HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD NO 703 ..... ,? [ATIO~ FOR'T~ '0'~TION OF T~C~S I~ .~,:,:..: .:. ~:::~S-FOR T~ VIOLATIO~.0F..THIS,'O~I~NCE,:,'.... IN"~CO~ICT ~TB. · . ./[.?:~,.:.':.'.' .: ' '- '' as follows: ,..'e,~-~ ' ..... S~TION 1. ~T ~QU~. No person. shan:::~rive, op--'ate or "~ause: to be operated, ~r shall ~ person employ, Permi~ to ~rive~ operate or cause ~o be operate~, a~;.~hicle ~ver a~ street of the City of Bakersfield for the p~Pose of ~:ansporti~/ a passe,er, or paSse~ers, for compenSatlon,' reg'~ess of w~ether such operation extends beyo~ the bo~dary l~i~s'~of ghe a permit first obtained from the Ctt~ Ma~ge~:;::~Uthorizi~ such operation except ~ ~ "~ (a) A vehicle which is law~lly...~nsport~ ~a pass~er~.. or passe~e~s, from a point outside to a ~e~i~ion wighin C~7~ o~ ~8 on ~oug~ g~ough gh~ ~t7 .go"a ~o~g~gIon o~gs~? the City~ provided-that no such Vehicle` s~!!':~ without., such?.., permi~ solicit, or accept a passe.er, or pasae~'~;: f=~m?~i~hin City for tramportatlon to a~ destt~tion whats*ever. (b) A vehicle bei~ operated P~s[~t to ~?~'~nchise issue~ by the City of Bakersfield or..pursuant to au~h°rtty S~TION 2. - ~IT--~TITION FOR--~UI~~S.~/~ '~ '~erson desiri~ .' ..... ' f~le a petition ther~f~: with. the. '~%y ~a~ger. -~Petition ~'LH - . ~ - . e a cer~at~on, partnership, assoc~at~e~ er.~~ted l . ,, :~;~'~ ~:..'~' ..,~ ~.. · address of the petitioner, ' . if a natur~ pers~r if a. corporation, its n~e, date a~""place of incorporation~ .:A~dress of place °f..~siness ~d the ~es of ~l its~e ~ther thei~ ~~~ive addresses~ or if a partner~ ~.associatiem ~x~~ated compaq, them the ~es of ~) ~mrtners c.~~ the p~ners~p, association ' ' ~::~ '?~??'' '':: or comps, te~er wi~~ir re-.. trade ~me or s~Yle, if a~, under which ~h~~Cant proposes to operate, ~1 i~ormation pertai~ to+~"e~ent, e~racter mhd qu~i y of the Drepesed operations a~d::~'.~he ma~~ which capacity and ce~it~en ef the vehicles ~rep~""te be operated,, a Cit s alZ, u en receipt Pettt n,- make f~l ~ complete ~quiry into' .the facts~t forth the.r~i~ and shall eithe~ grant er de~ the permit.-~E~ch permit ~hall be for a specified n~ber of vehicles Whilmh shall e~l.-~ increased by authority of the City Nagger. ~uch' p~rmlt~:.:~, .at the Dl~alsmr.~ of the City Nanager, be for a prescribed ~eri~&~er for an indefinite period; provided that, in either event, th~ ~' ~'": .... .p~i~ 'sh~l con, aim a clause authorlzl~ its revocatioa, .er smsp~ion, ..in accordance · With the ordi~mces of the City' of'~'B~ke~fi~X:~: either ~m effej'~ the d~te of gran~i~ the permit er t~er~mft.~'~t~.~ted. When 'issue~l, such permi~ sh~l eonstitute.evide~c® lo.f c~mpliance with the of this or ~lnance and shall author "?'~;~ '~" ~ermit%ee .~o?~,~ crate ~'~'~ ~? vehicles ~er the conditions therein specifi~,"~s=b~et, however'~- . ~ ~ ~ ~¥~. ~ . . ~ . ~ ~ ~,.' to the .requirements, obligati~:~mnd l~t=~.on~ lmp;Sed'b~.~i~?~~'~ appll~able law, 'ordinances. and~-or~e~:~:. ~_:~. _ -the: ci~g~ Na~ '~,'s~ shall become effe~.tive.:..~, o~y upon payment of the fees'r~qUtre~ ~y'the pro- visions of t~: License' Ordinance of the CltT. ~'~?" '~ '~ SECTION ~. .' '~.- - - ~' l' ' .'~,. ~,~. ~ .~ ~ , to ope;ate o~e or more public vehicles, as' provided i~ '~;di~ce', of stands to. be occupied, shall do so o~y upon °b'ga~ f~om' ~:~ty anager per~ssion therefor~ which shall be granged: made in the s~e ma~er and under the s~e proceedings 'a~ 'required in this ordi~nce for obtai~ the origi~ permit.;'' ~.' ~ o~or hold~ng a perm~g ~o op.o~a~e one o~ ~o~o public as prOvided in this ordinance, who desires to substitute a-d~fferent vehicle for a vehicle operati~ ~er such Permit'~Shall do so o~y. upon obtaining from the City Nanager permission~th~for, which s'hall~ be granted o~y upon the ~itten application setti~ forth the ' partic~ars of such proposed substitution, and .U~on otherwise, complyi~ with the requirements of this ordl~nce. The City ~anager Shall haVe the ~ame authority in granting or de~i~ such ap.~'.ication for permissl°n to' add or substitute as is herein tn t~s ordi~nce. Vested In him in. the mattor of original applications, and the aPpiicant shall have the s~e right for review of his decisions thereon as"~he~ei~fter set out, ':'". SECTION 4. '"'; .... . . ~Im. ghe C~g7 ~anago~ ~hall have ~h~ po~o~.".~°.~,;~asP~nd a~ ea~o~ ........... permit.for a period of time =t lo~er ~ha~.;~=.s:~.~.~(:~)- days,=.~-o~. :te ~'~'.-.,.;'. '." revoke a~ or all of the carrier permits 'gr~a~d under the provisions of this ordinance when he shall have determined that..~~e~Pro' · visions hereof have been violated, or that any .hd!d'e~ !