HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD NO 713 That =~e*O,~S"~,~=S .have been and are property in the ,Cl~:.'~,: Bakersfield on the' truth a~ in'~et ~uch funds an6 property wor%~ Charitable ~d' 'religious, on the public; that, as a reset of s~eh~e~'l and needed charities and religions,,~e~,S~r: e~e~e~ea by these practiceS;' 'that,('-'t:he;"~ in ma~ cases been defrauded 'a~ imp'~ protection; that the rapid t~creas~ ]~'~' ~tationS/:'bY~',~?.':..':¥??:~ persons' falseIy claimi~ that they~are sOlicitations necessarY; and that th~: 1n the enactment and stringent enfo .(a) "Solicit" a~ or indirectly of money, credi~,~',propertY, financial assistance, or Other things of value on the plea or representation that sUch money, credit, property, financial assistance, or other thing of valUe will be msed for a charitable or religious purpose as those purposes are.de~,~.~ ~n this Ordinance. These words shall also mean and' include ~theL': f~wl'ng methods of securing money, credit, property, financial ~;~istance or other thing of value on the plea or representation that i't wlll be used for a charitable or religious purpose as herein defined: (1) Any oral or written request; ~ ~ ..~? (2) The distribution, circulation, mailing, posting~or publishing of any handbill, written advertisement, or publication; ?~ (3) The making of any announcement to the press, o'~&r the radio, by telephone or telegraph concerning an appeal, assemblage, athletic or sports event, bazaar, benefit, campaign, contest, dance, drive, entertainment, exhibition, exposition, party, performance, picnic, sale or social gathering, which the public is requested to patronize or to which the public is requested to make a contribution for any charitable or religious purpose connected therewith; (~) The sale, of, offer or attempt to sell, any advertisement, advertising space, book, card, chance, coupon, device, magazine, membership, merbhandise, subscription, ticket or other thing in connec- tion with which any appeal is made for any charitable· or religious purpose, or where the name of any charitable or religious person is used or referred to in any such appeal as an inducement or reason for making any such sale, or when or where in connection with any such sale, any statement is made that the whole or any part of the proceeds from any such sale will go or be donated to any charitable or religious purpose. A "Solicitation" as defined herein shall be deemed completed when made, whether or not the person making the same receives s:ny contribution or makes any sale referred to in this section. (b) "Charitable" shall mean and include the words patriotic, Philanthropic, social service, welfare, benevoleng, educational, civic, or fraternal, either actual or purported. ~ -~ (c) "Religious"and "religion" as used herein .shall~et.mea~ ................ and include the word "charitable" as herein defined'.'..~.~haI1 be given their commonly accepted' definitions. ?-i (d) "Contributions" shall mean and include the words, almsi food, clothing, money, subscription, property or donations under ~he.:'~se of a loan of money or property. '~ (e) "Person" shall mean any individual, firm,. co,partnership, corporation, company, association, or joint stOck association, church, religious sect, religirms denomination, society, Orgard. zation o~:i!eague, and includes any trustee, receiver, assignee, agent, or other s~!ar representative thereof. ' .. (f) "Promoter" shall mean any person who promotes, ~nages, supervises, organizes, or attempts to promote, manage, supervise, ~or organize a campaign of solicitation. (g) "COuncil" shall mean the City Council of the City of Bakersfield. (h) "Board" shall mean the Board of Charity SOlicitations. SECTION 2. CHarITABLE SOLICITATIONS PERMIT REQUIRED.~-EYW~PTION. No person shall solicit contributions for any charitable purpose within ghe City of Bakersfield without a permit from the CoUncll~.a~thorizing such solicitation. ?ROVIDED, HO~'~g'ER, that the provisions of this section shall not apply to any established person.organized and operated ex- clusively for religious or charitable pU~pos~S~ancl not operated for the pecuniary profit of any person if the solicitations' by such established person are conducted among the members' thereof by other members or officers thereof, voluntarily and without remuneration for making such solicitations, or if the solicitations are in 1se., form of collectiOns or contributions at the regular assemblies or'~ serVices of any suCh established person. SECTION :3. APPLICATION FOR CI~RIT.IX. BLE SOLICITATIONS ~RMIT. An application for a permit .: to~ sol~'cit ~Z.