HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD NO 748 ' 'AN ORDINANCE CALLING A S~EC!AL E~EOTION TO BE IN THE CITY OF BAK~RSFI~.D ON TUE~DAY~ THE 12th DAY OF AUGUST, 1947, FOB THE FdRPOSE OF SUBMITTING TO THE ~UALIFIED' E~.EOTOBS OF SAID CITY EIGHT PROPOSI- TIONS FOB INOURRING.A BONDED INDEBTEDNF~S FOB THE ACQUISITION, CONSTRUCTION AND COMPLETION OF EACH OF THE FOLLOWIN~O~ MUNICIPAL IMPROVEMENTS, TO WIT: (1) GRADE SEPARATIONS; (2) A SYSTEM OF STORM DRAINS~ (3) CONCRETE A~. WOODEN BRIDGF~ OVER OPEN CANAL~; (4) STB~W.T WORK, (%) MJBLIC BUILDINGS AND STRUC- TUHES; (6) IMPRovmmNTs TO THE CITY ummovmmNTs TO THE MUNICIPAL smmm FARM, (8) A' SYSTEM OF STBW.~T LIGHTING; DECLARING THE ESTIMATED COST OF SAID MUNICIPAL IMPROVW. Uw..NTS, AND EACH THERE- OF; THE AMOUNT OF THE PRINCIPAL OF SAID INDEBTEDNESS TO BE INCURRED FOR ~ACH TF~.REOF, AND THE MAXIMUM RATE OF INTEREST TO BE PAID TPNmL~ON; FIXING THE HAN- NER OF HOLDING SAID SPECIAL ~W.ECTION~ ESTABLISHING ELECTION PRECINCTS AND POLLING PLACE~, AND APPOINT- ING BOARDS OF ELECTION TBEB~R. W~.w~AS, the-CouncLl of the City of Bakersfield by a Resolution entitled "A RESOLUTION PERTAINING TO THE ACQUISITION~ CONSTRUCTION AND COMPLETION OF CERTAIN MUNICIPAL 17~PROVW. Uw..NTS IN THE CITY OF BAK~.~S- FIELD, CALIFORNIA,". duly passed and adopted on the 16t. h day of June, 1947, by a vote of more than two-thirds of all of its members, did determine that the public interest and necessity demand the acquisitibn, construction and completion of the municipal improvements hereinafter mentioned, a~t each of them, and did further determine the cost of each of said proposed municipal improvements to be too great to be paid out of the or. dinary annual income and revenue of said municipality, which Resolution is now on file and of record in the office of the City Clerk of said City; NOW~' TBERE~0RE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD, as follows: SECTION 1. That a special municipal election be~ and is hereby ordered and will be held in the City of Bakersfield on Tuesday, the 12th day of August~ 1947, at which election shall be submitted to the qualified electors of said City, the question of incurriD~ indebtedness of said City for the objects a~l purposes set forth in the following propositions and ea.ch of them~ as follows, to wits PROPOSITION NO ~ .2 Shall the City of Bakersfield incur a bonded indebtedness in -the principal amount of $84%, 000 . 00 for the object and purpose of constructiD~ grade separations? PROPOSITION NO. ~ Shall the City of Bakersfield incur a boD~ed i~ebtedness in the principal amount of $3.12,000,00 for the object and purpose of constructing'and completing a system of storm drains? PROPOSITION, NO. 4 Shall the City of Bakersfield incur a bonded indebtedness in the. p_ .r i .n _c l~ al am..oun_t of..~O,OOO:OO..for the object and purpose...o.f.. constructing concrete and wooden bridges over open canals running .through the City of Bakersfield? PRo szTi0. . NO. Shall the City of Bakersfield inc. ura bonded indebtedness in the principal amount of $2~0,O00.00 for the object and purpose of paving and resurfacing major city streets? PRqpoSITION NO. 6 Shall the City of Bakersfield incur a bonded indebtedness in the principal amount of $90~000.00 for the object and purpose of constructing public buildings and structures, to wit: Corporation Yard and Fire Station. No. ~ including fixtures, facilities and appurtenances therefor? PRq os . .ioN NO. ? Shall the City of Bakersfield incur a bonded indebtedness in '~h~ principal amount of ~1.20~000.00 for the object and purpose of acquiring, constructing ampi completing improvements to the City-Parks, including the acquisition of additional park area, the construction of a swimming pool and park ~uildings, a~ the construction and installation of sprlm~ er systems? 0 S ,TI0 , N0, _a Shall the City of Bakersfield incur a bo~ed indebtedness in the principal amount of $20%,000.00 for the object and purpose of acquiring and .co .nstr. ucting improvements and additions to the Munici- pal'Sewer Farm, Including acquisition of additional land, construc- tion of Sewage Treatment Plant. Addition, and other improvements? PROPOSITION .NO_. 