HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD NO 799 ~' IC~_~O ~'-'~' '-~tG.~S, the City Council horeby declares that. an emergency exists . ~' ma..zz~ it necessary to provide for the daily operation of m~iCip~ departments ~ and Ji%.~PG~,~, the City Council, on the 30th day of .AUgust, 1~43, passed and adopted ~nergency Ordinance No. 794 New Series, establishing a new basic compensation plan Cot officers and employees of the City~ and '.S~'~S:"~ "', in order to prevent hardship and to insure the most efficient operation of said. ne~7 basic compensation plan during the period of adJustment~ it becomes necessary for the City Council to definitely fix the compensation o2 inctumbent officers and employees of the City, ~d~ose compensation in individu~ cases may vary fro~ that provided in said. new basic compensation plan. Bakersi'ield~ as follows: The compensation of inc~bent officers and employees of the City of Ba~-~ersfield is hereby fixed as follows: }Jarsh, Frances G.. Sr. acct. Clerk ;)237' I]ongold~ Jo~ "J. &p-.praiser ' 31{ Parker,. iTelle Intermediate Clerk 240 Ross~ Esther l,I. Intermediate Clerk 240 Street, Vera Account Clerk. 230 Sullivan~ Ho~Tard L. appraiser 300 Williams~ Carrol K. appraiser 274 12-1-~-3 ,~237 Bl~.'i~' ~-[.~ In~ermedia~;e Clerk l'.16 per hot~r .- Gist ~ Larian L. ~ccount Clerk 200 l~l-~9 Harris ~ Thomas 'G. ~ccountant . 31 ~ 1-1-49 330 Irvin~ l.]~rian ~. ~r. Acct. Clerk 26p Peters~ ~.~ary .a. ,,cco~t Clerk 220 Van ;~iper~ V. City Clerk and .Auditor 4{O D'"P~R'~--~1T TITT.~ ~'~ ~QT ~{aTE ~&TE 1948-49 aTT Hayhurst, Ruby Sr. Steno...clerk' ~2.BO 12-1-48 $237 Salzer, kildred Internediat~. O~erk 1.16 per hour Steele, J. Xelly ~ity ~tto~u~ey 490 %-1-49 510 BUILDING Cook, l~_oyd S. Bldg. Inspsctor ~0 Hendsch, La~ence ~. Bldg. Inspector 330.'.. 2-!-~9 34% Hubbard~ Roy il. Chief Bldg. Insp. 4~O I,~eikel, Clarence R. Dldg. Inspector 360 Rogers, ilerbert T. Bldg. Inspector 31'% 6-1-$9 330 Zorn, Fred a. Bldg. Insp. CITY AnderSon, Robert Janitor (~J) 2%2. Crooks, Ber~ce ~' ~-~' - I el e~none Oo~a tor & 1 ~2 ~.odson~ Richard C. Janitor (~.]~ecp~. 262 ~arramore, Geo. E. .Laborer' (~-) 274. To, in, Pra~ B. Janitor (~3) 2%2 ~CTRICiai,~ Griffith, .Donsld G. ~lect~ician (44-~.) 330 Ei~C-I JEER .asperger.,-~Pa~ 0. E~ineeri~ ai~ 220 Beardsley, C.H. Sr. ~. Aid 31~' Fussel~ ~{oy E. Y~ngineering J~id 230 12-1-$~ 240 Hemphill: ..~us.tin i.. Engineering Aid 2%0 iIolfeld, e~ J.B. City Engineer & Supt. of ~treets %40 Ji~, ~i!!iam Ciyil ~ngineer Lovelace, ~Ym. D. Sr. ~ngineering aid 2o~ Nyers, ~obert J. Sr. ~ineering Aid 31~ Parent~ ~;~ter Civil ~;~. AssistantB~% Phillips, Lottie 1.