HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD NO 809 EMERGENCY ORDINANCE NO '. ""..'NEW. SERIES.".. .. · ..'.. "'.' A'N'EMER~ENC~ ORDI'NANCE ~~_~. S~ZT~ON ~"o~ " F~,~ER~E~C~ ORDinaNCE ~0. ~9~ '~¥~ ~S O~ ~' "...~'~' CITY.' OF B~AImRSFI~D,. C~IFORNIA .].~..~ '"munic epartments, . . -~ . " "NO;,.T~REFo~', BE IT'ORD'~IED bY ~h~ Co~cil of the city'.... ':'-' of 'Bakersfi~!d as': follows: · .' · .. .... :...... .. · ' " SECTION' 1. ... .' ,That' SectiOn $ of Emergency Ordih~nce No..~94 N&w Series' of the City. of Bakers~iel'~.,. be and-the .'s~me is hereb~ ame'naed'~to rea~(~ . as follo~s': ~ · '.. '";.,,~'; ' . -. . . . Y.~. "Sectioh '4.~ Th~ Cit~ Manage~."-sh~l act' as Perso~el" Di~e'Ctor .~6 'administ'er'.'the ba.s~c compen~a'~n plan'herein contained,and'"his '" (a) Aut ty't° ~ace .officers.and'. EmploYees. To place a~ o~ficer o~ ~mployee' of the City of.Baker~fie!d who ms a new employee of' th~..city,"or ha~ b~eh. promoted,' demotedL'Or .transferred. to. an emPl'oy~ent assigned', to"a' differeh'~J:c6mpensation sched~e, in 'a~. S~ary step in t~.' S~a~'e affec~ed.'Within And inciuai~ the .eirst t~hree steps.' in. Suc~','~ch~d~e... In dete~m~ning..th~ proper ~alary .step for.. Jsuch' employee,, the 'P6'r~onn~l Dihec.tor' sh~l "take int°.. considera- · 'tion"tfie"~revioUs experience and qu~ifications..of such.officer'or ... ...'.... · · '.emPlOYee, ]bo'th'wit'hin the service .o2 the' City of. Bakersfield and elsewhere and. Shall'. receive and'., aon~ider r~ports on '. such , ~mpl oyee from."the head of'.tHe department' in which such' pe~son' iS .to Be employed. . ~oViaea':. t~.t t~e. o22icer.or, employee' shall'be asslg'ned..his '-pro'er .. · r .... '.~ ...... ~'l'~ ...... - ..~'....'. ~.U:'..'L'.._ ,.~. ~.. .... · s~ary' steD upon th~ co.~eneement of his.service in the pgSition or. emp!O~ent · to'~ ~hich the ~hedule .apPlies, 'a'nd · Such ass'ig~ent '. '~ayi~ 'once been made sh~l' rem~in-'in effec~ ~il"the said .officer .. or. ~mPl6Ye~ '.b.y' re.ason, o£ .required', 18~th of. service, sh'~l be . . ·... ... .. . -~.:' .' '.~.... ",.'~ .. . '.'... ~ · : . . '~ . · ... ~ . . · . .' . · . "''" . . '... ~: '.'.'.. '.. . . · · . ~ .-.~' . .., .. . . ; .; .' ..~.-.. ... .. .'. ~ ? ,' .....~ :~ ~. · i Aff av ! of os mg r man es STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) County of KernI ss. ~, being duly sworn, deposes and says.~ Thot~he is the duly oppointed, octing ond quolified~lerk'of the City of Bakersfield; ond thor on .................. __D__e___q_e__~_b__e___r ..... ~, , 19 ._~, he posted on the Bulletin Board at the City Hall, a full, true and correct copy of an ordinance assed by the Council of said'City at a December 6p ............................... 1~48 meeting thereof duly Held on ...................... , ~ ........ , wHicH ordinance was numbered .... ~_O__~ .......... New Series, and entitled: "AN EUERGENCY ORDIN&NCE ~MENDING SECTION 4 OF E~ERGENCY ORDINANCE NO. 794 NEW SERIES OF THE CITY OF BAICERSFIELD~ CALIFORNIA ." ' -..~ ~.- ' ' 'S0b%cribed and sworn to before me this ...... ~_~ !¥'~_,~_~_ -,' December , 9__4.__8_. · __day u, ......................... · .f,~.m,&~3 f~' '~j~,~-~' ~%,~' ~ubli--JStatein ofandcalifornia.~r the Coun~ of Ke~~ my Commission Expire~/Loril '.I~ .~9;,~.