HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD NO 790 ORDIH&NCE NO. ~ NE%¥ SERIES AN 0RDIN~NCE APPROVING ANNEX&TION OF A PARCE~ OF UNINHABITED TERRITORY TO THE CITY OF BAKERSFIE~.D~ CALIFORNIA. %~EREAS, the Council of the City of Bakersfield, did, on the 26th day of July, 1948, pass a resolution in compliance with the provisions of the Annexation of Uninhabited Territory Act of 1939, Statutes of 1939, Chapter 297, as amended, giving notice of the intention of said Council to annex certain uninhabited territory therein described to the City of Bakersfield, and to incorporate and include said territory within the incorporated limits of said City, and WHEP~EAS~ said resolution specifically described the bou~- aries of the territory so proposed to be annexed to the City of Bakersfield, am~ designated such territory by an appropriate identification~ and set forth the reasons of said Council for desiring to annex said territory to the City of Bakersfield, and V~J~EAS, Monday, August 16~ 1948, at the hour of 8 o'clock P.M., at. the Council Chambers in the City Hall in the City of Bakers- field, State of California~ was set forth in said resolution as the day, hour and place when and where any persons owning real property within such territory so proposed to be annexed and having any objections to the proposed annexation might appear before the legis- lative body and show cause why such territory should not be so annexed, and WHEREAS, said resolution was published for at least once a week for two successive weeks prior to said hearim~ in the Bakers- field Californian, a newspaper of general circulation published in th~ ~ity of B~kersfield, the municipal corporation' =~o Which'it is proposed to annex such territory, and ~AS, no written protests were filed against the proposed 1, -, / \ o) annexation by a~v owner of property within the territory proposed to be annexed. NOW~ T}~/~EFO~E~ BE IT O~DAIHED BY T~E ¢OUNC~ OF THE CI~/ OF BAEF~SFIE~D~ as follows~ SECTION 1 o That the Council of the City of Bakersfield hereby approves the annexation'and inclusion within the incorporated limits of the City of Bakersfleld~ of that certain uninhabited territory desl§nated as~ A part of Ardl~.zi-Olcese Compar~ .Annex to Kern City In the County of Kern~ State of California~ as per map of same recorded July 16~ 1907~ in Map Book No. 1~ ~age 102~ the major portion of which parcel lies in the northerly part of Lot 25 In said Annex~ which said parcel ls bounded on the east by Alta Vista Drive~ on the south by a proposed extension of Magnolia Street~ on the west by Tract No. 1258~ and on the north by Tract No. 1173~ bel~ specifically described as: That portion o_f territory in the h~ 1/4 of Sec.' T. 29 So~ 1~. 25 E.~ ~. D. B. & M.~ that is bounded on the north by a portion of the southerly boundar of Tract No. 11 as s 73 aid Tract is recorded in Book No. 5~ page. 79 of the Official t~ecords of Kern County. California; on the east by Alta Vista Drive of 80 fee% width (formerly Thelma Drive); on the south by the center line of the proposed westerly extension of ~agD~lia Street of Tract No. 1258; on the west a portion of the easterly ~oundary of Tract No. 1~ as said Tract is recorded in ~ap Book No. 5~ page 192 of the Official ~eoords of Kern County~ California~ sai.d e_ast?rly boundary bein~ also a portion of the easterly Corporate Lhnlts of the City of Bakersfield Beginnin~ at the southeasterly corner of Tract No. 1173 as same is recorded In Eap Book No. ~ page 79 of the Official ~ecords of Kern County, California~ said corner bein~ on the westerly line of Alta Vista Dr[ve~ as it shown of 80 feet width on said Tract.~ on a curare of 960 feet radius whose radial center bears North 87° 12 ~ 28" West a distance of 960 feet from said corner; thence southerly aloD~ said curve - same be~n~ the westerly .... line of said Drive - a distance of 161.41 feet to its -p~i-nt- of -intersection with-the center line of' a'-propo~s'e'd, street~ whence said r. adial center bears North 77~ 3¢ West a distance of 960 feet; thence alon~ the center line of .sa. d .s.tre?t . or.th 8 o. 50, We.st a distance of 3.05 · ee~ =o =ne oeg~nn~n~ or a curve whose radial center bears 1 South 0° 09t 20" west a distance of 370.~,~. f_eet;.the_n~c.e southwesterly alor~ last mentioned curve and cen=eF~llne of said street a distance of 249,39 feet to a point whence last mentioned radial center bears South 3_8° 2~~ 00" East a distance of 3?0.44 feet; thence South 51o 3~' 00" West alon~ said. street center line a distance of 75,4~ feet to a point that is common to the center line of ~agnclia Street as said street is shown on ~ap of Tract No, 12~8~. recorded in Edp Book No, ~ page 192 of the Official Becords of said Count~ and to the northeasterly boundary of said Tract No. 12~ and to a portion of the ncrtheasterly corporate limits of the City of Bakersfield~ California; thence aloD~ said corporate limits and t. ract boundary~ North 38° 2~' 00". West, a distan6e' df 1.67. fe_e_t_t_o .a. point on the southerly boundary of said Trac_t ~o. ll TJ; ~nence elor~ said southerly boundary North 51° 3~= 00" East a distance_of 19~.29 feet; thence alor~ sai. d bou~tary.~ North ?~ 30' 0~.3" East a distance of 169.42 feet~ thence ~=ance alon~.said boundary~ South 8~ ~0~ 40" .East ~_a of_136,42 feet; thence al,n6 said bounaary~ 2~~ East~ a distance, of 3,00 f_e_et t.o the nin~ coBtain~n~ 1,64 acres or land more or less, I B~.~Y CF~TIF~ that the foregoir~ Ordinance was passed and adopted by the Council of the City of Bakersfield at a regu- lar meetin~ thereof held on the 16th day of August, 1948, by the followir~ votel AYES: CARNAKIS. CROSS,.-,KIJFd~, RYDER; SIFMON, a/RNOERL'E~, VERCAMMEN City Clerk and Ex-UlTicio Clerk of the Council of the City of Bakersfield. APPi~0__V~D thls 16th d~y of~ugust, 1948~ ' I I I' i ! I Affidavit of osttng r tnan es *. ! C~unty of Kern ~ ss. V. VAN RIPER, being duly sworn, deposes and says: That he is the duly appointed, acting and qualified Clerk of the City of Bakersfield; · and that on ........ : ....... .~.~.~LI~.~ ........ ../..~... ..... ~ ...... ,19...~.8., he posted on the Bulletin Board at the · City Hall, a full, true and correct copy of an ordinance passed by the Council of said City · at a meeting thereof duly held on ............ .A...U.~[.tI_~..~...~.~. ....................... 19.48_, which ordinance was numbered.....7..~..~... ....... New Series, and entitled: [ .t