HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD NO 806, "' ".. AN' ORDINANCE .A. PPROVING' AI.CNEXATION .OF · . .. .. ',A ~C~ .OF U.~ABIT~ ~RITORY TQ....~' · . · T~-CITY'. OF BA~RSFi~D, C,~IFOR~A~'~' '. '.'. "~~S, a potition was .f~ed wlth'ghe CoUnc~.. of the C~ty." rop~e~on~'i~ '~'t le'~' ~han one-f~u~gh of ~ho a~e~o~ v~uo of ~ueh ..'" .. ..' .-... .... .... .-.. .. .?'" . of gho .Co'g7 o~ 'Korn~ .."anti .. ". ..... '..ous ~O..;gho :Oi~ · . " ~.. ..'.. .. . -.. . -. . . .... S~a. tute~ .of 1939,-.Chapter .297, as ~'e~ed, specificS'iT ~escribi~. the 'bOu~aries' of. ghe territor~ 'so 'proposed to be 'annexed tO the City ~o~. S'O proposo~ ~O..b,. ~oXefl ':anti.having a~. ob~e.gions ~o tho " such.terrt'tor~" sho~d not be so a~ex'e~; and. '. '" week· for. two Successive 'wee~s .'priOr t~ said Heari~ in'the Bakersfield C~lfornian,' 'a"newspaper of general' clre~ation p~bl~shed'in the City ..... . corporation go' which' ~ Is p~oposofl . · ...;..~.,- / anneX" SUch 'terri'.~'0ry;,· a~l : " .: J'~EREAS,.... ...no written.p~6%e~ts ·were file~ against th'e 'pro,.. ... ....... ~. . '.,' .... .. posed annexation..-by any owner of.:p'r0per~y .wit'hin. the.. territory pro- posed to be. annexed .-.. · .. -.., .. . .::... .. "' '' NOW, THEREFORE:,' .i BE. '.iT: ... '.oRD. A'I'N~.... 'b~.. the' Council'... of" the .City' of .Bakersfield, :aS" foilows'.t'. '..... "":: :' " :"::.. ' " ' · .io,N z '" " ' ' -" i -v. SECT ', ... , . . 'That the c~n01! of:.:i.the, city. of: Ba'~er'sfiei'd' hereby approve~ .. the .,annex~'tion. and.. .~n.c-..tdsiO~ .within't~e' inc~'rpo'rated limits of the .~.. · ~ · · . - ..: :~ . .Ci't¥ of.'BakerSf.iet.~, :.bf:~that certain, ttnin~'abi~ed -'~errit°ry. desi.~nated J' u. ' ,"~-' . . . :". . ~.. '.:" · " as.. Lots '.6.~, 66ii"'6~ii' 68 and' 69,' .tog:elth~r"iWi-.th portions. Of the adjacent st're, ets in Tract No. I397~. being, more. p~ticularly. 'described as. fol-. low'~: .... . ' .... .'~ ii -That .portio.n Of .uninhabited' territOry. in the southeast .Quarter of the'.soUtheast Quar.t_er of Section. 3.~ Township 29. South, · .. . Range'.27 East~'"M.' D.. B."&.M. ~:..more particttlarly, described 'as '" f.oit-o~s :. ,- ...... ' ' .. Beginning..at'.. the. southwest: cOrner. 'of Lot. 80. 'in'.Tract ':No ~ '1397' in. Kern County, ..California~ as: said 'Lot 'iS shoW,'on the ma~ .. . of '~aid...Tract recorded "on pages-67' and 68 .~f ~ap BoOk No, 6 ',' of .said OffiCial-Records in the office'of the "County Recorder of s'aid County.'~ said..corner.'beiB~ a "point on the. Westerl. y .... ·. .. cor~porate-limits of'-the: City of .Bake~sfiel.di. Ca!.lfornia, thence .. "NOrth' .89° ~., 00" .West-a'distance.-of 1'88..00 feet..to the westerly-.--. · ." 'lEi'-ne.'.'of~'Wethe~ley"Dr!ve.in Sa'id Tractl..