~Such a permi~i~ hall have failed to comply with the terms of such permit or'" the.r~'. .and regulations of the City Manager pertainin~'~o ithe ooeratio~~~' to~%~e extent~ character and quality of the service 'of a~:%~h vehi~%s. Before revocation of such permit said carri~? ~:h~l be entitled to a heari~_~hereon before the City Manager, ~d shail be notified~ ~thereof. Notice of heari~ on such revocation, sh~l.b'e in writing¥~a~? served upon the holder of such permit, or its. ma~er, or ag~nt,~ which .... notice shall state the gro~s of complaint against the ho~ of such permit nd sh~l ~so state the time when~ and the place~e, such heari~ will be held$ said hearing shall in m ev~nt:.be later than five (fi) days from the date of said notice, In the event the h~ of such permit ca~ot be fo~d, or Bervice of such m~tice ca~ot be made upon it, or him, in the ma~er herein provided, .then a ~opy of such ~tice shall be mailed, postage f~ly prepaSd", ~addres~ .to such carrier at his or its last ~0wn address~ ~ j??j.)~ ~ SECTION ~, :. .. ~I~ B~O~ CITY COU~IL, Shoed a~ applicant or applicants be dissatisfied with the decision of the City Manager not~..~C~ grant a or for o ation make ~itten objection to the Council of the City ef Bakersfield setti~ up the grounds for dissatisfaction, whereupon the Co,oil shall hear said objections at its next reg~ar meeti~, givi~ ~itten notice thereof to said applicant~ and upon such heari~ may sus~:ain~ suspend or o~err~e the decision of the Manager, which~said .decision shall be fin~ and conclusive. Pe~i~ the heari~ before ~the Co~cil, the decision of the City Manager shall remain in f~l force and effect and a~-reversal thereof by the City Co~cit~. shall not be retroactive ........ ' but sh~l take effect as of the date of the C°~cit..'s decision. ' SECTION 6. · LIC~.NSE--FEES ~ ? ?-The permit s herein 'mentlO~$d 'shall entitle ~~lder thereof 'to obtain lice~:,to engage in. i! ;ss described in said permits upon ....... pa~e~::~af ghe r.e'~red license fees~ providi~ the ::holder.. : of such permits comp!.~s,:<o,,:._? ~th ~1 other terms and co~itlons applyi~ thereto. ~:a~ned laws a~ ordina~ee$, S~TION. -r. ~ ., to drive or operate or cause or permit to.:'~::$~lven a~ ta~'c:ab or motor vehicle refer'red to 'her~ein, .i~ city of Baker~ield, ~it ~uch owner shall have ~r~she~' the City of Bakersfield a good and sufficient policy of insur~ce sec~i~ 'the owner, as defined herein, and a~ other pe~sen:::$Si~ or re- · sponsible for the use of a~ such .vehicle~W~the.:.~::;:.:~ co~ent~ express.. or lmD~i~d, of such owner, against loss from ~:-llablllty_.~ imposed' upon ':~h o~er by law for injury to, or d~'~%h of, a~ Der'son, or d~age to property, growi~ out of tho mai~te~ce,.~ ~ration Thous~ Doll,s ($5,000.~), exclusive of-inter-~:S~ .a~ costs, account of injury ~, or deagh of a~' one person,~ im a~ one acei~'ent, of Ten:Thousand Dollars ($10~0.00), exclusi-~':e~-intereSt ~d costs, on acco~t of a~ one accident reS~ti~ in inJ~y to or death of more than one person, and of One Tho~$a'fi~~ Dollars ~ d~age to property of others, res~ti~ f~om a~ o~e'.:accident. Said' motor vehicle liability Policy sh~l' in~e to the benefit of a~ a~ all persons, s~feri~.:los:'~'..:'.o~ ,~age, .either to person or prop,try, as herein provi~e~ ague ~h~ liability of - il:... the instance carrier shall be lnno ma~er, abrogated or--abated ' ~. ]'.S. by the death of the tort feasor and/or the owne~. Such poli°y shall be subject .to :~e%a,~proV~ o~:the::;Gi:~'"' .': :."::.::' ~:. Manger and City Attorney of the City of Bakersfield. No policy, sh~l be cancelled except upon ten (10) days ., . . , ." ' ~, ' ~' ,- ~ ,< yj ,., ' :.~', r -' : : .:' ......~ ' - ~..'. ' '::. :,: :l..:.~q[ : .... -,::.~:*,:~..~.::~:,:~*,~~- :: ,D,~-'. ¥..::'- . ..... , .:?.i,:~t./9:~'<..::r'.2~*''' ~ ....... ~:'.:':~' ~",' "-',::::~1', .'~/ ,',:~:-/:.L :' "E~'.~/t ~ ,:::~C:':.-:~-'..~ written notice to the City Nanage~ ~o~f intention to .~~. Said motor vehicle liability ~insurance shall be a continuing liabili~y.'7' to the full amount thereof notwithstanding, recovery 'the~,'~-~ up and said policy shall so certify. If at amy ,,~, in o~'the City MaBeger, said motor vehicle~.Ii~iltty ~:S are . not%Sufficient for any cause, said. Manager may. ~eq~ the owner). of such public motor vehicle who filed the sa~:' to replace sai~i~. ('policies within ten (10) days after demand , '::*.%h other which comply with the provisions of this ordi~nance,,,~¢Said owner fails to replace said motor vehicle policy wfl;~.~:!~, said ten (t0)' ~ays period with a good and sufficient policYV~ aforesaid, sat factory to said City Manager and the Cit:y Attorney, the o, mer,~i~' permit issued hereunder shall be ~y ,such failUre auto~'eall~ susperuted .tmtil such time as such .requirement i~ complied with, and the Chief of Police shall enforce sUCh~'su'Sp~lsion. IDENTIFICATION OF VEHICLES No 'permit sha~I be granted to any carrier to operate any vehicle' covered_~ _~i~this ordinance whose color scheme, mine, trade nmne, monogr~ or insigmi, a shall be in conflict with, or in imitation of~ an~.