HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD NO 776 P~.KA AND S.ANTA ~ ttAILW&Y COMPA~, A CORPOR.A- TION, ITS SUCCESSORS .AND .ASSIGNS, A PERMIT TO L.AY DOWN, CONSTF, UCT, ~{AII~.AIN AI~D O~EI~ATE A R&ILt{OAD TRACK OF ST.&I~AIdD GU.AGE IN "N" .&I~ "0" ST~ETS &~O T~ .~L~ IN BLOCK ~¢9~ IN T~ CITY OF B.~SFI~D~ OOUIfI'Y OF ~N~ STATE OF C~IFORNIA. BE IT ORD. AlifED B'ff THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BAIfF~RBFIELD, as follows: SECTION 1. The Council of the City of Bakersfield hereby grants to the Atchison~ Topeka and Santa Fe Railway Company, a .corporation organ- ized and incorporated under the laws of the State of Kansas~ its successors and assigns~ a permit to lay down~ construct~ maintain and operate a railroad of standard guage in "N" and"O" Streets, and the alley in Block 349,..'located in the City ct' Bakersfield~ County of Kern, State of California. The center line of said track in the propose~-~location is described as follows~ to wit: Beginning at a point on the east line of "0" Street 70 feet south of the northwest corner of Block No. 3~8~ thence in a southwesterly direction 90 feet to a point on the west line of "0" Street llO feet from the northeast corner of ~lock i~o. 3~9. Beginning at a point on the south line of the north half of Block No. 3~9, 20 feet west of the east line of Block No. 3~9~ thence westerly 333 feet to a point on the west line of "N" Street lll feet from the southeast corner of Block No. 3~0. SECTION 2. That said permit ~and privilege is granted subject: (a) To such regulations and conditions as may 'be prescribed from time to time 'by the Council ~f the City of Bakersfield. (b) To the use of said railroad track for the transportation of freight i'or hire (c) That said railroad track must be laid to conform to the 1. grade of the street over which it passes~ and the work must be done to the satisfaction of the City Engineer of the City of Bakersfield and must be kept and maintained in good condition and repair to the satisfaction of said City Engineer. . (d) That it must be operated under such restrictions as not to interfere with the use of said streets and alley by the public. (e) That the alley in Block 349 and the portions of "iq" and' "0" ~treets 'crossed by said track be brought to grade with a minimum of four (4) inches'of crushed rock or other suitable approved material; that the imported material 'be properly compacted by rolling, and the roadway, for the full width of said alley, and those portions of "N" and '.'0" Streets crossed by said track~ be paved with a minimum of one and one-half (14) inches of plant-mix surfacing (f) That this permit shall be revocable at the pleasure of the City Council of .the City of Bakersfield~ and _(g.) To the provisions of the Charter of the City of Bakersfield. ........ o0o ........ I HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing Ordinance was passed and adopted by the Council of the City of Bakersfleld~ at a regular meet- ing thereof~ held on the 12th day of April~ 1948~ by the following vote: AYES: CARNAKIS, CROSS, KUEHN, RYDER, SIEMON, VANDERLF..I, VERCAMMEN N(tE.*.: ---~ ............................................. AB~.tIT;. ....................... ~"C~ty' Cleric and v./~-Offic-~o..-~t-er~--of the.* Council of the City of Bakersfield. 12th of Apr., JYOR o/'r- t~e-city of Bakersfield. · I., Affidavit of ost ng ( r nan es 8'1't'1'1ii. 01' CAI.,II~ORNIt~ County of Kern ~ ss. V. VAN RIPER, being duly sworn, deposes and says: That he is the duly appointed, acting and qualified Clerk of the City of Bakersfield; and ~;hat on ................. ..A.~..r....~.... ........ ./....~... .............. 19...~...~.., he posted on the Bulletin Board at the City Hall, a full, true and correct copy of an ordinance-passed by the Council of said City .at a meeting thereof d~ly held on ...... ..A.p...r....~......~...2. ............................... 19..4..~...., which ordinance was numbered.....~..~_.~.. ........ New Series, and entitled: "AN ORDIHANCE GRANTING TO THE ATCHISON, TOPEKA AND SANTA FE RAILWAY COMPANY, .A CORi~ORATION, ITS SUCCESSORS AND .ASSIGNS, A PERMIT TO LAY DOWN, CONSTiAUCT, MAINTAIN AND OPF-JtATE A RAILROAD TRACK OF STANDARD GUAGE IN "N" .AND "O" STREETS AND THE ALLEY IN ~OCK '349, IN THE CITY OF BAEF~SFIE~D, COUNTY OF KERN, STATE OF CALIFORNIA." ~_~/"' ( ~.bscri~d and sworn to before me this · ~-. ~· ~ ' A rl~ 48 i '] { ..... ~'"J'i' ............... ~ __.......~......, ,,...day 0f ....... ~. .................. 19 ......... ~-'" S~ ~ Calffom~.