HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD NO 795 · '" -ORD]'.N&NCE NO'. I'[EJ SERIES .. - ~ '" AN' OPd)!N&NCE OF: THE CITY OF' B&[~RSFI 'ELD , '- ~.. ~ ~0VtDING FOR T~ EST~LIS~.iEt~'. OF P~R~I~'~G L~TER ZO~S g~ P~RLI.,:~G .~Tml}~ S PgCES ~ T~ ..- .. ~NST~L&TION,. O~RATION &I~'.IC~%t!,~ENgNCE 0F ~ = ' T'~ DISPOS,ITION. OF kONI~S P.~KI ~,IG. -LmT~RS ~ )COLLECTED-'FROE. T~ US~ 0F'..' LET~RS., .. ~ .&i,~.-PROVIDI-N~ PEN:t~:~iES FOR T~ VIOLATION .... T~REOF " BE ~T ORD&It~ BY TS~ COUNCIL 0F T~ CITY ~0F B~RSFI~D~ as .~Ollows: ..... · :~SECTION t, DEFI~TIONS. . . wl~en u'se~ in'%his....,., o~dinanco~ tke following ..Shall haye.,;t, he herein SpeciT'ied.~ u~ess a .different meaning Clearly appears from 'tHe .bontext; ' ' (~a): The wor'd ".veh, icl~".--/Shail mean· a~ .device.in, upon or by whihh a~ p ,ts.~.or may, be transt upon a .... hi ~y:~. exeepg a which ~s operated.upon rails gra'cks. (b) The ~7ord' "s~et" 'ghalt mean a~ publi, c sg-reot~ avenue~ .... ,.-.m~'~y,. ~o~ o. ther ub~-ic~ way located' in ~he City of Bake~sfie!d and established'.for..the u.se'o-f"vehielo (C) The .word ~.ers-on" Shal'~- mean' ,and -include -any. ividU~ fi'rm~ co'~Par'tnership~ 'assc or cor~ .(d): The .word'"operato~" shall mean and every .ind.iv'idual 'who~ shall operate a vehicle as owner .ghereof, or as .... the ..a.[en.g~ employee or.. p ;ee ,of" ~.h~e'' owner, or. ~s in actual physi- -(e)'~ ~he wor~-"~ark"..'.0r "parkSng" when used ',' mean-'-g'h~ ~Stand.~ng o~ a 7eh~ete,'/.w~e.~he~...o.eeupSed or nog, up°n'a ,~tr'.eet~,otherwise,· than temporarily fo.r..t~e .purpose of and ~hile ' ' actua~'y,.engaged in loading or u~oad'ing .passenger's.' and ..~..~ ::.;..%.. :,-.~ ~. (.~) The wo~s "->arkSng'me~er,.'Shait mean an~ 5neI¢de ~" ' mechanical, devzce -,o~, :'met.er not i.nconsistefit ,~ith this o~dinance .... '" placed o~ erected ~or' ~he .reg~ati'o~ of par.king by aughority, of..th~s . ordinance';.: ..... ' .. "' .. ,.. .. 'r_ _ , . ,.. ,. .. '"~ (h)..'The wo'rds '"parkin~'imeter . spa~e'' shall~ mean and-in- clUde '..any-. space, within ~ parking .mete~ zone, a~jacent-to 'a parkir~g, '~meter and 'v~hic.h.'i~' duly deSi'~ha.ted fOr the". ~'arking of .'~ 'single Vehicle ' By line's~ pain~ed., o~ Other~viSe ~d.d~ab~-Y-marked.on the"curB~'-or:~b'n the surf~' ':Df .the. Street adja-eent to' or.-'a'd'Joining the-parking meters. ' ' ..he ..~en~cte Code of the State..~,of .-, .~.esotution es~.~.blish.parki~ meter zones:in Such .portions Of ~he .7'."~i'tY of Bakersfield as:in' 'gheir discretion,will ~.acil. itate th~/ orderly '~'~' ~flow .0~ ~.~hie~ar traffic~ ,the.-mo~.~ .~f~ici~nb. use .-of available parking · " ":' ' space' ~and enfb~cement :of -par~[~igg' re.g~ations .. 'Upon the estaBlis~ent -" of-su, bt?~-ark~~ :~ietcr Zoneg"-th~:..C¢:~y: Manager.