~0r scheme, name', trade name, monogram or insignia 'used by'~ar~ other-carrier as defined herein, and 'which shall be of such character and nature as to be misleading or deceptive to" the public. 9. ADVERTISING PROHIBITED.. No advertiSing'of any kiru:l, · either on the inside or the outside of an7 of sald~ taxicabs, shall be carried, other than their own inSignia, and~ telephone :number. · AdVertisements of entertair~ent events, business, or otherwise~ . are strictly prohibited.' ~ ? ~ SECTION 10. '~:~':~' NUMBF2hS ON TAXICABS. Each taxicab operated pUrsuant~ to the terms of this ordinance' ?.sh~lI~" be numbered'. Such number shaft be painte~ Upon the body of the taxicab in numerals °f::!a"Size, color, visi~ility and.position or positions appro,ved'ifrom time to time by the Chief of Police I series of numbers' shall be ass d by the Chief of Police to carriers for use om their ta~s. SECTION 11. ~ ,~', IDENTITY ~6HTS. Every taxicab shall'' 'be equipped with. an identity ,.light attached to the top of suCH taxicab. Said . · identity light shall be constructed in one unit consisting of~an. ill~minated pl~e or cylinder upon which is pr~mted the wo~ds "For .;~' Hire". The oVer~l.1 dimensions of such identity, light shall .~ exceed ~ix (6) inches in height by twenty (20). inche~ in length. The lights of the identity light u~nl.t shall l~e~Connected t° a Contact" --i~s~Witch attached to the taximeter., and such c°ntact switch shall operate automatically to illuminate said identity light when t taximeter is not in, operation indicating the" cab. is ~ant 8nd for hire, and to extinguish said identity light when ghe t~ximeter is' in operation. It shall be unlawful, to drive'.':~ri., operate ~ taxica~ with such identity light illumi~ated while c~rrying passengers 'for compensation, and it shall be unlawful to drive'. o~e~'te or be in charge of any taxicab unless such identity light is illuminated . when such taxicab i~ for .hire. .'.~ .~::.:'" SECTION 1'2, ." ,.: EQUIPME - NSPECTION. AI~. Vehlcles~ operate,~!)i~Y any carrier as defined., herein shall,.~ ~efore being, placed in service,~ be approved by the~.Clzief' of Police of the C'ity' '~ Bakersfiel~'~::.' Ail such' vehicles?shall' be of a d~i.~n and.:." of co.m~ction.~,, v:.,,,~ as shall .comply .wi~h orders 'and. r:eg~!-ations pe.~tai~' to such equipment adopted from time to time' by the CitY':.~anager, Such'.'. vehicles shall at '~1 times be kept in a clean and sant~ary con- ' ..-:,. :.? .... · . i¥</ dition and in good state of repair, and shall be subject to constant inspection by the Chief of Police. Any vehtCl, w~h~lch shall become unsafe, or unserviceable, either from the ~point of !ts state of repair, or its condition of obsoleS, cense, ma~e read, ired from service apon order of the Chief of Peliee', and veh~cle which has been so retired sh~l be again operated service except ~th app~ov~ o2 the Chief of Police. ~' the event the conditio,~ of" ~y vehicle s~ll~n th option o2 tho Chief. o2 ~liee, be so ~le~, ... ~e~ly ~efee~ive as to be ~de.si~able f*~ ~use by the:'p ic, sa~ Ohief of Poliee m~'require s~ch ve~le to 'be withdra~ ~Om service a~ such vehicle shall mot be again plaee~. in service ~tiI a~proved b7 said Chief of,~oliee. ..... SECTION 13- - 6e ~aw~ for ~carrier to operate ~ taXicab in g~Ctty of Bakersfield ~ess ~d ~til such gaxi~ab sh~l be e~tpped a receipt-type g~meter of a design w~ch s~l._ha~e been app~ov*d by tho C~ef of ~lice, ~d it sh~l be ghe dugy of the ca~r~~ eperatl~ such t~cab, a~ also the driver ~hereof, t0 ke~p such meter operati~ at ~1 t~es within such steward of ~'~acy as may be prescribed, from t~e to time by the Chief of ~lce. passe~er shall be carried in a~ such taxicab ~ess said. t~ · :~/me~er sh~l be in operation. T~s provision shall apply rega~less ~meter shall ~e kept operati~ continuously ~uri~ ~h~~ en~ire time that it Is e~aged in the gr~sportagion of passe.ers for ~:om- ponsa~on~ ~ga~Ios~ of gh~ ~o~n~ of ~o~1~6~ ~ov~ ?~;~he City of Bakersfield. · ';.: (b) The taximeter shall be placed in each t~iCab that the'~reading dial showing the amount to be ch~r~e~Shail be well lighted and readily discernible to a passenger riding ans. such taxicab, (c) Every taximeter used in the operation of' ~Icabs· S~alI be subject to inspection at any time' by the Chief;~f Police, or'~d.s representatives. Upon discovery of anS' inACcuracy of t~O.meter, the operator thereof shall remove, .r cause to be removed from service any vehicle equipped, with said taXimeter. u~til such taximeter sb~li have been 'repalre~"'a~nd accurately (d) Every taximeter shall be inspeCted :~nd-~:ested for accuracy by the carrier at least once ~everY'S~x months, Up°~. completion of such inspection and of'anY adjUStments necessar~ ''to cause such taximeter to operate within' the/Standards of accuracy .