HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD NO 734 · :.... ....,..,... .... .. .. ......... : ...' '". ' ' ,~ ';" ' .'~' · · "". .. .'.'... ' ."'..". '"' .:"' · "".'~.- L' ' . ' ' -".'"' "'.~". · · ' ."..'.J ,'. . . .' . .. . . · ..... .~. · -. . . · . .. .. · . . . . · ......',.~.: . . .. · ...~ :o>.~. · . ..~.~.. . . . . . .... .. . · . .... ~¢.'... . . ...,.. .' The council ~f.' the City o.f BakersfielJd.'here.by g~ant$ .~:' the Southern · · " '"".'":: - ' · . .." " ' · " · · .'"~J~"" ."- .:2~: . · P. acifi~ Company,'. a..corporation .organized and incorpoPated u~t'er thO~ws " · . . ... ~i'"" ,. · 'of ~he State'/-or."K~nguckyi'.i.it.s.s.ucc'e.gsors and~'as'signs,, a permi..t .~::lay '" · : ' " ' '' ' ' ' ..:.. . · ' · .' · '. 2 ' '-".'. .'. dov~-, constr'uct, maintain and operate .railroad. :tracks of Stan~"'""~' gauge :~.:, . .... '""." . '" ' .' · .' -. · ..' .' i' "' :'' '" '"' '' · ' "'J" ' " }~ji;"'" ' · · ...to cope with.,the' increase in.movement.of freight..-tra.ffic, ,ttie;;'~p~}~uiar· ...' · i'".. L:..'." .':'.i'. ' '.' '' '.' .".' · ' ......'~'-" .' ' ' ' .'~..'"' .".. :-' '..*,.':;..'~.?i.." ' .":.. ': '" '" ' '" "' '~'":' ' '~'"": '""" ' ' ' ' ' " '~'" "" ..... "' " '""'~i:'"'~ ""'" ·.. ..Kefituc, ky 'S..t."~eet'i "thence northeast'erly.,: 6n 'and. ~.i"ong a ~rve. .... . .' . . . · .. · ...' .. %.. .' . ~.'. . ,. ...-..?-. · '.'.. ': .' 6.f Kentuc~y',S~r.e. et,' thence, northeasterly:, on' and alo~!~a_ .' . .. · . .cur*e of '.71_6.34 ft.' .~adius,...concave' southe~s~rl.y,.. ~,.a.'distance... · .'. '. · Beginnirig at ~ ~.point. on the Lwesterly. line' .o'f." Haley' ~e't, .... · . · ' :-,-.~ " · · ' · · · "qi "-'. · '. 'Hal.. 'S.treet, 282 ft. southerl'y..~:~.9, om.the s~u he Kentucky. street..." :,' :./:.!? .,' . .... .,,,, · ' :' ' ' TB~CK '~m-7~ ' '. "":""': ~ ' . .... .. . . ... . ... ...... ....-...,:'~?J-.".' ·· "Beg-nni.~g a.t a.. point on the westerly .line· of:Haley..Str~.t,"~:' · · ... ~17' ft. ~ more· 'or..le. ss, southerly..from the. S6~ther~'y 1~:~-.' '" '" ' · - ' of. Kentucky ·'Street, thence n6r~easterly' ""'dis'tance .~3 ft. ,' . .. .... · more or l~s's, 'to' a.p. oint On. the easterly' Iine" ~f."~'street, .... '~';.. 297 ..f~t' southerly..'f~.om the..sou~'he~ly t'~'~e, of Ke~~'S..tree~ ' ."'..' .... ".-." .' :-:'"i .... ' . ". :.',.. '..' .'.: ..... '...:'.. ' '..',. .":. :.~,ginni'ng at':'a.point on the We~'t%rl'Y l~.ne'"0f""~aley St-ree~:~''' · · · '. 363' f.e.et, ~ore or 1. ess,' ~outherI~' from':the southerly.,.~'.~6' : · '" · .' :'of Kentuck~ Street,·· th'ence: northeasterly a diStance.~i!.':''. .' 