HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD NO 793 EMERGENCY ORDINANCE NO. 7~ NEW SERIES AN EMERGENCY 0RDIN.&NCE .~ER~D!NG SECTION 19 OF. 0RDIN&NCE NO. ~03 ~ SERIES .A~ RE~- ING O~INANCE NO. 73~7 ~W SERIES 0F T~ CITY OF B,~RSFI~D ~ C~IFORNI.A. ~REAS~ the City Co~cil hereb~ declares that an emergency exists for the i~ediate preservation off the public peace~ property~ satiety and welffare~ which requires the passage of an'emergency ordi- nance providing for rates for taxicab service. NOW~ T~FORE~ BE IT O~.A!I~ BY T~ COUNCIL 0F T~ CITY OF B.~RSFI~D~ as follows: SECTION 1. That Section 19 of Ordinance No. 703 New Series of the City of Bakersfield~ be and. the same is hereby amended to read as follows: Section 19. R~TES FOR T.~IC.~ SERVICE. The rates or fares to be charged the public by taxicab carriers sh~l be as follows: (a) Thirty Cents (30~) for the first two-fifths (2/%) m~e or ~ag drop; Ten Cents~ (10~) for each additional two-fifths (2/%) miles~ or fraction thereof· The waiting time rate shall be Two Dol- lars Fiffty Cents ($2.%0) per hour, or Ten Cents (!0~) for each two and two-fifths (2 2/%) minutes· (b) There shall be no charge made for extra passengers. (c) There shall be no extra charge for hand luggage. (d) The above rates sh~l apply to any area within five miles from any exterior boundary off the City of Bakersfield. SECTION 2. That Ordinance No. ~3~, New Series~ of the City of Bakersfie!d~ be and the same is hereby repealed. SECTION 3. T.his ~ordinance,is hereby declared to_ be.'an emergency 'measure within the meaning of Section 24 of the Charter of the City of Bakers- field~ State of California~ and necessary for the immediate preserva- tion of the public peace~ property~ safety and welfare~ and shall take effect on September. l~ 1958. .,--o0o .......... I HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing Emergency Ordinance was passed and adopted by the Council of the City of Bakersfield, at a regular meeting thereof held on the 30th day of .August~ 1958~ by the following vote: AYE,g: CARNAKI$, CROSS, KUEHN, RYDER; S!F:.',C,".; VANDERLEI, VERCAMMEN NOES: __~ ............ City Clerk and Ex-~gfficio Clerk of the Council of the City of Bakersfield. .~P/R0~ thi~30th day of August, 19~8. ~LAYOR ok~ the City of Bakersfield. STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) County of Kernt ss. V. VAN RIPER, being duly sworn, deposes and says: That he is the duly appointed, acting and qualified Clefk of th~ City of Bakersfield; and that on .......... .:~_g_~..S_~ ............... _._~_.__/_ ...................... , 19-_-4--8-__, he posted on the Bulletin Board at the City Hall, a full, true and correct copy of an ordinance passed by the Council of said City at a meeting thereof duly held on ....................ALtkgLt$¢, ~(~_ ..................... , 19_~_8___, which ordinance was numbered____'7__.~'__~__ ...... New Series, and entitled: ".AN F~J~ERGENCY ORDINANCE A~ENDING SECTION 19 OF ORDINANCE NO. 703 NEV~ SERIES .AND REPEALING ORDINANCE NO. 737 NEV¢ SERIES OF THE CITY OF B. AKERSFI~_~D." ..... ~: ~..:-.~;,:::;,~.Subscribed and sworn to b~fO?e-me-this ' ~ .~N0ta~ Public in and for the Coun~ of Kern, : ~ State of California.