~.%. approved by the Chief of Police, the carrier shall e~~ to be' placed upon such meter a gummed label· having printed'~hereon the ',This t~x.~eter was inspected..and tested on (date) , _, and 'found to. comply with standard of accuracy pre- scribed by the Chief of Police 'of the City of Bakersfield, CalifOrnia,:" The date on which such inspectiOn was made shall be st,anped in the blank space provided for that p~m, pOse~~ ~o such label shall be removed except at the time a sUbSequent inspection is made. (e) It shall be unlawful for ans. driver "of any taxicab, while--carrying passengers, to display the ,,fla~g:"~ attached :t'o: taximeter in such a position as to denote that such vehicle is not employed, or to fail to throw the "flag" of' the taximeter to a position indicating::~a~ ve~ic~e is :~'U~employed at ther~i~~ .... , . of each ~d. every service. .... -~:. -:,- ..... - ?:" (f) ~1 Charges for ta~cab servie~" sh~tt'. ~c~c~ated .... :' and .indicated by a ta~meter, and a~-~-1~ ~ t~m~'s'~e the taxicabs[.. " '-' is e~aged, the "flag" Of the ta~me~er "~han';~;~thro~ !~to.,.~,~??' ~,' ."..-.',. position to register charges for m~l age, e a s! register charges for waltl~ ttme2' No ~meter sh~it?~}~sed whose mech~sm will' register a combined charg ~:~;k~A~: 'e e and time in ~ ~le position, a~ no taxt~e~.' Sh~l be so :' .- operated as to cause ~ charge to be reglstere~uthereon d~!~., the time while the taxicab is e~aged by a passe~e~.,t~'or S~TION 1~. ~EI~ TO BE G~N U~N ~Q~T. It ~l:'be ~a~ for the~d~tver of ~ t~cab, upon receivi~:~: pa~e~t for a ~.- . fare as indicated by the ta~meter, to refu~e-'.~ give a receipt ~pon the request of a~ passe.er ma~ 8~I0~ TRIP Sfl~.TS--DRIVF~S', F~E~ORT. The dr~t-Wer of every vehicle 'covered by this ordinance shall keep a .complete and accurate recor~ of each trip upon a daily trip sheet., the .~orm~'O~Whieh sh~l be approved by the Chief of ~lice~ showi~ the t-~: a~ place of origin and destination of the trip, the n~ber?f pa.sse~ers carrie~, ~he mileage and the ~o~t of ~are collected. 'This record shall be f~ed daily by the driver with the compa~ ~y' whom he is employed, and such record sh~l be kept on file available' for inspection by ~he Chief of ~lice or his representatives, .f6r .a period of not less than Six (6) months. RO~E--PASSE~ LIMIT IN T~O~S~:?~a) Every driver of :~f[-~cab who is e~aged to carry passe.ers shall take the most direct route possible that will carr~.,the passengers safely and expeditiously to their ~" ~': i'~i~ess otherwise directed by destinat~~~ . f.~ ,.~.~.. such passengers. ' ' ' ' "~' ~¥' ~ ~" (b) When a taxicab is e~aged, the 'person Or e~agt~ such taxicab..sh~l have the exclusive right .~e f~l and complete use of the t~icab ~d i~ sh~l be ~aWf~ for the .... carrier or driver of such t~icab to solici~ or'~e~rry pasSe.ers therein; i~ sha~ be ~aw~ for t~e %arrier of the ~axi~a~' to permit ~y person other' th~ the car~"~.r ~river or a payi~ passe, er, to occupy a t~ieab w~e~,~ such ~icab is wai~i~ employment in a reg~ar deSi. gn~ted stand or in motion upon the public streets; provided, h~Wever, that wher.~ the City Manager finds ~hat ~blic necessity r'qUires the groupi~ of passe.ers ~ such t~icabs, the City M~ager may~ ~.~e a special ~itten per. t, which petit sE1 speCific~ly SSt.~forth the ~es and reg~ations ~der which such passe.er grea~i~ is permitted. It sh~l be ~aw~l ~for~ driver or earrier~/te operate, or permit to be operated, a~ t~cab in vi.lation of.~"Of the r~es and reg~ations set forth in such Special~per~ts, (c) The n~ber of passe.ers whichm~ be carried in ~ vehicle covered by ~his ordi~nce w,h~ De~limi~ed te the seatin~ capacity of such vehicle as specified by the manufacturer. No person shall be carried in such vehicle who is r'eqnired to share In a~ way the seatl~ space eccupied by another~ nor shall a~ person be carried who is required to occupy ~ space ~ ~r on such vehicle which does not provide a seat. S~TION 1~. AVA~ILITY OF S~VICE. Taxicab service s~ll be available at ~1 times by telephone c~ll, by.e~$gement ~e.~ t~e taxicab when sta~ at a reg~arly assigned ~s~and, or when properly hailed from the street or c~b. It shall be ~awf~ -~',,~ ~any carrier or driver of~.~~ taXi!~~ ire'refuse or~$I~Ct to ~t~anSport. any orderly person or~ 'persons ~ upon request anywhere in the City when-a taxicab of such carrier is standing in a regu.., larly assigned taxi~s~nd and such service shall'be rendered .