HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD NO 801 · :: 'Ai'~ O~DI,'~aI'~CE a. PPROVI'."~G ANI~XgT-I0.N . ' ' r~'::". " .... ' ..,.. . .. ...' . · . : ' . · '~ .." .... · , '. :.' . · . . -. . '...~:...:.' · . ,. - ... . .. ' .... .'.~"~. -. ... · ,, .. ... . ":~ :.' . . : · .... . · '...'...'..~}.' '~...: .... ... '.,.':...2 .~-.. . ...... '.:.:.".,. '....':.. . ..:.... '.'.~... .... ,.. .:,: .::. · ' . '" ' ' ' ' " "' ' " " ' ' -; ' ..~'7.;... " .. -. ...'.." ..~ . .~'...,."~'~..:.. . · . . '.':. .:· , ?:..~.'..-.. .' .,. , · · . " · . ~ ' ' '~' - ' : ' ' ".. '" ' ~ "' · '~ '':~i ".,' · ~,.~:':.'.; '.. ' .. ~'. ,'-,~.. .'., .' . ..... · · . .... '.. . . ..'..:..:~.,.. ·::....~?...... ...' .' i~e~aaed ,~ ~n '.~.he~,..,neo~orageO. 15m5 ~'.-o~" .~he :'~r2 ~h~Orsf~el a, "' · ... '' an~ · ",.'":'.. ~'".' · .'. ,. ,".".":..:~ :"..'.'-..~ ....... :' :'~.' ~ '. . ' · .~., ... · .. . · . · ~ · . . . . · . . ·: ~'.... .' . ." . . . . '. . . · . ...,...~'...' . . ' . . . . . " . . "~:. '..'.'. '.'iCdg~E~s ,".~aia. ~~b'n 'wa~" s'~g.~ea .~:'"~he".::~x~mors":".O'~ no~':'l ess' .. .....:.j;.'.'...~ . . ..... : ...... :. :..-. :,'..}~:.~.. .....' .... .. '..':'""t~an" on~-f.6a~h.:.. . .. (i /~:) ')i.~f ". .:. ...' .... .. the aro~.. Or... ~hO '.~a~"'~~. sue'h. :'.~"'.'¥~':'"?~°'r7''~' .... 'aha "' .. ~:;- -:. .. ... :, · .,.:.. . ..~.'.'}. .'~..' ....,...~,> .... .',..' . · . . ".:~'?- s.ue~, ger¥.i~o~7 .-~eeo~:ding "to"~ne:~' "' '~':'!as~' p~?%~ng. ~0.~i i~'~' :'as.'~essme:ng . .. ,..,.. .. .... {'..- ..:-. . . . ....~.:....., . ... ...... : ..... . .....~,......', . .. .:.[..."..'.." '}-~." ' ' '"~0~.1." of...~he C~un~'7. :of X~:rn:~..'-anti" "::~ :.' .' ' "' ' - ' · """ ' ''~'''y' : .... . · .~...~..:;. - .: : .: ...... BakersfSo~'~:..an~..'' ' '-'. ' ' · ~'-''~" .'.-" · .' ' hO of . . ..... [~ ~. · . " . : · .. .' .' .... '"' ' .i ..... ~'' .' .. .. ~:... '~. " " 30gh 'd~":'¥'~. ~u~u~g:, l~4g,..~as~' '~' ~osoS'~gSon 5n' eomplihnee'.:.~t~'..g~~:... .' " · '....~ '-.,'.¢..;;.::: .... ,'~ . .?'. . · . ....: ...:.. . ... ~ ' . . .. 'st'atuges' Of '1'9~'9;" ChaPter. 297,. as .anshae'd.; spee'ific~lly .aeseribin~ " ... .: , ..-.. :....:~ ..:. . ,. . .. th~.~.b~nda'~,~es :'O~.f,.-?.he .t~g~it.o~Y'.S:o proposed to be'~exed t*"the Ci-ty .. ". . .' . '. ,. '.. . · ., · . -~ ... · . .:1 . . ... . . -bt a'a '''. . . ,.