HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD NO 820 0RD!N..~NCE NO..~__~;? SERI.F~...'"' ...... '~N ORDINANCE APPROVING .ANTIEXATION' OF' ' " .. .~ PARCEL OF UNI~q}I~BITED TERRITORY· TO ",....~.:L':' .., · . - THE CITY OF BAI{F_~RSFIEr. D, CALIFORNIA, ~:~.~.. "' ..: ..V~i~_a~Eg.S~ a petition '¥~'as filed with 'l~he Council of' the City of' Baker's'~i'e!d', on the.~.t~h day o.f Februar¥.~ 1949, ~equ'est±.ng that certain ., uninhabi'l:0dter. rli~ory therein deseribed~ be'"an~ne'x~d .and included within · '"" ' ' ' "" '" · the incoi-po'rated limits Of. the Of B~ke~sf eld.,, and '" '~" .. , .. .~. :...'i?~.-'~<' : ......' .. -WHERE&S,-said p~'ition vtas ·signed by" the owners ~T' not' less < '.t. han' on~'-~6urth (!/$}. of. t'he area of .the land in 'such.t.err!tory, and '~ epres~nting nat less. th~n.'one-fourth (i/Si. of th~ ~assessed value of : . such ter~it0'.ry, according to the last: preced.in~' e~ua!'ized 'a'ssessment · '. roll of the' County"of. Kern, and ' " 'i ":' .i.~HERE~8~. the. t'erritory' described 'i~ said' petition is contigu- ous to the"City of' .Bake.rsfie].d,. and':· ."'i'i' " " '~' . ... -V .~tERE~S.i,' the Co'unei~.=of~the.Cit~. of'.Bakersfield· did, on the "" ?~h..daY'L°f..Fe.br~.ary",. 1~49.~.. ·pass .'a resolu'{ion in Compliance ~ith' the provisio, ns. of .the ~nnex~tion'0f Uni~habi..ted Territory .~ct.9. f 193'.9,. statutes of 193'9~.. Chap't-er 297,: as 'a~'~nded~' s~.eei_.f..icaily describing · "' ..... · ~:" '"." "." ': i".: .i:' ' "' " the bounda~ies.'0f, the %e~'ri~0ry so .~r.o'poSed.:.to.be"anneXed to ~he City of'.' Bakersfield, a~d:'.'design~ting "such "ter~it°ry by..an appropriate identi~.i'c.'at!on,. and 's~t..t.i'ng 'Monda7,. 'Febr'uary. 28, .194~.,. at ..the hour of ·eight:'o '.91'ock/P..'~M.., a.t 'the 'C'oun~'il 'chamber'S·'''i~''it'he City Hal'i 'in · the' City .of .Bak0rsf.$e_.d.,. State of California~'..as .the day., hour and · .. place when .an~ 'Wt{ere..anyi"perSon ownin~'...re'.a! pr0perty.wit, hin such terri- · .to~y ..Lso.. proposed 'to. be' annexed unO. 'h~Ving. '.~ny".obj. . e~'ti, ons. .. to'. the' proposed annexation ~y...'appe. ar. before'_, the l~egi.sl~'tive'.'body'~a~d'. . . . ... 'sho~v cause why such territory.· sho~d no~g be so annexed~ and.. '. · '. = .~.~-~ .~-~i--w~s~..aid.~ r-e-soi.u-.t'i-0n..~<;w~..pu.'b_...li-S-hed 'f0~...a.t._least. once a week 'for' two' suecesSive Weeks prior to said 'hearing in' the. Bakersfield Californian, a"new, spaper "of general cire.ulati0n:~publi'shed in the City o~.Bakersfield', the'.murd, cipal corp0rati0n...to'.w~ch it is' proposed to ab, hex such', ter.ri~ory'~" and WI-I~REAS,: .nO written pro. tests ·were filed against the. proposed ' annexati, on by' any. owner of.pr0perty, withi~ .the t:er'rito~Yo Drop~'sed' · ~ to be_annexed., .. .. .'- ·. · " .. : '../ :...NOW,. THEREFORE, BE I"~ .ORDAINED by.'the. Council Of the City of Bakersfield,.-as follows: · . .. '.. ;~" · .j. ' ....~. .. · " SECTION · That the Counc'51' of the City of. Bakersfield. hereby approves " ;c'he. annexation and inclusio~ ..within .the incorporated limit~*:'of the. City Of Bakersfield.',:. of. that certairr 'uninhabited ~erritory designated ~..~..."as Lot'.'N0';' i0 in Tract ~o. 1260, bei.ng'more particularly., described ' "a's fo/lows:" '~ .,' · ' · ' ' t "'" · o "50" ' distahce Beginni,r/g at .a point' tha .lies North '3 3% Ea'st a of 30,06' feet from the we.steely 'term.-fnation of the so.uthe~lY line of 'Thelma Drive as said'Drive is shown on. the map of 'Tract' :. 'No'. 1260' recorcI'ed~ in Map Book No, '.