~i, immediately upon request. · SECTION 18. ' "~ CRUISING llq'D LOliDING. It shall be u~.~.~.wful for any driver of a taxicab'.or chauffeured limousine, whil~ driving such vehicle, to cruise, loiter or stop on a publicil-S~'reet for the purpose of soliciting passengers or seeking a~Place in a taxistand which is already occuPied. It shall be lawful., howevO~'~', for such vehicle while proceeding to a regularly assigned,:'.taxistand, regularly established call station or to 'the carrier,s principal place of business to accept employment when hailed from the street or curb:,~ :provided that it shall be unlawful for 'such driver to accept passengers at any of the following place~: 1. In an7 marked or unmarked croSs-walk, 2. ~t any regularly established bus ~Stop. 3. tit any place in a street except alongside a curb. ~. ,Alongside any curb opposite a regularly established and marked traffic safety zone. SECTION 19. Rg. TES FOR T.i!XICg.B SF.~VICE. The rate~, or fares to be charged the public bY taxicab carriers shalI ,~ as follows: (a) Twenty Cents ~ (20¢) for the first one,half (~) mile or flag drop; Ten Cents (10¢) for each additional one-half (~) mile, or fraction thereof. The waiting time rate shall be Two Dollars ($2.00) 12 i. Qr!,.Te per hour, nlce~ntSi~ J~',2~ hree ~ ~i~i~,~,? (3) minutes. :,~,..-,~,~-~- .... . ....... ~~~ (b) T~e.rm s~ll be no Charge made (c) There shail be' nO'" extra 'cha~/g~¢:ZfOr hand. (d) The above rates shall ap within five roles from a~ exteriOr the City of Bakersfield.- ..,~._.~ .. S~TION 20. W~ITING T~. For the vurposo of this o~a~ee time" shall mean. the time cons~ed while the .t?x~Cab is not motion at the direction of a passenger and also/the time cons~'~ while waiting for a passenger after having ~e?~nded .to a call; bu~ no charge shall be made for the time co~ed .by the~ prematur~e response to a call, or for the first t~ee (3~) minutes followi~. timely arriv~ at any location in response to~,a ,call or f~.~m the time lost t~o~h t~affic interruptions or. for delays caused the inefficiency of the taxicab or its drive~,/,,_ .... 8~¢~I0~ 21. S~VICE. The rates or fares to be charged' the PUblic by chauffeuredc limousines shall be such as are prescribed in the..~ca~rier,s~... ~ permit, and shall be no~ less ~han gho miami-n°~.mo~e.'ghan gho max~m~ ~'~ ~.~rates-~. .'which~ . are hereby fixe~ ...,,.~ ~ : (a) The minimum rate s~' be Two Dollars ($2~0).. is the grea~e~.~ and the hourly rate shall~'~e:: compute for chauffeured limousine service sh~[);"~e the rate for one-h~f (~) ho~. (b) The macram rate sh~l be Four Dollar's~ 00) per ho~ or Forty Cents (40¢) per ~le~,:;~ehever ts ~he g~eage~-an~ ~he hourl7 ~e ~h~)?)be eo~puge~ 'fOr chauffeured limousine service s~l be (c) The foregoi~ rates sh~l ap.~:~ to tl~:,:~_ , . mileage, whichever is the greager, upom ~epar~re from the carrier's princip~ place of busines~ in the City and ~g~ return ~hereto. ,.~ .~ SECTION 22. DIg~IMI~TION OF ~TES PROHIBIT~.;:~'"~g sh~l be for a~ carrier, or a~ agent or employee. ,th~e°f,...~ ?~,::. or ~ driver or opera,or of a~ vehlcle:~ covered by ghiz?~r~i~nce, to charge, collect, demnd, receive, arra~e, solicit r. r for amo~t of compensation other than the rates or?$ares established' a~ aughorized by ghis ordinance.. · . SECTION 23. ~TES TO BE DIS~~.' (a) ,~ery· ta~cab asod or operated hero.er Sh~l, at ~1 .times.,:.have displayed therein in a location, o~?leCations, ~d in a m~:, w~ch Sh~l have been approved by the Chief of, POli'~le:~/the,,~r.a~ to be charged for such taxicab service, and w~ch rates sh~l~'~ways be visible to ~1 passe.ers in such ~~$:.J~ ~ ~" "' '- ~.':) (b) The dr~ver of.every chauffeured li~e~.~e shal!~ '~:: have in his possession at all times, rate carSs'~up~ ~hich'sha!;%.~::~."~ ~ p inted the ~e and address of the oEer .of. ~such ve~i~::?~ -~' and the rates authorized to be charged for sUCh eha~f~ed ' l~ous~ne service. Every person ~aR~ ~nqU~regard~ng the rates charged by the operator of such. cha~fe~ed--limous~e s~l be f~nished with a copy of such printed;rates.. SECTION 24. .~S~ TO PAY F~. It sh~l be ~aw~ for person to refuSe- to pay ~e authorized fare of.:::a~ of the vehicles' .. '. ~. ??.%,~ ~ mentioned in t~s 'Ordl~nce after ~havl~'..:e~loYed'the s~e, ~' ~' i sh~l be ~a~ for ~ person to h~e ~ v~cl~ ~-in ,:.~ered with intent to defraud the person fro~. ~om it~ hired, ' or e~aged, of the v~ue of such ~ervtce~ . S T Om. C~I~'S ~S~NS~ITY, It sh~l be ~~ for a~ carrier, as im this ordi~nee ~efine~,-go per~t ghe operation of ~ vehicle covered by this ordinance by a~ person other than a holder, of a Driver's Pormig or Temporary Driver's Pormit as 8~gI0~ 26, ,. sh~l be operated o~y'by the carrier or by a Per, son, or persons, employed by the carrier. ~ither the carrier ner.