on the Bulletin Board at the City Hall, a full, true and correct copy of an ordinance passed by the Council of said City was ...New Series, and entlfied: "AN EE~IGENCY ORDII~ANCE REGULATING BUSINESSES, REQUIRING LICENSE5, AI~D IMPOSIi'IG I~AUNICIPAL LICEi~SE TAXES; DESCRIBING HO~ AND BY :'~HOL'I LICENSES AND PERMITS SHALL BE OBTAINED; MAKING A VIOLATION ~..REOF A MISDE~,~..ANOR AND PRESCRIBING A PENALTY THEREFOR~ AI~D REPEALII'IG ALL OTHER ORDINAIYCES OR PARTS OF ORDII'~ANCES IN COi~'LICT P~rtE~ffTH." Subscribed and sworn to before me this N State of Ca|~fornja.