HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD NO 784 ORDINANCE NO. ~ NEW ~ERIES .AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF BAKERSFIESD AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. %01 ~ N~# SERIES ~ BY 'ADDING A NEW 8ECTION~ TO BE I~'u-MBERED 6.A~ BY AMENDING SUBSECTION (c) OF SECTION 12~ .AND BY .AMENDING SECTION 22. BE IT ORDA:I.."NED B.Y THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD~ · as follows: SECTION 1. Ordinance No. %01 New Series of the City of Bakersfield is hereby amended by adding thereto~ a new section~ to be numbered 6A~ said section to read as follows: SECTION 6A. REGULATIONS FOR R-3a DISTRICTS. The following regulations shall apply in all R-3a Districts and shall be subject to provisions of Section 12. (a) Uses Permitte.d.: .Ail uses permitted in an R-1 District subject to securing a use permit for any use for which a use permit is required in an R-1 District; 2-family dwellings; dwelling groups; and multiple dwellim~s. (b) Building Height Limit,: Four stories but not exceeding %5 feet in height. (c) Buildim~g Site Area Required: Same as for R-1 Districts~ except that there may be more than one dwelling upon one lot. (d) Percentage of Lot Coverage: The dwellings on any lot shall not cover in the agSregate more than %0% of the area of a corner lot and 40% of the area of an inside lot. (e) .Floor .Area: The floor area of any building shall not .~Xceed.8 times the area of the lot in the case of an inside lot and 1 times the area of the lot in case of a corner lot. In com- .pu.ting. the .f!9or area of. Sny bU.il_ding, the floor area of garages and basements shall not be included. (f) Front, Side~ and Rear Yards Reauired: Same as specified' for R-3 Districts; provided that in the case of multiple dwellings, le j' the following regulations shall apply: (1) Each' lot shall have side yards each having a width 'of not less than 9' feet. (2) On a corner lot, the side yard next to the street shall have a width of not less than 1% feet but this regulation shall not be so applied as to reduce the buildable width to less than 20 feet. (3) For any buildim~ of more than 2 stories in height, the width herein required for each side yard' shall be increased by 1 foot for each story for which the height of such building exceeds 2 stories. SECTION 2. of Ordinance No. %01 New Series, Subsection (c) of Section 12,/is hezeby amended to read as follows: (c) YARDS: 1. In computing front yard dimensions the measurements shall shall be taken from the nearest point of the front wall of the build- ing to-t-he street line~ or if an Official Plan Line has been estab- lished for the street, then to such Official Plan Line; providing that architectural features of the kind an~ not exceedim~ the limits hereinafter stated shall not be considered in making such measurements, to wit: cornices, canopies, eaves, or any other architectural features extending beyond said front wall not exceeding 2 feet 6 inches; f'~..:' fire escapes extending beyond said front wall not exceeding 4 feet 6 inches; and landing place~ or uncovered porches extem~ing beyond said front wall not exceeding 6 feet; provided that the above enumerated architectural features may also extend into any side or rear yard the same distance that they are permitted to extend beyond any front wall, except that no porch, terrace, or outside stairway shall pro- Ject more than 3 feet into any side yard and then~ in the case of an outside stairway, only if the same is unroofed and unenclosed above and below the steps thereof. 2. In'any R-I, R-2, or A District where 2%% or more of the lots in any block, exclusive of the frontage along the side of the corner lot, have been improved with buildings at the time of the . passage of this ordinance, amd the front yards on such lots vary in depth to an extent not greater than 6 feet, then the front yard required in each lot, in said block shall be of a depth not less than the average depth of the' front yards on the lots on which such exist- ing buildings are located, nor more than %0 feet. The same rule shall apply in any R-3, R-3a, or R-¢ District, but only where such average depth of front yards on the lots on which such existing buildings are located is less tbmn the depth of the front yards otherwise re- quired by this ordinance. In no case, however, shall any building be erected closer to any street line than any Official Plan Line established for such street. inside 3. When any ~e~&e~ lot in an R-I, R-2, or A district is adjacent to any lot in any district other than an R-i, R-2 or A dis- trict or a C-1 district which is entirely surrounded by R or. A dis- tricts or by any of such districts and the City boundary, the depth inside required for the front yard on such ~.~e~e~ lot may be reduced to not less than the average of such required depth and the width or depth of yard required on said lot in such other district adjacent to the street upon which said ~rmn~ lot faces. 4. When any inside lot in an R-3, R-3a, or R-¢ District is adjacent to a lot in any C or M District, except any C-1 District which is entirely surrounded by R or A Districts~ or by any such districts and the city boundary, the front yard requirements for such inside lot may be disregarded and in lieu thereof that portion of any building on that portion of the width of such inside lot not exceeding one-half thereof, but m~t more than 25 feet, which portion is next adjacent to such lot in such Cl..or M District, may be built to the street line, and the lim~ of the building for the remainder of such buildim~ shall be not nearer to said street line than a distance equal to such required depth of front yard. When a Key Lot in any R-3, R-3a, hr R-4 District is adjacent to a Corner Lot in a C-1 District which is entirely sur- rounded by R or A Districts, or by any such districts and the city boundary, the front yard requirements for such Key Lot may be dis- regarded and in lieu thereof that portion of. any building on that portion of such Key Lot not exceeding %0 feet in width which portion is next adjacent to such Corner Lot in such C-1 District