~ person operati~ such ve~cle sh~l enter into ~ contract, agreement or ~erstandi~ betwee~ themselves b7 the g~rm~ ~f which a~ ....... ~ .... S~TION 27. .-. .' DRIP'S ~IT.~AP~I~TION FOR ' (dj It shall be ~a~ for ~ person.go drive, operate, or ~*: .i~ charge of, .~;~%~, ~~ or c~re~ed lmouslne covered BY~this ordinance, without having first' obtained a D~''s' permi%, or Temporary ~ Driver's ~rmit issued pursa~~',this ordinance, SOlL~'''i'ae' (b) lppllean~~'.~ :such per~t sh~l': 1." .De~'oSit the fee required for.~"~¢~; ~ ' ..... he fees so deposlte~ ,go cover the ::~. :. expe~es lnc~ ed ~d no refu~ s~ be ~de for a~ reason.) ~"" 2. Appear personally and file ~th"the CMef 6f Police an application in ~ttlng, upon- bla~s t ...... ~ Police, contai~ such i~o~atl~n as aid officer may re r . .... (c) ~en an applicant has applied f~r a Drive~.,~ Permit. and has pai~ a fee of $2,00 for such permig, ghe C~:~'~f police may, subject to the co~itions contained in S~baivision (e) this Section, issue a Temporary Driver's .P~rmit. Such Temporary Driver's Per~t sh~l have ~ltten or printed'thereon/~"exptra- tion da~e, w~ch sh~l in no event be more' ~:~ .~h~tY (30) ~aTs f~o~ issuance, ~d ~so the fact t:~t'such ~rmit date of sh~l augomtic~ly become ~1 anti voi~ ~on ~e expiration da~e. ~ess sooner revoked by the Chief of Poltce.;;~:~ 'After the expira- tion of the time so ~lotted, or .on reVocatiem.:~ the Chief of Police, such Temporary Pormit shall be of ~ ~her force or (d) As soon as possible' after a T'em~ary Driver's'Perml~ has been issue~, tho C~ef of ~lice sh~! m~ke: an ~vestigati°n re- gardi~ the character ~d mor~ fitness of such applicant. If satisfied that the opera~ion b7 applicant of a. Vehicle authorize~ to be operated under the terms of'~this, ordl~nce will not be detrimental to the public h~t~i~eace,~ safety o~, wel;'~e.,.'~ '.i, :-. ...... .~ 3. shall, upon the expiratiom of applicant ' s Temporary. l)~;~is. -' Permit, ..issue to applicant a Driver's Permit in the ~~r herein- after provided ~ :-.-~erWise, .he shall deny .,'he ~' applicant. (e) N~_ Driver s Permit or.Temporary. Driver s sh~l be issued to ~ such applicant who is ~er the age of twengy-ome (~) years, or who has fa~ed ~btai~ ~'~Ohauffeu~*$' License from the State of Califor~a, or who ~sh~i ~e the C~ef of ~lice to be morally, or othe~se, (f) If the Chief of Police shall have ~e:~:~mined that he w~l approve an application for a Driver '8 ~rmit he issue to applicant such per~t beari~ an ident:ificati0~:~ber ldentlc~ wigh thag appeari~ om a badge of $ist~a~ve ~esigm , with':~he words "Ta~ Driver" thereon~ authorizi~ such applier'S: to ~rlve, operate or be In charge of ~ ve~cle im the Ci~y B~ersfleld, opera~ed p~suant to the terms of: t~s ordi~mce. (g) The C~ef of Police sh~l keep a copy '-e~'~h Dri~r'~ Permit on file in his office. Such Driver,s ~rmit~ sh~l consti- :~:tute .vidence of compliance wit~ the terms of ~t~s ordinate, Such Driver's Permit shall be effective ~tit the expiration date -~..~ Printed thereon pursuant to sudivtslon (h)hereof, or ~til sUspe~ed or revoked as herei~ provided. ~.~ ~ (h) ~1 permits issued as herein pr°~tded sh~l expi~e upon the 31st day of December next follow!mg gh~"'~age of lss~0e, ~ess suspe~ed or revoked as elsewhere herein Provide~..~ (1) I renew~ Driver's Permit sh~l '~e'ts~~ by the ~ ..... Chief of Police to a~ permittee who has paid' a f~e of $1.~ for '~' ':~ such renew~, andwho on the 31st day of December !aSt..~Cedi~. ' had a valid D~iv~ 's Pormit-. : ....... .~.~ ........ ~ ~ ........ (J) I fee of $1.00 sh~l be collected for the issuance of each duplicate Drivor'~. P, rmit. A fee of'$~.O0 sha~ be co~eo~ed ~.:'~. :.'"'!:f,r the issuance of each Dr~v.e~t'S.~:'Transfer'Permit:,..".' ' S~TION 28;,~~ ', Driver's Pe~it provided he shall ~ve ~wledge that' ~he h0t'~;:~}:~ereof Sh~.l. - have been convicted of vi~lati~ a~ of the ~'~si~ns ~:'%rdinance, or sh~l have been convicted of a-. ~elo~, tion of ~ 0f ~h~ p~Ov~o~ o$ 'ghe gga~o control. Act, the State Narcotic Law, or of assa~ battery, pan$~r. i~, drivi~ a vehicle Wh~e ~er ~ghe i~luem~:~.:~°f or narcotics, rec~ess ~rlvi~ or a~ o~h~ charge irreg~ar, go J~sgify. revocagion or Suspension. o~. ':~"~:'~'*~"perml~. (b) A~ ~lver who may be ~lgg.~teved.by 'the action of the Ch~e~-"°f ~lice 'in suspe~l~ or rev6ki~:~S Driver's Permit or Temporary Driver's Per~lg, or a.~ apPl~?~ho may be aggr~ove~ '~,'by the deni~ by the Chief of Police-0f~-h~:'~application~?