9 Shall the City of Bakersfield incur a bonded indebtedness in the principal amount of .$%0,000.00 for the object and purpose of constructing and iD-~talling a system of street lighting? SECTION 2. That the estimated cost 6f the municipal improvement set forth in Pr. opositlon No. 2 and the amount of indebtedness proposed to be incurred therefor, is the sum of $84%,000.00. That the estimated cos~ of the municipal improvement set forth in Proposition No. 3 and the amount of indebtedness proposed to be incurred therefor, is the sum of $312,000.00. That the estimated cost of the municipal improvement set forth in Proposition No. ¢ and the amount of indebt- edness proposed to be incurred therefor, is the sum of $40,000.00. That the estimated cost of the municipal '~mprovement set forth in Proposition No. % and the amount of indebtedness proposed to be incurred there,~or, is the sum of $.2%0,000.00. That the estimated' cost of the municipal improvement set forth in Proposition No. 6 and the amount .o.f indebtedness proposed to be incurred therefor', is the sum of $90,000.00. That the estimated cost of the municipal improvement set forth in Proposition No. 7 and the amount of indebt- edness proposed to be incurred therefor, is the sum of $120,000.00. That the estimated cost of the municipal improvement set forth in Proposition No. 8 and the amount of indebtedness proposed to be incurred therefor, is the .sum of $20%,000.00. That the estimated cost of the municipal improvement set forth in Proposition No. an~ the amount of. indebtedness, proposed to be incurred therefor, is the sum off $~0,O00.00. Such costs will be and are too ~reat be pa~d out of the ord~ry ~~ ~ncome ~ revenue off sa~d a~ sa~d ~prove~ents.. are necessary a~ convenient to carry out the obJects~ p~poses a~ p~ers off s~d The Co~e~ of the C~ty of Bakersfield does hereby submit the qu~f~ed ~ectors off ~a~d ~ty off Bakersff[~d at a spec~ m~[c~p~ ~ect~on the sa~d propos~t~ons~ ~ each off them set ~n ~ect~on ~ off th~s ordnance. Sa~d Co~c~ proposes to ~ssue a~ se~ bo~s of sa~d C~ty Of Bahersf~d ~n the ~o~ts ~ for the objects a~ purposes, specifie~' in sa~d propositions~ ~ each thereof~ two-t~rds of the qu~i~ied electors votlD~ on each heparate propo- sition at said specl~ m~c~p~ ~ect~on s~l vote In favor of each of said proposlt~ons; provided~ however~ that the votes cast for aEainst each of said respective propositions sh~l be co,ted separat~y~ a~ when t~-t~rds of the qu~f~ed electors votl~ on a~ one of sa~d propositions vote ~n favor ~ereof~ such proposit~on sh~l be deemed adopted a~ bo~s of the C~ty of Bakersfl~d ~n the a~re~ate ~o~t spec~fied ~n the proposition or propositions which cad, led by the affirmative vote of two-thirds .of the q~fied ~ectors of sa~d C~ty vot~ on such p~oposition o= propositions at said ~ection sh~l be issued a~ sold for the p~poses specified ~n the proposit~on or propositions which received such affirmative two-thirds vote. Sa~d bo~s sh~l be ~ener~ o~i~ations of the City of Bakers- f~d, negotiate in form-a~ of the character ~own as s~rl~,. sh~l bear interest 'at a rate not exceedi~ fo~ a~ one-~f (~) per cent pe~ ~~ p~a~e se~-a~u~ly. O~-tenth of the ~o~t of the pr~c~p~ ~ebtedness ~nc~red ~er a~ of said propositions sh~l be paid one ~) year from the date of the lssu~ce of the bo~s therefor; and one-tenth of said amount shall be paid thereafter for a period of nine years; each of said installments of said in- debtedness shall be paid on a day and date and at a place or places to be fixed by the C.ouncil of the City of Bakersfield until the whole amount of said indebtedness is paid. Said bonds shall be issued in such denominations as the Council of the City of Bakersfield may deter=tD~, except that no bo~s shall be of a less de~mmlnation than One Hundred Dollars ($~00o00) nor a greater denomination than One Thousand Dollars (~l,000j00). SECTION 4. Said election shall be held and consolidated with the special mun/clpel election