~:. '.~..oVi~Q !i~)y Section 2 . .. __ .. ~ . : ' ~akersfield. Such application sh~lt ~:be...:"swor~ ? C~il at .lease f~f$.een days Prior .to, ~he Ch '~fie. ~e. rm: appl~ed[,~oy, shall become effectSve; PROV' Oomcil m~f?for .good cause sho~m allow the~ ~I,$~gJ[of~'s.n.[~ .~ less than fifteen days ~mior to the, applied for. The application herein requ~e'd,[~a[~ -?~o~-o~-&ng informs, tion, or ~, lieu thereof, a lent , :~ ,,%,.~¥ . · .. ., The exact purpose for .whiCh colicitation, s~le, bazzar~ ~eX~'~'~:~On', amUsement, show, lecture,-,ente~ inc-!~d~g the ma~er ~ whi .compensatior.~ intended:to 'be p'~-to ~ ~irm, associa~ion o~ oorpOr~:t:i~n.~ out proceeds; ~--:.,~,~..:~., · ' ' ' ' " ""f~ ....... '(c) The total"'A~oUnt (d) The ~es snd addresses interested in or who. wii'l '~e engaged in the workl .... f~:~i.:.'r.aised by such"a6t..iVi~t'~'['J~li[~, ed o~ depo2it- or invested;' :- ':.'t?"- Sr~.i.:.p~,st and · ' the. Parties diyect!y. wo.r~:'.as maY.be neoes ... ~O~C-[1 to' ~ake. a" futl "',: ', ~, l.' ",' . The ComXciI ..s~l e:~a~ne a~.$ must act. them. not lzter, tha~'~.:itWo Week~ after ;th;: d.~¢.' any " ,,' [, . . application is fi~a ,' -:::;,d.t..:,,::.; :. ¥~" ' ...~..':~.~. The Com:cil may make or cause'.".t~/:be['~;~ "~.'. which it. deems necessary and. uPon"~eqdest the~.~~t' sh~lI sva:lable'for :nspect~on by the Ca~c~-~.',,,.?:~~.~ -.. iTM writing, by the :C°m~cil" of all:~ t~ej:~~ ,s;~, ,, ........ books, reC°rds,:'.~ ' ~[:~,. ';:' i% ]',.: :.',: '"'~ ~'' ~?:.~..~:..'. ":.' '-. :'.' ,...':~.~[t,~:r~t:~:.'%' ..:' '. ., ,:,, [e:..? ..: ': :. :i t ,.-~.J": ' · ' ,, '. · ' ' '.¥'; '"'%: ~.~]~.' ' ' ..f:'~ ~j ~.~'~.F:' '~ .' :',:~f ~j~,;~.':'., '%; '2, ~':f:-:'/,~'~/.~;.~:,::;i~.~z:-:~.f -,, ~:,. SECTION 6 - The Council shall ~iss'Ue the permit providedl for in Secti°g"4~. hereof when ever he shall find the following 'facts to exist-. ., (1) That all of the statements made in the appilcat!on:'.'::~`~., ~'.a're true; :.:.: .~ ~ ~.~,.. (2) That the apptican~ has a good .character and re'~tation for ~ - ~:on~ty and integrity, or if the api:~licant is not' an indiV~idual person, that every member, managiogofficer or agent of the apP[i~:~nt has a good character or r~putation for honesty and integrity; .> (3) That the Control and supervision of the solicitation will be under responsible and reliable persons; (4) That the applicant has not engaged in any fraudulent.[':~]~[. transaction or enterprise; ~,.'-~':.~ (5) That the solicitation will not be a,fraud on the public; (6) That the solicitation is prompted Solely by a:i"~sire tO. finance the charitable cause described in the application, and 'Wiil not be conducted primarily for private profit; (7) That the cost ~ raising the funds will be reasonable~ Any such cost in e>.cess of 10% of the amount cOllected shali:j::5% considered to be unreasonable umless special facts are present~, showing thug peculiar reasons make a cost higher than 10~ reasonable in. the particular case The Council shall file in its office for public inspection, and shall serve upon the applicant bY registered mail, a ~-~itt.en statement of the findings of facts and its decision upon each:- application. ' 7.: SECTION 6. ~. There shall be n~ fee for a permit or investigation charge '- under~ this 0rdinance. - :' SECTION 7, Permits issued under this Ordinance sh~'l.t, bear the name and · address of. the person by whom the ~solicitati~f i~ to be made, the number of permit, the date issued, the dates within which the permit h.olOer may solicit, and a statement -that the permit does not consti-~: tute an endorsement by the City of Bakersfield or by any, of its department~ officers, or. employees of the purpose or of'~t~?.: person conduct-Lug the solicitation. Ail permits must be signed by the Council No permit may grant the right ~to' solicit longer than'ninety (90) days from its date, but the Com~ci! may extend any permit ..... not more than ninety (99) additional days upon a~showing that un- necessary hardshi~ would be creatGd by a failure to exten~ the. original ninety (90) day period for such additional days..~:~? Any permit issued under this Ordinance shall be non-transferable .~and shall be..returned to the Com~cil within two days of its dat~:~f~ ~xpiration, together with all facsimile copies thereaff. SECT ION 9 · J..i~~ .