~hence North 0° 16" 10" . ast'-a distance of ~40.00 feet 'to .j~ Point on. the '~en~er lihe ' " of'. Ve:rde Street in sa'id Tr. aet; .thence South 89°'42" 00". East' ~' along "the' ~enter line of Verde 'Street .a. distance' of-188~00 f~et 'to .a .pOint 6n. the westerly corporat~ limits.of Said City; the'ncc .Sou~h.O° 1'6' 10" West a 'distance of. 340'~OO feet along sa-idi' corporate limits to. the point of beginning, cOntaining' i ..'. ~ L.47 Acres .of tand ,, 'more 'or less; .. '... ' .. .'.' -'~--~---o 00.'--~££~- ' ' ,. .. :.,~ ~ .... . -.. __.~_,~ _............:. :~ .... . ...... : ..... · ....... '...' .~:.._~...~. '. ... .... :...:. ....... ' · i. ...%.~.?;: · " " 2. .. ' : '" HEREBY' "CERTIFY '~":" "' ' ' '" ' ~I that tbs-.foregoing 'Ordinance wa~ passed· and adopted.'b¥/'.~he Council o2.. the · ity:o2' Bakers eld meetly, thereo~.'h id ~ N .'.'1948 'by .the e .0n th~ 29th d~, of' ' o~embe'r, . , .... foiloWi~ voto~ "' : ': " · · _ . . ... .~:?. .~ · . . -:. . . AY,: CARpAKIS; CROSS,. KU.EHN,." RYDER,' Si~MONj VAND~LEi;:..VEh~MMEN. ;;" .. ~.... '. ' . NOES: ,__~_.. '_ ..... -,'-__- .... .' ~........_._...-~.~ .........~.._..~.~": ' : '.'~...'....' ... -... . . .. ,' . -... ..... .:.- .. ~.~..':..-.'.:,::.'..'....~. .... - '.?.... .-' :... '" '"' "" '"'- ' "~.~..':' ~5 "'" ' . . _,~:. ." ': '. .' City Clerk a.~ Ex-Uffic~.,.Clerk of the ;" .. .'-.. '" · · ..... :' , ."'-' . .'Co~ell:. 02..'.the' CltT. of, .~kersfiold. · .. · . :'.... '.. ~ ~ F~~~~ ~..'.'.. ~ ~ :~'~. '~':~a~':"0:i ~o.. ~',:.. . ~. ~:.. . "...~ ' .. .... . ' . .'.: ..'..'.. ~'.",:~: .....'.:.,',...~,.~...~....'...:~.' :'..'..,.'... '......~.':':'. ~.. (.::;.-... ........,.:...: :..'" . .- ... .. . .. . .: .... .'~ . ~.- . . .'.- . '. ..~. ~' . .'.. .' , - .: :. .' ..' {..'~: .. .:. . .... .' . : .. ..... .. .'.. ~.."..~..::~;.~, :':.:~...'.. ... .. .~. .. '.~_ ~.~.:x~.... ._.';~'_~ ~. ~ ..... ~ '.....~...-_~.~.. ..... j.' .'.'.~:'... . .- .......... .... -' ' 'z >' . :~'..'~ '.? .. .. .. . . . '.;~- :.~. . ~: .... '2' :,g'2~'~c.~.'. .. ",..': :-...:,. Aff avff of r uan es STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) County of Kern~ ss. V. VAN RIPER, being duly sworn, deposes and says: That he is .the duly appointed, acting and qualified Clerk of the City of Bakersfield;. and that on ..... ~,e~=,,~fl__~_O .................... , 19~---8-____, he pos.ted on the Bulletin Board at the City Hall, a full, true and correct copy of an ordinance passed by the Council of said City at a meeting thereof duly held A_ November 29 ~'" .................................................... , 19__-4-_-8_, which ordinance was numbered ...... .~_..O__~_ ...... New Series, and entitled: "AN ,ORDINANCE APPROVING ANNEXATION OF A PARCE~ OF UNINHABITED TERRITORY TO THE CITY OF B.A.~ERSFIE~D~ CALIFORNIA." 'S~l~seribed and sworn to before me this .... day of___~ 19.4-_8_. P b 'c in and for the ~oun~ of Kern, State of Cali~rnia.