-sh'atl cause. Parking.. : -- '.'] ;m~'ters fo '$.e',ins't~led-~he~ein"afi:a)'.s~'~:~', Ca,se parking meter spaces · . ' ' t&",be...designated. ... a's'~hgr'einhfg~r_... "provided~and- gh~ fix the time " -.' ::'!imitations: for !eg.~. parking:'in.:'~UCh. zones, and 'sh~l-..:indic~te the ::".~.'.. ~'~e.fi'.i~i~.tionS by. d'esignat'ing' ~i~e ~ame on.the p)r~ing meter or 'meters or'by 'appropriate..."signs-.~'nd/or'[.'curb .'marking~ Posted~ in 'cbm- ..' .pliance,..v~ith. the'traffic .or'dinance~.'of' the CitY:'}.of Bak~rsffOld; He in. the. par~c~ng, z.one.s~; said ': '::::'.P'ark~'ng'-'SPa~:es '~.o. be.indiCated..57 '[ine~ painte~, or.-durabiY marked" .' "?:"5'n '~t~e 'c.~ing Or surface"'~fJ.,the-~",S'b'~et, .¢t'e,~dh. Space so marked INST~LL ~TION OF P£~qXiN~ L~ET,~RS, · Parking meters shall be - .../installed.. upon.the curb' or 'sidewalks im~ediate~y'.adjacent to 'the .. · .. : parkin~ s.p. aces. provided in' S. ection '2' l~ereo.f. 'EaCh device Shall. be :~' so set"~s' to all, splay ~.a':~i'gn~'sho~ving l'egal~ parking upon the. dopiest ' '~" ?~ .t~e"~ppropriate.'c°in 0r..co~s,.':~.awf~ money o~ the Un.ited States of ~erica~ .f.o~ the .period Of :time 'pre'Scribed by this ordinance. .. .:Each..devi.ce:'sh~l' 'be so: arr,~nged-th~t ~vnen operated, it sl~l' at all - .. times indicate tl~e balance-.bf' l~g~ .~parking~ time and 'upo_n.':the expi'ra- tion:.'o'f~'said laWf~.~ti~'lim~t.~ it wiil-.~fid.icate by a proper visible. -. sig~[that the ~t~aw~t~' pa~:~'ng limit-.h~s.ex~ired~and in such cases.. :the right Of':'snc~ Vehicle :to occupy '~dch" sp~ce 'shall :cease ~nd..the owner or operator "thereOf sh~i 'be subject: t6..'the ~pen~t. ies' herein : :-.~'~' .OmRgTION ~0F'-.PgR:,~I:~.*G'*.~ZT~S. ',[ EXCept in compliance with .. : [.'.the di~ecti0ns ,0f;a-'-police-.o'~ib~r',.or':'tr'afflc'c~ntr01· sign or sign~., .... When 'vehi'cle"'-Shall be parked'.')in any parki~ space ~ongs:ide or next. bO.'xffhich' a P'arking .meter :i~-"loca~ed',. the 'operator of such vehicle · .... sh~l'~,.'.upon ent'~rinS, tfi¢?~-}i6'parkihg', met~'r '~p~'C'e ,- immediately deposit ,,: . , ..).. · .. . .~ .. · .. .... or C'ause-~to 'be' deposi'~Sd, in.-.said~m~t~"sUch proper '.coi'n or coins of ... '.'.-~tj:': ..t~e~'united stat~--aS".~e. required :.f0-r. ~s~dh ~arking meter and .as a~e '.' '" ._[.:"..j :-d&signated.'~{[.Prop'er directions:on .tho'.meter', and".v~en required' bY' " ..[ the dire. ctioh' on. fthe meter.,-, the.['0.p~eator .'of 'sUch vehicle:,, after the "' depo'sit-Of. "the proper...coin .o~. co.i~s'~- .st-i~ ~so. Set 'in' .0pera~.'~on the 1.:.~....::..-'' ..:' .... . '-.. :.. ...... . ..... ' -". ,-..'..'-.t~m~ng mechanism on such meter .in'a~cordance.with directions properlY' ~"...-~:..".apDear~.ng, thereon, and-.fa~lu, re to .'d'eposi.t. suCh p~oPer coin or .'Coins, . .. : and: tO. Set. ~the~ ~'~ing mechanism in~. Ope.ragion When.. 