86 feet,: .more or.:.l, ess; to. a' point· 'on the ea~te'rly l':~e' ( . .Haley' 'Street, '.'3'~O 'f~et' southerl~ "f~om 'the'. s~u.th~~ine' of · " · 'Kentucky S~reet." . .... · '-'. ·" · .' ·" · ...'".~' ',' '. :'.:"' .'" '.. ". ;. "'.'. : ' .... ~kAcz<..'~; ~ ' ... .'.....' .... . ."...f~.' ... "' Beginni~ at a point'.on th~ Westerly line 'of'.H~y Str~'et,. · . 409 feet.," m6re or 1.es_s, Southerly from .th'e '.s..o~t'h~rly .~!i..n~ o_f' Ken.~ucky..gtreet,'"' .thence.. northeasterly ~: 'di'stan~"~f ~2.feet, more or less, to a'. point.~on.~the ea~ter, l'y ~e of ... Haley. Stre.et,. ·397' 'foet. southerly ~r$"~" ~he' s~utHe'~l'~ine. '" ...;.of Kentucky Street.'. .." ...f' .,' · ' ...... ' ... ..Centerline D.es~'~ption 6f. ..... · ' Tracks to be '.'Removed ~ · .' " ~AC~ ~0;. l' ' ' ' Beginning. ~'t a ~o-~nt: on the .westerly'~ine'o~ Haiey ~treet', -.. '" .. . '277 feet., m6re or' tess.,, southerly., fr6m .~he so~ther~ line . . · 'of .K~tuC.k~' Street- thefi~. (ffo~th~gterly,' off an~ :: ~n~ a , · .. . ~ , . ~' '.,..- , . · : . ,.. --. · . · . ~: ~.~.?.~ . ..'' . · '....:.c~veof., 71~'~ 3~. ft .'.' 'radius.,. concave· southeasterly ~ .a' distance '- · '' · ' .'b'f.' 90 feet, more..O~'.less, .to a point o.n the 'east'.erly line.' '~ Of Haley Street ~' .2."~2' St.: .southerly.' from...the..: southerly.' .,line . · .. ~.f. K~fitucky .Street-'.".'..'. :. .' .::!'..! ::.. · · ::' '. ' ' '. · ...': '.'".'..'.... . . . .. '..'i'....~ .. ':..' ..........' '.'" . · .~'cK ~...'?.':' .'.:.'.. ' '..' .'.".'.-' .': ' ";. · · Begtnni. b~' .at .a point, on the westerly ·line of. Haie~' Str'eet~' ' ' · . 393 'fee[t~.',more or lessi s'outherly from the' southeg&y"line · ' '.'.of 'Kentucky' ~treet-i thence 'ea~terly~ at righ~ angl_es:'to.'. · '.'.the'.westerty. line 6f Haley Street, dist'ance of gO feet · to a'..point..on' .the ·easterly line of Haley Street, 393 feet, · . "more or.tess,., southei-ly f~om the' southerly line of Kentucl~. · Street.... ' ' ' ' " · ' ' ' :" : ' .. " SECTION 2~ "._.. . .'That. :~ ....:.'...s~ld permit. :'and privil'ege is ~rafited Subj'ect,' .. ._.__._..'_ .. .... '-.-.~.-.-.. ~.~ ..... : . .- ... '.- · . .... - ..... ..- · ~... ........ . . · (a.)'. To such regulations and c6~i~tons as may b~ prescribed from : ~im'e 'to' time.""by .~he.C~unctl of the: City'.of Bakersfield ' '. ... .':. '. : . .. .... .. .' . · , ,, · . .' · · '.', , · . .... (b):' To the..use, of.'said' railroad. ~rac'ks' f~r' tHe'"transportation .;,. of freight or :'hire.; .' '- .. ....~...,....,.. :~..... ,. · · . . . ..,~:-.~:--,-~. ':"°;"' ' 21 .. ' '. · · . ' ~ ' -- ' ' .. .. That said ra.~'~road.'tra~ks.'m~st' be laid: ~'o confform to.:th,~..-.'~:~';..:. grade of..'"~he.'street/over which it' p~s~s',, andl.-ghe":W6rk must'-.b~ ~one .t6.'