HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD NO 807 ..... ORDINANCE NO. ~ NE?~ SERIES . <.. '. [.AN ORDINANCE APPROVING .ANNEXATION OF · ' A P. ARCEL OF UNINHABI.TED'}.TERRITORY TO " ~. ' WHEREAS', . a" petition was filed w~th' th~'. Council of, the City of Bakersfield', 0n'.'the 6~h day of. NovJmberi..i948~' requesting that., c.ertain'.uninha~ited' territor~ therei'-n described, be annexed at~i in-.... ..i : 'eluded'-within the' incorporated limits 'o.f..the ..City of Bakersfield, a~xl ." ... ~lg~ttS,. 'said .petition Wa..s .'signed by the. owners of not less .......%Chart one...fou.r~!~ (1.~)."of the' area Of the land in .suc'h.tel.'ritor , .'and :representing .nog. lesi~' thafi One-fourth' (~i/¢).." of.' ~:h.e .aS'sO~ed value of .. . such territory a¢co'rdtng' tO ~he ~a~t".p~eee'ding .eClu~!-l~.ed'.as~qe~sment W~AS~'.. thO.-'iterritor¥."degcribed in said pe.~:l, tion is c~ntigu.-. Sth day of. November', 19~8.~ .. pass.' a .resolution.in corap!ian~.e With' the " 'statutes:. of.'1'939, Chapter 297, 'as amended., specifi~.a~.'l.y .d'escribi~ ~ -'t~el.-:..b.o~md. aries Of t.he.,territory, so"pr6p0sed to be annexed 'to.the'City '". of~BA'ke'rsfield~., and..de.s..ig.na.ti.ng su. ch . territory by an'appropriate '..'.' identification',, and Set'ti~'. MondaY, November 29, 1948, 'at...'the' hour .of.. e'tgh.t "~ ~¢10¢k PoM.o-~..a'g .the'. council:., ch:ambers in ~he' 'City Hall -in ... 'the. Clt¥'"of Bak0r~field'i g'~ate.. :.of.¢ai~fo. rnia,, as'thO' day,. h°ar. and place'wh~n a.~d. where anY. p~r~o'n 0wni.hg: r~'ai:'property Within'.such ter.rl- . .tory so proposed to :b0'..~n~exed".and'""having any..0b:~ctlohs' to 'the Proposed '"annexation. ma¥"~pp'~ar before-. ~h~':'-l"'og"isl~.t'ive body and"sh0w cause why · ..' ~eek for :.two suec~ssiw/ weeks pr~or {:0'.,aid. h~a'rlng in'~he Baker~f'ield .... C~O.:i.f~rnian, .. a. newspap0r"of'"gener~fl-, c{rcui~ion publicized ih the of .Bak~rsf±eld, . the 'mun~cip~i co?poratlo'n' t6' Which 'it' 'is proposed to '" annex .such .territory, and .- ... ' ' i"~l~li, S, ..ne.Written protests were f~l. ed against the pro- posed annexation by any owner-of property-within the. territory pro- Peg.ed-G0 be, annexed.... .'" NOW, 'THEREF0.RE, .BE IT ORDAineD by the Council: '6f the City of. Baker sfiel d, . "' . .-.. . as foll0ws: ..... SECTION 1. .. ... That' the .oo.~mc'il of-the City of Bakersfield hereby a. pproves the - annexation and 'inblusi'on.within ' the...incorporated limits .of the City' of .Bakersfield, of.tha't' certain uninhabited territory, designated as.'.L:ots. 70, 71,' 72, "73 and '75,~ togethor wlth-a per.glen'of adjacent street..in Tract No; 1B97, being 'more'. particularly .d~scribed as fOllows: -. .That portion of'. Uninhabited territory in the S0uthe'as~ .Quarter · .:. of. the Southeast 'Quarter of' Section"3~, Township 29"S.outh, .' ..Ra~e 27 East~ M. D. B. & M., more..particularly described as -fOllows: , · ..... Beginning'at the' southwest Corner of. Lot ?~ in TraC~ NO. 1397 in Kern' C0nnty~ California,'as said Lot.is shown on.the male of said' Tract recorded On pages 6¢ ~nd. 68 of' .Map Book No. 6 ' .. of ..the Official Records.in. the 'Office Of the County. Recorder of said c.ounty~ 's~id. S0u'thwest corner being also a southwest corner.' of. the corporate limits .of the City of Bakersfield, California, 'and also being on' the .northerly' line of Bru_n_dage : Lane; thence. North 89° 42' 00" We~.t along said'northerly line a' distance of 208..01. feet to ~hel.we. sterly .end o'f the curve of - .20 feet radius 'forming the southeasterly corner' of. Lot 43 .in sa~ Tract No. 1'~971 thence eas~'erly'.and northerly along' said '/ ~a~.7~ a distance of 3.1.143 feet.. to..a point' at the:'.norther!y end thereof, said 'point being' o.n. the. westerly l. ine. of Wetherley · "' ' ' ' ' . 0 ! .,. Drive in '.said Tract, thence North O-.. 16 10-- East along said ' " westerly line a dista~h~ce of 309..9'9. fee~;, thence South 89°. 42' 00" :East a 'dis.ta.nc~' Of 188..00 feet to the northeasterly, corner ""' of Lot No. 70 in .said Tract;..thence South. O°' 16' 10". West 330.00 feet to the'northerly line. Of .said Br.unda'ge .Lane and point 'of hegiras, ing, contaird, ng.l',43.acres, of land~ more or less. - ....... ....... ...... · _ .......... .~'L ~ .L ..... '~ -. ~' ~ ..... ', 'I. ~HEREB~'.~-cERTiFM.' that" the 'foregoing. .0.rd.~nance' Was'passe¢ .. i.'."" .. · .." "."~' -. and adopted 'bY' the council of ~he' ¢~ty: of .Bake~s.fie~'d' at a : :regular meet'i~4~ ~hereof..'held .0n '~he gh' ' .' .... " ' · ' .da'7 of NOVember, 1.948, t i Aff av ! of r nan es STATE OF CALIFORNIA l County of Kern ss. V. VAN RIPER, being duly sworn, deposes and says: That he is the duly appointed, acting and qualified Clerk of the City of Bakersfield; and that on ...... ~4,~~~___~_D_ .................. , 19__~_~___, he posted on the Bulletin Board at the City Hall, a full, true and correct copy of an ordinance passed by the Council of said City at a ' meeting thereof duly held on ........... _~o-~-e--~-b-.e-r-__2-_c)_ ................... , 19~__..~___, which ordinance was numbered ....... ~r_o___~_ ....... New Series, and entitled: ".AN ORDINANCE APPROVING ANNEXATION OF A PARCEL OF UNINHABITED TERRITORY TO THE CITY OF BA~KERSFIELD~ CALIFORNIA." , ' - - .S. ubscribed and sworn to before me this I- .'__ '__'_~_'~.-_ ..... day of___~, 19__4-_ ~__. ~ i ".-' '<" - ,' Notal~/ Public in and f6r tl~ County of Kern, " ! i...;; -~.,,~,. State of California.