's0 re. qUi~ed~ sh~l .: consti~.~e" h.'-violation of'-thi's''.'6ra~nance. · [U~0n. the dep°si~"of such' . ,. ,.-:cozn.~ '..or coins (and' .the:'seg'~i~ of 'the,[. timi[ag me'dhaniSm, i'n..'operation 'When so ~e~uired) the park&rig ~spafi'e may 'be ~ aWf~l~:occ~pied .by s~ch ,.. ._ ...-.. .~.~ .'.:: "........~':-.. ,. ~ :'~ ~ .'.'~..'..':. . .. :_5-.._ Ve~hi:6~:~:..duT. in6. the period that .such '~e~e~. indicates '~eg.~ parking, ." not exd~edin~ t~e' peri0d'~ of .t.im~ .which ha2.. be~n prescribed 'as .the . '' ' legal parking time~limit for the part of.the,svreet in Which said parking space,.fs, located; pro~ded.~'..t.,hat any'person placing a .... ."~":'"'vefiicte. in a parxlng., meter space adjacehg, tO:a meter Which indicates _._.-~ that ~u'sed time.'~aS been lef~"in"~h~ meter, by a previou:s o.ccupant of ..... t~¢ Spaee'-slial5 .no% be ro2u~.ed.",~O'.'deposit a Coin so.-to~' as .'his 'o id space does not exceed::the..indicated ~used. parking .. "~ occ an ~.'. .... ' tim~. . If' said vet~i.o!e ~'~'sna~!~ remain.:,~a~ked in,.anY- Such parking space -beyond the parki~1 -ti~e limit S'eg .for '.such parking space~ or if:.the ~ meter shall indiCate i!leg~' parking~.'theh5 'and in that e~ent-,, such ' '- . vetii, c!e' .~h~l ba' considered ~ ~ark~ng '6vel. time and beyond-" the period -of 1.eg'~ ~Pa~king-time:~ .and su'bh parking sh~!t .be deemed a Violation Of-thSs .:'ordinance. ' .... / .: Which a ,vehic!'e..¢emain~' Pa~k~d. . in-.~...,such~ pa~king. space while the Parking me~r :i'~ s'now~no a sign~ ind~eat~ng ghe such Spa~e ~s.,5!~gal[7 ~n g.S.e:~-s~'~ll ..eon~t~uge a gepara~e "o~renS.e .un, er ~h~s -: .. -..~r~X:qzNa Tt~ L'I[,~ITS "(a) Parking 0r s..t~nding, a vehicle : in. ~ designated .sp~ce in.'a parking m~ter-.sp~ce Shall be"!awf~ fOr twei::V~'-.~:d2)_ 'minutes upon depOSit'of o:ne" (1)'"one-cent coin; -'twenty- : -ffoU~ (2~) mi.nutes'upon'deposit of ,two {2)"ofie'-c.ent coins; .thirty- , ..six (3~)~'m'iis~tes upQn deposit, of t~r~'e (3) 0n~-emit"coins; f.orty- .- . eight-.'(4~) minutes ,upon deposit of':.four :(4) one~c'ent 'coins, .or' sixty .-[.- (60)"minutes upgn-.deposit of fiv'e ('~) bne-cent 'coins, or one-(!) five.- c.~,]nt' d6~in' of the ~Uni.ged .S~'ates 'of ~fae~ica ' 'Provided~- ~0~vever ~ that .the: ~standing ~or .parking of', a ~e~-'(ic~e in:a~, parking meter space be- _ yond'"the ,raaxim~ legal 'parki-~.'~-~5~;"~h~ constitute a vi~!ation-of ..,~: . t'his'- 6.f~i~nc.e~ regar, dte.ss,~off the 'numbe~- or denominations',6~f'. coins ", - .... ::' (b):) said parlsin~ meters '-Shall' be 0pe'r:ated in' said . · - -. :E, - .Dar~l~g ' -~eter zones every. 'd'ay' between the _hour's o~...9~-~' a.I~' '" ~. and' 6-p.;~,: ~ except. .. s[~nday.s'and 'h'ol[ida~§~ .pro~,ided, however, that within the meaning , .' ' o£ this .o~dlna'nce the te.rm "holi:day""si~.ai1 include~ the:foilov~ing .. ->.