HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD NO 741 ~.~GENCY ORDINANCE NC..~ NEW SE~IF~ AN E~EBGENCY. ORDINANCE AHE~)ING ~aS~ the City Co~c~ hereby de, ares that an emerEency exists for the ~ed~ate preservation of the pubic peace~ proper2y~ safety aD~ w~fare, which requires the passage of an emergency ordi- nance r~at~ to sewer co~ect[ons made w~th the main sewer system of the O~ty of Bakersfl~d, by ~mn-resident off sa~d C~ty. ~W~ T~~ BE IT O~AI~ BY T~ OOU~ OF T~ OI~ 0F ~~F~D~ as follows~ S~TION 1. T~t ~ection 4 of ~rEency Ordl~nce No. ~78 N~ Series of the City of Bakersfield, be and the s~e is hereby ~e~ed to ~ead '" as follows: Section 4. The rate ~ c~rges %o be made are as foll~s~ Automob~e C~p (per 100 sq.ft. of area) ............. ~.00 per year ~t~ (per room) · 10 O0 per year ~estaur~t · 7~ ~ per year Gas~ service' stat~ons aD~ ~ara~es with wash racks sh~l pay the rate for wash racks In addition to the rate for their respec- tive occupancies. 0ccupanc~es listed above sh~l be construed a~ def~d as provide~ ~n Ordi~nce No. ~ New Series ap~ ~e~ents thereto, ~ess a different mea~ a~/or construction ~s ~reln specified ~/or pr o~d~ -f~. .......... Occupancies ~t listed above w~l be char~d at a rate per year to be determined by the 'City E~ineer. Sa'id rate per yea~ sh~ be determined 'after an inspection of the property sought to be con- nected, as interpreted in the light of this schedule~ but in no case shall the rate be lehs than Twenty-five Dollars' ($2~.00) per year. The said fees shall be due and payable at the office of the City Engineer of the City of Bakersfield~ at the time and in the manner provided in the agreement. The City Engineer sb~ll be and he is hereby authorized to .execute -for and on behalf of the City of Bakersfield, all contracts provided for in this Ordinance. SECTION 2. That Section 10 of Emergency 0rdinam~e No. ~78 New Series of the City of Bakersfield~ be and the same is hereby amended to read as follows 8 Section 10. In any case where a property owner has entered into a written agreement with the City of Bakersfield for the payment of rental for the privilege of connecting his private sewer line or lines with the-main sewerage system of the City of Bakersfiald~ and fa~ls to pay his rental at the time and in the manner required by this ordinance and said agreement, or fa~ls to keep, observe, or perform any covenant or condition contained in said agreement, the City Engineer may~. upon ten' (10) days written Dmtice to such property owner sent by registered ma~_l .at his last known address, or upon ten (10) days written ~mtice to the occupant of the pr~mises served by said private sewer line or lines which are connected to the main sewerage system of the City Of Bakersfield, sent by registered ma~_l, immediately disconnec't"said private sewer line from said main sewerage system of the City of Bakersfield, unless rental bas been paid within said ten (10) days time, or said covenants or conditions have been kept, observed or performed or .the breach thereof has been remedied within said ten (10) days t~me~ .or he may refer the matter to the City Attorney, who shell bring an action in a court o'f dtctlon for the collection of any and ell sums of money due and ' owlng to. the City of Bakersfield up, er said contract and/or damages suffered by said City of Bakersfield .for any violat./on thereof. ~ SECTION 3. Th/s 0rdiD~nce is hereby declared to be an emergency ord~ianoe within the meaning of Section 24 of ~..he Charter ... fig]~'d~ State of Californ~a~ and 'necessary for the Immediate preserva- tion of the public peace~ property and safety~ and shell take effect Immediately upon its passage by the City Councll Of the Clty of Bakers- fleldo I HEB~Y CEBTIF~ that the foregoing Emergency Ordinance was '- passed and adopted by the Count/1 of the Clty of Bakersfield, at a regularimeetlng thereof held on the 12th day of ~ay, 1947, by the loll ow~-~ vote~ AYES: CARNAKIS, CRDSS, KUEHN, RYDER, SIEMON, VANDERLEI, VERCAMMEN APPROVED this 12th d~yof May~ 1947. AE avi! of osting r inan es STATE OF CALIFORNIA~ County of Kern I ss. V. VAN RIPER, being duly sworn, deposes and says: That he is the duly appointed, acting and qualified Clerk of the City of Bakersfield; and that on ............... .~..a~... .................................... , 19..4..7...., he posted on the Bulletin Boa~l at the City Hall, a full, true and eon, eet copy of an ordinance passed by the .Council of said City .at a meeting thereof duly held on .......... }~...~].2, ................................ 19.~.., which o~dinanee was numbered....'~...~-..[ .......... New Series, ~nd entitled: ".&N ~GENCY 0HDINANCE .&l/ENDING SECTI01~ 4 and 10 OF ~.RGENCY ORDINANCE NO. ~78, NEW 8EH-IF~ OF TBE CITY OF BAIiF~SFII~.D." ._ ,~ ~~-~... . ................................................ ~'~ ~.~-~'ru-'~Sub, ser,bed and sworn to before me this ~ ~ ~. . ~ ~ ~ Ea 47 ~ ~ . .............. ~.~. ...... day of ............ ~.. 19 ,. .. - .................... ~ .~ -~ r . . ..... ~..~ ........................................ } ....... g..~....~ ..... ~... ~.~ ~'." ~.~.~o~ry ~blic in and for ~e ~unty ~ Kern, My ~mmlsslon ~ires April 1~ ~9~