~':~ay~ within ten (10) days from such ~emi~, suspensiOn.or revocagton~ make written objection to the Council of the City of Bakersfield- settingup the grounds for grievance, whereUPon--the. CoUncil shall ' ~fix-a date for hearing sal~ obJections~ glv~wr~tgon notice thereof to said applicant, and upon such hearimg may sustain, Suspend or overrule the decision of the Chief ~f. Police, which said decision shall be final and conclusive. Sueh':~hearing~ or applica- tion therefor, shall not, however, affect the order of suspension or revocation of the Chief of Police, unless and until acted upon and reversed or modified by the City Council. SECTION 29. .............. BADGES AND PERMITs--DIsmAY'AND POS~ESSIoN'~~S'~ (a) It shall be unlawful' for any driver to operate, or be in charge of, ~ taxicab or cha~ffeureel l~tousine covered by -'t~Cense Badge provided'~,~.~he issued: hereunder, a~d::~i:~i?~ha~l ~'~ ~ :? ''? be unlawful for such:driver to fail to at all'.' t~"while or in charge-of~, such vehicle to have in his i~ediate-~$~eg~~ :~ the Driver s Permit or Temporary Driver's Permit:.~..~.:/:~;..=~. /" '~:~.'"~""~:h~$ or~;.~4~,nce to be secured from the Chi~f of Pol~:,::~~~ also· be .~aWf~ for ~ driver operating, °r in'ch~:~¢~.of, a~ covered by this ordin~ce to display, upon his.~}~erson~., a dr ~ ..... "': badge issued to another person, or to use f~ ~ghe purpose:..~ operating such vehicle a Driver's Permit or TempOr~y PSrmit issued to another person. -:;,.":'~ '.~ .~'~ (b) ~ U~form worn by drivers of t'a~cabS must be ~,~;. approved by the Chief of Police. ~ .-~:,'~ ': ':~ (c) Drivers sh~l keep themselves, physically;~--~. "~'~.~ and, neat appearing at all t~es while on duty. -~;~: '" SECTION~. .~ . .... (a) It shall be u~awf~ for a~ cagier, er of. a~ vehicle operated pursuant to the terms of: thisordi~e~':~"~'~' <._ ' to stand, or permit'to stand, a~ such vehicle'a't 'a~"~l'ace-'upd~:~?:~'.~.' '~:. a~ portion of the streets of tho City,. et. her .~h~::::::at a cert.~'~'.-' ' ~ place desig~ted by the City Nagger and assi~'~::::::o the :Carr:er ' operati~ such vehicle. '' ' ' >':'.',::.,,'":::. . ::::.:.-..__... <b) Permits may be issued by the City anag~:~to carriers.' operating pursuant to the terms of--~:~i's ordl~nce'~lowing the : " vehicles of such carriers, while awaiting emPlo~e:fi~, to Stand_. at. certain designated places upon ~e streets, :.O:f the c~ty.,' :' Provided, however, that no such permit sha.ll~be granted e~C'ept .upO~ , :.,..,.::~:, written application of the carrier~desiring ~Uch stand, filed.with~ the City Nanager,. stating the proposed lpca~i°n of such stud. · .. ~ , -. ~:~ :' ~ , ~_. :.>~:~.~-'~.~.~::,-:<':~., . .., ~,.... .. .... ,~.~: :* ~:,. :-~. ,~,,;.:, ':.-,: -:~ .. < ~f,~ ,,:;:./', :~;~:,:': ,~:. -~:,.:: .:7::~.,~:~' ~,;: .-~,~.. ,'... ~.:~:~,: ~?' The.~'. ication shall be acc.ompa ..%~e:. the ocCupant of the ~first '~[~.::o.'£~,~,,a~y In :front off.'which it is. de"~!rea to ~eSt~bli'Sh.-.~}j::~hiel~'~:~',-: or if a~ 's~buildi~..be a hotel~/the ~it~e~$:en%'~'of. 'manager of said hotel', or if there is"no ~~~ on the in f~.ont of which it is desired that'such .'vehicle shatX or if there is a bUildi~ and the first floor '~:<'-~.]/" then' the ~itten consent of the o~er, agent~'~.:~tessee of suCh -~uildi~ or premises-. In the event that th~ ~eC~pant~ owner, agent, or lessee herei~bove m~ntiene~.: · uses, f or neglects to grant ::~nsent to the establishf .. ~.:gf a taxi'~:and at the location pr°~osed, the City Mana~ger -sh~I~'~Set a,-'~me of he~; ~'-- on such ap-'ic:~.~"'n,~ ~v which shall:~-~ ' '' ':~': not' leSs.l~LthAn ten' (10) days ncr more than. ~hirty (30) days from the ~e of f~i~ such appl[~ation, and .each a~ every person quall~ied .. visions to make or .offer a for~ objection ~o.."~:~a:bl~is~ such taxistand at the Iec.ation proposed shall be/~'i~%ed in ~iti~,~ less than five'" (5) d~s prior to s~id he~, at which time -' ...~' (~. he sh~l be given ~.e~ort~ty to be he~r~':' Notwith~%~ding. the '"?~Tailure or re~s~of the occupant, manageri?'~er, agent, lessee as herei~boVe mentioned to gr~t c:on~ to the establiSh~l~ of a ta~stant in front of the bul!di~, or nr~:ses as prepose~,.~ or a~ formal objection offered theretO, the::~i'ty Manager sh~l have the right to gr~t or de~ a~ a.pplicatte~ for a ta~sta~,' and may issue or r~e to ~u~ ~Ueh (c) At t~ 't~e of maki~ appltca.~.for a permit as herein provide~ fo~ the applicant sh~l ve~i~::~ ~der oath, gha ho has nog~ no~ has ~ono fo~ h~ o~ on ~oh~f ~.~ to DaY, or offered~'to pay, nor thi~ of v~ue for obtai~ the conSent or.:¢~orsement by the occupant or person requlred"te give suCh oon~t to the granti~ of a permit to' occupy any.stand· .mpon'the:~:~ StreetS'as required:, subdivision (b) hereof, · and f~r,.~?the VtoIation hereof shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor. (d) All.permits for taxi:stands' so lsSn~d. --'C'ontaln a provision to the effect that they are,'and:.