to be held in the City of 'Bakersfield on the 12th day of Au§ust, 1947, for the purpose of votin~ on a proposed ordinance and cer%ain Proposed amendments to the Charter of the City of Bakers- field, and said special municipal election.shall be held and conducted, and the votes thereof canvassed, and the returns thereof made,, and the result thereof ascertained a~ determined as herein provided, a~ 'in all particulars not prescribed ~'n this ordinance, said' election shall be held as provided by law for 'the holding of municipal elections in said City. SECT I0 N 5o Ail persons qualified to vote at municipal elections in said City of Bakersfield upon the date of the election herein provided for shall be qualified to vote upon the propositions and each of them, submitted at said special election. SECTION 6. ' That for the purpose of paying the principal and interest of said bonds to be issued under said propositions, the Council of said ..... City shall at the time of fixing the general tax levy, and in the manner for such general levy provided, levy and collect annually, beginning with the fiscal year on which .the first payment of principal and interest thereon becomes due, and each year thereafter until said bonds are paid or until there be a sum in' the treasury of said City set apart for that purpose to meet all sums coming due for the principal and interest on said bombs, a tax sufficient to pay the annual interest on said bombs and also such part of the principal thereof as shall become due before the time for fixing the next general tax levy. Said tax shall be in addition to all other taxes levied for municipal purposes~ and shall be collected at the same time and in the same manner as other municipa~ taxes are collected~ and be used f6r no other purposes than the payment of the principal and interest of bonds to be issued under said propositions. SECTION 7. The polls at the polling places hereinafter ~esignated shall be opened at seven o'clock A.M.~ of said day of alection~ and shall be kept open continuously thereafter until seven o'clock P.M.~ of said day of election~ when the polls shall be closed (except as provi.d, ed in Section %734 of the Elections Code of the State of California) am~ the election officers shall proceed to canvass the ballots cast thereat. SECTION 8, There shall be thirty-f~ve election precincts .within. said City for the purpose of holding said special municipal election and the election precincts heretofore last established .by the Board of Super- visors of the County of Kern for the holding of general state elec- tions are hereby consolidated into election precincts for the purpose of holding said special municipal election. A majority of the Council of-the.-Clty- of Bakersfield hereby determines one lnspector~ one Judge and two clerks a sufficient precinct board in each consolidated pre- cinct. The numbers of the respective consolidated precincts and the officers to conduct said special municipal election'in each of said precincts are hereby designated as follows~ 6. Consolidated Precinct No. 1 Consolidated election precinct number one shall consist of pree~D.c, ts Bakersfield numbers one and two. The officers to conduct said election in and for said last na~ed precinct are hereby appointed and designated as follows`. TNSPECTOR Georgia Cline JUDGE Marie S. Brown CLERE Ada Eaton CLERK Mary A. _Knight The polling place shall be at Katherine. D. Gibbons Garage, 1430 Quincy Street. Consolidated Precinct No. 2 Consolidated election pree'~nct number two shall consist of precincts Bakersfield numbers three and four. The officers to conduct said election in and for said last named precinct are hereby appointed and designated as follows`. INSPECTOR Frances E. Hunt ~UDGE Iva G. Clarke CLERK Virginia. V. Pearson CLERE Marie Cast The polling place shall be at the Joe J. Hunt Resi. dence, 111[ Niles Street. Consolidated Precinct No. 3 Consolidated electio~ precinct number three shall consist of precincts Bakersfield numbers five and six. The officers to conduct said election in and for said last