HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD NO 810 ..ORDINANCE 'NO; 616 EEW~' SERIES OF TEE'CITY. :,~,~....., ..' BE 'IT .ORDAINED..BY 'TEE COUNCIL. OF THE.' C. ITY O"F B.AKERSFIESD',. -- __ .... · That.Sectio'"_n 4~6 o.f 'ordinance .No. ~i~' New' S.eri~s~.";L~ho"City of .Bakersfi'eld be 'and .the. 'same' is. here~'y, am~nded"'('.tq.' read ..aS. follows: '456L-Br. ass' :'a~d C'op.~e'r 'Pipe ".Brass· and co~p~er pipe shall cOnform, respect~iVeI¥,..to 'the...A~" I~,' ' T.'.' M., Sgan~lard Specifi'ca~ions 'for De'si~ha'tion~s. B.,4~-33.,'and~ B.;42-~33 respe~'iyO~.7. Copper.,:~f'P'o' and hard of' Baker'sf.101.C!.' b0i'~ind..:th."~:(~a~e.-is' h~'reb¥ ~'mend~d' to read a's 'followS: · of Bal~ersf~0~.'d ~0."an0."ti~ ~'ame'.~.s herebF' am~'nded ~6' read as foil6ws: 50'?,.-Lead. t'o' .'Cast "I/;~n"~r'"Cast 'BraS~'o -~he Joints shall'be imade · ." Or'east" bras~ 'eorme'ction independeh, t o~. f0rr~ ar~d,~.w, iped' Joi~.t..-.. . '" .. · "ghat. Seeg~on-.608 of o~nan~0 .'~o... '6~6 'N~W'. Se~os. of ~ho . 608--Kind and' Minimum Size...~.Ev,ery ~traR, 'except" sand..traps 'an~..'.similar intercePting'traps, shall be SeI. f"cleani~. Traps " . · "',.'" '~' . . ba.~htubs"'~: Showers,.' was~ basins, si-nks..~ .urinal.s"~. l'aundry ~ubs, hoppers~ ' fl'oorJ' 'drAins', .d.rtnklng fountains, d~i~al 'tuiits, ' and other "similar ,. . .. .;. ..' ... .~'. '. , . ~ '. .. .'f:ixtur.es 'shal,1 'be of. lead, brass or.cast Jiron."" . ....i..~..,.i'.~i.'.,i~.:.. . 'The'.minimhm size (nominal inslde"d'iame~er).'of the ~rap for'..~. ':" .'. singl'e.' giVen fixture' shall be :not less than'"' that'shown in Table'/No': 1 ".:. ' ..~ny..fixture not;..'sfi0wn in Table No-. '1 shall' 'be. D'rovided wl~h a -.'trap not less..in~.si~.~e'. ..t.~an the fixtur~"Outie't;' 'l~y appliance or .. , .."" ·deviCe. not shown in Table. 'No. '.1 sh~i!', be. provided'.'wi~h a trap not..~. · . ...- less in size ~ihan that. reqUired for .flxtdr~ .'unit equivalents, as.'sh0wn by ·Table. 'NO'. 2 ~..bas. ed o'n '.th~ 'known 'or' e'sti~a.ted rate 'of .~is'charg~,' . in ga!l..ons per mi'~ute. .. 'i..-.... ...-"i'. Each twO' {2).-:shower headsl Shai'l b'e'~the, equal of one fixture. ~.unit; and 'the total number .of. showe~'.'heads' shall, determine· the siZe Of.trap reqUi~ed'for gang shoger§'i.' .. ". .". ... ":.' 'T~ia't Secti0n.80~'."6f-'or~inance No;. 61~ Ne~'~,.Series of' the City Of B~ke-r-sfield, be'and .the 'same .is '~,e.r~by amended to read'a's ·follows: '.'. '' 806'--Fl'°0r D~a'ins and"'.~howe'r .istalls,.~'.:~' flo6~ 'drai~ or shower .·shall bel-cOnsidered a:':f...ix~'u~e"iahd' '~us.t L.b~" pro.~ided.., with a Strainer, .. . .No sho.w~'r Stall 'pl.Umb.t~. shall 'be. installed wi'theft first lining the' flo°~ and sid'e, walt.s. . . . to'~al.'h~ight: no'.t:'less' than one (1.)..inch above the level of. ~h~..'~o'p''or'. .uppermost .por.ti.6n of. ~he. finished 'curb, dam, · -. ..or' thr.~sh~id, and. mn 'no i'case'iess .~Ha.~'six (6) inches above t'he .'fin- i.~hed~ . _ flo0r'. , . Such l~ning'..~-ha~t .'co~.siSt 'of three layers 'of. fifteen. ~. '" · (t~").'