HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD NO 805.... .0~INA~C~. NO. ~ ~EW S.~aI~.S'. .". " ':' '~:.'. ' ,AN ORDiI~.ANCE '~'" '' ' ,. .... APPROVING .AN~XATIoN OF A .. 'PARC~ OF U~~I~D TE~ITORY TO T~ · CITY 0F 'B~RSFI~D,,' C,~IFORNI.A. ~ ". ~ ':~~s',..__ ~ .. '. . · { ' ~..~.': ' . ": '...".". -..; ..'.... ... ....... .... · . . . '; ' f.. ." .7~' .. . ~ . ' ..' · · ~ · .'..~..'" · ~f ' ~7 ' e~n~ .... " '' · -~h~ Co :'of K and ·., .'.. :'" · ou~ ~o ~h~'.Cl~'"'O~..Bako,~fi~ld~.'.'~n~ · :.-' ". ""' "'~i~.~' ~ho. Co~eii' Of ~eJ'C~7. o~ Bakersf~ol~ ~ on 0f..O~gh'g'. ~ 'eto.ek'. P.~., ' ag' gh'e Co~ne~l'*Chamb~r~ in gho C5~7 ~gli '~n -.... such'., g~I.~orT:. . Sho~fl. . no~ '~e"So. 'a~ox¢~; a~". · · . . ~ · · ;. . . ..7' · .' ' ' 1. ,: ...~;.~" ~ ' 'annex. Such territory, and ~ " -. ":%.'. ...... ..WEEREAS, n6 written prot'ests ·Were flied agai:ns~.....t~...e, pro- .. ... ' posed' "a~L~exa'ti6n': by any.owner' of 'propert~ Within the territory 'pro- .. ' .-'7 pbs0d, to be anne~d. .- · · .. .... .-.'..'. .. THEREFORE, BE. IT QRDAZNED':.bY the Council o'f 'the · of Bakersfield, .as folloWS:.." ' · ' .. .'-' . . .. ~'.'.~ -: . .. '. '..-..'..!. That th'e couneli, o~ the City 0:f"Bake~sfl'~l'd...he~'e~¥ approves the ann. eX~.tion" a.ndL'.inclUSi0~..withi'n the inc~rp0rated limits of the ci.~y of Bakers.field, of that .Certain .u.ninhabited. terr.i~o.ry'desi~nated · .a.s. Lot'Js '. .59, 60', '61, 62".'6S.and 6$i'L'~0geth~r 'with·. portionsl o~ adjacent "' ' .stre.ets', '-'in Tract 'No ;' iS'97',i: bei.ng'. more·'partlcula'rly described 'as · f'~ll S '' .... ' .: .: .:'.: : OW -.:'' . "' " · "'":' ," ..:. Th.at portion 0f uninhabited.'~erritory'i~ b~e 'southeast Quarte~ .~" of' the Southeast. QUarter. of Sec.~i.on 3'~', Township 29.South, Range'27 East~.-N. D....B.' &.M'. ¢ .more. parti, cularl.y' described. .as · fotlows: ..... .' ... · ,...' · ":' '~ .'be'~:i~'i'ng '~t.' tile. n~thwest ' co'rner'.'of Lot ..90-' in Tract:.N6 ~ 1397 · . .. ' in-:Kern.'Colunty,.'California, as. said lot is s'hown on.'the map.of..· · · · said.-Tr'a'et,, recorded on pages '67.. a'nd'68 of"~ap .Book No. 6' o'f ~..the O~£fi. cial' Records in: 'the ',of.~lce of .the County Recorder of. said 'county, S'aid corner being..a northwesterly corner in the'. · . · ..westerly .porti.ono.'f ithe 'C0rpor.at~oltm. i, ts of the City of Bake'~s,' · ' field.,' Califoh~ia,-. thi~nce S~uth-.0. 16 "I0!~ West a 'distance of 42i ~.%i.',' 'to' a ..po'iht on ."the' Center line. 'o~ 'Ve'r'de 'Street;': ~hence... · ' Nor.th ·8.9°· 42 "..'00!". West a di~tan'c'e 'of 1'8.8;"o0.' feet alonE' the center line of .Verde .Street· to Poi. nt-of intersection with". the'..wes, t'erly ~iin. e...of Wetherley Drivei thence '' '.' 't~&" ali6r~ne~t o~ 'its · .: lq'o~th '0.' 16 10" Eas~'" a. d~stance' of '4:~..l..'51. 'feet.'to a' point on. · "the' n0rthe~ly ·line o'f. Said Tract..; ..thence South 89°. ~2:' 00" . East. a.dlstanc'e' of ~.188:. 00 feet along, said northerly.line to the' ".. point ..of ..b~gi.'.nnifi~ ~: containigg..i.'82' acres· o~ land,'..m0re, or. less. : ...... " o00~ ' ' · ,'. ,. :. L-.:.L,.'_;._,.: ": ,_..-_.:: .-: :- . .... · ·" .' .. ': ~' ,' ..... .... . ..-~-.:_..~:::._~- · ' .' · _.. , .. ' · .'.' '. w.'~' T':.':T .... ~I .HEREBY CERTIFY tha~ the' foregoing Ordinance" was .pasSed and : ' '.adopte.~' bY the Cou~cii"of the City.of Bakersfield .at.a regular .... meeti,,ng thereof 'held on the 29th day of NOvember, 1948, by the 4' .'.. .~ : AVI~: CARNAl(IS, CROSS. KI~£HN, 'R'~£Ito S]£MON, vANDERI.~I, .V£RCAMM£m ..' . No£s:__~_ ' ~ · " · .' .... .. · ' " ' .~NT:.__~.' . -'~:-":":"-- -~.., :..... --.~L ......... .- ........~ ..... . . . .'... o~. · .. ~ ,.;...~ · ': il ....'-- ...' ~ .,-.. ... .' . ~ ~..;~._~.~.~ - ."' ·.City Clerk and Ex-0~fic. io:"~lerk of the · . :......'':~ .'' " Co_un~...il of 'the' City of_.Bakersfield~ "" 'A~RoVE~ thi~9th day of' November, !94'8~. ·..-. ~~~/~,_~~.~, .'..,,. ,... . .~ AYOR-of .the City ~ .Ba.kersfiel~.l · . . '~. --~. j.- ... · . .. . ., '~-'' '-' · -'-. '-.~'-- "'J'.-~-- ....... ~---'.L'.'. ....... -'~.r.z...-~z._ ' - ...... ~.,~-. :. Aff av ! of r nan es STATE OF CALIFORNIA I County of Kern ss. V. VAN RIPER, being duly sworn, deposes and says: That he is the duly appointed, acting and qualified, Clerk of the City of Bakersfield; and that on___.k,~_._~_~_. ~'~ , 19 ....... , he posted on the Bulletin Board at the City Hall, a full, true and correct copy of an ordinance passed by the Council of said City at a meeting thereof duly held on ............ ~_o_~__e__~_b_e__r_____2__c)_ .................. , 19__4:_8__._, which ordinance was numbered__._~_O__~=~___ ........ New Series, and entitled: ".AN ORDINANCE APPROVING .ANNEXATION OF .A PARCEL OF UNINHABITED TEi~ITORY TO TItE CI~Z OF BAi~RSFIEr. D~ C.It~IFORNI.A." ..k\'~. - ':Subscribed and sworn to before me this ".' '" ; N~tary Pj4~ic in and for the Cod~ty of Kern, "~,~ ' <.,~ (/'State of California.