~:~.~iWaall be,.., this ordinance or otherwise to occu y any regularI"i!¢!~i{~blished taxistand unless Such vehicle is one being:ope~at;~Y the car~ier.. ,~ to which such taxistand has been assigned as hlrein pro.~ea:~:::~' (f) It shall be unlawful for the driverof"-~:$y:~":':':' taxicab:'~ to allow such taxicab to remain in any.ta~tan~as.~rei~ e~.- out, unattended for a Period of time longer th~n ten (l~:..~inutes.. (g) No carrier or driver of any taxicab sha;~F~oltctt passengers at a distance greater than ten (10) fee,t from his taxicab. -'~.- DEFINITIONS. For the pUrpese 'of:::.thls ordlnafi~e the following terms shall, be deemed and. conStrue~'i~$~(have the me ~a~,~ ngs respectively ascribed to them in this seCtlon'~:~Unless from.the' th ~ particular context it clearly apPears. · at~ ~bme other meaning {a) "Carrier" shall mean'' and include every Person,' eorporatton~ partnership~ Joint ventm,e o~iother.form trustees, engaged in operating, for :hi:~e¢ taxicabs or' chauffeured limousines as d-efined~ herein. " ~,: .. (b) "T~:icab" shall mean and.~tnclude-.every vehicle _~ used for the transportation of.,passe~eg~'~,over, the. ...,: streets of the City of Bakersfield, bm~i.:'not over defined'. · :: routes, at rates fOr distance 'traveI~d, or for .waiting time, or for both, the Charge to patronS being determined and indicated by the mechanical calculi~ ti°n of a taximeter as defined herein. :'/~ (c) "Chauffeured Limousine" shall mean and i~clude every vehicle not equipped with a taximeter...,~'used for the transportation of passengers for compensa~o.n over the streets of the City of Ba~ersfleld but .~. over defined routes, and which is operated by a carrier or driver employed by a carrier. (d) "Taximeter" shall mean and incl.m:l.e a mecha~c~ ir~trument, or device, by which the charge/ for hi,i; of a taxicab is mechanically calculated, elther.:~ distance traveled, or for waiting time, or laoth, and .,.. upon which such charge is plainly registered b~ ':'~ of figures, Indicating dollars and cents. .,:..~~'' (e) "Taxistand" shall mean a place ~on a pu~c street designated by the City Manager for ghe use, - while awaiting employment, of any vehicle covere~Y this ordinance. {f) "Driver" shall metro and include eVery"~erson driving, operating, or in charge of any vehicle as. defined by this ordinance as a taxicab or chauffeured limousine. (g)' "Street" shall mean and. include' eYery public street, road, alley, place.., way or ~highway in the City of Bakersfield'. SECTION 32. I:~NII.,TY FOR VIOI.~TION.' Ai'gr person, i.:firm,co~p°ration or association vigiating any of the .~roVisi°~ be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof vshall be punishable by a "fine .of :n~0~. mOre ~an~'Five Hundred ($500.00).::. Dollars, or by impr.ls°nmen~. .....i~ t~':::e~ty. la!l for not t-mOre six (6) months, or by both such fine and imprisonmen~). "CONSTITUTIONALITY. If any section,. SUb-section, sengence,.. clause or phrase of this ordinance is for any reason-held unconstitutlOnal~ such decision shall not affect the validit~0f.', the remaining sections of this ordinance. The~ CounciI',~eby declares that it would haVe passed this ordinance,. .mad,{each, section, sub-section, sentence, clause an~. phrase.th~reo£~)~irrespeetf~ the fact that any one or mOre sections, sub_Section~¢~:sentences, clauses or phrases be declared invalid or unc6mstitUtXonaI. ~' REPEAL. Ordinances numbered. 54~,, 583, 645 am1 650 New Series of tho city of Bakersfield, and.~.allLamendmen%s,,5%hereto and all other ordinances, or parts of-ordinances in conflict herewith, are hereby expressly repealed. I HERE"BY CERTIFY that the foregoing .0rdinanee was passed and adopted by the Council of the City of B. akersfield~i.:at a regular' .meeting thereof held on the {~ .~_~ day of following vote: AYES: CAtI~IS, CROSS1( NORRIS, ,YDER, ClEMON,~VEItOAMliI~I~ AI~ENT: 6itY Clerk ar~:Ex-0fftclO O~erk of the Council of the City APPR0~D th~s ~aYOf ~, 1946. ' ~0R~g th~ City of B~e~sfield A thavit of Iosting rh nan es STATE 01~ CALIFORNIAt County of Kern ~ ss. ~ being duly sworn, deposes and says: That~he is the duly appointed, acting and qualified Clerk of the City of Bakersfield; .and that on ............................................................ ,19...~..6.., he posted on the Bulletin Board at the · City Hall, a full, true and correct copy of an ordinance passed by the Council of amid City at a meeting thereof duly held on ........... ~...~.~. .................. , 19.....4~...,-° which ordinance was numbered ........................ New Series, and entitled.;' . ~ =~ -. ~ ~. , [~'bscribed and' sworl~ to before me this %: ~'.~ % -~ -.. ~ ~ No~ Public ~n ~e County ~