..pound 'tar or asphai't roof.f"ng. ~aper~ each'layer th0~ughly mopped " ....~ ..wi~h ~o.t'a ; or. 'a pre~fabricated"shower pan' ~on'sisttng of two .' ' 1.a'~'ers...of. fifteen (.1 5') · pound tar or asphalt 'roofing paper, and'. one .... cenger l'..'ayer, of .&sphaI.t' saturated jburt'a'p th. oroughl~".mopped, togegher' .. 'with hot asphal~.t'urned up side'wails, or a.l~ad ~an or other .shower · . pan,s or-. ~nte'rceptors .approved by. the Plumbing' inspector. · .. .: '.. ~ ~. ...~..'......?.~.'. , ...'. Lead'pans sh'all be insulated~ 'from al~' Conducting-~ubstances· · other-than 'their connec't!ng, drain',.':which' shall be insulated from the ....:,. ground..an~, a!.l" oghei' .Conducting substances '~xcept at point of'con-. :hection .t.o' mAin':d'ra'i'n,.. No lead' pan:shall "b~' construfi.ted of lighter .. ;..ma.t. eri'al '.thafi $ lbs. per squa.r...~'...fo~.2t an'd so ins'tailed that 'pan shall "'.. '~.be in:i-'One piece, except tha~"whef~ pan is .of sUch dimension ..tfi'at one '.".." .~iece ~wouid. be... imprac~i, cabl'e,., more. ...:.. ,.... -. . .. tha-n, one. . piec.e. .. . .maY'Be'used pro- :.':. · ' vlded tha~" seams .:a'fe", burned.'.~nd..~ot'?,.goider'~d, ""' .- .A'. sub draifi:..'shall:.'be' installed! fn every shower, i~t' must be .. . ..~_.. ' ' · .'..L' i".' . .. ,: . ·. '.' .L '- - '. · ,."' ,. .. of ':the. type· that s:et~ .'f!u'§"H wi t'h ..the j'.flo0r; "equipped,?Wi .th ·'clamping · r'~.~ or·other. de~:'ic~ ~t6'."ma~e :a:"'ti'~ht'.c;onnectiorf'~betWe'en shower stall :: ..' 1.'lning.".._~-3~ad sub d.~.a'f~;.".'~This drain shall, have .weep'.holes .into Waste " li~e,''...' ...-~ '. · :i '... .'.. ' :' '' "SECTION ·6;·. " .'iThat.secti6n 100t-"of 'Ordi~.'nce'.No'..' 616 New'Series ~£ the Oity '"'-6f Bak~r'sfield~ be'.a~ the same' .i's hereby. .amended ~o.read.as ·follows: · · '~..' ..' .. . t.O.~)!.-.,Materials. ' (~) All 'soil and 'waste pipe' shall' be cast · " .".-' ir°n:~ ·lead, ·bras·s, .cop~e'r 'pipe or' hard· ~rawn. ~o~per' tubing', ' galv. a'n-' · " ize~ wrOught· iron. or gai.Van'ized.' 'Sgeel pipe with. c.a's.~'.iro~, lead· or " · cast bras~ fit'tings~ 'ex.e~pt that. no .steel.. Or wrought ir~n' pipe shall' '" '.' be 'Placed'Underground' o~' within "~ · . s~x inches .(6")"..Of the ground · ,." ' [:('~i'i".Ai1 'special Waste pipes Shall': ~e cast iron.pipe,, with ..'". ca§tl iro.n .fittings; galvaniC, ed. Wrought i~o'n.,. 'or. galvanized ·steel pipe' wi~ .6ast. i~on drainag~ f.it~ing,.s; lead, brass',, hard..~bawn' copper .., 'tUbing' or 'c0Ppe,r. pipe.', wi~h' Cast 'ir'on, copper or braSs[.dr~inage · -;" f~%~.in~gs.,. '-...except 'that no '.galvanized'. wr6ugh.t iron or galvanized s.teel · Pipe. sh~'~i be Pia'eed underg~ound"or.:Wi~hin'.s~x"'~nc'hes (6") of the .'.' · :gr0~nd;..~.-.....:. . . . - ..... ....... · .'?. · 2:':: .'.. :~,_~-.U.4:..'..J':_. '; ' '" · ' '(-.. .(c) ".Ail vent'.p.ipe.s"shall, be ·cast: iron pipe With c'ast'.iron · fit't'ings;, gAl v.'.a..ni'z~:e..'d- wrought: £ron..or galvanized s~,eel -..pipe,.. with .' 'cast :' iron....0r 'g'alvani~,.ed... malleable, iron.: fi.tting s.'; ..i.