.'i 'ii :'.'".": · '...::. .' '. ., .. . .. '. '.] · .. · .. '....... .' · . . . . .. . . . j. fj'-'~.~'"'.~'.: ..... th.e:, sa..t.:i...sfa..c.t, ion....o.f...the.'.City.. Eng..ineer.. o.:f....the. Cit. y .of ..Bakersfield., a~t..: ....... .. .... . .........: ."'.'~" ... · . . · . . .'. . .:.. ......'. . .. ,,~... · " .' must .Be kept...and .ma~.ntained in g~ood-e, oP~.. l'tion.'a~a:l r'~pa'.ir .to.. the s~'i'.~--' · '.' ." '"' '.'":"' "'" :' .'. '.' .'" "... ...'... .... . . .. '¥' ng .... ...).. i ;.". :.',: .. :.' .. :.-',".- .' :: :..;"i~" "'"'.'. ....... . . . . · .... .... .... . ....... . ":i".:.i'i' ¢'~" .) .~.~:5~/~t ~.~.~i~%.:.i,~'..op~,~:oa"miai~'~.i ~.ac~ r.e~:riet~o'~'s~--.**~,.'" :"" '~, · .'?':~ ·. . . ..~:.~;.....~.....: '... · ~ .... [' "' .'.:i:". ' . " "~"~'"" · . . .~... · . .. .... interfere. . . wi.~h" the.' ase of. said street'.' 1:}7..~He. pu.klic.'.'..' · :';.'....~' . ' '../.... .... · i'i~.~." '. '.'. ' "'.... · · '~ - · :...". ~.";.~!~ .'. : .,_, That this-.permit 'shs~l be 'r~voc~h~e ag: the p~e'asur~ ~o$-~n~.? " · ..: .; . ..., .....:..[........ .~..::.;. City ¢o~nc.~. of the'.C~.~y.of Bal{ersfi~id~ am:l.., . .~ ..... · · ... ~..,~' ...... , : ". ~" '-'-(..):..v...'~ .. -" '.. -': ~'~ r~ ' i.~ "' · · .' .e; 'c of Bakegsfield;' · " (f) ...TB th ' visions· o£:.the .C'ha e'r".o~ the .... .. .:,. .".' :'~'. ."...".. .'.. · .'. ." · ..... . . " .. . :?'" '~ '." '" .".' "' '~" ' ' '" .. ..'"..'":...' i.':' .. . -...;--_.....:' ,' ....., ~.:: :::~. .. · · '.".. ":'./:...' "-----,~'.'~;0;.-";., i.: ...: . : "'~:"'" ' .......: .:.,... . · '"' HEB~Y. C'F~TI'"F~" t~at' ' · :'.:..;~' · · " " ~:he ,roi/~i~0i~ 'Ord~:n~ne'e".~is' . . passed a · "~ ' ' ~' '~" ' i'" · . .'adop'~ed.. By the .C6unc'il. of the..Ci~ Of .BAkersfield,· a~: a regula:~eti~g · . :-. . .:. · .'thereof,: h~.l.d' o'n the' iOth.d.~y of...l~.~r0~ .~':.94~, bT"th~.i~'011owi.~ v..ote.' '".. " '. ;':i.;/...;i'."· : ' ~ .... :".'". · """ "." .'.?..'." ':"~"'.." '" ' '"' """"' ' "' i:' "' "":' :~' · . · · ... . .'.~ ,:... · ' ". . '" ' ~' ' · ." .: .':'.... . ':'...' . . . .... : .. . :'-~i~':"}~"., · . .. · .. .... · .... . . . . .. .... ~,,,,.~,.~.~.'" · .,..:.,~.. '. · . · · .....: -. ~ ..., .:. ... .. . ,..r~.- .... . .' .... · · . . ' . :.~."'2".~. · . · "'"" ' "'"' .. ....... ... ,~: ¢~.~,~m} ~0~, ~m~, ~,'..~t~,o~,. ~i~£~m,. ~m~.~i;~ . ~'",~::'~"' · .· · · · i,." '.i.". ': ...... · ~--' . ." . ~.~-. ~ ... : ~o[~:' .... ._'_.'x~-~.._-_.-_,_.-._- ..... l..-.- .... ~.&; :.-. ' ': .... · ' · ."~'ri._;..2. .......... .. "'"' · . · . · .. . . ,.-. ....... ~ ........ ~ · '""' "' "'"? · '.... :.;.".".:: '?'' """ '"::""' · 2 ~ ', · ': .. ...'.. .' · · ." · ' .~J .... '.;2'~:~.~ · .' 