~days o!~y; Th~ first of January~ thirtieth 0f.i~S~, fourth, of .... z~st ~,onday :in'.Se'ptember.~ . '" -of.'De'~ember~ .whenever' a~'o'f'~tl~e/'~ore~q$~:ne-d dates fa!ls:"on, a'. : -sna!].. be coflsidered a' holiday Within " s2cTioN .'-."'..'. '. _ '.' .... ~OL'~TiONS.. . . . . .it .shall. . be'} d~a~-~f~ a~d a :.Violation of' the · ' pro~isions 0f .th~s. ordinance~ 'for'[g~ .person: " .- · .~ ... '(a). T0:~ caUse~"atI0w:~.- perrait' o~' s~ffer. ~ny vehicle regis- . ...-.' :'.. t~red in. the 'name"0'f, · or.-6perated', bY-. Such" Person,. to .be 'parked 'over2 .:t~me~ o-r oeyond,'tne period( of legal .parking 'time ~stabli~hed for a~ · .' ' '. '.(b).' .TO,deposit o~'.C~USe' to be d:epo'sit~d .in a .parking meter .' "" '' oeyon~ the maximu~ ].ega~ · . "' :t.i~"~:i~Xed .for. _. pa~ki~" in ~the'. . pslr-ki~g.~ ~p~ce alongside o~ or'next to : . [ .. - ,. ~. :. ,.' ' . .. ":'.'. which.'.'.S~.id ~arking meter~.~S. ~ia'ced,.. -. .. . ~-'~' .... '(c)' T3' }ermit.'a~'vehic~e't0.rema~n or b~.pI.aced in a~ parki~. 's~ace .adJadent:':~o a~v' pa'~king .~ffet-er x-mile 'said i2eter 'is 'dis,. ',:pl~yi~ a sig.n~'~" ~' ' ' "''' ._ _ zn~cat~ng 'that.the -'.veh~c~:e'. occupying such' 'p.arking '.sp~c,e :ties 'already been..p~rked.'b'eyS~d .the period: prescribed for such . "-s ace ' :' ' ' ' ,.- ~ ~ . ' -: . :~ . . :", 2 : .... ' -~ ~,.-*' (4) ~O-'p~k :anT'~veh~e~~ .aec°ss an7 15ne_ o~ nm2~ng'~ of a .... 'Parking'.: meter spade'..Oz. in such positibn :ghat. the"~ehic!e. ~hal! not"' '.'b~ en'ti're~.Y wi'thfn'.the"ar, ea .d~e~ignated by subn.'line~ 07': markings.'. "' · - .(~). 'To.'park any vehicle i'n-a' par.king space during a~"time. ~'~'"' '" " · · -,' .~' . . :':'L" ' . , .. W~e'n '-the 'Parkiz~. meter. 'adJace~3t-'ti~ret0 ~ndicates that the !gwft~- : ,..':':'.parki~g '.per~od bas.Oxpired',' longer.-than'"t~e tim'e' required to operate ."' '"[]'": "' .. , )'.' ~." (f)")--T~:-:d'e'face', injnre'~ ..t~mper With, open. Or W~lfu!!y' break, (-'-d:.e'~tr0:y...0~ i'~mpai~''-' t~;~ user, ness of ~ny "pa~'ki'hg me'~er" ':inst~l'ed pur- ' :, ~. ".;'': '.' ' ' " ' ' ? · suant to-.the 'Proui "'' ' sion:s Of .this..o~alnance~- 0r to Hitch. any an~m~ " Police t0.-'.~nf0:rc.e '-the'~P~Sv'isions.. o-f thi's ordinance.' It 'ghal!' be '" the "duty '.of poli~ce ~fficer~s~-Of.~ the-'.cit~',: a'~'~i.ng' 'in.. accordanc~.fwigh.~ .-"'."pai-kSng meter V/l~,icl5' .indi.ca~es 't~a~.':ghe''v'eh~cis oeeupying-':the Parki~ .. "spa-ee',,ad.3~ceng'..to such'-pa~king'.'me~e~' i~" or' nas been'.pa:~ked.in vSola- tion.o'r'tne "provi2$0ns .off this .'or~ihanc~. the date and.,hSur of sach '"~ v'io!ation~ th~ .m~k~. ~nd -S'tate: li'cefise-"h~ber of' su]ch' V'ehi. cl'e;~ and ".. ". ".' :.a~ other fac.ts of. lmo?~!ed~'e' o'f ~;~hich, i.s.