· : . .-. -..., -. -~. - . .; ~ · " ' '. '' ~ ' ' ,.' ' '. ,.' ~.'.'h '' . ...~. . . . .. ..:." . . .. .' .~. .. ~.: "~'Sghg.'.o ~i'oek 'P. ~; ~" a~ ~hO.'C°uneii· ChamberS' ~n..~l~e C~gT~ Hal!·'~n--". ."~".. '... ~ .' ....... :' ".'"' .- ' '~' ... ... · . .. · " :.V." ..'~' .':..,." " " · ghe. 0i~7 '6f;.Bake~etd~ S'~a~ o~'c~l~Orn~a~ as ghe"daT¢ hou~ 'and' ~l:~-~e"~ .' ..........~. .. · when. and ~he~e a~ pers0n"0xTning re:~' propertY"~thin Such terri-' ' '~ ,':~o::~opb~ed:to be a~xed and'.ha~!ng ~ obje.9~ion~ to'the ·proposed : ' ~O~a'~i6~ ma'7 ..'aPp~? '.hofO'~o the .log'~:si~tiVo" bodT. ....an~ ' s~o~;~' 'cau~o'~'~BT. .... . " "'""... s.aeh" .~'~'~r~to~7' sho'~ g.: no~' bo '.so-.. a~oXe~ ~ 'and" · ... '....-;-;:.".' '" '""" . .... ~. ...... ~ ..... ~.~.~ ..... ..,,....,,~ ,~.~ ...... . ........ . ......-.,...~:,..~ ~ ....~ ~ ......... :.,..,.'.. . ~ ~.' ....... . · . ,. · ~';~.:.. .. . '".''. .; .' ' .~ . '.... Y - . : ' :' ' " '" ' .... '~ .'. ' ' ,.'".-~'i.'" " "'/"":' "' of"Bake~sfSo[~'~ gho-'mgn~.eSp~ eorPor.a~on ~ ~ih$'~'~"sg · ' ' '~ .... ... '.: ..... .. ".. · .... ~ · ... '-...: :.:~.?~:..., '. .... .- ..} ..~'.'.'.., . F. .,.~ , · .. . . ..... . _~ , ~ ... - . ,..:..~¢~%,'" ¥,, · . .. · :. :~.'...~'.. . ..... . ... . - ........ . .... ....... . .,. : ......... .. ~'~.~ .. .. ..... ,,.~.~;.- .., ~,~.;.~z~:~ ...~~"': .~ ....... ..~;~.-~ .... · ~.,-~... · .' . .... ~.;~..~ ' . ~ .'..:..'~'~"", ?'~'.~ ~..~;~ ~.~ .t.~',..*, ~.".'.".?. 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'~'''''''~ · .-.......:. . · . ... .... . · .. . ..... -. :: ~ ~ c ~"Z ..~ . ..,... ~.~..., .....~.~.... '~" '"'~"'t" ' '?'-' · ·.That '~he'.'Council "..Of .'t~e~-Ci 'o~-'. Ba!~rsfi ove :. .'~ . .. . ' · ..] ~. : .~.'. ., .:. · ' ...- · t~e ".~neX~t'~'~ .~a. 'i:'~'&~ ~.&~n-. ~,~t~-~. ~%~ ..Znc.~.~:~ea. Z i'~t~';~'~ .t~e '.. · .... .. · , .. ....... ....· · .. - ..... - .. . , · . ',. .. 't.. ,. . : .-- . . .; ~}~'.- · : · . . ...... "'..'.'..~'t~ .'g~-'~-~'~,~';' 0~'~"t'~a'~ .~i~""&n~'~.*:t,~ ~e~.t~;~'~e,,-~,.~ .... ~'."' ...... :.............. ~..~..~..,..: .... .~......~... .., .........~ ...... :..~.~;....,'.,~.~':',..-..'.....:~.~.,.:~.?..~'~.. .' · ' "" ' a's'" that' terr:itoEy" that '.'.is' .bb~de~: .bn~ the e.~.~t by,. o.~.~.' Street ,' G~he . . · ".-.~ ..'.. · ~ . ,.. . . · · .. - · ' .. .. . . : .