may be built to a distance of not less than 12 feet from the street line. 4.1. In the case of an inside lot, in an R-3, R-3a, or R-4 District facim~ property across the street, the major portion of which has side yards abutting on said street, the front yard requirements for such inside lots may be disregarded and in lieu thereof any build- ing thereon may be built to a distance of not less than 12 feet from the street line. 4.2. In the case of an inside lot, in an R-~, R-3a, or R-4 District, the wall of any apartment house may be located no closer than 6 feet from the side property line on the rear half of the lot, provided that no windows or openings in a living or bedroom facing the side yard on such rear half shall supply more than 2%% of the total window area of each of said rooms. %. In determining the depth of a rear yard for any building (except as provided for dwellim~ groups i~ R-~, R-~a, or R-4 Districts) where such rear yard opens into an alley, one-half the width of such alley, but not exceeding 10 feet, may be considered as a portion of such rear yard; provided that thes8 provisions shall not be so applied as to reduce the depth of any rear yard to less than 10 feet, and that in no case shall the door of any building or improvement other than a fence o~ening into an alley be erected, constructed or established.. qloser'to the center of such alley than 1% feet or % feet from the rear property line. 6. In case an accessory building is attached to the main build- ing, it shall be made structurally a part thereof, amd shall comply in all respects with the requirements of this ordinance applicable to. the main building. Ant accessory building, unless attached to and shall not be closer than % feet to made a part of the main building, the main building, except as otherwise provided in this section. ?. A. detached accessory building not over one story and not exceeding 12 feet in height may occupy not to exceed 30 per cent of the area of any rear yard. Any such accessory building may have not to exceed 1 additional story used for 'apartments; provided that no exterior wall of such additional story shall be nearer to any lot line than distance equal to the width' of a side yard required on the same lot, that no exterior wall of such additional story shall be nearer than 10 feet to any main building on the same lot, an~ that no such additional story ih any R-1 or R-2 district shall contain more than 1 apartment. 8. Detached accessory buildim~gs in R districts shall 'conform to the followim~ additional regulations as to their locations upon the lot~ inside (a) Xn the case of an ~t~e~ lot abutting upon 1 street, no detached accessory building shall be erected or altered so as to en- croach upon the front half of the lot. inside (b) In the case of an LmtmwJ~e~ lot abutting upon 2 or more streets, no accessory building shall be erected or altered so as to encroach upon the 1/4 of the lot nearest either street. (c) In the case of a corner lot abutting upon 2 streets~ no accessory building shall be erected or altered so as to encroach upon the area between such streets and lines drawn parallel to such streets, respectively, in such a manner that each of such lines divides the lot into 2 equal areas; provi~ed that on a corner lot adjacent to a Key Lot no accessory building shall be located nearer to the street line of the street upon which such Key Lot faces than a distance equal to the depth of---f-r--e.nt--.¥ard requ-ired on. said Key L.ot~. bu.t...this_r~gulation shall not be so applY'ed as to require that that line of such accessory build- ing which is nearest to said street line shall be nearer to the line opposite said street line than a distance of 16 feet. (d) In the case of a corner lot abutting on more than 2 streets, no detached accessory building shall be erected or altered so as to be nearer to any street line than 1/4 the width or lem~th of the lot. (e) No detached accessory building shall be within % feet of the side line of the front half of any adjacent lot. (f) Notwithstanding any requirements in this section, the fore- going rules shall not require any detached accessory buildiD~ to be more than 7% feet from any street line bounding the lot. SEOTION 3- That Section 22 of Ordinance No. %01 New Series of the City of Bakersfield is hereby amended by amending the definition of LOT, CORNER, and by adding a new definition, FLOOR AREA, said definitions to read as follows ~ LOT, CORNER~ .A l'ot bounded on two or more adjacent sides by street lines, provided that the angle of intersection does not ex- ceed 13% degrees, and having a width not greater· than 7% feet and an area not greater than 127000 square feet. FLOOR .AREA: The Floor .Area of any apartment shall mean the gross floor area and shall include all areas contained within and measured from,the exterior Walls of said building. I HEB~Y CERTIFY that the foregoing Ordinance was passed and adopted by the Council of the City of Bakersfield at a regular meetl~ thereof held on the/~day of June, 1948~ by the following vote: AYES: CARNAKIS, CROSS, KUEHN, RYDER,.~IGI~, VANDERLEI, VERCAMMEN NOES: -~ ........................................... Cit~~ Council. of the City of Bakersfield. e, 1948. the Clt~ of Baker'sfiel~. "i : I STATE OF CALIFORNIAt County of Kern ~ ss. V. VAN RIPER, being duly sworn, deposes and says: That he is the~ly appointed, act~ing and qualified Clerk of the City of Bakersfield; ..........''~ .......... -/--~ .......... ,19...4..~..., he poste~ on the Bulietin Board at the that on · City Hall, a full,~rue and correct copy of an ordinance passed by the Council of said City ' at a meeting thereof duly held on ........... ~...U~_..~. ................. ./..~... ............ , 19~....~._., which ordinance was numbered...~..!...~.~....'~ ....... New Series, and entitled: "AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF B.AKERSFIET.D .A~h'DING ORDINANCE NOs %(~ ~ ~ S~IES~ BY ~DIN~ .A ~ S~TION~ T0 BE ~~ 6A~ BY .~ING S~S~TION (C) OF S~TION 12~ A~ BY .~ING S~TION 22." I · ~.'-~/ - '- ~ ~ ~ ' ~ I" ~. ~. . ~Q~ ~Romry P~bhc m and for ~e ~unty ~ Kern, , I I'~