~11 persons to whom permits have been issued under this , Ordinance shall ~urn~sh'p~oper credentials to their agents and , solicitors for such solicitation. Such credentials shall inclUde the name of the permit holder, the date, a statement describing' said holder's'charitable activity, a description of the '~rpos? of the solicitation, the signatu2e of the permit holder of of t~e holder's chief executive officer, and the name, address,.~age, sex, · and signature of the solicitor to whom such credentials:[:are i~sued and specific period of time dur52ng which said solicitor is authorized to solicit on behalf of the permit holder. A copy of such-credentials must be filed with the Council at the time the application for a permit is filed and must be approved by it as conforming to requirements of this Section before such permit is issued', No person shall solicit under any permit granted under this 0r~ance without ...... the'--~credentialS required by this Section and'a facSiFile-eoP~Y of~ said~ permit in his possession. Said credentials and 'said facsim~PY of the permit must be show, upon request, t.o all persons solicited and. to any police officer of the City of Bakersfield. ,--: No agent or solicitor shall Solicit contrib~ti~' for any 6. charitable purpose for any person in the City of Bakersfield such person has been granted a permit under the provisions~ of. t~is ordinance. SECTIO~ 10. Any person receiving money or s~nything having a value of one dollar ($1.O0) or more from any contribution under a solicitatLon~ ~',~.·~ made pursuant to a permit granted under this Ordinance shall ~ to the contributor s~ written receipt signed by the solicitor Showing plainly the name and permit number of the person under whose permit and the amount~eceived- the solicitation is conducted, the date, ~1 PROVIDED, HOWEVER, that this Section shall not apply to any contri- butions collected by mesons of a closed box or r~ceptacle used in. solicitation with the ~Titten approval of the ~ouncil, where~t is impractical to determine the amount of such contributions, SECTION ll Within five (5) days after receiving notification~ registered mail that his application for a permit to solicit under this Ordinance has been denied, shy applicant may file a written request~ for a public hearing on the application before the Council, together with written exceptions to the findings of fact upon which the Council based its denial of the application. Upon the $'~ling of such a request, the Co~u~cil shall fix a ti~e and ~lace for the heart.lng and shall notify the applicant thereof. ~he hearing shall b~iheld within five. (5) days after the request is filed. At the hearing the applicant may present evidence in support of his application and e~ceptions. Any interested person 'may, in the discretion of the Council, be allowed to participate in the hearing and present evidence in opposition to the application and e~ceptions. Within ten (lO) days after the conclusion of the hearing th~"~ounci1 Shall render a written report either granti~.0r denyi~g the applica- tion for a permit. In this report the Council shall state the facts upon. the application. This report shall be filed in the Council Office for public inspection and a copy shall be ~e~ved~bY registered mail upon the applicant and all parties to the hea~g. SECTION 12 .... Whenever it shall be shown, or whenever the Council,.has lmowledge, that an~ person to whom a permit has been issued Under. th~ .~ Ordinance'~:' has violated any of the provisions of this Ordinance,. o~that any promoter, agent or solicitor of a permit holder has misrepresented the purpose of the solicitation, the Council sha~l,~immediately suspend t~ permit and give the permit holder written notice by registered, special delivery, mail of a hearing to be held within two (2) day$of such s~spensiOn to determine whether or not the Permit should be''~ revoked.'