named precinct are hereby appointed am~ designated as follows-' INSPECTOR Nell A. Gibson JUDGE Winifred Vercammen CLERE Mable Y. Hilton CLEP~ Nlna M. Holladay The.polling place shall be at the Fire Engine Station on Pacific Street between King Street and Beale Avenue. ...... -cOo---L--- Consolidated Precinct: No. 4 ' Consolidated election precinct number four shall consist of precincts Bakersfield nnmbers seven, eight and nine. The officers to conduct said election in ap~ for said last named precinct are hereby ap. pointed and designated as follows: Ih~PECTOR Edna M. Stroble ~UDGE Flossie Reddig CLERE Florence L. Catlin CLERE Fay E. Unger The polling place shall be at tho George McHugh Garage, 928 Monterey Street. Consolidated Precinct No. % Consolidated election precinct number five shall consist o~ precincts Bakersfield numbers ten, eleven and twelve. The officers to conduct said election in and for said last named precinct are hereby appointed and designated as 'follows l I~PECTOR Bessie L. Galyan JUDGE Ida B. Large CLER~ Mamie E. Frye CLERE Lucy A. Vivian The polling piace shall be at the Fire Engine Station on East .21st Street between Baker and King Streets. Consolidated Precinct No. 6 Consolidated' election precinct "number six shall consist ~f precincts Bakersfield mmmbers thirteen and fourteen. The. officers to conduct said election in and for said last named preclnct are hereby appointed and designated as follows: IN~ PECTOR Edil~h Chappell e JUDGE Hazel B. Curran ~LEP~ Ollle Seeger .. CLF~K Benn~e M. Eann The polling place shell be at the Theresa Calvillo Garage~ 611 Tulare Street. ....... o0o ....... Consolidated Precinct No. 7 Consolidated election precinct number, seven shall consist of precincts B~kersfield numbers fifteen and eighteen. The officers to conduct said election in and for said last named precinct are hereby appointed and designated as follows: · INSPECTOR Stella Glauser JUDGE Myrtle Jordan CLERK Dana Bing CLERK Namie Fldler The polling place shell be at the William A. Fotis Garage~ 13G~ Alta Vista Drive. ....... o0o ....... Consolidated Precinct No. 8 Consolidated election precinct number eight shell' conslgt of precincts Bakersfield numbers sixteen and seventeen. The officers to conduct said election in and' for said last named precinct are hereby appointed and designated as f~llowss INSPECTOR Mae E. Safford 0UDGE Ina L. Walton CLERK Allie M. Cellagy CLEP~C Fairy E. Golding The polling place, sh~ll be at the Knights of -Pythias Hall~ 604 Lake Street. · - ..... --ooo ....... Consolidated Precinct No. 9 Consolidated election precinct number nine shall consist of precincts 'Bakersfield numbers nineteefl, twenty and twenty-~D~. The officers to co~luct said election in and for said last named precinct are hereby appointed and designated as follows~ INSPECTOR Lula Shaver JUDGE Ethel A. De. Armond CLERK Martha ~. Young CLERK Lula ~. 'Adams The polling place shall be at Mrs. ~. R. Beggs Garage, 600 Flower Street. ....... 000 ....... Consolidated Precinct No. 10 Consolidated election precinct number ten shall consist of precincts Bakersfield numbers twenty-tw~ and twenty-three. The officers to conduct said election in and for said last named precinct are hereby appointed and designated as follows8 INSPECTOR Elsie A. Eramer JUDGE Nettle Amelia Howard CLERK Gertrude .A. Kirby CLERK Anna Thompson The polling place shall be at Mrs. Leroy Gardiner's Garage in rear o.f 222 Lincoln Street. Consolidated Precinct No. 11 Consolidated election precinct number eleven shall consist of precincts Bakersfield numbers twenty-four and twenty-six. .. The officers to conduct said election in am~ for. said last named precinct are hereby appointed am~l designated as followst INSPECTOR Addie M. Fleshner JUDGE Jennie E. Carlson CLERK Vivlan Kresky CLERK Effie Thornbury l:O. .... ......:. The polling place shall be at the A. P. Strasner Garage, ~1% 30th Street. Consolidated Precinct No. 12 Consolidated eiection precinct number twelve shall consist of precincts Bakersfield numbers twenty-five a~ twenty-seven. The officers to conduct said election in and' for said last named precinct are hereby· appointed and designated' as follows.