-~iecesSar7 .t0~a tnorouoh.._ .unders~andi~ 'of ~he-circ'~stances .~t~end. i~ such v~ol'.ation. ..- '..'~,:..': .... (2) To, issue and 'attach t0" such"ve~ic!e a-notice, to the , :' ~ -' ..... ~ ..~ .. . . . .. . . .. . ". 'Oi;'~ner"or..operat6r thereof thag's-~crL-vehze!e.'"" ' ' ' ' ~ has be.en ~arked in viola- :..tion-.0f~'~he. ~roV,isiOns of .thi:$ '0r,dsn~nce ~,:~nd instru, c'ti~g .such ovmer .o'f the'-'ci.ty of BakeiYsfield in reg'ard .to SUcH~violation;' Each .sUch(~ 'owne'~?.or 6per, g~o.r }ay within'five '(f)..:days:~°~:'the 'time:.su'ch' noti'c~s .' '."g'tt~adhed.'~to su'ch vehicle'; }a~..'tO.-:th~ Judge ~f ~he Police 'Court~ as a ...',.pe:n~ty for :and' in,.:.f~i.:.sati~factio:n~ of Such violati0n~' '~'he s~ 'of ~ne.~Dollar.. T~' failtire. 0f. s~'ch'.'~wn'e~ .or,' opera~°r':%to make ~h pay~ ' ment ~;~i~hin : SuCh' ,-time ~ha~!' :re~m.er him"subj.bb't~.'~°-:'t~fe pe.n~.t,~e$ here- ~... · ~,~!~IONS. (a)- VehSe!'eS" ow~od 'or opera, ted by, tho City in .:the-.~arking meters .adja'ceng. thereto' v~en'..saSd vehicles are bei~' '..: · ~....~ "' .':(b }" ' Vel3icies(may~.-park: in parking spaces .~:[~ .' -.10.~':.'0i~ '.u~'oad'-'me~chandise v~itho'ut dep.os~tzn~ :cOins in' the parking mete~ ]i~'d.jac'ent it~{ere~o, fdr a ~e'riod' not: tO exdeed! ~~ minutes" :- Sh°uZ'd.,. 'any: .. s'~ch' co~e.~eial vehid!'e . be.. parked.. . -longer. "' ''-'mieuges Without: .~d.e~osi'ting a ~oi-n-or .coi.-ns~. . the owner or'. operator ..~.nereof.~l" _~o',g:iven a ~o. ti~e pro~ided for in Section 8 flereof, and - - the ~g~.ar Pe'~by. imposed.-_ ..¢.. " :'-'' ':' (~').'.:. C6'~'r:c~'.v~hi~ es'~,iH~,e' actu~!y' engag¢'d in oonstruc~ , . -.. , :tL - , . .. ,., ,. . ,. tion o~ '~e~air ~'wdr!~ uPon ~t'~e pub!ic':'str~ets~ or pro'¢erty ad}'acent -"t~'fe~d~ may park'.. 'in: p'a~king sPa. ceeb... Withou.t-depqsiting: any 'coins, upon'~'sp.. . .. _~' ~'¢r' . n' "' ' " ' ' """" ' ' ... :. p.e~it.": .re oi-':: n st :issued by-the City "'." '" It S'tSai!;'be.:.~th0 'duty.'.o'~"th'~"~itT.[[anaser to designate .... -. some Oe~:.sbh 'O~-..'Pe~sons..~O 'm~ke..~ .. .. reg"ar, cb!lecti-on~...of the money d~po s'~'t'ed.:. ~n'.......said., metors'.., afld' it' .shall' .be. t'he' dutY."O~, said persons . ..s.o. designated to.[ make 'such" cOl~!ec.tZOnS ..ahd- ~S d'elive~. %he money collected ~o tih~ Ci'ty.Treasurer meters .... -. ....... .- .. ...:. ...... -"~halI' be .~l.~ced .in-.a spe.ci~ '_~.nd Which' is hereby )c~.eated~ es.tabt'i~hed ' I .... 'and ~esignat'e~'/as'-the'~'PArking:IJ'I~tei; Fund"~ which fund.shall be usod .. .....? : .' :~: .... '...-.(a):. T:he 'dos't of pdrChas~"te&se'~ 'acq~iSi.tio~,'~i~t'alla,..'''- .- · ..:.,.' .~i-on~.)Op~a~on.,~ insPec;tion,.' rep~ir.,, .mainte-na~c~,(' sUPervision.'~ .re.g~a- . . -., . · .. ...., .,:..¢,. :.:, .: .,, ~"'" '°'f~lstreet'-"~ar.king.:'~°aciiities. for .