~This notice must contain a statement of the facts uP0nwhich the Council has acted in suspending the permit. At the hearing the ~,rmit holder, and any other interested person, shall have the right to present evidence as to the facts upon which the Council based the suspension of the permit, and any other facts which may aid the ¢6uncil in determining whether this Ordinance has been violated and ~ether the Durpose of the solicitation has been misrepresented. If, after such hearing, the Council finds that the Ordinancehas been ~i61ated, or the purpose of the solicitation has been mS. srepresented, it shall within two (2) days after the hearing file in its office for public inspec- tion and serve upon the permit holder, and all interested persons participating in the hearing, a written statement of the facts upon which it bases such findings and shall immediately revoke, the permit. If, after such hearing the Council finds that the Ordinance has not been violated and the purpose of the solicitation has not been misre- presented, it shall within two (2) days after the hearing give to the permit holder a written statement cancelSng the suspension of the permit.and stating that no violation or m~srepresmntation was found to have been committed. SECTION .... The Chief of Police of the City of Bakeesfield shall be notified forthwith by the Council of its action granting or denying any permit under this ordinance or suspending or revoking of any permit heretofore granted. SECTION 14. .... No person shall solicit any contributions for any charitable put- pose withou't mai'ntl a system of accounti ~a .! s't°' it and all disbursements are entered ~uPOn~'the bOoks~'0'~'e~ds~ of such person's treasurer or other finan~!~'~officer.~ ~. ~-. SECT ION 1 ~j"~ ~ ' ~'~ It shall be the duty of all persons issued permit$~der this Ordinance to furnish to the Council within thirty (~O)'~j~ys after the solicitation has been completed, a detailed ~=ep°'rt ~d ' ~ statement showing the ~o~t raised by the solici~ation~.~$~~t/ ~.$xPended in collecting such f~ds, including a de~ailed ~p~rt of ~he wages, fees, coEiSsions, and expenses paid to a~?Derson in co~ection with such solicitation, and the disposition of the b~ance of the funds collected by the solicitation, ~' This ~eport sha!l~ ~ the available for public inspection at/Clerk's 0f~ice'~at~'~y ~onable ti~e..PROVIDED, H0~, that the Council may 'eXtend ~..~.~me for the filing of the report required by th~s SeC~i°n for a~ditio~l period of. thirty (30)days upon proof that~th~ filing of~the~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~J * within the time specified will work u~ec~eSsarY~ hardship °n ~Per'mit holder. The permit holder shall make availabl-e ~ the co~ncil~ o~ to~ any person designated in ~iting by the CounOiI.~ aS ~itS~'~epresentative for such purpose, all books, records, and' papers whereby the .accuracy cf the report required by this Sectien~may be ch~cked SECTION 16. No person shall solicit contributions for any~religious purpose within the City of Bakersfield withoUt a ceriifica~Le from the Council. Application for a certificate shall be made to the Co~cil upon forms provided by the City of Bakersfield. Such application shall be sworn to, or affirmed, and shall conts~in the followi~ i~ormation, 0r in lieu thereof, a statement of the reason or reasons why such i~ormation cabot be furnished: . (a) The name and address or headquarters of the person applying for the registration certificate. (b) If applicant is not an individual~ L~the names and addresses of~the~aPPldcant~s~principal officers and~man~gerS~d~ resolution~ if any, authorizi~ such solicitation, certified to be as a true and correct copy of the original bY the officer havingcha~§e of applicant's records; (c) The purpose for which, such solicitation'is to be made, the total amount of funds proposed to be raised thereby, and the use or disposition to be made of any receipts therefrom; (d) A specific statement, supported by reasons and,'..if available, figures showi~'~g the need for the contributions to be solicited;i..~ (e) The name and address of the person o~.~ persons by wh~'the· ~ receipts of such solicitations shall be disbursed; (f) The name and address of the person or persons who will be in direct charge of conducting the 'solicitation and the names of promoters connected or to be connected with the proposed solie£tation; (g) ~n outline of the method or methods to be used in. . ~'~ducting the solicitations; (h) The time when such solicitations shall be made; giviugthe preferred dates for the beginning and ending of such solicitation;.~.