- I~PECTOR Mrs. Ola Lawrence JUDGE Bertha Holman CLERK Pearl C. Sanford · CLERK Elizabeth A. Bourdeau The polliD~ place shall be at Mrs. Alice M. Wong's Garage, in rear of 2614 L Street. Consolidated Precinct No. 13 Consolidated election precinct number thirteen shall consist of precincts Bakersfield numbers twenty-eight and twenty-nine. The officers to conduct said election in and for said last named precinct are hereby appointed and designated as follows.' INSPECTOR Goldie E. Crawford 'JUDGE Bess Hale CLERK Nettie Little CLERK Frances B. Cheney The polling place shall be at the A. A. Perinetti Garage, 2126 0 Street. ....................... Consolidated Pre. tinct NO..14. Consolidated election precinct n~mber fourteen shall consist of precincts Bakersfield numbers thirty-one and thirty-two. The officers to conduct said election in a~ for-said last named precinct are hereby appointed and desigp~ted as follows: INSPECTOR Alice Fevurly · 0UDGE Lillian J. 0liver CLERK Flo Zimmerman CLERK Thomas G. Thompson The polling place shall be at the Schweitzer & Gage Showroom~ llOl 18th Street. Consolidated Precinct ~[o. 1% Consolidated-election precinct number fifteen shall consist of precincts Bakersfield numbers thirty and thirty-three. The officers to conduct said election in and for said last named precinct are hereby appointed and designated as follows~ INSPECTOR Rachel Rosenhahn JUDGE Myrtle B. Russell . CLERE Blanche B. Dillon CLERK Ada A. Stockton The polling pla.ce shall be at Mrs. H. P. Turner's Garage in rear of 420 18th Street. .... ~--oOo---.---- ConsOlidated Precinct No. 16 Consolidated election precinct number sixteen shall consist of precincts Bakersfield numbers thirty-four and forty. The officers to co4duct said election in and for said last named pre.cinct are hereby appointed and designated as follows~ INSPECTOR Ethel 8metzer 0UDGE Clara Andrews · . CLERK Dorothy M. Ottinger CLERK Frank. ie Hall The polling place shall be at th~ E. M. Blacker Garage, 2303 Eye Street. ....... o0o ....... 12.- . ' Consolidated Precinct No. l? Consolidated election precinct number seventeen sB~ll consist of precincts Bakersfield numbers thirty-five and thirty-six. The officers to conduct said election in and for said last named precinct are hereby appointed and designated as follows: II~PECTOR Eva N, DeBolt ~JDGW. Anna N. Natlock C~ERK Gladys W. Knight CLERK Gladys L. Eofahl The polling place shall be at the Reynold N. Nettler Garage, 26~1 22nd Street. ....... o0o ....... Consolidated Precinct No. 18 Consolidated election precinct number eighteen shall consist' of precincts Bakersfield numbers t.hirty-seven and thirty-eight. The officers to conduct said election in and for said last named precinct are hereby appointed and designated as follows: INSPECTOR Narie J. Fickert ~JDSE .. Roxie D. Watson CLERK Emelie E. Haworth CLERK Anna Haggard The poll i~j~ place shall be at the Pau~ Hornung Garage, 2028 B Street. ....... o0o ....... Consolidated Precinct No, 19 Consolidated el'ection precinct number nineteen shall consist of precincts Bakersfield numbers thirty-nine and forty-one. The officers to conduct said election in and for said last named precinct are hereby appointed and designated as f~llows: ' . INSPECTOR Emma ~. Armstrong ~TJDGE Laurena Ktl bourn CLERK Nfs. Ntllie G. Nunsey CLERK L lllian A. NcAdams · · ...-~-,. ?. .:'%..