~he ~u'~e'. of 'the Public ~vithin':the '. .. · PEt,T&LTI~S.. any pen~son :.who Shall Violate or fail to ....-.with. :a.nY of _ th~ 'provisions. of this 'ordinance~ or who s~!l' ~ cou~se~ ~id o?:.... :abet 'any-such' vio!ation'.0~' fail'ure, t0 comply~, shall be. guilty of a misdemeanOr~ and. upon convi.ctio~n shall be punishab~.?[~by-'a-fine not.exceeding' T-hree' Hundred.Doi]}ar:s, ;($3OO.00). . or by im~onment ;.the County Jail-fo'~ '~ p.eriQd-'n0t.-to,,["~C~ed..ninety. (90) days~ or by -' . ORDINANCE SU-P~EL~I'~gRY.. ,Thi~s'.ord~nance,. so far' as con- -tarF t~ and not in eOn~i'ct .with-nor a repe~, of prior or exis~g: Of traf~iC_'~nd, pa~king in the. parking meter zones provided ~foF '' '" .- ' SEVER:~'ITY'. if, a~ section~ sUb-secti0n~ s.entence~,:,~.ause. O'r phrase., of, this., ordinance is for'. .. ~'~ rea. '~ ,s'°~I. hela." t© be un~t~tu '~'oh~',._"Sueh. decision sh~ not affect the ~id~tT' of the ~emai~i~ sec'.~6'ns...,0f t~is ordinance.. The 'Council hereby-declares that;it wo.utd' k~ve ,pa~s0d this :ordin~nc.e ~ and' each Section, ,sU~'~section~. - sent'ence,~, clause and phrase 'tnereof~ ~rrespective of the fact 'that. . a~:. ,~ne or more..o'gher sefitions; ~sub:2Se.cg~ons:~:. sentences ~ ~r~ses or '~ ~ I HEREBY CERTIFY that ~the ~foregging~ Ordinance was PaSsed ....· and adopt;ed .by ~the Council o£ ti~e' City of' Bakersfield at a reg~ar meeting there0f.,.hel.d on the '3Oth'daY".of AugUst, t9~3., ~Y the · AYES:~ CROSS, KUEHN,, RY6'ER,~ vANDERLEI, VERCAMMEN ,' :.'~ .. ' ~ ~' City-Clerk and ~x-O~ficio' clerk off.the . "' .Council of 'the'City- of'.Bakersfi~eld.- .&PmO~D tHi. s Oth d.ay..o~ August, i,~...' ' ' : .... ( , ~igYOR'.o'ff-the 'City of Bake.r'sf'ield~.'- ' " -:.-....:. .~ , :~ -. .. ': , ', '_:,.'.,' · , ~;~ ,~' .',.,: '. . . ~.'. . -.. , . : 1 STATE OF CALIFORNIA } County of KernI ss. V. VAN RIPER, being duly sworn, deposes and says: That he is the duly appointed, acting and qualified Clerk of the City of Bakersfield; and that on .......... ~ ~_ ~/ 19~__~____, he posted on the Bulletin Board at the .................................. 1. City Hall, a full, true and correct copy o_f an ordinance passed by the Council of said City'at a meeting thereof duly held on ........... ~ ....... __~______~_ ....... , 19__¢_~___, which ordinance was numbered____'~___/~__-_-~____ ...... New Series, a4 entitled: AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD PROVIDING FOR THE ESTgBLISHI¥,iEI~ OF PkRKING I~,:!ETER ZOhTES .&hrD PARKING ~,,~TER S PACES~ THE INSTkLL.&TION~ OPERATION AND };:~&INTENANCE OF PARKING ~.,'-ETERS~ THE DISPOSITION OF MONIES COLLECTED FROM THE USE OF PARKING IdETERS~ AhrD PROVIDING PENALTIES FOR THE VIOLATION THEREOF. and sworn to before me-this .......... 1 Public in and for the Coun~ of Kern, State of California.