~ ~ (i) The estimated cost of the solicitation; (J) The amount of any wages, fees, commissions, expenses or emoluments to be expended or paid to any person in connection with such solicitations, and the names and addresses of all such personsl (k) A financial statement for the last preceding fiscal year of any funds collected for religious purposes by the aDplicant, said statement giving the amount of money so raised, together with the eost of raising it~ and final distribution thereofl (1) A fu~l statement Of the character and extent of the religious work being done by the applicant with~the City of Bakersfield; (m) A statement to the effect that if a registered, such registration will not be used or represented in any way as an endorsement by the City of Bakers'field or by any department or officer thereof. (n) Such other Information as may be submitted to the Board in order for it to determine the kind and character of the proposed solicitation. If, while any application is 'P~ndingi or during the term of any certt~cate:., granted thereon, there is any change, in fact, p0Ii~Cy~/~.~ · .~ or method that would alter the information giVen, in the a~l~lica~i°n~. the applicant shall notify the council.in writing thereof~thin '~'~' .:twenty-four hours after such change. SECTION 17. ~ ?'~ Upon receipt of such application, the Council shall forthwith · issue the applicant a certificate of registration. The certif~'~ shall remain in force and effect for a period of six (6)-mOnths 'after the issuance thereof, and shall be renewed upon the ex~ion of :': this period upon the filing of a new application as provided for :m bear the nam*~?~., this Section. Certificates of registration shall address of the person by whom the solicitation is "to be made,~ ~ number of the certificate, the date issued, and a stateme~/that the certificate does not constitute an indorsement by the C~ .... of Bakersfield or by any of its departments or officers, of the purpose or person donducting the solicitation. All persons to whom eerti~:~cates of registration have been issued shall furnish credentials to their agents and solicitors, such credentials to conform to the requil~e~ ments specified for credentials in Section 8 of this Ordinance, and a copy of such credentials shall be filed with the Com~cii ~; the time of the filing of the application for a certificate. No person shall · solicit for any religious cause' without having such credentials in 'his possession, together with a copy of the certifibate of registration under which the solicitation is being conducted(, and such person shall, upon demand, present these credentials and this copy i~'?ithe certificate t° any person solieited or to any Police 9fficer 'of the City of Bakersfield. P~OVIDED, HOWEVER, that the provisions of this Section shall not apply to any ~established person organized ar~:'~'~erating .exclusively..fo~ religious purposes and not operated for ~ecuniary. profit of any person if the solicitations by Sue.~ established person are conducted among the members thereof by Ot~r' members or officers thereof, voluntarily and without 'remumeration for ~makingi:~eh:~ solic~itations, or if the solicitations are in the form of collections or contributions at the regular~Ssemblies or Service of any such established person. The Council is authorized to investigate the affairs of any person soliciting for religious purposes under a certificate issued under Section 17, and the affairs of any person exempted from requirement of a permit under Section 2 or exempted from the'require- ment of a certificate under Section 16 and make public i$~ Written findings in order that the public may be fully informed as to the affairs of any of said persons. Said persons shall make available to the Cb~cil, or to any represents, rive designated by the cOUncil in wrib~ng for such specific purpos~ all books, records, or other information reasonably necessary to enable the Council t°~fully and fairly inform the public of all facts necessary to a full understanding by the public of the work and methods of operation of Such persons. PROVIDED, that five (5) days before the public release of any findings under this Section, the Council must first serve a copy of s~id findings upon the person investigated and at the time of the release of its findings ~t~must release a copy of any written statement said person may file with the Council in explanation, denial, or confirma- tion of said findings. SECTION 19. There~is hereby created a Board of Charity Solicitations, which shall consist of seven (7) citizens of the City of Bakersfield, .appointed~by the Council. The members of this Committee shall serve without remuneration and shall elect its own officers. The functions of this Committee shall be to advise.