~.: The polling place shall be Mrs. ~. A. Bens' Garage, 220% E Street. Consolidated ~recinct No. 20 Consolidated election precinct number twenty shall consist of precincts Bakersfield numbers forty-two add forty-three. The officers to conduct said election in and for said last named precinct are hereby appointed and designated as follows~ INSPECTOR Nannie A. ~oyner ~UDGE Esther F. Brachhi CLERK Thomas F. eagle CLERK' Dorothea Binger The polling place shall be at Camp & Barrows Motor CompanY, 20th and G Streets. Consolidated Precinct No. 21 Consolidated election precinct number twenty-one shall consist of precincts Bakersfield numbers for..ty-four, forty-seven and forty-eight. The officers to conduct said election in and for said last named precinct are hereby .appointed and designated as followsl INSPECTOR Gloanah Ball Behan JUDGE Lois M. Whiteneck CLERK Annette He .Gunther CLERK Elizabeth Well s The polling place shall be at the City Hall Repair Shop on Eye Street, between 16th Street a~t Truxtun Avenue. Consolidated Precinct No. 22 Consolidated election precinct number twenty-two shall consist of precincts Bakersfield n~mbers forty-five and forty-six. The officers to conduct said election in av~ for said last named 14. precinct are hereby appointed and designated as follows: INSPECTOR Lois S. Ware JUDGE Edith M. ~k~l en CLERK Phoebe J. Shearer CLERK Mary S. Jones The polling place shall be at Mrs. C. R. Conrad's~ Garage, 24C~ Tru~tun Avenue. ....... o0o ....... Consolidated Precinct No. 23 Consolidated election precinct number twenty-three shall consist of precincts Bakersfield numbers forty-nine, fifty and fifty-one. The officers to conduct said election in and for said last named precinct are hereby appointed and designated as follows: ~NSPECTOR Lola L. Busby JUDGE Myrtle H. Hudson CLERK Abbie G. Stutzman ' CLERK Esther Q. Medlock The polliD~ place shall be at the Ralph A. Agey Garage in rear . of 1037 H Street, garage,faces on Blanche Street. Consolidated Precinct No. 24 Consolidated election precinct number twenty-four shall consist of precincts Bakersfield numbers fifty-two and fifty-three. The officers to conduct said election in and for said last named precinct are hereby appointed hnd designated as follows~ INSPECTOR Norma 'Patrick JUDGE Minnie Crosson CLERK Anna ,WI ack CLERK Mayme E. Blunt The polling place shell be at the O. H. Neumann Garage in rear of 2621 San Emidio Street. ....... o'0o ....... '~. Consolidated l~ecinct No. 2~ Consolidated election precinct number twenty-five shall consist of precincts Bakersfield numbers fifty-four and fifty-five. The officers to conduct said election in and for said last named precinct are hereby appointed and designated as follows~ INSPECTOH Cleda M. Mar~un ~/DGE Roberta Anderson CLEHK Alice L. Hislop C~FilK Georgia ~. Gardner The polliD~ place shall be at Mrs. Mary F. Dunlap ts Garage~ 2'/01. San En~dio Street. Consolidated P~ecinct No. 26 Consolidated election precinct number twenty-six shall consist of precincts Bakersfield numbers fifty-six aM fifty-seven. The officers to conduct said election in and for said '.Last named precinct are hereby appointed and designated as follows: INSPECTOR Mary D~ 0sman JUDGE . Bernice M. Hilty CLERK Eul alie Massey CLEHK · Gladys F. Powers The pollir~ place shall be at Ers. Bernice M. H~ltyts Garage, 421 Holtby Road. ....... o0o ....... Consolidated Precinct No. 27 Consolidated election precinct number twenty-seven shall consist of precincts Bakersfield numbers fifty-eight and fifty-~p~. .. _The officers to conduct said, election in and..for said last named 'precinct are hereby appointed and designated as follows: Ih~PECTOR Henrietta D. Knoles JUDGE .. Edna Ashe CLERK Katherine B. St.a. rke · CLF21K Henrietta ¥. Davis. The polling place shall be at Mrs. Georgia M. Francisco's Garage ~' 603 H' Street ~ ....... 000 ....... Consolidated 'Precinct No. 28 ConsOlidated election precinct number twenty-eight shall consist of precincts Bakersfield numbers seventy-one and seventy-four. The officers to conduct said election in and for said last named precinct are hereby appointed and designated as follows.. Ih~PECTOR Annie ~. 'Thornton ~'DGE ~Ioan A. Simon CLERK Ruth P. Gartley CLERK Lida J. Clement The polli~ place shall be at the Charles Carr Garage in rear of 1 ~16 Bank Street.. ---~---O00 ....... Consolidated Precinct No. 29 Consolidated election precinct number twenty-nine shall consist of precincts Bakersfield numbers seventy-two and seventy-three. The officers to c0~tuct said election in and for said last named precinct are hereby appointed and designated as follows.' - INSPECTOR ~.uc .ille S. Hatton JUDGE 'Opal Cockifig CLERK Lentis L. Priester CLERK Anna B. Gross The polling place shall be at Mrs. R. I. Yeoman's Garage, '~10 O1 eander Avenue. ............ Consolidated Precinct .-No.- 30 ......... Consolidated election precinct number thirty shall consist of precincts Bakersfield numbers seventy-five and seventy-six. The officers to conduct said election in and. for said last named precinct are hereby appointed and designated as follows~ INSPECTOR ~eannette M. Harvey JUDGE Blanche Igel , ~EP~... ' Valborg Trogdon CLERI~ Freida I~ einhampl e The polling place shall be at Ostin 0. Trogdon's Garage, 1%0% Brundage Lane. Consolidated Precinct ~o. ~1 Consolidated election precim~t number thirty-one shall consist of precincts Bakersfield numbers sixty ap~l sixtY-one. The officers to conduct said election in and for said last named precinct are hereby appointed and designated as follows: INSPECTOR Olive M. 0 'Connor JUDGE Georgia, Reynolds CLE~I~ Fannie Giboney CLERE Ruth Harris . The polling place shall be at Phil Chow's Garage in rear of 13~1 M Street. Consolidated Precinct No. 32 - Consolidated election precinct number 'thirty-two shall consist of precincts Bakersfield mmmbers sixty-two a~t sixty-three. The officers to conduct said election'in and for said last named precinct are hereby appointed and designated as follows t INSPECTOR Gussie 0. Headen JUDGE Katie ~. Markle C~ERE Eunice H. Shamblin CLERE Sylvia' C. Reagan The polling pla.ce shall be at the Fire F~ine Station at 10th and Chester Avenue. Consolidated Precinct No. 33 " , Consolidated election p~ecinct number thirty-three shall consist of precincts Bakersfield numbers sixty-four and sixty-five. The officers to conduct said election in and for said last named precinct are hereby appointed and designated as follows: IN~PECTOR Sopha E. Blocher JUDGE Esther L. Shannon CLERK Sally 'F.' Morgar~ CLERE Cornelia J. Pifer The polling place shall be at the Leroy Foster' Garage in rear of 930 0 Street. Consolidated Precinct No. 34 Consolidated election .preci~ct number thirty-four shall consist of precincts Bakersfield nambers sixty-six~ sixty-seven and sixty-eight. The officers to conduct said election in and for said last named 'precinct are hereby appointed and designated as follows: INSPECTOR .Lilly A. Olmstead JUDGE Florence Fry CLERK May B.'Baker CLERE .Ada M. Stewart The polli~ place shall be at Ruth B. Newcomb's Res'idence~ ?2% 8th Street. Consolidated Precinct No. ConsOlidated election precinct number thirty-fiV~ shall consist of precincts Bakersfield numbers sixty-nine and s~venty. The officers to conduct said election in and for said last named 19. precinct are hereby appointed and designated as followss INSPECTOR Nellie B. Ireland JUDGE Ernestine R. F~wards CLERK E~na C. 0 'Guinn CLERK Hilda Howe The polling place shall be at Nellie B. Ireland's Residence, i404 Chester Place. SECTION 9. That the propositions herein referred to shall be printed upon the ballot to be used at said election in words and figures as f~llows, to wit: ~R0~0SITION NO. 2 Shall the City of Bakersfield incur a bonded YE~ i_ndebtedness in'the principal amount of $84%,000.00 for the ~bJect ap~l purpose of constructing grade separations? NO ~ROPOSITION NO. ~ Shall the City of Bakersfield incur a boD~ed YE~ indebtedhess in the principal amount of $312,000.00 for the object and p~rpose of constructing and completing a 'system of NO s,torm drains? PROPOSITION NO. 4 Shall the City of' Bakersfield incur a bonded indebtedness in the principal amount of. YES $40,000.00 for the object and purpose of constructiD~g concrete and wooden bridges over open canals running through the City NO of Bakersfield? PROPOSITION NO. ~ Shall the City of Bakersfield incur a bonded .YES indebtedness in the principal amount of , $2%0,00.0.00 for the object'and purpose of paving and resurfaci~.~ major city streets? NO PROPOSITION NO. 6 Shall the City of Bakersfield incur a bonded YES indebtedness in the principal amount of $90,000.00 for the object and purpose of constructing public buildings and structures~ to wit~ Corporation Yard and Fire Station NO No. 3, including fixtures, fa'cilities and ..... · ...... ..