HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD NO 709 OI~DIN~NCE NO o ~Y~ 9 ~ ~E~IF~ AN ORDINANCE G~,~'TING TO T~ SO~N P~C~IC ~ ~IT TO ~Y ~N~ CONSTRUCT. ~I~IN ~ O~TE A ~AI~O~ T~CK OF STA~ GAUGE ~OSS 3Oth STRUT, LOCAT~ IN THE CI~ OF ~SFI~D~ COU~ OF ~TATE OF C~IFO~NIA~ ~ ~E ~SE OF S~VI~ PAOI- FIC GA~ ~ ~T~IC CO~PA~ IN T~ CITY 0F WITH A ~0.~ T~CK. BE IT O~AI~ BY T~ C~IL OF ~E C~ OF ~~FI~D~ as foll~s~ ~TION 1. The Co~1 of t~ City of Bakersfield hereby ~r~%s to the Southern Pacific Comp~ a corporation o=Ea~ze~ ~ ~nco=po~ated ~er the laws of the S~ate of ~ntuc~ its successors ~d ass~Ens~ a ~t to lay down~ co~truct~ maintain ~ operate a railroad ~rack of st~dard across 30th Street~ locate~ ~n t~ C~ty of B~rsf~eld~ Co~ty of State of C~forn~a~ fo~ the p~pose of serv~ Pae~f~u Gas a~ Compa~ ~ the C~ty of B~ersf~eld~ w~th a railroad ~raek~ the description of sa~d ra~lroa~ track ~cessary fo~ ~e .p~pose as aforesaid be~ as follows~ Center L~ ~ser~pt~on of Track Across 30th ~treet. Be~~ at a point on the southe=ly 1~ of 3Oth ~treet ~n the City of D~ersf~eld. 310 feet~ more or less~ west of the westerly 1~ of U~o~ Ave~e a~ ~~ thence ~rth~rly~ over a~ across sa~d 30th Street[~ a d~st~ce of ~ feet~re o~ less~ ~o a point on the northerly l~ne of 3~h ~treet 310 feet~ more or less~ west of the wes~ ~ary 1~ of U~on Ave~e. S~TION ~. T~t sa~d permit a~ pr~v~e~e is ~r~ted subJect~ (a) To such re~at~o~ a~ coUrt,OhS as' ~ be prescribed f=om t~me to t~e by ~e Co=~ of the C~ty of Bakersfield. (b) To t~ use of sa~d ra~road track for ~e tr~sporta~on of ~e~ht for h~re.' (c) T~t sa~d railroad ~rack ~st ~ la~d to co,cfm to the Erade of the street over which ~t passes~ ~ the ~k ~st ~ do~ to the satisfaction of the C~ty ~~e~ of the C~ty of B~e~sfield ~d ~s~ be kept ~ ~2ta~ne~ ~n ~ood co~ition a~ repair to the satisfaction of sal~ City (d) T~t ~t ~st be ope=ated ~e~ such restr~ct~o~ as ~t 1. interfere with the use of said street by the public. (e) That this permit shall be revocable at the pleasure of the City Council of the City of Ba~ersfields and (£) To the provisions, of the Charter of the City of' B~ersfieldo I HEREBY CKRTIF~ That the foregoing Ordinance was passed and adopted by the Council of the City of Bakersfield~ at a regular mc.ting ther.of, h. ld on th..~~day of ~~ ~, 194~, by the following votes AYe: CA#NA#IS, CRO~, NORRIS, RYDER, $1EMON, VANDERLEI, VE#CAMM'-:.'*, NOE~: ~ ABSENT: .....~ ................................... Co~,~ncil of the City of Bakersfield APPROVED by me this .day of~~.~, 194~. STATE. OF CALIFORNIA~ County of Kern ~ ss. ~{]~{]{~]~{~]~ being duly sworn, deposes and says: That lhe is the duly appointed, acting and qualified Clerk of the City of Bakersfield;' and that on .......... ~...~..~'. ........................................ ,19...J,l~l} he posted on the Bulletin Board at the City Hall, a full, true and correct copy of an ordinance passed by the Council of said City at a meeting thereof duly held on .............. ..~...~..~. ................................. , 19....Jf...~., which ordinance was numbered ........................ New Series, and entitled: "AN 0BDINANCE OR&,~{TING TO THE SOUTBEBN PACIFIC C011PAI~, A CORP01t&TION, ITS SUCCESS01~S .&I~D .h,SSIONS9 PEB~IT TO LAY DOWN~ C0){BTRUCT~ H&INTAIN .&ND 0~I~P~.~TE BAILR0.AD TRACK OF 6TA}~.&RD 0AUOE AClt06S 30th LOCATED IN THE CITY OF II&trJ~SFIELD9 OF C~R~ ~R T~ ~TRIC COMRA~ IN T~ CI~ OF B~SFI~D~ WITH A ~0~ T~CE," ,..'-_- .. Subscribed and sworn to before me this ..':-~: .... :' r~ . ~ ,'~. ...'f'. . ...-....~., f ~ · .-. , ...... :...~.~ ............ day o .........~.]A],~._..~g ..... 19.....~ ................ ~ "~ , ~ ~ Notary Publ'c in and for the County of Kern, ="~ % · -: '--.= State of California. -'~. -' N.. .,,W'' ~kq~ H[.~ '~,~..... ....... ."-..-.. -. -. -..-'.