HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD NO 747 · a · ' · ~2 the C.~ty Co~c~ hereby de. ares that ~ emergency exists ma~ ~t necessary to provide for the davy operation off m~c~p~ department by providi~ a ~cense tax flor a busi~ss ~t here~ore provided fforj a~ ame~ Section ~ off ~er~ency Ordnance No. ~ New Ser~es Off ~he C~ty of Bakersfield. S~TION 1. That Section % of Or~i~ce No. 6~ New Series of the of Bakersfield be a~ the s~ is hereby ~e~ed by addi~ thereto a new subsection to be n~bered 62~ said subsection to read as follows~ 62. S~icltors. (a) "S~lcitor" s~l include a~ person who goes from house to h9use~ or '~om ~ace to place within the City of Bakersfield, s~li~, or taki~ orders for, or offeri~ to s~l take orders for~ good~ wares or mercha~ise or a~ article for future delivery from a point ~thin the State of O~i~or~a~ or for services to be performed in the fut~e~ or for the ma~ ma~facturi~ or repairi~ of a~ article or thi~ whatsoever for ~ture d~ivery. (b) ~ person~ firm or corporation not ~vi~ a fixed place of business or fixed and permanent headqu~ters in the 0ity of Bakers- field~ but'who, co~ucts~ c~ries on~ ma~ges~ e~ages in~' or maintains a~ busines~, trade, c~li~ or occupation or who s~ls or offers for s~e ~ co~odity~ goo~s, w~es or mercha~ise in the City of Bakers- fiel~ by She use or employ~nt of soliei~ors~ a~ every solicitor who e~ages in a~ such business, trade, c~li~, or occupation, who s~ls, or offers for s~e a~ commodity, goods, wares ~d mer- cha~ise in the Ci~y of Bakersfiel~ sh~l p~ a lt~nse. . ''~ · ... ..~ :.':. tax of Five Dollars ($~.O0) per quarter or fraction thereof for each solicitor. This subsection shall not apply to an importer of goods, wares and merchandise, as the same 'is defined in this ordinance. SECTION 2. That Section 21 of Ordinance No. 68l New Series of the City of Bakersfield be and the same Is hereby amended to read as follows~ SECTION 21. Ar~ person, firm or corporation, whether as owner, servant, agent or employee, violating any of the provisions of this ordinance or wilfully' failing or neglecting to comply with any of the terms, requirements or provisions contained herein, or directly or indirectly aiding or assisting in the violation of any of the terms, requirements or provisions hereof, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, ap~ upon conviction thereof shall be punishable by a fine not to exceed Three Hundred Dollars or by imprisonment in the County Jail for a period not exceeding ninety (90) days, or by both such fine and imprisonment. SECTION 3. This ordinance is hereby declared to be an emergency measure within the meaning'of Section 24 of the Charter of the City of Bakers- field, State of California, and necessary to provide for the daily operation of a municipal department, and shall be effective on and after the 1st day of July, 1~47. I. HEI~Y CEI~TIFY that the fore§oin~ Emergency Ordin_ance was passed and adopted by the Counc~ul of the City of Bakersfiel~ at a regulem meeting thereof held on the 30th day of June~ 19~7~ by the followin~ vote: AYES: CARNAl(IS, CROSS, 11~,I4~,~YOER, ~I£MON, YANDEIIL£1, WII~AMMEN NOES:_~.;; ....................................... 41B~F, JIT; ~ __ _ .......~_ Counc$1 of the City of Bakersfield° A~I~OVE~tI~. ~Oth day of.June, 1947, Y(]B of the City--of Bakersfield · ffi av t of ost ng ( r nanres STATE OF CALIFORNIAt Count~ of Kern ~ ss. V. VAN RIPER, beln~ duly sworn, depots and sa~: That he is ~e du~ 8ppoint~, at a meetln~ ~e~of d~ held on ....................... was numbe~d...g~.~.....N~ S~, ~d en~tled: nAN ~GE~Y 0~I~E ~ING ~GENCY ORDI~E ~ 8~I~ BY ~DING T0 8~TION TO BE KNOWN .&8 8~8~TION 62 8AID O~I~E." I I x'~S~bscrlbed and sworn to befo~ me ~ ............ day of .... 19...~. , ~ No~ry ~blie in and for ~e County of Ke~, .~,.,", ~, ......... : ................................ ~, ............