~'~d, brass, · .. '.c6'pper pipe. or.,hard..drawn copper~".tu"b.inE, 'with cast iron'~'.cast brass .' · .. or galvanized.mali~'abie iron fittings, 'exC~pt..tha%..no ·galvanized .. ~" ' : ~.- :.. . -' .'.'.'(..'. ' 'L · ' ' ' .: "' wrought iron .or gaI.'Vani~.ed st~el pipe s'hali.',be'.Placed underground · '(d)'. No. copper'.pipe ,o'r.. h~rd drawn' c°pp.e~· tubin~ lighter' ~han U. 8. Go~e~riment ~c. '0'.L shall, be ..placed under ground or w~thin six .: (e)'' ~°''p.~rt).o.f. this ~ect-ion sha'~l ~ deemed t~ preclude.' the ."a~e'.6f. other materials. . ~..of eou~l., o'i' better" qua_~'igT. ~when"'first. . approved TI/At: Se'c~ton' 1002. of 0rdinanee' No~ 616 'New 8eri~S'"'~of 'the cit:¥ "of Ba:lt.~.~sfle!d'~ ~e. and tho: same is he,ob7 amended to. road'as £ol.low~ .... .l'002-F. ix~are Un~)..~q.u.!vaZents.. ' gho 'unit.equSval'ent of.plumb- · 'gl, ap r'e~Uir~di, and the unit equivalent of fixtures and...device~q not s~o;~':in:.~abl0" N0.. 1, shall be .based' On ghe rated dis'eharge"eapae!t¥ :!.r~ .ga'[lo~is p0r min~.te in aee.ord~nee w±th Table 31o..2; ' " ·· '. · :... '." N'O .'1. '· Kind: of ~ixture ... ' .... Trap Size Units 'nki~ FoUntains ' '. " i 1/4" 1 Dri ' ' · " Dental Unit-~ .'- . '"':' " · ' ' 1 1/4" "" 1 Bar Sinks · ' 1 1/% 1 Wash Basins" 1 1/2" 1 · Kitchen Sinks 1 1/2 2 Bath' Tubs' ' 1 1/2 · 2 Laundry - Tdbs ..... ' 1 1/2" " 2 " Bidets ..... " 1 1/2 .U-:--l'rina S ......... ' ...... ' ' ' ;' ' ' " Wall ' ' :" 1 1/2" 2 C pi.d ' /2 us ors. ' '"'"' ...... i' ' "' ' '~ .-.."'.. . .. 1'1/2" 1 Combination Fixtures ; . ? .... ~.. ..... 1 I. " .... 2 F15'or'. ~1 H ' /2 ' ' Sinks'an oppers.: ...... -', '..... 1 1 " 2 · Shower "8 tall s · · 2" 2 Floor Drains . . .. .... ~ · ' 2 .. · · '. · · '2" '. ~-afi--ur.~:-t-~ ...... .~.. _.. .. .. ...... .__. ....... ~-- -'. . .'. .'Slop .'Sinks. : ....~ i i : iJS "'~ '" ''' "2":'.' 2 Water Clo~ets..or.. 1 n c S' ' " · · · : 3". 6 Sand Intercep~or ' '; " '; 3" or-'4" 6 .. That.. seet~n..-l'O03 "Of.. 0rd~nance: No..' 61·6 'New ·Series· of'. the city'. of B'a~ersfield be~" and.' t~.e-·same· i.s .her. eby'amen~ed':' t~'read .-as follows: ".-V~r:tical' a'4d/or, h0'r. izontat 'drainage and/or':~e'nt"piping' Sh .all'.::be de'; '.'.germined' from the .diS'gr'i'b~t~o~. and 't~ta! ~f all fixtU~.e.. .... nnits~ connected' 'thereto,~. and addi'~iOnal., in ~he. case :~f vertical ·soil ~ waste, and/6r 'Table'No 3' shows the'maximum n'~mber .6f fixture units ~l-lowed on · an~ iverti~c'al""~'r'~(~Or~z~ntal- ·soil· or' Wa'S~e. ~ipe,' house drain, 'and/or house' ~eWer'.'of.'~ given'"siz'e~ the' maxi~ttm:length (in feet) 0f:.:any " .ver'ti'~al':s0it~..wast'e ~nd.~o'r"vent '~i"pe of'-a 'given size; .the maximum · numbe'r['of flxtlure Units."alioWed on any..:'.o'~e .v~nt .6r "vent' sta:ck of a' -' given'Size',.' and. the. maximum'-.number of..sqUare feet of roof.~ or '0t'her · rain wate~'I d'raine'd' area.~'.'.~ai-lOwed'.0n ..any pipe. of a gi-v.en size. .....