~ .:.-.,. .... ..~ -' .~.~ '.,~..~" ' · · - .".'.....l~$? ' · " ':. --' ~w'it~' .0~a~.e O'rk'%e' ~na '~eat~e~Z~,~ ~riV;'~-...b~"t'~e'~'~n~=t'~ ~ ~'~'~. nort~.::~Un~'- .. . .... ; ~ ~:. · ? .. --~.. ~.- · -". a~y. of"~T'~act.' No.;. ~397~ ahd.ihs. ~ast~r&y: &xtensi'°n '~''t°~.'~k;~street:'''''~?'' ~o- · . .~. a.~' t0~l.'oWs:' .. .. - .... ~ ... ... . . . ,:..~:~ · .~.. .. .~ '.". ... . . .... . ~ ~ . · . .. . ...~Z~. . . T~at-~o~.t~on of .-the Southeast ,~uar~er of.. the .89~'east:.'. · · .. ..~ar~'er,' Sec.; 3'~ and of.~h'e Southeast ~uar~'er .6~'bhe' .-. SOuth%-~e:st "Quarter' .of sec. '36 of' T.; ·.29 S.. ~ 'R'.': ..'2~ E.'~...~.' .,..~.~,.;~...~; . .L>'~.....,.-:.'"'~'~.:"B ' Jc :~,~..~ :.more .part.ic~.arly described. 'as: .D~llows :. ... ....... .~.., . .. · ... : ~..~ . .. · . ... · · . . . · .- , .' ... ... ~ · .. . · . · I;~:L;.j" · . · ' .... Be~i~ing :at.a ooint on' the 'e.asterly'lz'~e. of.Oak Street ~;;~'. · ,. :. ." .'~".: .~ of~'60 feet-w.idt~ wh'ich .'p°i~h~..is~: North"OOq' 1'6' t0" 'East "~" , ... . ..~ ....'.' .diSt~de" ~.~'~'10~6. fee~. a~..South 89o~.4~~ 20" East'.:~,~- "' · ..'"' ' ".~i~=~ce 'of '~0,~0~- ·feet ··from 't~e. southea'st"corner .of...L$~ec. )~ " ..' .''. :.: 'T'. ~29.S~'~ R.L'27'E~.'~ ~%,.D.. B:..:'~ i~{~-said poiht bei~."%he most· " . '..~.':.' . '~....;: '.~esteriy 's'0uth~tzes% corner of the:.coTp°~a~' !i~L~:}.of"'the · '. ..".'"...' "'.' ~'...'City of-.B'akerS'fi'6!d, C~ifornia'~. a'nd.'t~e' true 'o6'i'h~ of begin- '- . . .'.~-'~ .".. "ni~'"tHe'nc'~' Nort'h' 89o' 4~' 20".~'~'e:st.'a dis'tance' of "69..09 feet. . . '.' '"" ' '~-' ~ ~o'-'th&...'We'ster~y -~'~ne: of Oak' Street $" thenc~".Sb'~th. O0° 1'6 ~10" · ' "...'~'- ...' "..".west. a.'dis~anc'e 'of 983.83-'feet '.al~ th~."WeS'terly iine.'of?0ak '.' .' '.: ' .'. . Street· to 'the ~0'~t~gest c'or~e~'.',of'-.the .interseCt'ion of 'Oak '. ';~.; · " :'.'.'."' ':""' str'e~t' w~th'B~d.~dage Lane· a's"Same'.is 'shown o~'~Jlap"of Tract. No. .. · .'."' L'. ~"t39~, r&cor'~ed''i'n };!ap Bo'ok No'..6'.a~ Dage.'S'67'and:'.'~L~i~ 't~e.' .' .... "'..' .. ' .... 'offi~e"'of.' the 'Co~ty. Rec6~der Qf. th$ Co.un~y. o.f. Kern~ sSa~e" oz . ~:."' .:" .'.....' ' C~'i. fornia; thence North ~90.'.42'i :00. %'~est along "t.he.nort'herly """ :,"."L ".' ~'~.l]ine Lbf Br~ndage Lane-a"d'istance..of. ~91".O0"feet t°' the South- ., ':."