HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD NO 749 E~ERGENOY ORDIH&NOE N0. ~ NEW SF.~IEB ~ OF B~TION 1 of ~GE~ O~I~&~E .~. 700 ~ 8~IES AS ~~ BY ~GE~Y O~I~E NO. ~8 ~ S~I~ 0F T~ CITY 0F B~SFI~D. ~S~ the City Co~c~ hereby declares that an emergency e~sts ~k~ It necessary to provide for the davy operation of a m~cip~ department. ~ T~O~ BE IT O~AI~ BY T~ COU~ 0F T~ CI~ OF ~SFI~D~ as f~lows~ S~TION 1. That Subdivision ~4 of ~ect~on 1 of ~ergency 0rdiD~nce No. 700 New Series, as ame~ed by Emergency 0rdl~nce No. ~8 New ~eries, be a~ the s~e is hereby ~e~e~ to read as follows~ ~4 ~K A~ A~ITOR · $37~ 00 - ~EOTION 2. In a66ition to the compensation provi6eG in Beotlon 1 hereof~ ~he Clerk a~ AuGitor s~l receive the compensation prov$~eG in ~ergency Or~noe No. 728 New ~erles ~ ~ergency 0r~1~noe No. 7~2 Ne~ Series of the City of Bakersfield, SECTION 3. T~s 0r~i~noe is hereby ~eelare6 to be an emergeno~ meas~e within the me~i~ of B~¢tion 2~ of the Charter of the Cit~ 0f Bakers- fi~ State of O~ifor~a~ a~ necessary to provide for the operation of a mu~cip~ 6epart=en~ ~ s~l be effective on after the 1st ~ay of J~ I TT~y CF~TIFY that the fore§oin~ Emer§ency Ordinance was passed and adopted by the Council of the City of Bakersf!eld at a regular meetin~ thereof held on the ?th day of July, 1947, by th~ followin~ vote~ AYES: CARNAKIS, CROSS,.. KUEHN, RYDER, SIEMON, VANDERLEI, VERCAMMEN ........ : ................. Council of the City of Bakersfield. · APPROVED .this ?th day of July, do of r nan es STATE OF CALIFORNIAt County of Kern ~ ss. V. VAN RIPER, being duly sworn, deposes and says: That he is the duly appointed, ~ttng and qualified Clerk of the City of Bakersfield; and that on Jtl~. ........................... ~... -- 47 the Bulletin Board at the ............................. 19 ......... he posted on · City Hall, a full, true and correct copy of an ordinance passed by the Council of said City at a meeting thereof duly held on ......... .~...I~...Z..~.. ................................. , 19~...?...., which ordinance '.&N ~GENC]f 01~DII~NCE ~0E17DING ~UBDIVIBION ~4 OF i ~ECTION 1 OF ]~GENCY ORDIN&NCE NO. 700 hEW ~EI~IEB A~ &ME1H)ED BY ~GENC¥ OI~DIN&NCE NO. 718 .NEW ~EI~IES OF THE CITY OF BAKEI~SFIELD.' .~-" ' --~' ~Sn rlbed and sworn to befo~ me ~ ~.1 ?rrr~ ~-~-~..~ ~omry ~ol~c In ~ zor ~e uounty ~ K~, ,J I 4 '