~. Int~r~ediat~ Olerk Reed~ Lorris H. E~ineeri~ .~id FIRE. ada~s~ Pa~ O. E~ineer 3~ % Y~brosi~ Y~fred. A.~. Hoseman 26~ Anderson, Lloyd E. Engineer 3%% Austin~ %~i~red ~:~. Fire ~,arshal 360 Bar~art~ Pa~ ii. ~ineer Be~ett~ Chas. S. Hoseman 2~% Blado~ Virgil L~. Hoseman 26% Booth, llichard C. Hoseman 2~0 9-1-43 262 Bo~ tinghouse, J.E. E~ineer 300 1-1-49 31 Bradenburg, ~rthur C. Hoseman Brigham~ Bruce Leslie Xoseman 262 Brosuell, ~ois ~.e~,U. ar~ Operator 2%0 D~.r~, x~.m.: 2~aintenance &.an 34~ .Ca,day, _G.eorge .L. ~2~. L_echa~c 34~ Clemens~ Clyde G. Engineer 31~ Collin, Frank R. .A~ineer ~1% Courtney ~ l~o~y ~. ~ngineer ~ % De,they ~ i~oyd L. ~ineer ~1 ~ --2-- BASE INCREASE · FIRE--Continued · Dougherty, Joseph T. Hoseman $ 274 'Douglas, Harley F. Hosernan 274 Drum, Byron C. Hoser.~n 265 ~--1-49 .' 2.,7.4' Engle, I-i'arry Engineer 315 -' Geimer, Genevieve L. Fire Alarm Operator 250 '..~':.:~'.':~."~' Griffith, '.falter '3. Hosen:an 265 5-1-49. m~.,'-" 274 Hacker, E. 0. Engineer 315 ' Hao~ar~, Calvert C "o.' · '..no,neet 315 Harris, Lester V. llosen:an 262 '" liarvey, Theodore R. Hoser~an 265 ..4L1-49 274 .'- ~'~autnorne, Hov~ard K. Hoseman 265 Hess, '.';illiam R. Engineer 300 10-1-~8 '.315 Hiebert, Otto H. Captain 5~5 i-7owe, .... L, Assistant Fire Chief 420 .....:., Hughes, Harley J. I:oser.',an 250 2-1-49. Jones, Claude F. ~ ~ · ~ap ~a~n 345 ~rcnne~, . . R. ;loseL'~an 250 12-:1'48 262 Kirchner, o ~. w ...~ Linn, Harold P. Hose,s. an 287 3-1-,!9 300 Li~nell, Chas. P. Captain 330 ~'-' Lon.~, Harry E. Captain 345 Loyd, Eyron E. llose~mn 250 1-1-49.. 262 I[arti~.ez, l:'eter, Jr. i!oseman 2~5 5-1-49 274 i: .cAt e er, .Jo hn A. Ho s ema n 285 .: l.:cI.;utt, ,~lger D. Hosenan 274 bn:,.e-e 375 12-] -48 '3'90 Newbury,', " . ,%ns~.eer 515 ... Ogden, John r. ..~ ~ · Captain 345 Paddock, Chas. ~' ,,. Ho s er.~an 265 Paddock, Robert S ~"~' Pathe, James 0. Hose'.,an 274 Pifer, P.C. Fire Chief 500 ..... Pinnel]., P.L. Captain 345~ Fiimell, T. '.:I. Battalion Chie~f 390 Russell, Vernon L. Hoser, an 285 10-1-48 274 Spencer, George L. Captain 330 Sta~?cliff, Roger L. En..giueer 262 10-1-48 274 Stanley, Willor~ O. Engineer 315 Stathos, Floyd E. Hosenan 262 Stone, Fred A. Engineer 300 12-1-48 515 Stovall, Dill iIose'.'~an 250 2-1-49 262 Thor,~as, Ray E. Hoseman 265 Townsend~ Robert 'J. iIosenan 262 Ware, Rex B. Captain. 330 ".Voods, Elmer E. Deputy Fire Chief 440 .