..-. :.,..... '~est ·corner· of Lo~. '75 :.o.f 'the- afogeme'nti°ned 'Trac~.' No~ 1'3'97 ;" '., · ',." 'thenSe North 00°'.1.6' lO".Eas~'"~o~ the' center of.'.a 30 fo~t : ' . - .' '. ~ ". '......JPubl'i'c 'utili'tis~" ea~emen~t 'Shown'on, ~,~a~ of.~bove me~tione~ · ' . ..' . L'. "T~a'ct~ .a .distanc~ o.i.'tO.~.~ feet. to..a 'pb~nt' on the ·northerly· .... :~'-~-~'-. J.=-~:.~'=u~agy..i-ine ~' .o.~:.;. ~.. T~c.t."~'~6 ...':1397 ;.' whi ch. P0 i.n~ .i.'~ al s?. ' ".':'. """" "."..t~e n0rthwes~ '"C~ne~"~T~ L°'t?"}$b ;'""9o"o'f -.%he;t::~6~'~ ~a~-neG~:~: ~.-..'.-.-.- . ..... .. · ~" ~ "'"' "':'"]}."'. ..... T. rabt ;' thence .So~th.~8'90 '42 ~ 00". Eas~ '.~'o~g~ the ngrt~grly~ ~. . · ' . ~' '.".." '.b6'~nd~hY ~ihe' °f.'said .Trac~'..No. 1397 'and its easDer.4y ex~en'szon ~'..' .. ~' '"~ .' ~;' ..".a~.L'd~]~a~c~' 6.f'.6~..O0. fe6t .to.. a .point, .0rt.'the ~aste~.y·line of. · '." ~.' .,' '."'.'.0~.~-S~r&.et?'na. Corporate Z~mZts".o2:-t~"C.,tM o'2 Ba~er~2~"e~a.~ .~. :... ' :.',' ' L ~henc'e' s0~h. o06-1~ ..'1o West'"a ~'~istahce'~o~"l'07.62 .f~t~..~..~l'o~..' -....... . ;:" '. ~' - :. 'the !as't.~me~t%o~ed l'ine' 'to:the .po'.i~t: 'of 'begi. z~i~'"..~,ont'a~ini~ ..' ........' ..... · . .. .. · ;. . . . ....'~,.~.~.;".~,..'.~?.~-~.~'...?."' . · . . .. .. .. .~............. :-. .. ._2.~ .~....~..........~....~..:;~?..:..........., .. J%.~'. ':'"' ~'~" ': ...... ::'"~'; ":'"""" ' ' '"' .a.~ ' ' ""' ' ' ' . . .. 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' Aff av ! of r nan es STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) County of KernI ss. V. VAN RIPER, being duly sworn, deposes and soys: That he is the duly appointed, acting and qualified Clerk Of the City of Bakersfield; and that on ....... __~_e_~.~_e.~._e_~_ ........ ...'~__/ ............ , 19__4-_._8_~, he posted on the Bulletin Board at the City Hall, a full, true and correct copy of an ordinance passed by the Council of said City at a meeting thereof duly held on_~._~J~.mb~_ ........... .?C___~._ .............. , 19____~_8_, which ordinance was numbered .... _~__~_~ ......... New Series, and entitled: .AN ORDINANCE .APPROVIi~TG .ANNEXATION OF A PARCET. OF UNI~HABITED TERRITORY TO THE CITY OF BA~CER~FIELD, CAI, IFORI'JI.A. Su scribed and sworn to before Notary Public in and for the County of Kern, State of Califomia.