- ...~=.........~-'.-..:j . :. .... · ~.. ~ · PROPOSITION NO. ? Shall the City of Bakersfield incur a bonded indebtedness in the principal amount of YES $120.000.00 for the object aDA purpose Of acquiriD~, constructing and completing im- provements to the City Parks, includiD~ the acquisition of additional park area, the ' construction of a swimmir~ pool and park build~ings~ and the construction and instal- NO lation of sprinkler systems? ,. PRO~W)8ITION NO. 8 ~hall the City of Bakersfield incur a bonded indebtedness in the principal amount of. YF~ $20~,000.00 for the object and purpose of acquiring aDA constructing improvements and additions to the Municipal Sewer Farm,· in- cluding acquisition of additional land, NO construction of Sewage Treatment Plant Ad- dition, and other improvements? , ,, PROPg..SITION NO. 9 .... Shall the City of Bakersfield incur a bonded indebtedness in the principal amount of YES $~0,000.00 for the object .and purpose of constructing ama installing a system of street lighting? NO SECTION. 10. · Each voter ~ay vote on any or all of said propositionse Each voter to vote for any proposition hereby submitted and for incurring said bonded imAebtedness shall stamp a cross ~-) in the blank space opposite the Word "YES" on the ballot to the right of said proposition, and to vote against any proposition and against incurring said in- debtedness shall Stamp a cross ~-) in the blank space opposite the word "NO" on the ballot to the right of said proposition. SECTION 11. The Clerk of ~he City of Bakersfield is hereby directed upon the passage and adoption of this Ordinance, to cause the same to be published once a day for at least seven (?) days in The Bakersfield Californian (which is a newspaper published at least six (6) days A avit of losting r inan es STATE O1~ CALIFORNIAt County of Kern ~ ss. , V. VAN RIPER, being duly sworn, deposes and says: That he is the duly appointed, acting and qualified Clerk of the City of Bakersfield; and that on .......... ..J...~...Y. ................ .~. ................... 19...~., he posted on the Bulletin Board at the .City Hall, a full, true and correct copy of an ordinance passed by the Council of said City .at a meeting thereof duly held on ......... ..~....U:~..~. ..... ~.j. ........................... , 19.....4.~, which ordinance was numbered...7..~...~.. ........ New Series, and entitled: ".AN OHDINANCE CALLING A SPECIAL ELECTION TO BE I~D IN THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD ON TUESDAY~ THE 12th D. AY OF .AUGUST~ 1947~ FOR THE I~JRPOSE! OF SUBMITTING TO THE QUALIFIED ELECTORS OF SAID CITY EIGHT PROPOSI- TION~ FOR INCURRING A BONDED INDEBTEDNESS FOR THE ACQUISITION~ CON- STRUCTION AND COMI~ETION OF EACH OF THE FOLLOWING MUNICIPAL IMPROVE- MENTS ~ TO WIT s (1) GRADE SEPARATIONS; (2.) A SYSTEM OF STORM DRAINS (3) CONCRETE AND WOODEN BRIDGES OVER OPEN C.AHALS; (4) STREET WORK; (5) Fo-BLIC BUILDINGS AND STRUCTURES; (6) IMPROVEMENTS TO THE CITY PARKS; (7) IMPROVEMENTS TO THE MUNICIPAL SEWER FARM; (8) A SYSTEM OF STB~.W~T LIGHTING; DECLARING THE ESTIMATED COST OF SAID MUNICIPAL IMPROV~.m~..NTS~ .AND EACH THEREOF; THE .AMOUNT OF THE PRINCIPAL OF SAID INDEBTEDNF~S TO BE INCURRED FOR EACH TP~.REOF~ .AND THE MAXIMUM RATE O~ INTEREST TO BE PAID TPr~REON; FIXING THE MANNER OF HOLDING SAID SPECI~. ELECTION~ ESTABLISHING ELECTION PRECINCTS .AND POLLING I%ACES ~ .AND APPOINTING BOARDS OF ELECTION THEREFOR." and sworn to before me this ~ . ~ ~ day of. ~tl].y 47 Public in and for the Count~ o~ Kern, Sta~ ~ ~lff~h. a week in said City of Bakersfield) and such publication shall constitute notice of said election. I ~rmR~y .CERTIFY tb~t the foregoing Ordinance was passed and adopted by the Council of the City of Bakersfield at a regular meet- lng thereof held on the ?th day of ~uly~ 1947~ by the following vote.' AYES: CARNAKI$, CI~OSS, KUEHN. "YOER, $'E'MON, VANDERLEI, VERCAMMEN ......................... -'- .............. ~of the CouncLl of the City of Bakersfield. Y0~-of-the City of Bakersfield 22.