~o, Lewis L. EngiDeer SOO Young, Lulu ~ollins Fire Alarn Operator 250 Young, 0sca;~ G. Hoser~mn 287 5-1-49 Young, Uil].is G. Captain 330 ~Zachar. y4_.Everett :J. . Captain 330 · Drill l'asters shall be paid an additional ~.':~15.00 per month' while serving in such position· MANAGER l:iner, Earl J. Asst. C~t~ i'."anager 500 Saecker, Alice Intermediate Clerk 280 Saecker, Zadie Secy to Thornton, C.J. ~' ~ ~t~ l :anager 750 H, Ah~NG CO~.~.JISoiON '- Peterson, ~obert a. ~a~in~ Technician 2S7 POLICE C~URT Collins~ Pat~ine E. Junior Clerk 200 ..::... Green, Barbara R. Juror Clerk 200 Eeergaard, Fred i~. Police Judge Row, Ida M. Jccount Clerk 2~0 '~,~'iessner~ ~a Jean Sr. Typist Clerk 2~0 ll-l-%8 250. POLICE &ubrey, Robert D. Patrolman 26% Barksdale~ .Rufus L. Desk Sergeant Be~ield~ Harol L. Kotor Patrolnan 2 Berens, ~ra~ X. Asst. ~lice Chief Bianchi, Ne~y J. Sergeant ~%~ '. Blankenship, H.F. Detective Cess~, Harry J. i..iotor Patrol~an 250 10-1-$$ · Chapman, Clyde ~. Desk &ergeant 280 Chitwood ~ Carl Patrolman ~0 Clark, Howard a. Patrolm~n 26[ Clarke~ Orville B. Patrolmzn ~00 Clason, Heber E. i~;otor Patrolman 2.~0 $-1-$9 2~7 Coutts~ Edwin ,~. Detective Crews ~ ,iobert L. Patrolman 2%0 2-1-$9 262 Cronkhit e~Fred H. Lictor Patrolman ~1% CtEzning s ~. ~ .._ oyd Patrolman Dalley, oames ~. Desk Sergea'~t Sl% Deem, Jewell ~[. Junior Clerk 192 Dieter~ ~.~allie L~ Detective Dodge, Charles H~ Lieutenant 360 %-1-49 37~ Durent~ Chas. 0. Patrolman ~00 Escamilla ~ , [anuel V. Patrolman 275 2-1-$9 2~7 Fox~ i-~obert H. itadio Technician Freenan, Kenneth C. Detective ~0 Garcia, R~ph J. Patrolman 2~ 10-1-~ ~00 Garcia~ R~ph L. Laborer ($$~-) Gia~ Lildred G. Intermedis. te Clerk 220 Gordon, Harry V. Lotor Patrol~an ~l~ Grsysom, Horace V. Police Chief %00 Gree~ield, Gle~ V. Patrolman 2~0 ~-1-$9o 262 Greer~ Fra~ C. Lieutenant 360 ll-l-$.o Guffey, Forrest ~. imtor Patrolman 31% Hackett~ Jack J. Jr. Patrolman 2%0 12-1-$~ 262 [iarris~ Ernest if. Lotor Patrolman 3~0 ll-l-4~ ~mgh, Lacy m. i[otor Ps. tro~ man 2o7 Holman, LL',ary J. Senior Policewoman Houston~ Russell F. Patrolnsn 26% 6-1-$9 275 Janzen~ [.fyron E. [..'~otor Patrolnan 2~7 Johnson~ Timothy '.f. asst. Police Chief · Kelty~-~ho~s J~ ~,,Jotor Patrolman-. 31% Kessler~ Herbert ~ ~. . Patrolman 300' · Qopp~ Gerard E. Patrolman 2%0 ~-1-$9 262 La~ey, Chas..A'. Patrolman ~00 Lambert~ I.~errill W. ~:otor Patrolman ~15 Lostaunau~ i:io~y Detective ~0 Lounsbury, John H. Lieutenant. ~90 ~LICE - Continued L3archand, .august Lotor Patrolman $ 31~ ~.Lartin, George E. Detective ' 355 ~.~ason~ Richard E. l._'otor Patrolman. 313 ~ ~cLellan, Russell~.~' Patrolman ? 