2 . :'~. · ..... . : .' .o~. . .. ' .. .. ' ~.' ~. .~}'-:~-.~'~ · v. ~. of'¢i~r' ¢l. erk ar.d the " · ., ... .... l!Ix~ ff~'cio · ..'¢o~me:i.l' o£.:.tH} · .d: . ' .. · .' i...:-' '.:'..' .' '..,. '. ': C£~.y' of .':~i~,~:~hi~- ~". o~~,~" ' ",-".-.'. ...-" .... .. '.. ' "":""' '"' s 1 d~Y ~7 · ~*"' ' ". ' ;" . 'i '~' ' · ' ' . " . ' · "" '"'' ~ · · '.' ' . "'" ~. '' "'f · . '(~: · :'....'.f !....'.". . . · . .... , . .. .: · .." .'. . ';' . .'.....'~.~. . . :' · . ..~ ....~:.~. "~ . : ..'.. " ' ' "' ' ' ' ::i .'4 ' "· ' ..: .:?'"': ". " · ''~' ' · · . · ,. .... '... ..' ...... ~?",:-,: ·., · ,....~....~j~ : · ... '.' '~'a.. ~' ' · ........'..... ... ?:...- ..: · ._,. · · ,,.'.,f,-.':.' ..... ~,.~._..:.... '..':'."j'. .... '.. ~",. · .. .. ... · · .: .. . . .'... ~.. :. "' . .. : ..... . :' .. .. ..'· .. '....." :. .. . .,,: ... . ..... . ,..' · ... ... ~:.. .. .. .)~, ;.',~.. ::..:' .. ": :..-, : .~.. ~ .. : ~ . . ~' .: . ~ . ~ .'.. .: :..,~'.~ · .~.[. :' ....'.....:..'. '.~ -, · ...... ..;-..:.' ..... . .: .'. .. .,: . .. .... ..... ..: , .:. ..,, ,, ~,.....,(::; ..-. ..~ ,.....&........ ... ~,:~: -;' ; ,. · .':~:., :~.~ ... . · ':'..'". '!"i'":~-: .... ': '. '~'.'~ ':~.,-:' '"' ' · · · ~..~, . '. . ,' ..... . .....'.: .' . · ..:'.:: , .i'....q' · ... , . · :..'~:, . .. , · . .. :. . · · '~ ,-: . .~.. ...,' . ...: .... . . .: ..:., .[..f~.:. · .. ,: · .... .:. . ~.. .. . . :.::~... - . . · ... ... ~ .. .... ~. ....... . . ~.'. :.,..,..:.~,,. · , ...................... ... ....... ......,,~ ....... ~......,. ...... :~. , ~ ,,.~,"'~ ...~~;~.~:;. · · ' ' ":'~, · ' ...... ' ' ' · ' C. '".' "....' ' ~"" .' ' · - :""~' "° ',".~,~.'. ""~ fft av t of Iost ng (Or nanres County of Kern ~ ss. MARIAN S o IRVIN ~, being duly sworn, deposes and says: That he is the duly appointed, acting and qualified Clerk of the City of Bakersfield; · and that on ............... ..M...a..r...c...h. ............................... ,19....4.~., he posted.on the Bulletin Board at the City Hall, a full, true and correct copy of an ordinance passed by the Council of said City at a meeting thereof duly held on ....... ~..a_.l'..o...h..=.~...0.. ............................. , 1'9.....~.~, which ordlnanco was numbered....[]..~....~.[ ....... New Series, and entitled: ".AN ORDINANCE GRANTING TO THE SOUTHERN PACIFIC , cOMPANY~ .A CORPORATION~ ITS SUCCESSORS AND .ASSIGNS~ A I~:I~IT TO LAY DOWNy CONSTRUCT~ MAII~AIN AND HALEY STBW. W.T~ LOCATED IN THE CITY OF BAKEI~SFIELD~ COUNTY OF K~.~N, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, FOR THE MIRPOSE OF EXPANDING ITS YARD FACILITIES." ;, I ~ ~..~ . _/ i~rotary Public in and for the County of Kern, ~-'"" My Commission Expires April 16~ 1949