-' · '~ve.r~ -connecti. on .to ~'a"si~w. ag.e"disposai:.. SYstem .sh'all have' at. least one ' sta~k' of a: si'~.'e eft. dai.' to"the' 'main' ho~'e' cirain extending continuously · from' Such'.h0u.se:: drain thr.o.u.gh the roo~'as 'a' main vent. ".' · the house 'dr'ain exceeds .4" in .size~.' such main. · . Vent .shall .be'; equal...to. ~he 'largest stack in ..the building., but 'in 'no " . "." ~ ~ l~l'.O',' · ~. ~(~ ~.- ~ ~ c~' '.. · .. ~- .. ;:~..~.~,. -.., ~ .._.. . ~.. · ~ .... .i¥".'~'~'"'. ......... .. .',' .. . . .. · '..:.''" · .....L. ' . . ' ' "' ?"'." ' · ' .... .r~ m ..-..-; ':. "... "."-'"' '~' '~._-...' ....,: · . . '~ ~... .~ .. · .' .'.;...... . ~. ,'. . ..,... ....'.... ... · . · , . ..., · . .' .... '"· .. o ..',~.."'m" O~ ' · .'-..~ ..... · ~ ..~" '.... : ~ ' . ... . .... .. ~ .... · 0 ~ '.~ ~ '~ . ~'-. o ' ..' ,;'.:.'. '.'.'" .. '. ~ · · '~.-" .. · . ~ ~ .. .'~,~' '. .. · . . . ; · : . . · ' ~0 "' ' "':' · ." ~:)~"" .. ...... O' "0."'.. 0 0 0 0 : · :. . .: : ....:.-.. .. .- · .: · . · ' .I":HEREBY~'CERTIFy ·that the. ~oregoing Or_dinanc'e .was 'passed " .', ~.. · ''.'' · : :'. . : ~'i:-.' : and i'.ad.o'pted,.bY .the Council-Of the..Ci.ty..b'f'Bakersfield at 'a re'~!ar . m~ting..thereof.hel:d o.n'~hel3t}l 'day Vof,...DecemBer, ~.94'8', by the fOllowz . "' -,.i'~g 'vote; '.. '..:' .. '.' ' ... .. .,.. :.'~::.. ·. . u,~ _t ..~~ · . · . .. . . · .' ,,,,Es:'.-~-.--,._.~,--_,,.~ ..... ~__~'.. · ..' .'.'.' .....'.' ... ....:.....,,~,~: .. ..... ~~.:~~- .: · ..o . .,.. ~. ... ' ... .';.~' .:.: .., ~i'.. City Clerk" and' Ex-0'ffic:£o clerk of the '"'"'" ... 'Coundil of · the City 'of Bakersfield, · .-r-..-r'j"m. · .. . -. · . . ..' '- ~. · ," ..... .. '. '. 'l.. .~' ... zc~48~ ' I~th De.q " ' :his 'day of-. om'bo ' ' - City' · ' f the .':of BakerSfield',j... .....'" · .. ...... "~"~'~ ....... '~" ' - - '' "~ .~"..' ...:. ,~'' .'.' '. ' ?..;.:' u' ~ " ..... .~. ......... . . . . .... ; .... ~.- .,---z-..-:,. L_.~ ...... '~_., .~:., .'.~.... _' ' " ' '. :~',":'~a Affi av ! of os mg r man es i STATE OF CALIFORNIA l i County of Kern ss. i i ~V~/~-Eh~m~, being duly sworn, deposes and sayS:~e i That~e Js the duly appointed, acting and qualified City of Bakersfield; and that ' on ............ _D_ _o_ . _q g_ _I!l_b__o_~ ........... ~/_~.~_- ............ , 19_~_~_$he posted on the Bulletin Boord ot the I City Hall, a full, true and correct copy of an ordinance passed by the Council of said City at a I meeting thereof duly held on .......... ._D_e__c__e_m_b_e_r__l.~ ......................... , 1~1'___8____, which ordinance 1 was numbered ..... ~.l.O.~ ......... New Series, and entitled: 1 ! I "AN ORDINANCE .AMENDING SECTIONS 406, 413, 507, 608, 806, 1001~ 1002 and 1003 OF ORDINANCE NO. 616 NEW SENIES OF THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA." I i' '~'%~' ~ ' ri ' ,~-~,.¢,1~'~ -... Subsc bed and sworn to before me thEs ~"<~'I':?~'"'~'i]': ~-~ da of December 19 48 .~',._,.~'/. ' E :'~-~, :._- ....... y ---- , · ~ ~. , ~ '~ .,, ........... ~__,____ ...... ~-~ ~ I f' .- . Public in and for the of , ¢ ; J. ; z State of Califomia. '~ 'T- ~. I ' . ~.: Notary County Kern, ~-'-. ~,~,'~ ',.?~- .... ~ Commission Expires April 16, 194f~ i