~the Board in all matters Connected with the application and administration of this Ordinance, ~The Board may refer to said Committee for its advice, all applications, statements, investigations, credentials, notices, requests~and reports filed with said Council pursuant to the p~o~viSions of ~hf~-~Ordinanc'e~~~ said ~cil as t&';~P~er~..£'or-m~ said Ordinance and as .to such actions t~t should :;.,/py Co~cll ?~,sg~n~..to ~.any p~oviSions of this_ and report to s~:d'~o~eil~' violations the~egf,~g.~: .come~ t'o of 'said Co~ittee an~ it shall maker: gue,h'/~her re ~:~em pro~er-;~to./~he adm~istratlon and e~, this Ordin~.~':~/The~'C~cT1 shall include -re from. following* '-~g~.nc,~:.:~:~ organizations: .: ....... At leas~?on~ member from the ~.etd ~e~e~ Business Bar~m~, ,: '"' .~?~,~ : -?:::?E.'~?',':~./:~! One ...... of · ~ E ~.'i ~ -.~ At le~'s~j~one member fDom the Bak At least one member from the All ordinances ~d parts of ordinances,,:o~.;-~he.-. ~g~.~;(- , Bakersfield in conflict w~th the prov~s~ons~:;*of., ~.~~anc-e hereby repealed. ' ...- ,.---~ -?'~. ...... ~y person, firm, . association~ or. ,congO~ion violat~g any of the provisions of this Ordinanc~ deemed a misdemeanor ~d upon conviction thereof be p~ished 'a fine' not. to exceed five h~dred ~ot1'~s or.' ment for a term net to exeed six ~,~)~. ~' ;h such:'flna.~ and imprisonment. Zt is the in~e~t~on of the Co~i~:':'~ separate ~ovision of this" O~dinance shall~ b,e....~-d:'ee~ ~p.e~den%j,.o~ ali other provisions herein, '~d it is furi ~~tion? ..... Co~cil that i~ anT~~ provision ~of 'this is~)d~c~ared' :. . · _.~?~:~.~ .,, · '.-,..~ ~ . ~ .. ,' . ..` , , . -, . ..'. ., ,~.~?~f.?,'~ , , .. -? ./'~:.~" ''.~:¥E..:, · :,'. ~"'.V?:.:'% .~ :, ~' ' ' ,' .... ..~,,.? '.". ...... -.~- .... .... . ' . . . -' :~.~ ~ : .. ' .. ........ ,~.',,~'.., ,~ ... ~ ~,.~- ,~'~:--, ..,./ . . , .... ~-'. ..~.. .. ~.:., · .:..,~ , . :.-, :~, ... ?':~,. :~.'~,;~'~.~ SECTION 23. USE OF FICTITIOUS Ng3~[ES. No person shall directly or indirectly ~ solicit contributions for any purpose by misrepresentation' of his name, occupation, financial condition, social condidion Or residence, 'and no person shall make or perpetrate an~r other misstatem~'~nt, de- ception, or fraud in connection with any solicitation of any contribution for any purpose in the City of Bakorsfield, or application or report filed under this Ordinance. SECTION 24. · The requirements of this ordinance as applied to th~' ~harities which come ~der the provisions of Sections 219, 220,'&~d 221 of the Welfare and InstitUtions'Code of this State shall be:in addition to and independent of a~ action or requ~ement fo~ in said Sections. ~ . SECTION~ 25. ~ ¥?~" ' This ordinance is hereby declared to 'be ~ emergen~ measure within the meaning of Section 25 of. the Charter~ of. ~he CitT.~,~: ....°~.?.~ ..~,:~:~ Bakersfield, State of California, and necessary for the ~~te preseevation of the public peace, safety and welfare, ..'a~d?'shall~:. ~: take effect i~ediately upon its paSsage. .:;;::. -~' I KEEEBY 'CL~TI~Z that the fo~ g'Ordinance was passed and... ad?~ted~:~.:~,~, by the Council ofthe City of Bakersfield, at.~%regul~r:~ meeting thereof hel~ on the 26th day of ~ugust, 19467~:.~ghe g ~°t · fo!lowln e ~ AYES: CA~NAKIS, CROSS, NORRIS, RYDER, SIE~ON, VANDERLEI, VERCAMMER. City Clerk and Ex.'OfficiO Clerk the Council of the City of Bakersf~d .AP~OVED this 26t ay of .August, 1946. .}~YOR~. th~ City of Bakersfield % f~,t,.' STATE OF CALIFORNIA) County of Kern ~ MARIAN S · IRVIN ~ bein§ duly sworn, deposes and says: That he is the duly appointed, ~acting and qualified Clerk of the City of Bakersfield; and that on ..................... l~,,a~;~..,l,~. ...................~ ,19..46..~he posted on the Bulletin Board at the City Hall, a full, true and ~orrect copy of an ordinance passed by the Council of said City at a meeting thereof duly held on ............. ..A..~.~..tl:.S...t.....2..~ ................... 19...~., which ordinance was numbered ........................ New Series, and entitled: "AN ORDINANCE REGULATING SOLICITATIONS FOR CHIltITABLE, PATRIOTIC, PHILAETHROPIC AND OTHER FJRPOSES IN THE CITY OF B&KERSFIELD$ REQUIRING REGISTRATION OF THOSE ENGAGED IN SOLICITATIONS FOR RELIGIOUS IW3RPOSES; PRO- HIBITING SOLICITATIONS BY FALSE OR FRAUDU- LENT STATFA,~,NTS$ AND PROVIDING PENALTIES FOR THE VIOLATION OF THIS ORDINANCE." Subscribed and sworn to before me this ............ ........ Notary Public in and for the County of Kern, Stat~ of California. .-' .. ~ Commission Expires ,~ri.I 16, .1949. .~, · .. ',, $ ..--