HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD NO 695ORDINANCE NO. ~ ?~'=NEW SERIE~ EN ORDI.NA~ GRfd~'ING TO TE .ATCHISON, TOPEKA ,al~D SAFit& FE d&IL'~AY COMPA]~Y, A COR~TION,. ' ITS SUCCESSORS ,~i~. ASSIGNS, & ERMIT TO EOCATE, CONSTRUCT, M&I2~T.~IN. AI~ OERATE A RAILRO~ T~CK.-' 0F ST a~.~i~ GAUGE .~'QNG TRUXTUN .A~i~E.IN. TE-~'~'~'~' . CITY OF B.~HSFIED~ COUi~Y OF iGRN~ STATE OF C.~I~,'O~.A. , as follows: ' '.-'~ SECTION 1. ~:?".,. The Council of the City of Bakersfield hereby TE ATCHISON; TOEi~ A~D SA~.i I;~ RaILV~Y COMR~Yf, a'Cor~6ration organized and incorporated under the laws 'of the State of Kansas~.;~,~];~=,: its successors and assigns~ a permit to relocate, lay down~ ].construct, maintain and 'operate trackage of standard gauge for a rai i= spur~ being hown and designated as Track No. 9, along TruxtUn avenue in the City of Bakersfield, County of Kern, State of California. The center line of said track in the proposed location is 'described as follows, tO wit: .. CoEencing at a point in the Center line of The Atchison~?,' Topeka and Santa Fe Railway Company's westbOund main track 40 feet westerly along said main track from the northwesterly line of Baker Street~ =thence northwesterly on a convenient curve to a point lf"feeX at'right":SnglZs southwesterly from the 'nOrtheasterly line of Truxtun .avenue 160 feet northwesterly from.the nor:thwesterly line of Baker St'reet; thence northwesterly~ and parallel to the northeasterly line of Truxtun Avenue 490 feet~ thence northwesterly on a convenient curve to, a point in the northeasterly line of Truxtun Avenue 280 feet northwesterly along said northeasterly-l:~ne of TrUxtun Avenue from the westerly line of Kern Street. SECTION 2. That said permit and privilege: is granted;subject: (a) To such reg~ations and 'coMit'ionS'-~as may be prescribed from time to time by the Council of the City of~'BakerSfield. (b) To the use of said railroad track for the transportation of freight for hire. (c) That Said railroad track must be laid to conform to the grade of the street over which it:gasses, and the work must be the satisfaction of the City Engineer of the City of Bakers- field, and must be kept and maintained in good condition and repair to the satisfaction of said City Engineer. (d):~ii~hat~ it must be operated under such restrictions. aS not to interfere with the use of said street by 'the public. :.. (e) That this permit shall be revocable at the pleasure Of the Ci~'y Council of the City of Bakersfield, and (g) To the provisions of the Charter of the City o. fBakersfield. '* o0o .......... - ,:'. ~ t ~ZREBY CERTiHthat the foregoing Ordinance was ~sed and adopted by the Council. of the City of Bakersfield, at a regDlar meeting th~eoi', held-on the 14th day of-january, 9 , by-~the following vote: ivlaYoR~~ ~he City o~ Bakersfield. A1 bav z of os.ng rMnan es MARIAN S. IRVIN ~ being duly sworn, deposes and says: ThatShe is the duly appointed, acting and qualified Clerk of the City of Bakers field; and that on ........... ..~..a...n....t~....r.y ......... {~.~'~.. ............. ,19..4...6..., he posted on the Bulletin Board at the City Hall, a full, true and correct copy of an ordinance passed by the Council of said City at a meeting thereof duly held on .......... ..~..$..rA..t~_...r~y.....l,~. .................... , 19..4.6., which ordinance was numbered......(~...~7. ..... ~lew Series, and entitled: "AN ORDINANCE GRANTING TO THE .ATCHISON, TOPEKA AND SANTA FE RAILWAY COMPANY, A CORPORATION, ITS SUCCESSORS AND ASSIGNS, A PEP~;.IT TO RELOCATE, CONSTRUCT, MAINTAIN AND O~F~RATE A RAILROAD TRACK OF STANDARD GAUGE .ALONG TRUXTUN AVENUE IN THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD, COUNTY OF I~RN, STATE OF CALIFORNIA." ,~V..v:..-~-'~.:"~.~' '-~.~"' .~,~'~bscribed and sworn to before me this · ~ ~ [' .: ...~..~-..~.~. ........ day of....J'.-a-.-l!.~--a-..r.--y- ........19.*.-6-.., ~ 'i i '° ° .'. ~ /~ C ........