%~ ?,age-ilO :in the office of :' t'he County Recorder of the' COunty of Kern~ said point of begin- '. ' nihg being on.the easterly'boundarY' of that 'fiertain 'territory ,· a .n~exed to the City of. Bakersfield', Californi .a ,. 'by 0rdinance~ · ' ..'' No~'787. N.'S., under date 6f AugUst..3i~"1948; thence North 3u '"' 3%' .50". East a distance of '60.!~ feet along said easterly bound- aryl thence South.86°'.24.' lO~'.Ea'st a distance of 130 feet to a point 6h the westerly line'..of Loma' Linda Drive as said Drive is .' -sho.~m"on the Map of the.herei.nbefore mentioned Tracts'thence .. "See. th' 3° 3[' [0" West' a dismantle of 33:,70 feet al.o. ng the westerly "line of Loma 'Linda Drive .to tho'-beginning of ~' curve whose radial center bears NOrth 86° '24": 10" West a distance of 19.48 feet; thence southerly.., aiad W.e.sterly.:-along .said. curve a distance of 29;38 feet to a. pOint on 'the northerly line of the her.ein- before mentioned" Thelma -Drive whenc~ said r'adial center· bears ~ No~t'h 0° 00'. 15:' East'a distanc'e '6f 19.~8 feet-; thence North · .89u 5'9' 4.~'". west .alo'ng 'said northerly line a distance of. 111.96 · -feet-.to the. ~oint of beginSLing.~:'.containing .0...166" acres~'.of land more or lesS. and-'b, eing iden. tical' wigh...~ot-No.'lO in said Tract No. 1260. ~ "' ;' '~' " :...' ' ' .. "._~/-.__-'oC~,~.:li_..--~-_'.~ ~_ .... _ ._'.,~'.,: . ' ~: · *-~ .... "... :..~. '~ - ---. .... ' ' .'i' ....' . .'. pgss'ed ~nd".'~dopted.... by the .C~..uncil '0.f'"the.. C-ity .of., Bakers'field".:'' · ' ','i?%...-a regular.' meeting' thor'eof .h~id' on' the"i 28th daY'jof Februa.r..y:, . . . ! '.' : .... j :.. ';. ,.. ',. ....~ ."..,... .... '.. .,: .. . - ., · .. .1.; . .:~ · . ..' : ... ". ...L..::[. . ...... .. .. , . .. " '.".'." '~ ·"" ,~e.ting' ity Cie ff~cio. Clerk -.: .... ' -o'f the'. Council .'of the. City of Bakersfield, . .......~.. .......'.._..'..' '..~...........' ....,ij;'..,.:.:.'.'.., .. ..'.' .,.. . ,..:.....-- ... ... · .... , . . . :j:. :: } .'... ~..',.. · .: · . . [:'.' ... . . ..... · ' ' : ; ' "'': '5. ' .. .....- ~ . .'..:. ' · .' " . ' ' . '. " · i.'.. ' .. ': " ":". ' .. ~ .' ".; · ' ' "..~-' " ' ' -. . ....- ...j... ~ . . · ' ' ~ ". '' ~' ;':' ' .4"' . . :.::. '.." 'i' ' '. · '. , '.7 " '. . '. · .'.-'. .".'i."'.'""..'. " ''-' ' '-'"" ' j " '"".' ['.'."' "' ''' '"'' ' i '' ' '" ' " ...:.. · ., . ...'....'..~ · .. . · . . · .' . ....... " .'.i' · ' ' ' ' '? '" ..., i:~,' .: ... . .., .., . · . .. . .~ .-.... . - · 'J";' . . ' · . . . .. :' . . o · '. . · . .. . .. '.. o ~ ..- · . .. '.. .._. . . '.2 , .. .. ... ," o - . .' ;. ~ ~". . '.. ~:7;.'-~.-, . · . . . · . · .. ,. ,~;?}~'~':' . Aff av ! of r nan es STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) County of KernI ss. NARIAN S. IRVIN, ~i~, being duly sworn, deposes and says: That he is the duly appointed, acting and qualified Clerk of the City of Bakersfield; and that on .... ]~a~?.l~__P_,_ ........................................... , 19___~_g___, 'he posted On the Bulletin Board at the City Hall, a full, true and correct copy of an ordinance passed by the Council of said City at a meeting thereof duly held on----~-e-l~&~j:--P~ .............................. , 19__&9__, which ordinance was numbered ..... R~Q ......... New Series.~ and entitled: AN ORDINANCE AP~ROVING ANNEXATION Ol~ A ?ARCEL OF UNINHABITED TERRITORY TO THE CITY O~ BAKERS~i-ELD, CALIFORNIA ~+~-. L'= 4.- :.."~.Subsc'ril~ed and sworn to before me this ~ ? I _____~-_.~ ....... day o~___~_~o~ ............ , ~ ~ 4g . ~ .' ~ ' · ; Nota~ Public in and for the Coun~ of Kern, ~/..x ~~ / State of California. ..,~,~: ..... . My Co~mission ~pires April ~6~ l~ 1