26~ 3-149 275 Eeyer, iIomer H. L~echanic's i~elper (~262 Intern~diate Clerk 200 i. Lichel~ Beatrice J. E'ier, ~bert J. Sergeant 31~ Lilligan~ C~eb R. Lotor Patrolman 390 ~-1-%9~ 31g i'~orris, itobert F. Patrolman 26~ !2-1-$~ 275 i:~oses, '~[i!].iam C. Patrolman 300 ~oss, Lewis E. Patrolman 2~4 "~;"1-$9 237 i':e%.man, Edgar J. i.otor Patrolman 2 7 ~iot, alfred Ii. Patrolman 26~ 12-1-$3 2?4 Ray, Isaac ~. Patrol~.:an 2g0 3-1-$9 262 Seaman, ~orris G. Sergeant 355 Stanton~ Floyd C. Lotor Patrolman 31g Steuart, Fred E. i.2otor Patrolman 262 1-1-~9 Strelich, George Detective 31 ~ ~-1,$9 330 Teague~ Obid P. Patrolman Thomp son, .&dol ph Pa trolman 3 O0 Tongate, John b'. Patrolman 285 Towls, John L. 33etective 3%~ ~-1-~9 330 Valdez~ Irene k. Sr. Typist Clerk 295 'Jalls ~ Ddward a. Lieuten.ant 360 ll-l-$$ 'watson~ l,~reemon ~. Patrolman 263 '~brsl.ey: Donald L. Detective ~00 Todd, i[aymond .~. Patroluan 26~ POUifD Xinzie~ Harold L. Poundman (4~{-) 250 1-1-$9 2~0 Davey~ Isabel 'account Clerk 250 'Jilliams~ Dslice Junior Clsrk 1.lO per hour '~'illis~ l'~euel! C. Purcnaszng ,-~Ment 330 lO-l-%3 L2FbSE DIS ~z. ria~ Jo~ Ecuip: Opr. Gr. II - (44~-) 23Z Boyd~ Fred Lee itefuse Col!ector(%~) 251 brown~ James ~. Refuse Collector ($J) 251 Cooks~e, ~ieudie ~. 2[efuse Collector (%O) 251 Davis~ John &. Refuse Truc'- Driver (4.3) ~d%'~ards~ L. 2~. i{efuse Co!Tector(4~) 2%1 Fields~ Francis D. Refuse Truck Driver 2]3 ~ana~an, Jm~es A. l~efuse Collector(45) Gray ~ Jo.~m~ie Zie '~ - '- Gray, Luther ]..Y. 203 ~efuse Co~lector(48) 251 Greene, Lam~ence C. Yte~. '~rucx Driver~4O) .... ..... . . -.* '233 ~rm~ls, :mywood Refuse Colleeto~ (43)2~ ......... Griffis~ i:ayr:ood ~mfuse r, .. .. (q-3) 233 zlal~on9 ~ugene ,,. t~e~use &l t!e.= Drive~ · (%3) 2~33 Lu~o~ l{red S. itefuse Yruc]{ D~ive~ (~'3) 2~3 Lontez~ Joe ~.,a~io .' =' = ~, · · ~e~tlS~ Il%lOci Driver (<-3) ~ 233 Di~F~zaTLEh'T TITL.__~ S~ a~lY RaTE RATE 194.3-4~ REFUSE DISPOS.~ - Continued 5~cPherson~ H.G. Ref. Collection Foreman 300 Nolen, Col~bus .defuse Truc'.:~ Driver (~-J) Nutt~ George L. Refuse Collector (45) Perez~ Rito E. Refuse Collector (q-:J) Perry, ~i. 7~. Refuse Oo!!ector. (43) 241 Ruiz, Eatividad Refuse Collector (4,3) 241 Smith, arba Refuse Truc~: Driver (~) 233 Smith~ James T. Refuse Collector (48) 241 Smith~ Toffy Lee Refuse Collector (48) 241 Snith, Tom~ Lee Refuse Truck Drive (~3) 2~3 6tinson~ Ed%%'ard G. Refuse Truck Driver (4G) 233 S~in, San~mie Lee i{efuse Collector (43) Taylor~ }[euben I,.1. defuse Collector (~8) Wiley, ~. ~. Refuse Collector (4J) 2~1 Witliams~ Joe Refuse Collector (48) 241 Wilson~ &ylvester Refuse Collector (40) 241 Baker, Ira' C. ~echanic (~-&]-) 300 Davey, Harold ~'~. Sewage ~.ant 0pr. (44-~-) Saecker, Edward J. ~emi-Skilled Laborer (44-~-)237 Spencer~ i~enry R. Semi-Skill. ed Laborer (4~}-) 287 , Wo~, Herman Semi-Skilled Laborer (4z~f) 240 2-1-49 2~0 -6- BASE INCREJ~E NETJ R~ITE DEPARTMENT TITLE SALARY RATE RATE 1948-49 STREET AND PARK DEPARTMENTS _~uirre, Ysidro Equip. Oper. Gr. 1 (~) 262 Alaria, Leonard J. Account Clerk 274 Alexander, A.J. Equip. Oper. Cr. 1 (44~') 250 Anderson, Arthur Street Haint. Leading man (44½) 360 Anderson, C.E.' Equip. Oper. Gr. ill (44.~) 330 Armijo, Teddy Semi Skill Laborer (44~) 274 Arzul, Yves Laborer (~4-~) 2%0 d~.evedo, Manuel B. Laborer (,~,~) 250 Baca, V~illiam Laborer (44~) :~$1.~2 per hour Betzer, Jay C. S~mi Skill Laborer (44~) 262 Bolender, James E. Semi Skill Laborer (4)4~) 274 Brown, i'~. G. Semi Skill Laborer (.4~.~.) 27~ .Castro, Manuel P. Semi Skil Laborer (~4~ 262 Chavez, Frank Laborer (4,4_~) 220 Chesterman, C.E. Laborer (442) . 250 Cook, Parley A. Elect. Helper (44z~) 287 CoOper, Robert G. Equip. Oper. Gr. 11 (44½) '287 Ouen, Alfred Painter (,~,~). 31% Davis, Estel E. Laborer (442) . $1.16 per hour de La Ossa, Jos. A. Laborer' (44~) 250 Diaz, James M. Mechanic Helper (44~) 245 Doolittle, Chas. H. Chief Mechanic (44~) 3~5 Farnsworth, D.M. Field ~ccountant 315 10/1/48 330. ~44~~) ~1.17 per hour Fields, F.C. Laborer ~ ~ Fitch, ~. H. Equip. Oper. ~r. 111 (44~) 337 Fleming, Ben D. E~uip. 0per. Gr. 1 (~4~) 262. Frame, Alexander Laborer (44½) 224 ~1/49 230 Garee, Jos. B. Equip. Oper Gr. 11 (~) 330 Gattis, Clarence L. Semi Skill Laborer (44~) 245 Gill, Robert J. Nechan!c (44~) 287 Goff, Robert S. Equip. Oper. Gr. 11 (44~) 287 Grtffith, Edgar L. Equip. Oper. Gr. 1Ll (,~,~! 293 Hale, Brinton Semi Skill Laborer (4~ 245 Harrison, Elder Laborer (44~) 250 Hazlewood, John D. Laborer (44~) 243 (i.~,.~.) 277 Highman, Oral C. Equip. Oper. Gr. 11 ' ~ Holland, B. F. Jr. Semi Skill Laborer (44'~) m 240 Holland, B.F. Park Naint. Leading mau (44~) 330 Holland, Kenneth L. Laborer (44~) $1.12 per hour Houston, Howard Equip. Oper. Gr. 1 (44~) 2%0 Hunsaker, Geo. H, Semi Skill Laborer (,~,~.) 240 Hyland, Jos. H. Equip. Oper. Gr. 1 (44~) 240 Jamison, Burnie L. Semi Skil Laborer (44~) . 262 Johnson, Charley Maintenance Leading man (44~) 360 Johnson, Daniel T. Semi Skill Laborer (44~) 245 Kelly, Francis J. Equip. 0per. Gr. 1 (~4N) 250 Kozlow, William Laborer (44.~) 220 Landers, Fordyce R. Sewage Maint. Leading man (44~) 330 Lewis, Ollie Jo Semi Skill Laborer (44~) 250 Lomas, Ray Huerta Semi Skill Laborer (~44~) 256 Lostaunau, Adolph Equip. Oper. Gr. 11 (~-~) 250 Malone, E.L. Equip. Oper. Gr. 11 (44~) 300 Nanning, .~obert W. Laborer (,.~,..~.) 