HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD NO 771 OHDINANCE NO. ~_ ~"W SEHIES AN OHDINANCE OF TH~ CITY 0F B~FI~D ~U- LATI~ T~ C0~TBUCTION A~ ~I~E~OE OF ~ATE TO,ET FAO~ITIE~ AT ~IO GAT~IN~ T~0F. BE IT O~AI~ BY T~ COUNO~ 0F T~ CITY. 0F ,~$F~D~ as follows ~ ~en used in t~s ordi~nce~ the followt~ terms sh~l ~ve t~ mea~ here~n spec~f~ed~ ~ess a different mean~D~ ~early appear s '~om the context. (a) "~vy, sh~l mean a structure used as a to,et ~e~ a part or ~1 of which lsa vast or.pit lnte~ed for the recep~en of h~ waste ~tter. (b) "He~th 0ff~cer" s~l mean the d~y appointed ~d actk~ He~th 0ffficer of the Cowry of F~rn wh~e performi~ the duties of ~th Officer in the City. of Bakersfi~d~ or such ~e~son as m~ hereafter~ by law~ be authorized to perform the duties ~w ~el~ performed by t~t offlcl~ In the O~ty of Bakersf~d~ 8~TION 2. .It sh~l be ~a~ for a~ pe~son~ f~rm or uorporat~on ~ construet~ ~aue~ pr ma~ntain~ or to ~low~ permit or s~fer ~ be construeted~ placed or maintal~d In the City of Bakersfield~ a~ privy as herein defined wit~ut first obta~ a permit from the He~th Off~cer~ a~ then o~y for the p~poses set forth ~n Section 3 hereof. 8~TION 3. The ~th 0ff~eer may issue permits for the construction use by co~truction workers~ carniv~s~ circuses~ pu~c ~atheri~s a~ ~er such other circ~st~ces where in the so--~ Judgment of the Health Officer it is deemed to be for the best interests of public health and sanitation to issue such permits. Every such permit shall expire thirty (30) days from the date of issuance by the Health Officer, but ma~ be renewed for like periods of thirty (30) days in the discretion of the Bealth Officer. SECTION 4. Every privy, where permitted, shall be of' durable nm. terials and all cracks or ventilating openings in the structure shall be effectively battened or covered w~th wire screening not larger than 16 mesh. Every such structure shall be provided with a door, which door shall be equipped with a spri~ or similar device, or. so hung that it. will close of its own accord when not in use. Hi~ed covers shall be placed and maintained over all seat holes and so installed and maintained that they will close tight over the seat holes of their own accord when not in use. SECTION ~. Ail privies shall be placed over a pit of not less than 48 inches in depth, and said privies shall be located and maintained over such pits in a manner that will prevent the ingress and egress of flies and other'insects. Ail such pits shall be provided with ventilator openings directly into the pit, a4d extem~ting above the roof of the privy. Such openings shall be effectively screened with Wire screening as hereinbefore provided. When the excreta in any privy comes within two feet of the surface, the pit shall be dis- infected and filled with dry earth in such a manner ~hat will prevent ' the escape of obnoxious or offensive odors a~ prevent insects, animals a~l persons from coming in contact therewith. SECTION 6. Any privy here, after constructed or placed, shall be set as .far from any human habitation or any place where food or drink for human' consumption is located as can reasonably be done, havi~ due regard to the size and dimensions of the property upon which the privy is to be installed, but in no event less than thirty (30) feet from such human habitation or place where foo~ or drink for human consumption is located. SECTION ?. Every person~ firm or cor, p0ratlon now maintaining a privy in the City of Bakersfield~ shall obtain a permit from the Health Officer and shall cause said privy to conform to the requirements of Sections 4 and 5 of this ordinance within five (5) days after the effective date hereo.f. SECTION 8. Every person, firm or corporation con~lucting or maintaining any carnival, circus, tent show, .exhibition, ~ontest, marathon, or revival, or any other function or activity which is simLlarlly attended by large numbers of persons shall provide, within· reasonable. access a. number of water closets or temporary privies as shall, in the opinion of the Health Officer, be sufficient for the use of members of the public attending such function or activity. Separate water closets or privies shall be provided for the use of each sex, which shall be plainly so designated'. No person shall use, or. De allowed to use, ar~ water closet or privy assigned to persons of the opposite sex. SECTION 9. Any person, firm or corporation violating any of the terms or provisions of this ordinance shall be guilty of a m~sdemeanor~ and upon conviction thereof shall be punishable by a fine not to · exceed Five Hundred Dollars ($500..00) or by imprisonment in the County and imprisonment.. I HEB~.RY CEBTIFY that the fore§olD~ Ordinance was passed and adopted by the Council of the City of Bakersfield, at a re§ular meeting thereof held on the 16th day of February, .1948, by the followim~ vote: AYES: CARNAKIS, CROSS, KUEHN, .RYDER, SIEMOPl. VANOERLEI, VERCAMMEN ...................................... II~F. JIT: --~ ............ A.PI~RO.FED t~s 16th day of Fel~ruary,. 1948. /// H~OI~ of the Clt~ of Bahersfieldo STATE 0F CALIFORNIA~ ' County of Ke~ ~ ss. ', V. VAN RIPER, being duly sworn, depots and sa~: That he Is' ~e dul~ appointS, ~n~ and qualified Clerk of the CI~ of Bakemfleld; ~. Feb~us~ / ~ 19.~.., he posted on ~e Bulletin Boa~ at the and that .............................................. , ............ , .. "AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD REGULATING ThE CONSTRUCTION .AI~D MAINTENANCE OF I~RIVIES~ RE- QUIRING THE MAINTENANCE OF .ADEQUATE TOILET FACILITIES AT PUBLIC GATHERINGS~ .AND PROVIDING PENALTIES FOR TItI!I VIOI'.ATION Ttt~EOF." : ,,~' f . ,.. o '-.. . ~.,.,~o-.-.~.-c.-~ "S~lbscr~d Ah~i' Aw-om t0 ~efore 'me ~hla .................... ........................................ ~ - ~ - ~ . .. ~ -- ..................... ~..~..~ ~ . -e. . '~.- ......................... ~.--~ ........... ~ ~' Not~y Pubhe ~n and for ~e County o~ K~, Sta~ of ~l~mm. . I ~~ ' "~ '~ ~2~ TLr ~.~2~T_TL~ 7. ~ 72J - W.. :~ ......... -.. ~.,::.. ....