230 Mathis, Russel O. Equip. Oper. Gr. 11 (~4~-) 274 Maurer, Larry A. Equip. Oper. Gr. 11 (44~) 300 Maxey, Larry D; ....... Semi Skill Laborer (,.~..~) 274 Maxwell, Virgil S. Laborer (,~.~) 230 McKenzie, Earl R. Traffic Painter (44~) 230 Meeks, Virgil Laborer (44~) 250 Mercer, Fred H. Traffic Painter (44'~) 262 Mercer, Reed D. Mechanic · (44~) 287 Mercer,.~.~. R. Naint'. Superintendent 430 Mendez, Salvador Laborer (44~) $1.12 per hour -7- BASE INC R~ASE RE¥/ RATE DEPARTMENT TITIE S~J~RY RiTE RATE 1948-49 STREET AND P~/~K - Continued ~ichel, Eloi Laborer (~4~) 250 Morel, Charles Traffic Painter (44~) 274 Norris, Henry A.. Semi Ski~11 Laborer (44~) 274 ~orrison, Floyd C. Mechanic (44~) 287 Munn, Alden A. Laborer (44~-) 220 Nearing, William H. Traffic Painter (44~-) 250 0'Dell, Jm~es C. Smui Skill Laborer (44~ 262 O'Dell, Leslie M. Semi Skil Laborer (44~) '240 Olivetti, Pete Laborer (44~) 250 Owens, James B. Laborer (~4'~) 220 Padilla, Reyes Laborer (~, ~) 220 Phillips, Albert L. Laborer (~4~) 220 Raya, Fidel Laborer (~4~~) 220 Reina, Tony J. Tree Foreman (.~, ~) 330 Santlbanez, Manuel Traffic Painter (.~.~,.~) 250 Simms, Richard L. Equip. Oper. Gr. 11 (44~) 274 Sipe, Hugh L. Laborer (4,4.~) 243 4/1/49' 250 Smith, Otho F. Semi Skill Laborer (442) 240 Steel, John Equip. Oper. Gr. 1. (~4~) 262 Suniga, Frank Semi Skill Laborer (~) 300 Thomas, Geo. Laborer (~4~) 220 Timmons, Jim H Laborer (~4~) $1.12 per hour Torres, Frank Laborer (44~-) $1.12 per hour Townsel, David Laborer (44 ~jl.12 Der hour ~7alck, Woodrow J. Semi Skill Laborer (~4 262 W.~alton, Charles Laborer (~'~4 250 V.~ite, Samuel S. Laborer (~4 220 ~illis, Green Laborer (~ 250 Young, Elmer Equip. Oper. Gr. 1. (44 ~1.30 per hour Young, Henry M. Equip~ Oper. Gr. 1 (44 250 TREASUR~ Johnson, Marian Account Clerk 220 Overton, Marie L. Senior Account Clerk 29~ Smith, ~.~alter W. ~ity Treasurer & Collector 450 The rates of conpensation provided in Section i above are n~ont~hly rates, it bei~ the intention of the City Council that all inc~bent officers and e~ployeos of the City of Bakersfield be paid at a ~ont~y rate. ~ection 5~ of ~ergency Ordinance i.~'o. 7~4~ I~s~ ~eriss~ ~d~ich section provides for payment at hourly rates of certain officers and emplOyeSs~ shall have no application to present officers and employee s. ~ ~esent .officers and employees of the City of Bakersfield shall continue to be paid at the rates provided in Section 1 hereof until such time as they have sufficient lo~evity of service to entitle .them to an increase in compensation ~der the provisions of Emergency Ordinance No. 79~ ~ew Series. For the purpose of ascertaini~ the .date on which an officer or employee may be advanced ~der the terms of said Emergency C. rdi~nce ~,To. 79~ New Seri'ss, said officer or employee s~l be considered as having been compensated in accordance with the salary step in the compensatien sched~e to which his class is ~located which correspends with the compensation fixed in Section I hereof~ co~enci~ on the effective date of this ordinance. Provided, howe~er~ that officers and enployees, for ~'~hich advaucement is provided in Section i hereof~ may be advanced on the dates'indicated therein. Ofz'icers and employees entering the service of the City on or after the effective date of this ordins, nce shall be compensated in accordance with E~ergoncy O~dinance ~o.' 794~ Eew ~eries~ except as herein otherv~ise provi.dsd. ~. ordinance is he~'eb" declared to be an emergency he,sure ~:ithin t'ne meaning of Section 24 of the Cha',"ter of the City of Ba:~ersfield, Stcte of California, and necessary to provide for the daily operc, tion of municip'~l departnents and shall be efi'ective on and after ~ep~ember 1 ~ 19~. ..... o0o ..... I ',.~*-'~Y CL.~TI~Z that the foregoing ordinance was passed and adopted by the Council of the City of Bakersfield at a rsgular meeting t"~ereof held on the 7th day of September, 195~, by the follo~ving vote: AYES: CARNAKIS, CROSS, KUEHN, RYDER, SI~rMON, VANDERLEI, VERCAUMF. N NOE~: .-~ ............................................ ,4~NT: __ . ~ _ _...~.~..l~.~ ............ City 'l .. ~ *.~ - '"' io Clerk of the Council of the City of Dal.:ersfield. .,~PP~-~0V...:D this 7th day of ~eptomber, 1953. aYOR. o'~ the Czty of B~e;-s~zela. -10- Aff a ! of J os mg r man es STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) o County of Kern~ ss. V. VAN RIPER, being duly sworn, deposes and says: That he is the duly appointed, acting and qualified Clerk of the City of Bakersfield; and that on ......... _~_e.~__e__~___~__e_r_ ............... _~ ., 19__~_., he posted on the Bulletin Board at the City Hall, a full, true and correct copy of an ordinance passed by the Council of said City at a meeting thereof duly held on .... ~_e_~e__~_b_e__~ ................ _~7__ ............ , 19___~_, which ordinance was numbered__..-'7-_~-~- ....... New Series, and entitled: &N EIJ. ERGENCY ORDIN~'.~CE FIXING THE RATES OF COL[PENSaTION OF INCU~uBEif£ OF~mICEt{S Ai~D ~,;~OYEES 0F Ti~ CITY OF B~RSFIL~D. ~ .Subs~e'd"and sworn to before me this ~--~-'""'9' ; ~"f. September -, 19__zl-__8___. t ____- ............ aay o ~-_ · Notary Public. lin and for the County of Kern, " State of California.